Akin Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg When It Comes to Right Wing Whacko-Ism

Then from the left we have idiots like frank, franken, obamaturd and biden. Point? Oh, you have none.

The difference here is, that the linked article in the OP cites facts (documented positions taken by the various people mentioned) whereas your little rant here involves nothing but generalized name calling, totally unsupported by anything specific, let alone a fact or two.

See the difference?

Your article, as you point out, applies to those various people mentioned... If you are extrapolating that to the entire right, then you are also generalizing...

Both sides have people who believe strange things... On the left there's Kucinich who believes in ET...

Hell, there are people on the left who still think Barry is doing a good job as President....lol

Of course I am not extrapolating anything to the ENTIRE Right. Fortunately, not everyone on the Right thinks these nut cases are correct. All I am saying is that these views COME from the Right, and are espoused by quite a few on the Right. And they are ROUNDLY worthy of comment, criticism and, yes, even ridicule.

Kucinich believes in "ET"? You mean, ET singular, as in the little cute guy from outer space in the movie? Or extraterrestrials in general? Care to link me up to any and all statements by him which support your claim here? Never mind - I Googled it myself. As I thought - your "Kucinichs believes in ET" is a tad misleading. The K-man claims to have seen a UFO. So the F what? I have seen a UFO. Lots of folks have. Haven't you?
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The crazy dynamic that has developed on the right over Akin's position is that somehow,

banning all abortions including rape and incest cases is the extremist position,

but banning all abortions excluding rape and incest is not.

People, both positions are extremist. Let's not forget that. The latter is extremist; the former is outrageously extremist.

It may be extremist to you but there are a large number of people who would love to see an abortion ban in general, regardless of the levels of restrictions. That to me is not the definintion of an extreme position. Just look down South. If Roe V Wade were overturned there would be bans in a heartbeat, with the support of a majority of the people in some states.
I don't think, at least hope, the Republican leadership believes the stuff they put out. But the same Republican leadership has discovered that some of the rank and file RW's are not too well educated and can be easily led and after all a vote is a vote. The votes of a group that believe a woman secretes something when raped are as good as the votes of a group of Rhodes scholars. It is also one explanation as to why the Republican party began its war on public education, and allows the Akins in their party to determine its medical policies.
The difference here is, that the linked article in the OP cites facts (documented positions taken by the various people mentioned) whereas your little rant here involves nothing but generalized name calling, totally unsupported by anything specific, let alone a fact or two.

See the difference?

Your article, as you point out, applies to those various people mentioned... If you are extrapolating that to the entire right, then you are also generalizing...

Both sides have people who believe strange things... On the left there's Kucinich who believes in ET...

Hell, there are people on the left who still think Barry is doing a good job as President....lol

Of course I am not extrapolating anything to the ENTIRE Right. Fortunately, not everyone on the Right thinks these nut cases are correct. All I am saying is that these views COME from the Right, and are espoused by quite a few on the Right. And they are ROUNDLY worthy of comment, criticism and, yes, even ridicule.

There are equal number of nut cases espousing ridiculous claims firmly planted on the left side of the isle...

if you are blind to them then we can't help you...
I don't think, at least hope, the Republican leadership believes the stuff they put out. But the same Republican leadership has discovered that some of the rank and file RW's are not too well educated and can be easily led and after all a vote is a vote. The votes of a group that believe a woman secretes something when raped are as good as the votes of a group of Rhodes scholars. It is also one explanation as to why the Republican party began its war on public education, and allows the Akins in their party to determine its medical policies.

Very astute comment.
Your article, as you point out, applies to those various people mentioned... If you are extrapolating that to the entire right, then you are also generalizing...

Both sides have people who believe strange things... On the left there's Kucinich who believes in ET...

Hell, there are people on the left who still think Barry is doing a good job as President....lol

Of course I am not extrapolating anything to the ENTIRE Right. Fortunately, not everyone on the Right thinks these nut cases are correct. All I am saying is that these views COME from the Right, and are espoused by quite a few on the Right. And they are ROUNDLY worthy of comment, criticism and, yes, even ridicule.

There are equal number of nut cases espousing ridiculous claims firmly planted on the left side of the isle...

if you are blind to them then we can't help you...

Really? Name three. I would remind you that there is a difference between subjective opinion and fact-based argument.
I don't think, at least hope, the Republican leadership believes the stuff they put out. But the same Republican leadership has discovered that some of the rank and file RW's are not too well educated and can be easily led and after all a vote is a vote. The votes of a group that believe a woman secretes something when raped are as good as the votes of a group of Rhodes scholars. It is also one explanation as to why the Republican party began its war on public education, and allows the Akins in their party to determine its medical policies.

Very astute comment.

Actually he's way off.

He's just repeating what we think of Democrat voters.
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Of course I am not extrapolating anything to the ENTIRE Right. Fortunately, not everyone on the Right thinks these nut cases are correct. All I am saying is that these views COME from the Right, and are espoused by quite a few on the Right. And they are ROUNDLY worthy of comment, criticism and, yes, even ridicule.

There are equal number of nut cases espousing ridiculous claims firmly planted on the left side of the isle...

if you are blind to them then we can't help you...

Really? Name three. I would remind you that there is a difference between subjective opinion and fact-based argument.

Already gave you Kookcinich...

Any member of ELF...

Any member of the New Black Panthers...

Anyone who believes late term abortion is OK for any reason...

Anyone who believes Booooooosh should be prosecuted for war crimes...

All extremist and wacky....
There is no war on women, war on education, or any war of any kind other than the war on our intelligence by the left.
Akin is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Republican whacko-ism.

From Akin, we learn of the sperm-killing ability of the female anatomy in cases of rape. Never mind scientific fact - Akin knows better. But it doesn't stop there. Oh, no.

On matters of basic science and peer-reviewed knowledge, from evolution to climate change to elementary fiscal math, many Republicans in power cling to a level of ignorance that would get their ears boxed even in a medieval classroom. Congress incubates and insulates these knuckle-draggers.

Let’s take a quick tour of the crazies in the House. Their war on critical thinking explains a lot about why the United States is laughed at on the global stage, and why no real solutions to our problems emerge from that broken legislative body.

Global warming (does not exist), evolution (ditto) or a vaccine designed to prevent a virus linked to cervical cancer which, according to Michele Bachmann, could cause mental retardation because some woman had told her so - it doesn't matter. According to all too many Republicans, science is "poppycock ."

A Gallup poll in June found that 58 percent of Republicans believe God created humans in the present form just within the last 10,000 years — a wealth of anthropological evidence to the contrary.

The tragedy is that so many people in the forefront of the Republican Party subscribe to these nut case views.

The Crackpot Caucus - NYTimes.com

Okay, moving on now...

And as far as bringing up global warming and evolution, voters don't care about those issues.
The "Akin Amendment" is central to the Republican Party Platform.
There are equal number of nut cases espousing ridiculous claims firmly planted on the left side of the isle...

if you are blind to them then we can't help you...

Really? Name three. I would remind you that there is a difference between subjective opinion and fact-based argument.

Already gave you Kookcinich...

Well, perhaps.

Any member of ELF...

I think there is a difference between taking a position that is patently incorrect and taking ACTION that is extreme. There are a number of environmentalist organizations that are left-based and very extreme in their actions. Earth First comes to mind. But, while one may quite properly disagree with their METHODS, one cannot argue with their MOTIVATION. Here again, the base argument has to do with saving the environment, and only an idiot can argue against that position. (See the OP)

Any member of the New Black Panthers...

See ELF comments, above.

Anyone who believes late term abortion is OK for any reason...

No. Subjective position.

Anyone who believes Booooooosh should be prosecuted for war crimes...

No. Once again, subjective. IMO, there are many more arguments in favor of doing exactly this than there are against it. Other opinions may differ. Subjective.

All extremist and wacky....

As noted, some of what you list here is indeed extremist and whacky - some is not. I dislike leftist whackiness just as much as the same coming from the right. We all do, I'm sure - how can anyone support extremism? (Except, of course, when it comes to things like Dolly Parton.)

Thanks for taking the trouble to respond here, by the way.
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Akin's comments are just another vivid example of what happens when a person is committed to a partisan ideology. Sometimes they have to pull something, anything, out of their ass quickly to push the agenda, and what comes out isn't very pretty.

Maybe not a good visual there.

There is no war on women, war on education, or any war of any kind other than the war on our intelligence by the left.


Those are not fact-based arguments...

"War on" anything is a polarizing term that overstates the problem and is designed only to emphasize the negative features of a particular policy or course of action with which the speaker disagrees.

Having said that, however, call it what you will, the Right takes positions with regard to women and education that are decidedly negative toward both. Take Akin's stupid comment, for openers. I will grant you that just about everyone from both sides of the fence are on him for that - but you didn't see a Democrat uttering the statement in the first place, did you? Just sayin'

But consider the Right's opposition to abortion in general. Seems to me that is pretty anti-women. Education? Just skim through the posts on this message board over the years concerning education and the comments from our Right-Wing friends. Disdain of education, pro-home schooling, criticism of "liberal" teachers, and on and on.

If you choose to call it a "war on" women and education, feel free to do so. I wouldn't call it that - but that does not mean that Republicans in general appear to be anti-education and in favor of policies that tend to put women down. Remember the Right's reaction to the feminist movement?
Akin is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Republican whacko-ism.

From Akin, we learn of the sperm-killing ability of the female anatomy in cases of rape. Never mind scientific fact - Akin knows better. But it doesn't stop there. Oh, no.

On matters of basic science and peer-reviewed knowledge, from evolution to climate change to elementary fiscal math, many Republicans in power cling to a level of ignorance that would get their ears boxed even in a medieval classroom. Congress incubates and insulates these knuckle-draggers.

Let’s take a quick tour of the crazies in the House. Their war on critical thinking explains a lot about why the United States is laughed at on the global stage, and why no real solutions to our problems emerge from that broken legislative body.

Global warming (does not exist), evolution (ditto) or a vaccine designed to prevent a virus linked to cervical cancer which, according to Michele Bachmann, could cause mental retardation because some woman had told her so - it doesn't matter. According to all too many Republicans, science is "poppycock ."

A Gallup poll in June found that 58 percent of Republicans believe God created humans in the present form just within the last 10,000 years — a wealth of anthropological evidence to the contrary.

The tragedy is that so many people in the forefront of the Republican Party subscribe to these nut case views.

The Crackpot Caucus - NYTimes.com
Then from the left we have idiots like frank, franken, obamaturd and biden. Point? Oh, you have none.

He's just a lefty "cut and Paste" moron who has no opinions of his own and lacks critical thinking skills.

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