Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

Happy reading:
No beef with WaPo other than it being too big not to fail by being bought out by billionaires such as Bezos or Murdoch. My core conviction is that things should exist within limits of reason. Not too small or big. Not too poor or rich. We should tolerate no billionaires, no Walmarts, no Amazons. We should help people start tons more (real) small businesses to better fill local needs as locally as possible. Cheaper does not equal better. No idea why you brought up racism.
My post is on racism. I assumed since I quoted WaPo, and you showed disapproval it was associated to the racism. Why Amazon on my post.
JGalt does not get it. He is a racist. He will never get it. He is the same as the three who received life in prison.

How many whites were lynched in the 20th century.

More like how many innocent white Americans were gunned down, stabbed or beaten to death by apes from the hood? Black youths in certain urban jungles tend to target white folk on the regular for muggings, killings and assaults in all forms. No side of the coin is shiny. It is what it is.
Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial. The social media posts and other transcripts show what true slime buckets these three are. They are already sentenced to life in prison. Should they get the death sentence.
Their rants sounded like rants from disgusting racists on this message board.
If these three scum buckets are not already on this web site they should be.
I wonder if any of the racist posters on this site may get life in prison, someday.

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Oh there was racism alright--black habitual violent criminal attacks the the law abidding white guys trying to stop him from doing crimes--and the crazy communists go after the white guys calling for them to be killed. Stupid and racist, ELMER.
Thought crimes trial, is what this really is. It was only a matter of time before there was an official thought police.
So you're against determing intent? You think if you run over and kill someone accidently that you should face the same punishment as someone who wanted to run over and murder the person they killed?
My post is on racism. I assumed since I quoted WaPo, and you showed disapproval it was associated to the racism. Why Amazon on my post.
I'm tired of OPs linked to stories behind pay walls. Nothing personal, but it's annoying for people like me with limited resources.
What happened to the First Amendment and the right to free speech? No matter how offensive the rants may be, Free speech is still a God Given right.
It's in your Miranda rights you moron. The part about how anything you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Law. Your right to free speech doesn't shield you from consequences of that speech. Learn your rights you dipshit or maybe pray to God and see if he sends you a burning bush to explain it to you.
Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial. The social media posts and other transcripts show what true slime buckets these three are. They are already sentenced to life in prison. Should they get the death sentence.
Their rants sounded like rants from disgusting racists on this message board.
If these three scum buckets are not already on this web site they should be.
I wonder if any of the racist posters on this site may get life in prison, someday.

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So now having an opinion you don’t agree with is a crime?

What are these supposed racist rants? Link is paywalled.
Over 4000 black lynchings.
Hundreds compared to thousands. Ten times more whites than blacks in US. Go figure.
Even a dumbass racist like JGalt may figure something is going on. No he is a scumbag, dumbass racist. He will never get it.

Like I said, I don't give a shit. Not my circus, not my monkey.

Now do something about it.
Not my circus, not my monkey.

If it had been three black guys who killed some white guy, there would have never been a federal trial. And it wouldn't have amounted to any more than a single page thread on here.
What was the last white guy that was chased down and murdered by 3 black guys, because they thought he had broke the Law.
What happened to the First Amendment and the right to free speech? No matter how offensive the rants may be, Free speech is still a God Given right.
They acted on the thoughts genius, you can't say, "I want to kill somebody" and then 3 days later go out and do it. That statement will be used against you in court.
More like how many innocent white Americans were gunned down, stabbed or beaten to death by apes from the hood? Black youths in certain urban jungles tend to target white folk on the regular for muggings, killings and assaults in all forms. No side of the coin is shiny. It is what it is.
Well here is one who just read this weeks edition of Stormfront, so he decided to post that racist propaganda here.
Oh there was racism alright--black habitual violent criminal attacks the the law abidding white guys trying to stop him from doing crimes--and the crazy communists go after the white guys calling for them to be killed. Stupid and racist, ELMER.
Why is it Turtleshit, you will not tell us what crimes he was committing when these 3 law-abiding citizens started chasing him.
If it had been three black guys who killed some white guy, there would have never been a federal trial. And it wouldn't have amounted to any more than a single page thread on here.
OK, I won't disagree, tho it is unproveable. But it is plausible.
But see, the uniques aspect here is that it is so well documented, the ultimate action so bloody and egregious, that it somehow captured the imagination of our culture. And the media....right, left, middle....served to that interest.

That murder has become now an illustration of what vicious racism is.....and does.
So that's the real power of this particular story/trial.
It serves a beneficial purpose for our culture.
Perhaps, a catharis? Perhaps, an example, a lesson.
A teachable moment
A good thing.

Thought crimes trial, is what this really is. It was only a matter of time before there was an official thought police.
I have no idea what this poster is attempting to convey????

See, the period at the end of this 'expression of racism' story is......that it was contributory to a vicious....caught on camera.....murder.
That seems self-evident; however, the trial should inform us all.
If the federal jury finds them 'not guilty'..... so be it. They are locked up now anyway. But if the jury finds them guilty of a hate crime.....well, that is an emphasizer, a validation, of what we all should know violent racisim is about and what it does.
That;s a good thing.

What happened to the First Amendment and the right to free speech? No matter how offensive the rants may be, Free speech is still a God Given right.
Sure it is.
But see, rights come tethered to responsibility.
And consequences.
See, you have every right to tell your friends, text your friends, Facebook your friends that you hate black/brown/yellow/red/white skinned people.
You can do that.
However, if you are later accused of murdering one of those black/brown/red/yellow/white folks......your exercise of your right to free speech CAN serve as evidence of your mindset, of your motivation.

One's speech does that. One's communication tells on one.
And I know you know that.

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