Ahn Changho: A long road to Korean Independence , MLK Jr. Memorial

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Mike Dwight

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Jul 23, 2017
Ahn Changho: A Long road to Korean Independence
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Knowledge checks the Rise of Nationalism!

The entire religious history of America is forgotten. However, I will check opinions like this by following them up with Here's What We Know (HWWK). My article will summarize the HWWK on this statement. We will trace the religion of Ahn Changho in his fight against the Rise of Nationalism still under works today and his religion the entire world seeks to hide in conspiracy.

If we trace ALL of Christianity, to the specific claims of Presbyterianism, is a scholarly and difficult task, you can skip if you wish. We see from the Bible or as best as we know historically, that Jesus Christ walked the Earth with Twelve disciples or Apostles, these twelve Apostles in the Bible itself are shown proselytizing to the nations , particularly in the Biblical "Call of Macedon" from Acts, Paul is guided by the Spirit through Anatolia or Asia Minor to the Kingdom of Macedonia in Greece. Saint Andrew of Scotland follows this path going through Greece and into ancient Russia. This was all in the Roman Empire, however, note these weren't automatically Romans. The ancient Jews were more aware of Greeks, met and ran into Greeks and Romans. Note Galatians 3:28. The Greek Empires of Alexander the Great were wide in extent and mostly continued in Greek afterwards with the Byzantine Empire.

My First Gallery - Mike Dwight

I am using the games from Paradox Entertainment, Crusader Kings 2, and Europa Universalis 4 in-game maps for historical research. These beautiful maps are of course verifiable in more scholarly sources.
The newly Christian Roman Empire in 400 AD, operated under "The Pentarchy", a division of Christendom into 5 Bishops, similar in concept to how the Roman Empire itself needed to be split administratively into a Western and Eastern Roman Empire. The Miaphysite beliefs and Nestorian beliefs were outlawed in the Roman Empire, at a meeting of the Pentarchy, Bishops, and standard Creeds of European Christianity were developed around 400 AD, such as the Chalcedonian Creed, Apostles Creed, and Nicene Creed. Notice that Chalcedon and Nicea are Anatolian regions and Greek regions that are later Islamic under Ottomans. Map Above displayed religious beliefs 870 AD time frame. Around this time, the Bishop of Rome, or the Pope, after the Muslim invasion, at the fall of a Bishop of Antioch, or Alexandria, or Jerusalem, asserts the Bishop of Rome as the Head Bishop. They use that Jesus proclaimed "St Peter to have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven". They assert one apostle of twelve above the work of the other eleven Disciples. We know most disciples were persecuted at the hands of the Romans, including Peter, and yet the Pope begins a careful preservation of Latin, and Roman culture, spread throughout Europe.


My First Gallery - Mike Dwight

This is a very Specific map inside of Orthodoxy at the date of 1337 AD. As the Byzantine Empire mostly crumbles after the invent of Islam, the original idea of 5 Bishops at Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria, transforms into the concept of Autocephaly. This map displays countries that then necessarily have Autocephaly for their Bishops. A few notes here, at 1337 AD the Catholics had sabotaged the Byzantine Empire in a number of ways, encouraging Bulgarian independence, the Venetian crusade sacked Constantinople and made a Latin Empire in its place, Byzantium came back weakened. Today we note, though most Autocephaly Orthodox Bishops meet the Ecumenical Bishop of Constantinople today, we see in a few years from this picture ,and the fall of Constantinople, the Kievan Rus or Russians declare themselves, the Third Rome. Rome, Constantinople, and then Moscow would mark large Orthodox Expansion. This is a theological division today and for hundreds of years that the Russian Autocephaly Bishop does not meet with the Ecumenical Bishop of Constantinople.

My First Gallery - Mike Dwight

This picture captures the state of Christianity in about 1560. Many people have an education in Protestant Reformation! Note how the map is divided here, arguably, into a Protestant Half, and a Reformed Half, modifying the term "protestant reformation", I would say that someone still in Protest looks for change in the Universal Catholic Church, here in Gold, while the Reformed are set in their ways without a dialogue of reconciliation with the Catholic Church. I have a lot of information to recite here about the Reformed Calvinistic Churches, besides what Wikipedia can help with. With the fall of Constantinople in about 1460 began the "humanist renaissance", not the popular Italian renaissance per se, but the Greek scholars fled throughout Europe enlightening many minds outside the recitations of the Roman Catholic Church. The philosophical outlooks of Aristotle and Socrates for instance are Greek. The word Presbyterian, relating to Ahn Changho is the Greek word Presbyter, meaning Elder. Elders or Presbyters are installed as the lowest clergy today in Orthodox Churches. St Andrew, the Cross of Scotland, is shown refusing the honor of an upright Cross of dying like Christ, therefore a sideways Cross. The lowest rank of the Orthodox church is used, in assemblies of Elders, which most Presbyterian Churches are sticking to orthodox assembly. The map displays the Huguenots of France which were put down, it does not accurately display the Puritans, which we are of course descendants of! Oliver Cromwell was briefly Lord Protector around 1648. The Magyar Reformed Church or Hungarian church is still around. So we see Scotland from the Bishops War to remove a Roman control of Bishops, the Thirty Years War the Protestant League fend off Catholic intrusion to the Above .

My First Gallery - Mike Dwight
Queen Elizabeth I or her government, sponsored religious freedom or crusades to the states of Netherlands, Scotland, pictured, but also note Switzerland the original place of John Calvin. when the English Civil War broke out, these Reformed States sided with parliament in ensuring the "Reformed Religion in England, Ireland, and Scotland" as had been established ended in 1601 at the death of Queen Elizabeth I. All anthems of these places are educational in Reformed theology. In the English Civil War around 1640, the Presbyterian Church of Scotland takes over the government, attacks Catholic King Charles, leading to a Presbyterian Celebrated Glorious Revolution of William of Orange. In the writing of the Reformed Confession, the Westminster Confession, England and Scotland were both Reformed rather than Protestant, but the English Church returns to Anglican Protestant later. The Westminster Confession is still celebrated document and period of history for Presbyterians.
Note that "God Save the Queen" is a British Anthem , therefore Scottish. It highlights a Reformed outcome to the Royal Debacles concerning marriage, particularly King Henry and Anne Boleyne.The Popes have only ever excommunicated one Ruler by Papal Bull, which was Queen Elizabeth I, described as a Calvinist, presumably by her government's wide support to it in surrounding Kingdoms. In England however, preventing hot-headed Catholic and Reformed ministers and their massacres would already be visible from the Huguenot massacre, the devastation in Germany, so we note her Act of Supremacy places first allegiance to Monarch rather than Either religious figure. So who then in this world, in the English language, should be the safeguard of this entire Reformed tradition? It should be the Americans! Today the United Kingdom is 40% Catholic like shown in the map. The Via Media or Middle Compromise of Anglicanism only moved toward a moderation with Catholicism. It is definitely the Pilgrim Father's Puritan heritage.

I think most important, is that Every church has Some sort of idea of how all Christians are in Communion. It is not necessarily a Universalist idea. Quite the opposite from believing all people will be saved, Calvinist Reformed persons are heavily misunderstood for having an Elect, Chosen, or a partially saved humanity. What I have seen, on this issue from the theologians themselves Alone, is again the Biblical Call of Macedon directed the Apostles to where God wanted the word preached, to a Kingdom of Macedon. Catholics developed an extended list of possibly poorly planned sticks-in-the-wind martyrdom attempting to convert any and all Kingdoms or places. Even modern American Southern Baptists should trace a majority Reformed Calvinist viewpoint in their beginnings, on leaving these choices to where God might choose a mission.
America should be a safeguard of Presbyterianism! We are founded by Puritan Pilgrimage. That's the Presbyterian historical view.


I'm not noting this map for battle movements. Queen Anne's War looks similar to the French Indian War for instance. However, I wanted to note that in the British Act of Union of the same year 1702, started the first major immigration of Scottish subjects under the new British Union Jack to America. This history led to the founding of Princeton University, the most famous home of Presbyterian Theology in America. We will note that New Jersey at this time was a Dutch colony. We will note that the Scottish word for Church being Kirk, though it is also Kirk in German, I think this is actually that in Dutch Netherlander it is probably also Kerk instead of Church. The assumption is that being under the English Crown, the Presbyterian Religion not being Established in America, the immigrants were the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Puritans, once their communities devolved into the surrounding culture, were noted in joining Presbyterians.

The American Revolution did not displace all religious hierarchy. The 1st Amendment protected the freedom of Religion. Note that the French Revolution destroyed Catholic infrastructure and maintains an enforcement of no public display and encroachment of religion in public known as laicite. George Washington in 1776 to 1789 would be following the mainstream of European ideals and ties with religious belief while 'securing the rights of Englishman'.
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Note that the French Revolution destroyed Catholic infrastructure and maintains an enforcement of no public display and encroachment of religion in public known as laicite. George Washington in 1776 to 1789 would be following the mainstream of European ideals and ties with religious belief while 'securing the rights of Englishman'. Napoleonic France began Nationalism and Citizenship at the same time. These concepts exist today through chauvinism, the blind patriotism of a superior cause. Citizens exist from the Roman Empire.


American Methodist, Baptists, Pentecostals, got their start in 1830 with the Second Great Awakening. Otherwise, for any links to the Global Christian linkage, we will keep looking at Catholics, Presbyterians, Anglicans, possibly Orthodox. Presbyterian is understandably the English world's source on Reformed Christian.
The Scots-Irish themselves, or basically Scots, became a symbol of the Original British Christian causes. This can first be seen with a near majority of signers to the Declaration of Independence being Scots-Irish ancestry. Without declining European Christian history, and also British Christian history, the Presbyterian Church can be known for Autocephaly without Bishops from the concept above. The Reformed Dutch Church, the Reformed Church of Switzerland, the Church of Scotland, the Reformed Magyar Hungarian Church, are their own highest authorities in local matters. The Presbyterian Covenanters reference how God's Covenant with Israel granted on condition of responsible government, a Promised Land of Israel.

In 1800, Because of maligned history, we might not realize the Thirteen Colonies continued as a Nation exactly as they were. The operative point if you think about how you give half of income tax to a federal government and half to state or Local governments ,is a modern invention, and people were taxed and responsible entirely to States and States entirely agreed with each other for the common good to a token Federal Government. Almost all Presidents from 2nd to 16th noted Confederate relations of the States in equal measure to the Union of the States. Andrew Jackson however, Scots Presbyterian and Scots-Irish, exemplified this. All Presidents at this time actually, carried their Faith into office openly. This wasn't establishing the Church Hierarchy over Government, but the Faith of the Candidate was in fact an open factor. Andrew Jackson sought God's overruling in his humble time in office in the Reformed Lights of Reformed Governance. If we look at the United Kingdom understanding of the Act of Union and Unions in General, the Presbyterian Church of Scotland depends entirely on the Free Character exercised of the State of Scotland in a 95% by population, Anglican or Catholic United Kingdom. Andrew Jackson removed Indians on the trail of tears "for the rights and boundaries of states" in concern in the Confederacy. The Battle of New Orleans by Col Jackson received much attention in the surrounding States in particular and in his home state of Tennessee.

During the US Civil War, the Confederate Government created its own constitution that now instituted "An Almighty God" in "the Sovereign Character of the States". The Nation promoted a Religious Leader to fame, as we might have in Feudal Europe a Political Government, a Religious Government, so Robert E Lee's right hand was a basic surrogate to old Andrew Jackson , named Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. He was known to put ministers of religion throughout the Army. Some lyrics of true Presbyterian thought exist from the war like, the "bonnie Blue Flag", the Jacksons arguably identified more with the Scottish homeland. The Bonnie Blue Flag is the flag of Scotland. Presbyterianism and Calvinism is adaptable to forms of government, also demonstrated here. the Star represents states like Texas and Republican government, in the old World sense of "republican", such as the Irish Republic. It details how during the English Civil War, the Scottish Covenanter army were native to the soil with near and far other nations native to the soil, they fought against catholic aggression from king Charles and Rome, it led to the Westminster Confession today across countries or languages. "Stonewall Jackson's Way" shows he is an Elder of the Presbyterian Church of 'blue-light' or traditional leaning.
The Ten Commandments in Exodus include not coveting a man's manservant or maidservant. Stonewall Jackson saw slavery as ordained by God. In the traditional religious viewpoint of Catholic or Reformed, we do owe Biblical leadership, traditional marriage, and many religious understanding today to the Reformed belief system.


Catholic missionaries met limited success in Korea as early as 1750. We take the name Korea from the ancient Kingdom name of Goguryeo. It is inaccurate as the Korean word for Korea is daeHanmigug 대한민국 , Korean is Hanguk, the operative syllable is Han한, such as in Korean traditional dress, Hanbok, or Korean made. Goguryeo is very inaccurate and harmful in my opinion because this was a pre-Confucian era name. Korea was at least characterized as Buddhist during the Goguryeo era and up to the 1300s. King Sejong and the 1500's established Confucianism and a Yangban tradition, although the Eastern world is repeatedly not seen as such a hard-line place when it comes to religion as people draw on traditions syncretically or with syncretism.
Catholics ran into a number of problems, the common robes of a Monk for example, denote in Confucianism a low class, that also encouraged abandonment of Korean traditions for Roman traditions to other low class people, forming in a hierarchical and 100 Class based society, sort of a peasant abandonment of ancestry. The early 1800's saw several Royal persecutions of Catholics. To American Ears at least, it is seen as a negative, that the Catholics never once brought a Bible to a single person, and that 1880s British Ship Captain Hall had the first Bible in Korea. Lets not list that because it is intrinsically a Presbyterian viewpoint on the matter. Catholics brought Church supported literature, but a French Bishop of China relayed to King Gojong of the 1800s to form alliance with France. When the peasants brought this to King Gojong, they were attacked, and the French threatened to take the Kingdom of Korea.
Catholicism continues on today but we are looking at the Presbyterian tradition in equal numbers.
In 1885 Henry Appenzeller and Horace Grant Underwood arrive on the same Ship. Henry Appenzeller taught Methodism, since they believe in a Church without borders, Parish or land, I won't say in Korea, but Horace Grant Underwood "planted" the Presbyterian Church of Korea as the first accredited Minister and first assembly Moderator. Today there are 1 million Methodists in Korea and 9 million conformists to the Presbyterian Church of Korea so we must examine one's failure and one's success on what were fairly equal beginnings as far as foreign mission interest.
Horace Allen was a doctor who helped and served the Royal Family of Korea. All these fellows and their American wives being very young and vigorous. Horace Allen wasn't the officiate or Minister but provided a lot of information on Presbyterianism until Horace Underwood's arrival. The mission consisted first of a Medical Mission at a Jejoongwon Hospital. They followed previous medical success with around 100 missionaries.

Horace Allen is portrayed in a Doctor's uniform by a Half-Korean actor in this poster for the Korean Soap Opera "jejoongwon" named after the Missionary Hospital from South Korean TV. Jejoongwon Hospital would later become Yonsei University. This is a highly regarded University modeled theologically with Princeton University in mind. Notice these two Confucian scholars wear very overt flower emblems from the Joseon Dynasty, from the reign of King Gojong. We will note very strongly that the Presbyterian Mission first was waved in by King Gojong and promoted obedience to the Korean Government of King Gojong. The Bible promotes obedience to Christian government in several places so these Churches promoted patriotism in that way.


Syngman Rhee, whose biography I read as first President of South Korea, and Ahn Changho, share very similar stories with very different fates, so lets begin to talk about Ahn Changho. Ahn Changho directly studied with Horace Underwood. The Presbyterian Mission tended to attract Yangban class scholars on average and officials seeking connection to the Western Powers, and yet, did not want to bow to the Russian Orthodoxy we discussed a little. We can see how America's Nationalism and Imperialism in Asia was negligible at this point in history. Studying the Bible as a Yangban, seeking to relate with the United States, is very comparable to studying Confucian texts, and establishing a relationship with Big Brother China.
One feature then of Presbyterianism then, is Horace Allen Theologically agreed with several steps going on here. In the world of American Theology then, these are bold interesting steps.

I'm using alignment of the planets metaphorically, in that the King of Korea and then the Provisional Government of Korea, are presented in 1912, with Horace Allen who is a Presbyterian Missionary serving alternatively as the ambassador from the United States or the Ambassador from Korea to United States, didn't matter much, the message wasn't getting through. The nation elected President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. He was a leading mind regarded today within the church as Presbyterian Church founder, Princeton University President, and then US President. In 1911 the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire saw a new wave of immigrant women die in workhazard locked in by men at a factory fire. The non-feminist all-male voters of the Nation responded with a pro-Confederate President Woodrow Wilson who paraded his homebody family of women and Bibles. That's legal because he was a Child when he held Robert E Lee's hand and not a member of Confederate government, constitutionally prohibited from returning to Government. Please note how the fourteen Points broke up the Austrian Empire controlling "Native" countries similar to the borders we now know in the Balkans in "Self-Determination". Note he named America a "Cosmopolitan" people and very strictly considered British heritage as "Native" with anyone else an immigrant. That's a very unpopular view today. His famous thesis was on Parliamentary government rather than the Three-Branch Checks and Balances we know about today, which is the British form of Government. So the Fourteen Points from Woodrow Wilson is noted as having sparked the "March 1st Movement" in Korea for the stated goal of Self-Determination. The Japanese Occupation massacre in the March 1st movement sparked Ahn Changho's founding of the Provisional Government. Ahn Changho also took one of Horace Allen's famous exhanges to work in Hawaii. Horace Allen had worked to put cable lines, power, and a trolley in Seoul. The Mission would be Average an unremarkable just 20 years earlier from the election in the main 1900 period, ignoring "Romanist" casualties, the Call of Macedon was the basis of the Call of Korea to convert all of Asia, the galatians 3:28 may be arrogantly used to mean equality, says, Distinct Greeks and Jews can be Saved, as well as the Distinct Free and Slave, as well as the Distinct Male and Female.

The big difference we are going to note between modernizer, aegukga national anthem writer, and independence activist Ahn Changho and Syngman Rhee, is that Syngman Rhee became a convenient Strongman for the American Occupation forces far later on after World War 2. Ahn Changho would become a Christian with Horace Underwood and die in prison. Syngman Rhee became a Christian in prison, so said his Biography, as a Methodist, and married an Austrian woman.

My alignment of the planets is the openness of the King of Korea to American foreign relation is mixed irretrievably with the Presbyterian Mission/Ambassador and then American President Woodrow Wilson, a straight line of Presbyterian Theology in politics.

Ahn Changho: A Long road to Korean Independence
Korea is not free today! Americans are in an impossible situation as well! We do not know the first detail of a secret Police Action in the 1950's or feel a connection to heavy-handed military actions there today. American forces would take part in putting down Korean Students in favor of a Park Chung Hee dictatorship. This is all hard to understand! This whole article is dedicated to anyone who wishes English words like Presbyterian to be communicative. Korean Americans will appear here 80% identifying Presbyterian and its overwhelmingly by general survey, not concerned with history since 1980 , the 1969 immigration reform, or the 1958 Reformation of PC(USA). Koreans note their distinct land's vision and reception of God and how the Reformed Presbyterian tradition facilitate this truthfully.

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
The only way to unravel what is really a broadcast-age conspiracy is to affirm no incited bigotry, the full achievement of Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister who non-violently protested for integration and an end to racism. He was martyred for those beliefs. He has a Federal holiday in honor of his memory. What very few people I know of celebrate, is President Eisenhower's conspiracy in the midst of this to promote Nationalism and ignorance in the American people. After having fought World War 2 and the Korean War, many who are interested in Presbyterian history will be confused with the impossibility, the moral, spiritual impossibility, of the "reforming" of the immaculate and eternal Church. That's what we're looking at though. In 1958 the American Freedom of Eisenhower exported to the world also went to bulldozing any sort of protests to our trampling plans for Korea. We see our chosen Syngman Rhee candidate take away all Royal family lands and Japanese sympathizers and they in fact mostly left the country. We see the entire denomination went into the United Presbyterian Church which transitioned into the Presbyterian Church(USA). THis is happening throughout the world such as the United Church of Canada or Uniting Church of Australia are obscuring an indispensable Presbyterian history likely for political reasons. Moving from Presbyterian Church in the United States to PC(USA) suggests some sort of Establishment by Government. However, courts have ruled these marks as ornamental and not injurious to first amendment free speech and free religion. Some marks of this are "In God We Trust" is from the Star Spangled Banner printed on US Currency. That line is from the Star Spangled Banner historically after and ignorant toward Christian Establishment in Korea. The words Under God were added in the Pledge of Allegiance. This makes religious the sentiment that our States are indivisible, Under God. Its also from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburgh Address, Under God, a New Birth of Freedom. We can note the highlight of Lincoln's Pew at these ceremonies as well as retiring in Gettysburgh Pennsylvania itself. We can talk this way about Eisenhower's religion because that's how people talk about his religion. Billy Graham a famous evangelist said he'd choose a religion in office for politics. Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't promoting a National agenda against all Native Sons , or the Daughters of The Confederacy, or the Daughters of the American Revolution, or such groups. Martin Luther King Jr. is not connected even, in the fight against racism in the Old South, to any sort of foreign hatred bigotry or Nationalism.
Knowledge checks the Rise of Nationalism!
The Reformed Religion and Christianity is in fact, on the rise in the European countries ravaged with Nationalistic divisions, who would be shocked by the American victors Nationalism today, America 1st and Greatest and so forth. These Churches retain a viewpoint of historical connection with global Christianity that is obscured by the petri dish of churches planted in the United States 1900s. Appreciation of the Original Reformed religion's religious practice of Personal Biblical Knowledge is widely appreciated today. So is mutual consent marriage, gentlemanly courting, though made difficult to understand post 1960's free-chosen relationships and free love movements. We are definitely in charge of Presbyterian history, where it ever represented the will of America, whatever short period and for whatever people it was Established Religion, and to the definition of the practice, which isn't going to be safeguarded by Nationalists and the PC(USA) liberality which many spell Antichrist, I sadly report. This isn't about other Presbyteries excommunicating America, like Mexico did, its that they cannot allow any traditional behavior at all in the denomination, or meaning to the Presbyterian mode of worship, without offending the meaning of their "Second Protestant Reformation" or "Always Reforming" as they are saying now days. All of this to isolate and set above and protect American people to the neglect of Korean interests or European interests. Ahn Changho and all studiers of modernization and knowledge and independence and mutual respect in a safe world should study the traditional foundation of a Reformed Christendom and these topics. I don't think anyone needs or expects a permanent Korean Army Base in America exporting all Korean morality as superior and Updating For Korea any sort of Universal Moral system only Korea's way. This is similar to the persecution during the Japanese occupation to need to take all Japanese names, Shinto religion, and take on millions of "superior" Japanese immigrants. Every traditional Presbyterian history of course, Celebrates the 9 million Celebrants in Korean Presbyterianism, in achieving separation in any Union that is hazardous like the March 1st Movement, mourning God not Saving the Queen, Queen Myeungseung was murdered, and obviously we hold exclusivity in a Citizenship, a Citizenship in this case that doesn't promote brotherly love with a race, in fact history has shown African American activists promoting universal African suffrage will lose out.
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Cut it down to a couple of paragraphs.

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