Airlines Want to Ban Disruptive Passengers - Republicans Say No

Yes, when they were needed, (when the masks effectiveness were still in question)Trump would have known when they weren't needed, and wouldn't have Fauci as the thermometer
as to when it should end.

My cousin came to visit me the other night. He's a remodeler and has his own business. We were discussing masks. He and one of his workers were spraying down something or another with paint. When they took off their masks, the paint went through the mask and formed a circle around their noses. He told his partner "this is what's supposed to stop a virus naked to the human eye, and they both started laughing.
It is their fault. They chose to break the law. They’ll fade the consequences.

Or do you no longer believe in that sort of thing?

What I believe is that government has no business dictating to us how we travel or do anything in life that doesn't affect anybody but ourselves.
But you guys have been saying masks were ineffective from the start, which is why there's so many episodes of people refusing to follow the rule and getting arrested in the name of their concept of "muh freedom" which doesn't exist.

It certainly won't exist with people like you around, that's for sure.
My cousin came to visit me the other night. He's a remodeler and has his own business. We were discussing masks. He and one of his workers were spraying down something or another with paint. When they took off their masks, the paint went through the mask and formed a circle around their noses. He told his partner "this is what's supposed to stop a virus naked to the human eye, and they both started laughing.
My doctor likened the virus and mask as a softball going through an open door. The virus is that small.
My doctor likened the virus and mask as a softball going through an open door. The virus is that small.
The size of virus isn’t as relevant as the way it’s spread. A droplet is far larger than the size of particle obstructed by the mask.

Your doctor is leaving out a lot of nuance.
The size of virus isn’t as relevant as the way it’s spread. A droplet is far larger than the size of particle obstructed by the mask.

Your doctor is leaving out a lot of nuance.
What if I promise not to spit in your face? That should take care of it.
I'll tell you can wear your mask and I won't, therefore you are covered and I can
exercise my freedom and won't disrupt people on the airplane.
That is a win-win for the both of us.
Or we both wear masks because it’s safer for all of us.

But thanks for reinforcing the mistaken concept of “muh freedom”.

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