Al Franken Should Resign...poll

I voted yes because he annoys me and always has, plus he's not funny and hey the guy is a pervert.

..POLL: Should U.S. Senator Al Franken resign?


Because he kissed someone during a stage show where he was supposed to kiss someone?

Just can't get worked up about that.

Have you noticed that the defenders of Moore and Trump have now placed in a double standard...

Al Franklin has easily the least transgressor of anybody in the latest out come... It was a boisterous behaviour that went a bit over...

If you are calling for Al's head then Trump and Moore are first on the block and anyone who supported him after we know Trump is a sexual predator.
so teddy, what was the prank in fish lips photo? can you tell us?
the attempt to conflate disgusting sleaze with mr franken is an absolute fail.

In your warped Clintonista view perhaps, but most of us are disgusted by Franken's assault on Tweeden.

only a warped and dishonest HACK would try to conflate disgusting sleaze with the actions of mr franken.

a comedic actor rehearsed a kiss which was not objected to at the time.

only now does she cry about "consent" in a fucking skit scene which she knew included a kiss and which she consented to rehearse.

the picture was a minor foul most every rational person on the planet is rolling their eyes over, in this context.. it was a distasteful joke but he did not actually touch her.

franken said he shouldn't have done it and he apologized, like the gentleman that he is.

asshole trump has no comment for truly sleazy men while trying to hang franken because your president is the biggest sleazy abuser of power on the planet...he knows his deranged base of supporters don't care a damn about facts and truth...

patterns of behavior and actual political agendas matter when it comes to paying lip service to women's issues. :eusa_clap:

You are seriously attacking a woman when we have a photograph, an admission and apology?

Franken isn't worth your soul.

look at you grandstanding about my soul... get a grip.

that pic has been around the internet for ages...

mr franken said he shouldn't have done it and apologized... hacks want to make more of it than necessary and attempt to conflate with true sleaze and abuse because it suits their dishonest purpose.. so check your own soul status, liar...
the attempt to conflate disgusting sleaze with mr franken is an absolute fail.

In your warped Clintonista view perhaps, but most of us are disgusted by Franken's assault on Tweeden.

only a warped and dishonest HACK would try to conflate disgusting sleaze with the actions of mr franken.

a comedic actor rehearsed a kiss which was not objected to at the time.

only now does she cry about "consent" in a fucking skit scene which she knew included a kiss and which she consented to rehearse.

the picture was a minor foul most every rational person on the planet is rolling their eyes over, in this context.. it was a distasteful joke but he did not actually touch her.

franken said he shouldn't have done it and he apologized, like the gentleman that he is.

asshole trump has no comment for truly sleazy men while trying to hang franken because your president is the biggest sleazy abuser of power on the planet...he knows his deranged base of supporters don't care a damn about facts and truth...

patterns of behavior and actual political agendas matter when it comes to paying lip service to women's issues. :eusa_clap:

You are seriously attacking a woman when we have a photograph, an admission and apology?

Franken isn't worth your soul.

She accepted the apology, so move on... Where are ye asking for the head of Trump? If you want zero tolerance then it has to be consistent.
what did trump or Moore do exactly? you got fking evidence? great post it.
the attempt to conflate disgusting sleaze with mr franken is an absolute fail.

In your warped Clintonista view perhaps, but most of us are disgusted by Franken's assault on Tweeden.

only a warped and dishonest HACK would try to conflate disgusting sleaze with the actions of mr franken.

a comedic actor rehearsed a kiss which was not objected to at the time.

only now does she cry about "consent" in a fucking skit scene which she knew included a kiss and which she consented to rehearse.

the picture was a minor foul most every rational person on the planet is rolling their eyes over, in this context.. it was a distasteful joke but he did not actually touch her.

franken said he shouldn't have done it and he apologized, like the gentleman that he is.

asshole trump has no comment for truly sleazy men while trying to hang franken because your president is the biggest sleazy abuser of power on the planet...he knows his deranged base of supporters don't care a damn about facts and truth...

patterns of behavior and actual political agendas matter when it comes to paying lip service to women's issues. :eusa_clap:

You are seriously attacking a woman when we have a photograph, an admission and apology?

Franken isn't worth your soul.

look at you grandstanding about my soul... get a grip.

that pic has been around the internet for ages...

mr franken said he shouldn't have done it and apologized... hacks want to make more of than necessary and attempt to conflate with true sleaze and abuse because it suits their dishonest purpose.. so check your own soul status, liar...
what was the prank? can you tell us?
the attempt to conflate disgusting sleaze with mr franken is an absolute fail.

In your warped Clintonista view perhaps, but most of us are disgusted by Franken's assault on Tweeden.

only a warped and dishonest HACK would try to conflate disgusting sleaze with the actions of mr franken.

a comedic actor rehearsed a kiss which was not objected to at the time.

only now does she cry about "consent" in a fucking skit scene which she knew included a kiss and which she consented to rehearse.

the picture was a minor foul most every rational person on the planet is rolling their eyes over, in this context.. it was a distasteful joke but he did not actually touch her.

franken said he shouldn't have done it and he apologized, like the gentleman that he is.

asshole trump has no comment for truly sleazy men while trying to hang franken because your president is the biggest sleazy abuser of power on the planet...he knows his deranged base of supporters don't care a damn about facts and truth...

patterns of behavior and actual political agendas matter when it comes to paying lip service to women's issues. :eusa_clap:

"a comedic actor rehearsed a kiss which was not objected to at the time." That is a lie.

"We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

I felt disgusted and violated."

Al Franken Hit With Sexual Assault Accusation | HuffPost

That makes you a liar and unworthy of response in the future.

that you came to that conclusion tells me the same about you, boo hoo hoo...

rethuglicans are over-playing their hands on this with a full legal inquiry, and i hope it backfires with discovery of what (who) exactly prompted this women to come forward as a distraction to diminish the truly sleazy disgusting behavior of others...

now all we have is he said she said... which conveniently serves the purpose of truly disgusting and dangerous sleaze balls!
you have no class or honor.
Al can resign as soon as your orange sexual predator Donald does.... and maybe all the other people in congress your boys paid out millions to cover for.


Let Al stay. He is a symbol of hypocrisy and corruption that is the Democrat Party. There is hard evidence of Al assaulting a woman and the Democrats stay silent while they lose their shit over softer evidence of a Republican who is not even Senator like Al is.

Sen. Franken was a comedian at the time of this photo; Judge Moore was an elected official when seeking 'companionship' of young women and girls.

BTW, the Senate and House Democrats have not been silent on the Franklen situation. I'd ask you to stop lying, but that is endemic to members of the right wing.

I'd ask you to stop splitting hairs. You people harp all about character and past behavior when it comes to Republican candidates. It's all about character when it comes to both Moore and Franken. Be consistent.

franked didn't touch 14 year old girls. but it's adorable how you think they're the same thing.

but feel free to support a guy who was banned from a local mall for being a creep who bothered teenagers.

In both cases, its sexual predatory and assaulting behavior. Grabbing boobs of sleeping women or touching 14 year old girls both fall under the same category. Keep splitting hairs

Seriously... THE SAME THING...

She had bullet proof armour on... He was obviously showing off to a camera... It wasn't nice but in a court setting it would be a fine and don't do again...

Touching a 14 year old get s you sent to prison, the other prisoners will kill you because they say you aren't good enough to live so you are kept away from General Population.... The people deemed not fit to be in society won't put up with Child Molestors in theres...

Just thought, you must be sarcastic...
Let Al stay. He is a symbol of hypocrisy and corruption that is the Democrat Party. There is hard evidence of Al assaulting a woman and the Democrats stay silent while they lose their shit over softer evidence of a Republican who is not even Senator like Al is.

Sen. Franken was a comedian at the time of this photo; Judge Moore was an elected official when seeking 'companionship' of young women and girls.

BTW, the Senate and House Democrats have not been silent on the Franklen situation. I'd ask you to stop lying, but that is endemic to members of the right wing.

I'd ask you to stop splitting hairs. You people harp all about character and past behavior when it comes to Republican candidates. It's all about character when it comes to both Moore and Franken. Be consistent.

franked didn't touch 14 year old girls. but it's adorable how you think they're the same thing.

but feel free to support a guy who was banned from a local mall for being a creep who bothered teenagers.

In both cases, its sexual predatory and assaulting behavior. Grabbing boobs of sleeping women or touching 14 year old girls both fall under the same category. Keep splitting hairs

Seriously... THE SAME THING...

She had bullet proof armour on... He was obviously showing off to a camera... It wasn't nice but in a court setting it would be a fine and don't do again...

Touching a 14 year old get s you sent to prison, the other prisoners will kill you because they say you aren't good enough to live so you are kept away from General Population.... The people deemed not fit to be in society won't put up with Child Molestors in theres...

Just thought, you must be sarcastic...
so again, what was the prank?
I voted yes because he annoys me and always has, plus he's not funny and hey the guy is a pervert.

..POLL: Should U.S. Senator Al Franken resign?


Because he kissed someone during a stage show where he was supposed to kiss someone?

Just can't get worked up about that.

Have you noticed that the defenders of Moore and Trump have now placed in a double standard...

Al Franklin has easily the least transgressor of anybody in the latest out come... It was a boisterous behaviour that went a bit over...

If you are calling for Al's head then Trump and Moore are first on the block and anyone who supported him after we know Trump is a sexual predator.

I can't speak for everyone, but for me, it's about evidence. Pictures and admissions fix guilt much better than unconfirmed allegations
the attempt to conflate disgusting sleaze with mr franken is an absolute fail.

In your warped Clintonista view perhaps, but most of us are disgusted by Franken's assault on Tweeden.

only a warped and dishonest HACK would try to conflate disgusting sleaze with the actions of mr franken.

a comedic actor rehearsed a kiss which was not objected to at the time.

only now does she cry about "consent" in a fucking skit scene which she knew included a kiss and which she consented to rehearse.

the picture was a minor foul most every rational person on the planet is rolling their eyes over, in this context.. it was a distasteful joke but he did not actually touch her.

franken said he shouldn't have done it and he apologized, like the gentleman that he is.

asshole trump has no comment for truly sleazy men while trying to hang franken because your president is the biggest sleazy abuser of power on the planet...he knows his deranged base of supporters don't care a damn about facts and truth...

patterns of behavior and actual political agendas matter when it comes to paying lip service to women's issues. :eusa_clap:

You are seriously attacking a woman when we have a photograph, an admission and apology?

Franken isn't worth your soul.

She accepted the apology, so move on... Where are ye asking for the head of Trump? If you want zero tolerance then it has to be consistent.

Whether she accepts the apology or not, the issue is his judgement and his attitudes toward women, as you well know.
so again, what was the prank?

ask the guy who took the pic... then ask the rest of them in the room who laughed.

by all accounts he did not actually touch her over her multi layers complete with flack jacket.

it was a distasteful joke and he admits he shouldn't have done it, complete with apology.

you assholes want to conflate with creeps like roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so fuck you.
Let Al stay. He is a symbol of hypocrisy and corruption that is the Democrat Party. There is hard evidence of Al assaulting a woman and the Democrats stay silent while they lose their shit over softer evidence of a Republican who is not even Senator like Al is.

Sen. Franken was a comedian at the time of this photo; Judge Moore was an elected official when seeking 'companionship' of young women and girls.

BTW, the Senate and House Democrats have not been silent on the Franklen situation. I'd ask you to stop lying, but that is endemic to members of the right wing.

I'd ask you to stop splitting hairs. You people harp all about character and past behavior when it comes to Republican candidates. It's all about character when it comes to both Moore and Franken. Be consistent.

franked didn't touch 14 year old girls. but it's adorable how you think they're the same thing.

but feel free to support a guy who was banned from a local mall for being a creep who bothered teenagers.

In both cases, its sexual predatory and assaulting behavior. Grabbing boobs of sleeping women or touching 14 year old girls both fall under the same category. Keep splitting hairs

Seriously... THE SAME THING...

She had bullet proof armour on... He was obviously showing off to a camera... It wasn't nice but in a court setting it would be a fine and don't do again...

Touching a 14 year old get s you sent to prison, the other prisoners will kill you because they say you aren't good enough to live so you are kept away from General Population.... The people deemed not fit to be in society won't put up with Child Molestors in theres...

Just thought, you must be sarcastic...

He committed an assault and battery and while you obviously want to defend him on partisan grounds, it's not working.
Sen. Franken was a comedian at the time of this photo; Judge Moore was an elected official when seeking 'companionship' of young women and girls.

BTW, the Senate and House Democrats have not been silent on the Franklen situation. I'd ask you to stop lying, but that is endemic to members of the right wing.

I'd ask you to stop splitting hairs. You people harp all about character and past behavior when it comes to Republican candidates. It's all about character when it comes to both Moore and Franken. Be consistent.

franked didn't touch 14 year old girls. but it's adorable how you think they're the same thing.

but feel free to support a guy who was banned from a local mall for being a creep who bothered teenagers.

In both cases, its sexual predatory and assaulting behavior. Grabbing boobs of sleeping women or touching 14 year old girls both fall under the same category. Keep splitting hairs

Seriously... THE SAME THING...

She had bullet proof armour on... He was obviously showing off to a camera... It wasn't nice but in a court setting it would be a fine and don't do again...

Touching a 14 year old get s you sent to prison, the other prisoners will kill you because they say you aren't good enough to live so you are kept away from General Population.... The people deemed not fit to be in society won't put up with Child Molestors in theres...

Just thought, you must be sarcastic...

He committed an assault and battery and while you obviously want to defend him on partisan grounds, it's not working.

no, wiener got expelled by dems... the jerk off hollywood liberals are rightfully getting the shaft too.

conflating with mr franken is an attempt to excuse roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so again, fuck off with that bs.
so again, what was the prank?

ask the guy who took the pic... then ask the rest of them in the room who laughed.

by all accounts he did not actually touch her over her multi layers complete with flack jacket.

it was a distasteful joke and he admits he shouldn't have done it, complete with apology.

you assholes want to conflate with creeps like roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so fuck you.
I'm asking you. you're defending it. all i have is a still photo and he said it was a prank, so what is the prank? if you can't tell me, then you don't know it was. from all accounts you have one photo and have no idea what happened. i think an investigation into the prank is justified. Like tell us what it was.

it was a distasteful joke

what was the joke? you just have the word of a desperate man right now. one trying to save a career.
I'd ask you to stop splitting hairs. You people harp all about character and past behavior when it comes to Republican candidates. It's all about character when it comes to both Moore and Franken. Be consistent.

franked didn't touch 14 year old girls. but it's adorable how you think they're the same thing.

but feel free to support a guy who was banned from a local mall for being a creep who bothered teenagers.

In both cases, its sexual predatory and assaulting behavior. Grabbing boobs of sleeping women or touching 14 year old girls both fall under the same category. Keep splitting hairs

Seriously... THE SAME THING...

She had bullet proof armour on... He was obviously showing off to a camera... It wasn't nice but in a court setting it would be a fine and don't do again...

Touching a 14 year old get s you sent to prison, the other prisoners will kill you because they say you aren't good enough to live so you are kept away from General Population.... The people deemed not fit to be in society won't put up with Child Molestors in theres...

Just thought, you must be sarcastic...

He committed an assault and battery and while you obviously want to defend him on partisan grounds, it's not working.

no, wiener got expelled by dems... the jerk off hollywood liberals are rightfully getting the shaft too.

conflating with mr franken is an attempt to excuse roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so again, fuck off with that bs.
what is it moore did? you have absolutely no idea. you have left over pop from 38 years ago, it's flat.
so again, what was the prank?

ask the guy who took the pic... then ask the rest of them in the room who laughed.

by all accounts he did not actually touch her over her multi layers complete with flack jacket.

it was a distasteful joke and he admits he shouldn't have done it, complete with apology.

you assholes want to conflate with creeps like roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so fuck you.
I'm asking you. you're defending it. all i have is a still photo and he said it was a prank, so what is the prank? if you can't tell me, then you don't know it was. from all accounts you have one photo and have no idea what happened. i think an investigation into the prank is justified. Like tell us what it was.

it was a distasteful joke

what was the joke? you just have the word of a desperate man right now. one trying to save a career.

i guess you'll have to wait for the tax payer funded full legal inquiry for complete discovery of facts.
what is it moore did? you have absolutely no idea. you have left over pop from 38 years ago, it's flat.

see, this is you proving my point about conflating. fuck off.
you got flat soda pop and nothing else. the entire Moore thing is now contaminated by Gloria Allred for refusing to provide the yearbook, so right now you have nothing. and it doesn't matter anyway, cause there is absolutely nothing you can do to change those facts.
so again, what was the prank?

ask the guy who took the pic... then ask the rest of them in the room who laughed.

by all accounts he did not actually touch her over her multi layers complete with flack jacket.

it was a distasteful joke and he admits he shouldn't have done it, complete with apology.

you assholes want to conflate with creeps like roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so fuck you.
I'm asking you. you're defending it. all i have is a still photo and he said it was a prank, so what is the prank? if you can't tell me, then you don't know it was. from all accounts you have one photo and have no idea what happened. i think an investigation into the prank is justified. Like tell us what it was.

it was a distasteful joke

what was the joke? you just have the word of a desperate man right now. one trying to save a career.

i guess you'll have to wait for the tax payer funded full legal inquiry for complete discovery of facts.
I know right, isn't it going to be fun to see the count from both sides of the aisle? you gonna defend the dems caught in that? I want any republican to pay back the money to the people.
I'd ask you to stop splitting hairs. You people harp all about character and past behavior when it comes to Republican candidates. It's all about character when it comes to both Moore and Franken. Be consistent.

franked didn't touch 14 year old girls. but it's adorable how you think they're the same thing.

but feel free to support a guy who was banned from a local mall for being a creep who bothered teenagers.

In both cases, its sexual predatory and assaulting behavior. Grabbing boobs of sleeping women or touching 14 year old girls both fall under the same category. Keep splitting hairs

Seriously... THE SAME THING...

She had bullet proof armour on... He was obviously showing off to a camera... It wasn't nice but in a court setting it would be a fine and don't do again...

Touching a 14 year old get s you sent to prison, the other prisoners will kill you because they say you aren't good enough to live so you are kept away from General Population.... The people deemed not fit to be in society won't put up with Child Molestors in theres...

Just thought, you must be sarcastic...

He committed an assault and battery and while you obviously want to defend him on partisan grounds, it's not working.

no, wiener got expelled by dems... the jerk off hollywood liberals are rightfully getting the shaft too.

conflating with mr franken is an attempt to excuse roy moore and the pussy grabber.. so again, fuck off with that bs.

Incompetent, Irrelevant and Immaterial. You're arguing about things that no one has brought up. Now that you're obviously reduced to wasting our time, I'll shuffle you off to "not read land"...bye troll boy.

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