ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

If so that’s a problem. They can’t follow around someone just because he’s black and they want to investigate what he’s doing walking down a public street.
were you in there heads, do you know that followed him because he was black?
you obviously dont know the details of the case,,

they werent following him because he was walking down the street but was seen entering a house under construction when no one was in it and the person that saw him called the mcmicheals since he was an ex cop and in the area,,
My question. Is this and perhaps it’s the crux of the whole thing?
Why were several white guys following him around and inquiring as to what he was doing walking down the street?
I got in on this as the first reply and going into a house being built does not get you shot in the street. Sorry my usual brethren, I can’t back this one
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I got in on this as the first reply and going into a house being built does not get you shot in the street. Sorry my usual brethren, I can’t back this one
You are no brother of mine or anyone else that stands up for the truth.

This case reminds me of the Zimmerman case.....the majority never got the facts right in that one either....people get emotional and come on here and spout b.s. that supports their agenda.

Just like the guy above....clueless, uninformed and spreading b.s.

There is a video out and it has been out for a long time and it was posted on here multiple times when the incident happened and it clearly shows the black dude running across the front of the truck ......trying to grab the shot gun the white guy was holding.

Thus he was not shot for doing whatever he was doing in the house under construction.

He was shot out of self defense....watch the video and get back with us.
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My question. Is this and perhaps it’s the crux of the whole thing?
Why were several white guys following him around and inquiring as to what he was doing walking down the street?
He was not walking down the street.....he was flat out running....because the guy who lived next to the house under construction...walked out saw him in the house under construction and called the police to report him as suspicious as in he had no apparant reason to be in the house under construction.

The black guy heard him make the call and immediately took off running.

McMichaels a former cop who was deputized to handle the problems that the neighborhood he lived in was having with burglaries, trespassing etc. was out in his front yard when the black guy ran by...he recognized him from a video he had seen of him trespassing.

Thus they wanted to talk to him to find out what he was doing in the neighborhood and why he was in the house under construction.

So he and his son got in their truck and caught up with the guy and told him they needed to talk to him ....he refused...just took off running in another direction.....they drove to a spot a hundred yards or so in front of him...called the police to tell them they had the suspect in the trespassing case under observation and told the police their location and were waiting there for the cops and before the cops got there Ahmaud the black jogger....saw them parked in the road....kept jogging towards them(if he was in fear of his life why did he keep jogging towards them) then he cut to the right around the truck and quickly veered to the left running across in front of the truck and attacked Travis....the white guy who was holding his shotgun for self protection.

In the melee the two struggled for the gun and Travis managed to shoot Ahmaud.

The video clearly shows Ahmaud running across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

End of story.
Arming yourself to detain someone is legally known as kidnapping or false imprisonment. Sorry racists, you don't have the legal authority to chase black men down the street with your guns and detain him because you think he's a criminal.
He was never detained and there was no attempt to detain him...that is just b.s.

McMichales Sr. was a former cop and if he had wanted to detain ahmuad he would have done so.

All McMichaels was doing was to try and talk to him to clear up why he was in a house under construction with no apparant reason for being there.
Travis McMichael killed Arbery.

Care to make a friendly wager?

I'll bet you a nice, new crisp $1 bill that Travis and Gregory McMichael are found guilty.

I believe Travis will be sentenced to life in prison with no chance for parole, and Gregory will get 40 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 20. Their dipshit, inbred friend is going to turn state's evidence and cut a deal...

There is no doubt Travis McMichael killed Ahmaud but it was in self defense....recorded on video.

If the jury is competent they will not be found guilty of anything....but in highly poiticized cases like this the jury is under a lot of pressure to convict.

All you bullshitters and liars also believed Z would be found guilty.......yet a competent jury got the case right and found him not guilty and Z did not have the benefit of a video camera that recorded the kiling like the McMichaels have.

I predict a hung jury but in these political cases you never know.

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