Al Franken 2000 on McCain: I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured


Military mail frequently isn't postmarked per DoD policy (through no fault of the service member). Apparently YOU have no problem with denying individuals who dedicate their lives to defending YOUR rights the right to vote if it helps the Democrats steal an election ....

That's pretty pathetic, isn't it???
Ahahaha the OP just destroyed the left with their own hypocrisy.

Which they dutifully pretend to rebut. When they were first asked "what liberals ever denigrated McCain's service" they got their answer. In the trump suit.

NOW, that they are answered, they move the goal post.

"yeah-but ... what liberal Democrat politician ever denigrated McCain's service?" Because, ya know, Al Franken was just a comedian back in 2000, 20 ... uhm ...


They are tiresome.
Ahahaha the OP just destroyed the left with their own hypocrisy.

Which they dutifully pretend to rebut. When they were first asked "what liberals ever denigrated McCain's service" they got their answer. In the trump suit.

NOW, that they are answered, they move the goal post.

"yeah-but ... what liberal Democrat politician ever denigrated McCain's service?" Because, ya know, Al Franken was just a comedian back in 2000, 20 ... uhm ...


They are tiresome.

I can only hope that these liberals represent the truly ignorant among them and they are not all this lame.
Here's another example of the Left's attacks on McCain in 2000... Some on left target McCain s war record - Ben Smith -

The highest-voltage third rail of this presidential campaign may not be race, sex or age, but John McCain's military service.

On Sunday, McCain's campaign issued a pair of outraged statements after retired general and Barack Obama supporter Wesley Clark said he didn't think that McCain’s service as a fighter pilot and prisoner of war was relevant to running the country. Obama has consistently praised McCain's service, and called him "a genuine American hero."

But farther to the left — and among some of McCain's conservative enemies as well — harsher attacks are circulating. Critics have accused McCain of war crimes for bombing targets in Hanoi in the 1960s. A widely read liberal blog on Sunday accused McCain of "disloyalty" during his captivity in Vietnam for his coerced participation in propaganda films and interviews after he had been tortured.

"A lot of people don't know ... that McCain made a propaganda video for the enemy while he was in captivity," wrote's John Aravosis. "Putting that bit of disloyalty aside, what exactly is McCain's military experience that prepares him for being commander in chief?"

"Getting shot down, tortured and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience," Aravosis wrote in the blog post, titled "Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?"

In April, Democratic West Virginia Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV cut a bit closer, suggesting that McCain's days as a fighter pilot were themselves a critique of his character.

"What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground?" he asked. "He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Number 4 that is defending Franken. What just yesterday anyone saying that about a veteran was bad. Now it's only if you are a president nominee that doesn't have a chance. Hey nutty, what about Obama closing a war memorial to war veterans, but let a protest about illegal immigration take place. That is the lowest of the low.
You RWnuts can think you can tell Americans what they're supposed to think about Trump's attack on McCain,

but, sad day for you, most of them will think for themselves.
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Number 4 that is defending Franken. What just yesterday anyone saying that about a veteran was bad. Now it's only if you are a president nominee that doesn't have a chance. Hey nutty, what about Obama closing a war memorial to war veterans, but let a protest about illegal immigration take place. That is the lowest of the low.

Where was Trump when Al Franken was in the Iraq war zone with the USO?
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Number 4 that is defending Franken. What just yesterday anyone saying that about a veteran was bad. Now it's only if you are a president nominee that doesn't have a chance. Hey nutty, what about Obama closing a war memorial to war veterans, but let a protest about illegal immigration take place. That is the lowest of the low.

You dumb shit. It isn't defending Franken. Franken can do that himself. I suspect that within the next day or two, he'll issue some kind of statement regarding the words he said 15 years ago when he was a comedian. I expect that he's going to make the appropriate overtures toward McCain.

I haven't even banged on Trump for this. I actually think he regretted it the moment it left his lips. But...he's such an ass that he won't admit that. The guy has never publicly admitted making a mistake.

He overstated.....and actually thinks that McCain is a my opinion. He isn't even upset at McCains record regarding veterans. That's is all just cover for his stupid remarks. The guy is a big mouth. Period. He'll probably donate to McCain's reelection campaign.

My entire purpose here is to mock any and all USMB members who have said that they support the guy for PRESIDENT. You are all dumb fucks and a big mouth is all you need to cast your vote.
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Number 4 that is defending Franken. What just yesterday anyone saying that about a veteran was bad. Now it's only if you are a president nominee that doesn't have a chance. Hey nutty, what about Obama closing a war memorial to war veterans, but let a protest about illegal immigration take place. That is the lowest of the low.

Where was Trump when Al Franken was in the Iraq war zone with the USO?
Did Franken dodge sniper fire like Hillary? Or did he fly in the Iraq war zone to eat thanksgiving dinner on thanksgiving like Bush did? Since you are trying to defend a person that said the same as Trump?
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Number 4 that is defending Franken. What just yesterday anyone saying that about a veteran was bad. Now it's only if you are a president nominee that doesn't have a chance. Hey nutty, what about Obama closing a war memorial to war veterans, but let a protest about illegal immigration take place. That is the lowest of the low.

You dumb shit. It isn't defending Franken. Franken can do that himself. I suspect that within the next day or two, he'll issue some kind of statement regarding the words he said 15 years ago when he was a comedian. I expect that he's going to make the appropriate overtures toward McCain.

I haven't even banged on Trump for this. I actually think he regretted it the moment it left his lips. But...he's such an ass that he won't admit that. The guy has never publicly admitted making a mistake.

He overstated.....and actually thinks that McCain is a my opinion. He isn't even upset at McCains record regarding veterans. That's is all just cover for his stupid remarks. The guy is a big mouth. Period. He'll probably donate to McCain's reelection campaign.

My entire purpose here is to mock any and all USMB members who have said that they support the guy for PRESIDENT. You are all dumb fucks and a big mouth is all you need to cast your vote.
I support Carson, but liberals crapping all over yourselves over Trump is very amusing.
You never answered my question about Obama closing the war memorial, and letting protesters use it. Clinton didn't close it, so Obama went out of his way to hurt our great veteran's. What a piece of shit, and you support him.
The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Number 4 that is defending Franken. What just yesterday anyone saying that about a veteran was bad. Now it's only if you are a president nominee that doesn't have a chance. Hey nutty, what about Obama closing a war memorial to war veterans, but let a protest about illegal immigration take place. That is the lowest of the low.

You dumb shit. It isn't defending Franken. Franken can do that himself. I suspect that within the next day or two, he'll issue some kind of statement regarding the words he said 15 years ago when he was a comedian. I expect that he's going to make the appropriate overtures toward McCain.

I haven't even banged on Trump for this. I actually think he regretted it the moment it left his lips. But...he's such an ass that he won't admit that. The guy has never publicly admitted making a mistake.

He overstated.....and actually thinks that McCain is a my opinion. He isn't even upset at McCains record regarding veterans. That's is all just cover for his stupid remarks. The guy is a big mouth. Period. He'll probably donate to McCain's reelection campaign.

My entire purpose here is to mock any and all USMB members who have said that they support the guy for PRESIDENT. You are all dumb fucks and a big mouth is all you need to cast your vote.
I support Carson, but liberals crapping all over yourselves over Trump is very amusing.
You never answered my question about Obama closing the war memorial, and letting protesters use it. Clinton didn't close it, so Obama went out of his way to hurt our great veteran's. What a piece of shit, and you support him.

Idiot. Obama's hands were not on that decision. Grow up.

The Park Service answers to Obozo, and Democrats attended the protest.

Parks Service Grants Permission for Pro-Immigration Reform Protest on Closed National Mall Mediaite

The Parks Service continued to generate ill-will and alienate the voting public on Monday after a series of highly publicized stories last week surrounding the unnecessary closure of a variety of open-air spaces, including the World War II Memorial, captured the nation’s attention. On Monday, The Parks Service confirmed that they granted permission for a pro-immigration reform group to hold protests on the “closed” National Mall.

The protest will be hosted by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO and is expected to be attended by prominent Democrats, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ).
I bet you $20 if Franken said that again tomorrow it wouldn't shoot him to #1 among Democrat candidates the way it did for Trump. You nutters are a sick bunch.
Its only wrong when you are running for office?

Wow lol you totally missed my point. That's okay bud I know how taxing it can be for you all to use your brains. :itsok:
Too funny...I just caught you being crass.....I know your point....Democrat good...Republican bad...

Go shave your knuckles.
I for one could give two shits about McCant. He is a warmongering military industrial complex loving interventionist tell me why is the Left suddenly sticking up for him?

Because Trump is the hate interest of the left and they go after anything he says.
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday

I could not care less about what a comedian said 15 years ago, or yesterday for that matter. And Franken didn't build his career on criticizing McCain's war record. McCain OTOH built his career on the --perception-- that being a party-boy qualifies him to be called a "war hero" -pewsh!-

I'm not sure if it was a first but-----but Trump finally said something I can agree with.

McCain a war hero?

I give McCain credit for his ability to take a punch from his captors, but stop and think about it - would the very reckless John S. McCain have been allowed to fly his airplane into a missile the size of a telephone pole over N.V. if not for Admiral Daddy? It's hard to imagine any other pilot being allowed to fly again after destroying 4 G.I. airplanes, each one of which was worth millions of dollars plus-----plus McCain has never been exonerated in the deaths of over a hundred sailors on the USS Forrestal... call McCain reckless, call McCain stupid, call McCain Jonah, but war hero? - I for one don't think Lt. Commander Goof-off qualifies.

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