Airlines Want to Ban Disruptive Passengers - Republicans Say No

What I believe is that government has no business dictating to us how we travel or do anything in life that doesn't affect anybody but ourselves.

I guess you won't mind if I clean my gun while smoking a big fat cigar while i'm sitting next to you on a flight then. Who am i hurting? Amirite?
Oh, so the government can regulate behavior that presents a risk to others.


Is COVID a risk?

Not to me. I'm vaccinated and have been taking vitamin D for the last 20 years so I don't worry about it. If you want to be behind me at the checkout line with no mask, I have no problem with it.
My cousin came to visit me the other night. He's a remodeler and has his own business. We were discussing masks. He and one of his workers were spraying down something or another with paint. When they took off their masks, the paint went through the mask and formed a circle around their noses. He told his partner "this is what's supposed to stop a virus naked to the human eye, and they both started laughing.
Ray, I do woodworking and paint with a spray compressor, and I get that same result in my masks as your brother. It's why since day one I've made my statement that masks can't stop something you can't see.
It is their fault. They chose to break the law. They’ll fade the consequences.

Or do you no longer believe in that sort of thing?
are you suggesting that had the jews fought back against the Nazi's, they would be terrorists?

Also, are you suggesting the blacks that walked across the bridge in GA deserved what they got?

There it is folks, the insanity of Colfax simplified.

Every protest must be illegal then, because everyone infects the pace of employment where they are staged. Every one of them.

Kenosha was illegal. Right?
What I believe is that government has no business dictating to us how we travel or do anything in life that doesn't affect anybody but ourselves.
again, the government works for the people, not the other way around. There are laws for them to follow which most people agree with. ignoring them to become a dictator changes the game of legality.
My point was, why do they need the government to get involved for something they can do themselves? That just seems weird to me.
They don't.

That does not mean that government does not want to take the opportunity to increase its power and control. As for the airlines, I am sure they would prefer the government do it as then they do not have to answer to the customers. If they ban someone it will not mean they will go to their competition and enrich them. It means they will not be able to get online and complain about a specific company and their policy.

Cover. Companies always want this kind of cover - the kind of cover that only government can give.
Not to me. I'm vaccinated and have been taking vitamin D for the last 20 years so I don't worry about it. If you want to be behind me at the checkout line with no mask, I have no problem with it.
Good point. We should get rid of mask mandates and require vaccinations for air travel.
More like "muh freedumb".
That word used to mean something to the left.

Now the left viscerally hates the idea of freedom. Trump has managed to do more damage to the left than he has to the right.
Or we both wear masks because it’s safer for all of us.

But thanks for reinforcing the mistaken concept of “muh freedom”.
Oh BS, even John Hopkins is way ahead of that kind of thinking, and they aren't anything rightwing.
You and bodecea wear yours, and I won't. I promise, I won't disrupt the flight. Scout's honor
What if I promise not to spit in your face? That should take care of it.
do you spit while you breathe? I know I don't. In fact I breathe with my mouth shut. I'm more concerned the people wearing masks contaminate everything every time they touch their mask and spread their germs around. ewwwwwwww.
Or we both wear masks because it’s safer for all of us.

But thanks for reinforcing the mistaken concept of “muh freedom”.
explain how it is safer for you for me to wear a useless diaper while you wear one?

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