AGW: atmospheric physics

Westwall -

Perhaps if just occassionally you posted something other than witless and illiterate abuse, your posts might be more interesting.
Westwall -

Perhaps if just occassionally you posted something other than witless and illiterate abuse, your posts might be more interesting.

I give what I get. Man up, grow up, or get the hell out.
Here is an article on The Second Law of Thermodynamics in relation to climate, which also makes it fairly clear exactly where SSDD is going wrong.

The simplest direct observation of the greenhouse effect at work is atmospheric backradiation. Any substance that absorbs thermal radiation will also emit thermal radiation; this is a consequence of Kirchoff's law. The atmosphere absorbs thermal radiation because of the trace greenhouse gases, and also emits thermal radiation, in all directions. This thermal emission can be measured from the surface and also from space. The surface of the Earth actually receives in total more radiation from the atmosphere than it does from the Sun.

The net flow of radiant heat is still upwards from the surface to the atmosphere, because the upwards thermal emission is greater than the downwards atmospheric backradiation. This is a simple consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. The magnitude of the net flow of heat is the difference between the radiant energy flowing in each direction. Because of the backradiation, the surface temperature and the upwards thermal radiation is much larger than if there was no greenhouse effect.

Atmospheric backradiation has been directly measured for over fifty years. The effects of greenhouse gases stand out clearly in modern measurements, which are able to show a complete spectrum.

The greenhouse effect and the 2nd law of thermodynamics
Thank you, Saigon, for a posting of elegant concision and radiant good sense.

Too bad that so many here are such siblings of chaos that they can not understand you !!
Numan -

Thanks! I thought the article was very useful - simple, clear and basic common sense.

I just don't know what leads posters to deny basic laws of physics. My guess is that SSDD read something on some extremist blog, assumed that it as true and started parroting it here before realising that he'd simply got the wrong end of the stick. It's a shame, though, because we assume that everyone actually wants to learn more and that part of learning is about making mistakes, but then you realise that some posters actually aren't at all interested in learning - it's purely and simply about presenting a political line of thinking, regardless of whether that line of reasoning makes any logical or scientific sense.
I don't know. Sometimes I think such people have a kink in their minds. I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd nonsense.

They obviously have too much time on their hands. In a properly organized society they would be made state slaves, and given sufficient work to keep them too busy to engage in such foolishness.
Groan. Civilians.

"Officer of the Deck" is not a rank, but there is a position called "Officer of the Deck", and you have to pass the OOD certification to hold it.

"Engineering Officer of the Watch" (ee-ow) is not a rank, but there is watch position called "Engineering Officer of the Watch", and you have to pass the Reactor Watch Officer certification to hold it.

This should be where you apologize for accusing me of lying just because you were such a dumbfuck.

Then, you might want to look back at the results of all your other idiot vendettas. Is the endless humiliation that it gets you worth it?

Officer of the Deck is a well known temporary job description for LINE OFFICERS, and there are even optical devices created for them bearing that name. What you described is an enlisted position (as verified by a check to the list of jobs on the US Navy's website) where you watch gauges and other powerplant management systems. The person in charge of that engineering section would of course be an engineering officer.

So, what was your rating?

And for the record it would be you getting humiliated...but you have no consience or shame, so humiliating you is just fun.

Absolutely correct !
And on his cap would be his call name (stitched on). Ask him what it was and he`ll try and find one with Google.I have not been in the Navy but I volunteered helping some who were to prepare for their engineering exams. So I have a very good idea what`s on their exams and what it takes to pass one.
This person behind the Siamese cat is an insult to all "Engineering Officers"
Never mind that liar..
The ISS Cmdr. Chris Hadfield up-loaded some more fascinating pictures:



Here is Newfoundlands natural ice breaker (Belle Isle) at work:


It`s got nothing to do with melting.
That process is driven by water currents and winds....and not just around Newfoundland but also for the Lincoln Sea
Here is an amazing picture of a "Karman Vortex Street":

Here is what the St.Lawrence Strait (Quebec) looks like right now:

They caught some spectacular "sprites" on camera.
These ones went up over 100 km:

Don Pettit who is the current ISS photographer had to ask NASA`s permission to remove the IR filters from the cameras


and shot some amazing pictures, like this coral reef :

Or the Ganges Delta agriculture fields:

The violet regions on the left are bare fields.
Here is the Pico do Fogo volcano and it`s Siamese cat in the hat "Chinese aerosol":

And by the way

This is the digital finger print for these photos:
FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 02 00 00 01 IF
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50 68 6F 74 6F 73 68 6F Photosho
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64 65 6D 20 41 6C 6C 20 dem All
2D 20 46 6F 74 6F 74 69 - Fototi
70 70 73 20 76 6F 6E 20 pps von
44 6F 6E 20 50 65 74 74 Don Pett
69 74 2E 56 6F 6E 20 4B it.Von K
61 72 6D 6F 6E 20 63 6C armon cl
6F 75 64 73 2E 1C 02 69 ouds.i
00 26 4E 41 53 41 20 2F &NASA /
20 50 65 74 74 69 74 20 Pettit
2F 20 49 53 53 20 46 6F / ISS Fo
74 6F 73 20 61 75 73 20 tos aus
64 65 6D 20 41 6C 6C 20 dem All

From that I can tell that the German News Magaizne "Der Spiegel" has reformatted Pettit, NASA`s photographer`s pictures.
But all they did is change the size and renamed them for their archives
So don`t try bullshit me again with photo- or any other image-shop reworked forecast anomaly pictures from one of these idiotic blogs you keep pasting in here, where Greenland looks like molten lava and pass them off as "Satellite pictures".
We are still waiting for you to scan in a document or a picture that shows that you "used to run nuclear power plants".
Here is a digital fingerprint of a picture my brother took with his camera when he visited me in Canada
45 78 69 66 00 00 49 49 Exif II
2A 00 08 00 00 00 01 00 *
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69 65 73 20 49 6E 63 2E ies Inc.
20 56 31 2E 30 31 00 00 V1.01
FF FE 00 1F 4C 45 41 44 ÿþ LEAD
20 54 65 63 68 6E 6F 6C Technol
6F 67 69 65 73 20 49 6E ogies In
63 2E 20 56 31 2E 30 31 c. V1.01
00 FF FE 00 1F 4C 45 41 ÿþ LEA
44 20 54 65 63 68 6E 6F D Techno
6C 6F 67 69 65 73 20 49 logies I
6E 63 2E 20 56 31 2E 30 nc. V1.0
31 00 FF DB 00 43 00 02 1 ÿÛ C
For this photo print I scanned in and uploaded:


You are stuck...because you don`t know how to do digital forgery that would go right by me...just like "Saigon, the Journalist in Finland" who can`t run his finger across "QWERTYUIOP" and generate the ASCII sequence a Finnish key board would generate.
Almost all of you AGW forum trolls are complete frauds

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research

What are standard IQ scale rates
70% of IQ scores fall between 85 and 115

remaining are those with an IQ range from 50-70 (- Mild mental retardation )
There is a pretty good correlation I would say.

You guys delude yourselves that you are "winning" never realizing you`all are on the wrong track:

those are some awesome pictures

I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd nonsense.


I've wondered exactly the same thing. Maybe it's more about trolling than actually seriously defending a position that simply can not be defended.
Polarbear -

just like "Saigon, the Journalist in Finland" who can`t run his finger across "QWERTYUIOP" and generate the ASCII sequence a Finnish key board would generate.
Almost all of you AGW forum trolls are complete frauds

I can prove any moment of any day that I speak and write Finnish and live in Finland.

That I am apparently obliged to do so by some headcase on the internet who seems to have a penchant for threats and staking, simply because he demand I do so, is another issue entirely.

If you want to know exactly where I live, start by posting your own address and phone number.

btw, Genius - the top line of a Finnish-language keyboard from left to right reads "qwertyuiop". The extra letters in the Finnish alphabet appear elsewhere on the keyboard.
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a) you make some inexplicable claim - in this case that climate change is incompatible with the Second Law of Thermondynamics

So far, no one, including you has pointed out anything that I have said that is in violation of the second law of thermodynamics...

b) A number of posters correct you error and provide information

Again, so far, no one has pointed out a single thing that I have said that is in violation of the second law of thermodynamics while several typically claim two way gross flow of energy which is not in accordance with the second law. Two way gross flow is a mathematical artifact with no actual proof to support the claim and furthermore is not taught in physics classes leadig to the hard science degree.

c) you refuse to look at the material, claim the sources are not the ones you prefer, or, as in this case, simply continue to insist that you are right, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Why would I give creedence to material that starts out making statements that are contrary to the laws of energy can flow from the cooler atmosphere to the warmer earth.

I explained very clearly the two points you are missing. I posted two links to reputable sources to back those up, one of which also provided excellent examples of back radiation.

Backradiation is a fiction. It has never been measured at ambient temperature. We have no problem at all measuring incoming solar radiation at ambient temperature but backradiaion has never been measured at ambient temperature. Why do you think that is?

It is absolutely fine with me if you do not understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It is fine with me that you are arrogant enough to believe that you have now re-written the law to exclude back-radiation.

You are kidding yourself if you believe you understand it and still believe in backradiation.

Answer the question...why can backradiation from the atmosphere to the amount claimed by cliamte science to be twice the amount of radiation coming from the sun not be measured at ambient temperature if it exists? We can measure incoming radiation from the sun...we can measure radiation from practically every electromagnetic radiation source on earth and yet, we can't measure backradiation from anything. Why do you think that is?

No one on this board is being paid to make you understand basic physics, and if you prefer to be poorly informed, the only person who pays a price for that is you.

I understand physics fine. I am asking you questions that neither you, nor any of those who believe backradiation exists can seem to answer. Very basic questions which should have easy answers. Why don't you answer?

Some of Earth’s accumulated energy is exported via evapotranspiration (latent and sensible heat loss to atmosphere), clouds form from condensing water vapor, some precipitation occurs and (to make it really obvious) some rain falls on glaciers (snow, ice fields…). The liquid water precipitating out of (falling from) the atmosphere is warmer than our glacier (or snow or ice fields) and by melting same it is undeniably returning some of Earth’s previously exported energy back to Earth – this is a feedback. Does precipitation then falsify the 2nd Law? It doesn’t, of course, since Earth is exporting more heat than it is receiving via feedback and heat flow is still from warmer to cooler but undeniably the atmosphere is returning some energy to Earth and thus keeping it from cooling as rapidly as it otherwise would.

That is nothing but a strawman. As I stated, according to the second law of themodynamics the warmer rain transfers energy to the cooler ice and reaches equilibrium or near equilibrium. That is not backradiation. Rain falling on ice is nothing like the backradiation claimed by climate science. Warm water tranferring energy to cold iice is certainly in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics as I have already stated clearly...a cold atmosphere transferrring energy to the warmer earth, however, is not and cliamte science claims that twice as much energy radiates from the cold atmosphere to the warm earth as comes in from the sun.
Thank you, Saigon, for a posting of elegant concision and radiant good sense.

Skeptical science? Are you kidding? The most dishonest blog on the web and you thank him for posting garbage from there? I guess you are completely unaware that SS routinely censors any post that proves their assertions wrong.

Change your avatar...your use of a photograph of Stephen Hawking is an insult to the man.
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I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd nonsense.


I've wondered exactly the same thing. Maybe it's more about trolling than actually seriously defending a position that simply can not be defended.

I am afraid that it is you and yours trying to trick people into believing absurd nonsense. A day or so, you suggested that the most imminent physicists in the world were working in climate science and agreed with the hypothesis of AGW.

Interestlingly enough, the undisputed most brilliant physicist on earth since the death of Albert Einstein, Freeman Dyson is a skeptic. He rightly points out that the entirety of climate science is based on modelling...modelling of an atmosphere that is barely understood..

Of climate scientists, the most brilliant physicist in the world says:

Freeman Dyson said:
“I just think they don’t understand the climate,” he said of climatologists. “Their computer models are full of fudge factors.”

And the man thought by most to be the second most brilliant physicist on earth William Happer, is also skeptical of climate science for many of the same reasons Dyson is.

What you have in climate science is a bunch of hacks raking in money on a hoax. The hoax is now failing and there is great intertainment value in watching to see which of you warmers is the most stupid...holding on to the failed religion the longest.

Here is Newfoundlands natural ice breaker (Belle Isle) at work:



those are some awesome pictures


You are very welcome.
But all I did was posting them and translating the captions from German to English. The ISS Cmdr. Chris Hadfield speaks fluent German and uploaded these pictures for the "" which is publishing these with Hadfield`s ,Don Pettit`s and NASA`s permission.
Commander Chris Hadfield is on Twitter and if you wish you can thank him there:

The more people do so the better. Perhaps he`ll upload even more awesome pictures.
Is it not interesting that Don Pettit and Hadfield had to ask NASA`s permission to remove the Infrared filters from their cameras?
But after I saw the Ganges River delta pictures I can understand why NASA has this policy. Pettit or any other of the ISS crew could make a killing on the stock market if they would slip pictures like that from other areas to a commodity futures trader.
P.S. Commander Hadfield answers almost everyone via e-mail, should you want to ask him a specific question
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I don't know. Sometimes I think such people have a kink in their minds. I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd nonsense.

Somebody who admires

as much as I do also should be able to answer a simple science question :

H2O vapor absorbs IR in the same spectral region as CO2:

100% of IR with a wavelength of 15 µm was absorbed after a path length of 120 km (our atmosphere) when there were ~ 250 ppm CO2 in it.
380 ppm CO2 also absorb 100% at 15 µm .
So why would an extra 130 ppm CO2 "warm the planet more " by "preventing more IR" from being radiated into space (?) while the average RH of our atmosphere was the same for the period of time represented by the proxy "thermometers" would have to be on a planet where 71% of the surface is water. Water had the same vapor pressure 100 000 years case you did`nt know
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Somebody who admires

as much as I do also should be able to answer a simple science question :

Don't expect an answer from these guys....they don't do any thinking for themselves. They think what they are told to think and never once question the motives of the people who are telling them what to think.

Did you catch the post where siagon was attempting to claim that rain falling on an ice field was the same thing as backradiation?
I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd nonsense.


I've wondered exactly the same thing. Maybe it's more about trolling than actually seriously defending a position that simply can not be defended.

Funny how it's you and yours who falsify, misrepresent, and deny actual science. Even the great warmist supporters in the Press are getting it. Funny how it's you religious fanatic types who don't. All two of you!:lol::lol::lol:

Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

Like most of you, I yearn for shorter winters, more shirt-sleeve weather, less lashing from frigid winds. As a confirmed New Yorker, I’m not willing to do what millions have done: move to the sunbelt. I want warmer weather here in the Big City.

But I’ve grown old waiting for the promised global warming. I was 35 when predictions of a looming ice age were supplanted by warmmongering. Now I’m 68, and there’s still no sign of warmer weather. It’s enough to make one doubt the “settled science” of the government-funded doom-sayers.

Global warming: time to rein back on doom and gloom? - Telegraph
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Somebody who admires

as much as I do also should be able to answer a simple science question :

Don't expect an answer from these guys....they don't do any thinking for themselves. They think what they are told to think and never once question the motives of the people who are telling them what to think.

Did you catch the post where siagon was attempting to claim that rain falling on an ice field was the same thing as backradiation?

No. Where is that?
Did you catch the post where siagon was attempting to claim that rain falling on an ice field was the same thing as backradiation?

No. Where is that?


I pointed out to him that climate science states that the greenhouse effect represents energy backradiating from the atmosphere back to the surface of the earth where it is then absorbed...making the surface warmer.

He posts this regarding the transfer of energy to the surface of the earth via rain as if that were the backradiation that climate science is talking about when they say more than twice as much energy is backradiating from the atmosphere to the surface of the earth than comes in from the sun.

Of corsee warm rain falling on ice would transfer energy to the ice...but the atmosphere doesn't unless it is warmer than the surface which only happens in rare inversion situations.
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Somebody who admires

as much as I do also should be able to answer a simple science question :

Don't expect an answer from these guys....they don't do any thinking for themselves. They think what they are told to think and never once question the motives of the people who are telling them what to think.

Did you catch the post where siagon was attempting to claim that rain falling on an ice field was the same thing as backradiation?

No. Where is that?

It was on the blog page he quoted. I read it and was tempted to ask him if it`s a "negative feed back" when cooler rain falls on a hot city pavement parking lot.
But never bothered. Saigon & sock puppets don`t bother answering.
I just finished reading an article in Der`s not subject related but I`m 100 % certain you`ll like it:

Translated quotes:
Neue Gadgets: Roboter-Libellen und Formel-1-Espresso

Von Jan Tißler und Frank Müller

Robot dragon fly...named "BionicOpter" built by a joint venture of German Technical Universities.
It`s so realistic that the Youtube video they uploaded is bombarded with comments that it`s a fake.
I wonder why a picture which was published by Der Spiegel had been removed by the admin from one of my posts after somebody complained :

It was in a post where I quoted the Siamese "Mammoth" cat

Can`t think of too many other people who have a problem with reality:

(Extreme cold grounds scholl bus fleet in Nebraska)
Schulbusse in Omaha, US-Bundesstaat Nebraska,

Garbage dump in India.
India permits garbage dump "recycling" child labor


H.way. # 65 near Mason City...


Siberian "Baikal" ducks an endangered species spending the winter on a lake in South Korea


He gets paid by the tonnage he produces..on average $15 per day...
That`s how the Chinese State owned mines in Africa work too.

A protestor in Greece being suffocated with teargas by a cop.


How Serbia has changed


While Israeli cops in mufty still beat up Palestinians in Jerusalem

Israelische Polizisten in Zivil ringen in Jerusalem einen Palästinenser nieder, während ihr Kollege mit seiner Waffe Deckung gibt.


Chinese swimming pool in the southwest Province Sichuan

This one is for you OldRocks, because it`s from Oregon:

Mit dieser Maus wird es bald ein Ende haben: Sie hängt in den Klauen eines Fleckenkauzes. Ein Biologe im US-Bundesstaat Oregon hat die Maus als Köder benutzt, um den jungen Vogel anzulocken und ihn zu markieren.

How to take a shower in Havanna:

Erfrischung in der Outdoor-Dusche: Dieser Junge im kubanischen Havanna scheint den heftigen tropischen Regenschauer zu genießen - der Fotograf erwischte das Kind bei einem vergnügten Tänzchen in den Straßen der Landeshauptstadt.


Zwei Insassen eines Gefängnisses in der philippinischen Hauptstadt Manila werden Zähne gezogen. Das staatliche Public Attorney's Office (PAO) bietet Hilfsbedürftigen nicht nur Unterstützung vor Gericht, sondern auch diesen kostenlosen medizinischen Service für Gefangene.

Medicare in a Manila prison


School zone in North Carolina marked where there is no school for several kilometers.
Has been removed after residents told the contractor


A fish going to market in Mogadishu...where it was traded for guns within the hour


City workers in Noida North India working on a sewer

Russian mama enjoying the Black Sea Surf


2 Lefties in Den Haag demonstrating against Geert Wilders (PW) candidate for the (right wing) Freedom Party who won by a land slide.


The ghost from "Brocken" in the Harz mountains...photographed on October 7...when the sun behind the photographer
cast his shadow in the fog..which is a very common thing in the Harz mountains.


Natural solar reflector...the salt fields in Tibet


Garbage dump in Kabul.
The Anti Incineration Alliance estimates there are over 15 Million people world wide who make a living scavenging garbage dumps.


Herat Afghanistan. Officials are meeting to witness an Opium Harvest burning.

Glastonbury England where the mythical Avalon is supposed to be

ISS Night view of Italy and Sicily

Lake Louise Alberta Canada

Westwall this one is for you..

It`s a wedding picture from St. Petersburg


In Weiß heiraten" - ein Motto, das bei diesem Hochzeitspaar nicht nur aufs Brautkleid zutrifft, sondern auch aufs Wetter. Auf dem Palastplatz im Zentrum der Stadt nimmt der Bräutigam seine Ehefrau in den Arm und wirbelt sie übermütig durch die Luft. In den nächsten Tagen sollen die Temperaturen in der westrussischen Metropole weiter sinken, bis zu Minus 13 Grad werden erwartet.

A"white wedding" in St.Petersburg at -13 C
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Don't expect an answer from these guys....they don't do any thinking for themselves. They think what they are told to think and never once question the motives of the people who are telling them what to think.

Did you catch the post where siagon was attempting to claim that rain falling on an ice field was the same thing as backradiation?

No. Where is that?

It was on the blog page he quoted. I read it and was tempted to ask him if it`s a "negative feed back" when cooler rain falls on a hot city pavement parking lot.
But never bothered. Saigon & sock puppets don`t bother answering.
I just finished reading an article in Der`s not subject related but I`m 100 % certain you`ll like it: Roboter-Libelle, Espresso Veloce und Blastmaster XL - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Translated quotes:
I wonder why a picture which was published by Der Spiegel had been removed by the admin from one of my posts after somebody complained :

It was in a post where I quoted the Siamese "Mammoth" cat

Can`t think of too many other people who have a problem with reality:

(Extreme cold grounds scholl bus fleet in Nebraska)
Schulbusse in Omaha, US-Bundesstaat Nebraska,

Garbage dump in India.
India permits garbage dump "recycling" child labor


H.way. # 65 near Mason City...


Siberian "Baikal" ducks an endangered species spending the winter on a lake in South Korea


He gets paid by the tonnage he produces..on average $15 per day...
That`s how the Chinese State owned mines in Africa work too.

A protestor in Greece being suffocated with teargas by a cop.


How Serbia has changed


While Israeli cops in mufty still beat up Palestinians in Jerusalem


Chinese swimming pool in the southwest Province Sichuan

This one is for you OldRocks, because it`s from Oregon:

How to take a shower in Havanna:


Zwei Insassen eines Gefängnisses in der philippinischen Hauptstadt Manila werden Zähne gezogen. Das staatliche Public Attorney's Office (PAO) bietet Hilfsbedürftigen nicht nur Unterstützung vor Gericht, sondern auch diesen kostenlosen medizinischen Service für Gefangene.

Medicare in a Manila prison


School zone in North Carolina marked where there is no school for several kilometers.
Has been removed after residents told the contractor


A fish going to market in Mogadishu...where it was traded for guns within the hour


City workers in Noida North India working on a sewer

Russian mama enjoying the Black Sea Surf


2 Lefties in Den Haag demonstrating against Geert Wilders (PW) candidate for the (right wing) Freedom Party who won by a land slide.


The ghost from "Brocken" in the Harz mountains...photographed on October 7...when the sun behind the photographer
cast his shadow in the fog..which is a very common thing in the Harz mountains.


Natural solar reflector...the salt fields in Tibet


Garbage dump in Kabul.
The Anti Incineration Alliance estimates there are over 15 Million people world wide who make a living scavenging garbage dumps.


Herat Afghanistan. Officials are meeting to witness an Opium Harvest burning.

Glastonbury England where the mythical Avalon is supposed to be

ISS Night view of Italy and Sicily

Lake Louise Alberta Canada

Westwall this one is for you..

It`s a wedding picture from St. Petersburg


In Weiß heiraten" - ein Motto, das bei diesem Hochzeitspaar nicht nur aufs Brautkleid zutrifft, sondern auch aufs Wetter. Auf dem Palastplatz im Zentrum der Stadt nimmt der Bräutigam seine Ehefrau in den Arm und wirbelt sie übermütig durch die Luft. In den nächsten Tagen sollen die Temperaturen in der westrussischen Metropole weiter sinken, bis zu Minus 13 Grad werden erwartet.

A"white wedding" in St.Petersburg at -13 C

I saw that video on youtube. It is quite amazing. I have been very interested in where robotics is going for many years.

I don't remember too much spinning like that at my friends wedding......watching the ceiling spin after the celebration....THAT I remember!
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Westwall, about that St.Petersburg Wedding:
I don't remember too much spinning like that at my friends wedding......watching the ceiling spin after the celebration....THAT I remember!
Was it something like this:

You must have the same Bavarian beer "drinking problem" the Siamese Cat accused me of.

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