Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

False, it changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility - allowing the FCC to regulate it the way they do telephone and cell phone service.

Having the FCC regulate the internet is the stupidest idea leftists have ever come up with.

It establishes regulations that will prevent harmful changes. Doesn't change how anything would work. Cell phones are a good example. Perhaps you didn't notice, but the government doesn't control what you talk about on the phone.

It is my understanding that the government records what you say on the phone.

Indeed they do. They also record what you do on the internet. Has nothing to do with net neutrality.
Great. Net neutrality does not regulate the internet. It simply prohibits companies like Comcast from restricting the free and fair exchange of ideas.

False, it changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility - allowing the FCC to regulate it the way they do telephone and cell phone service.

Having the FCC regulate the internet is the stupidest idea leftists have ever come up with.
It is just a way to eventually force the big companies to give free internet and free computers to the welfare slugs, just like with the damned phones.

In fact, it is entirely what the actual issue is.

So, you can't even be bothered to deal with the facts. Just make up whatever nonsense you want.

USMB is not a content provider - you simply are ignorant of what the term mean.

We await your enlightenment.

So, NetFlix sells you a subscription for $10 to stream unlimited video to you - this increases the bandwidth usage on the backbone (which is not your ISP - though I give up on trying to teach leftists even basic concepts) by about 75,000 times.

No, my subscription to Netflix does not increase bandwidth. My consumption of Netflix content increases bandwidth usage. But I've paid for that usage.

This is not a mistake, it is not an exaggeration - you read that right, the load placed on the backbone of the internet has increased 75,000 time - not percent, times - directly due to content providers such as Amazon Prime, NetFlix, Apple TV, Blizzard, and YouTube.

No, the increase is from consumers using the bandwidth they've paid for in their internet service plan.

The amount that these huge users pay? Not a cent.

Verizon fought back, and said if they have to invest hundreds of billions into the backbone for NetFlix, then NetFlix has to help pay for it.

Nobody is forcing Verizon or Comcast to invest in anything. They choose to do that themselves. Because they want to continue to allegedly offer unlimited internet to customers, and they don't want to risk reduced revenues that might go along with passing the costs along to consumers.

Now look, you have not a hint of a clue how technology works or the factors involved, you approach this as a partisan hack, promoting the goals of your party.

Absolute nonsense. I am, in fact, standing in opposition to many Republicans, exactly because I'm not a partisan.

But I live and breath this - as I type this, I am monitoring packet distribution, rebroadcasts, route optimizations, fiber load, etc. You want to pretend that you have a clue, but you don't.

So you say. Yet you continue to punk out on providing a scintilla of explanation to anything you claim.

Your question is as ignorant as asking why a store has to pay a freight train to haul goods - since you are paying for the goods when you buy them. NetFlix needs to pay transport costs, just as every other business does.

:lol: Deflection and strawman noted. :lol:
If this is just about Netflix and Apple why are so many other major companies in favor of Net Neutrality?

What businesses are against Net Neutrality? The Major ISPs and thats it. Why is that?

The content providers are in favor of new law which ensures a free ride for them. The backbone operators seek to recoup the cost of their investments by charging the heavy media users - specifically Google, Amazon, NetFlix, and Blizzard, for the load they place on the system.

Oh, and out here in the Peoples Republic, we weigh trucks and charge them based on that weight for using certain roads - so we are talking exactly the same thing here.
Al Franken may be the smartest Democrat out there. He got re-elected because he campaigned on how well the country has done under Obama and the Dems.

That; and he stuffed the ballot boxes.

democrats think that fraud and criminal acts are the most clever thing possible.

Trunk full of ballots, anyone?

The Pioneer Press endorsed Norm Coleman. Here's an article you should read.
Overtime: Chapter 2, Part 2: The Franken vs. Coleman ballots in the trunk — and other myths exposed
Overtime Chapter 2 Part 2 The Franken vs. Coleman ballots in the trunk 8212 and other myths exposed -
FYI, the Pioneer Press and are one in the same.
Cruz would wipe the floor with him. how funny

If this is just about Netflix and Apple why are so many other major companies in favor of Net Neutrality?

What businesses are against Net Neutrality? The Major ISPs and thats it. Why is that?

The content providers are in favor of new law which ensures a free ride for them. The backbone operators seek to recoup the cost of their investments by charging the heavy media users - specifically Google, Amazon, NetFlix, and Blizzard, for the load they place on the system.

Oh, and out here in the Peoples Republic, we weigh trucks and charge them based on that weight for using certain roads - so we are talking exactly the same thing here.

And yet, in South Korea, one can get Ethernet speed internet for about $29/month. Recoup the cost of their investments? What investments? We have the slowest, and the most expensive internet in the industrial world, run by some truly incompetent people (I.e., Comcast).
Net neutrality is just a distraction so Obama can start censorship on the internet.

It'll be one more boondoggle hidden inside of tortured language. Massive increases in regulation.

Hey, trust the Democrats. They never lie!!
It goes beyond censorship and government control. It is Obama using the interweb to read our thoughts. He must be stopped at all costs
I never approach my computer without my tinfoil tri-corner on.
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

Er, so why does the government have to get involved?

To keep it the way it is, idiot.
Cruz is right and Franken is wrong.

Net neutrality means that providers willing to pay for prioritization will be denied it. I.E. Youtube and NetFlix, require to function according to the demands from users needs and they pay for prioritization. The amount of that prioritization will be subject to bureaucratic rules with so called "Net Neutrality"

It matters not a whit how fast a blogger, or you or I can move our traffic over the Internet but those two and others like them need the ability to move their content vastly faster than you or I do to fulfill their mission.

This NN crap will mean you and I will spend a whole lot more time wIting for our vids and movies and other media.

Cruz is right and Franken is wrong and a tool of the administration
Cruz is right and Franken is wrong.

Net neutrality means that providers willing to pay for prioritization will be denied it. I.E. Youtube and NetFlix, require to function according to demands from users need and pay for prioritization and the amount of that prioritization will be subject to bureaucratic rules with so called "net neutrality"

It matters not a whit how fast a blogger or you or I can move our traffic over the Internet but those two and others like them need the ability to move their content vastly faster than you or I to fulfill their mission.

This NN crap will mean you and I will spend a whole lot more time wIting for our vids and movies and other media.

Ruz is right and Franken is wrong and a tool of the administration

And all this time I thought RWers claimed to be for encouraging innovation.
Cruz is right and Franken is wrong.

Net neutrality means that providers willing to pay for prioritization will be denied it. I.E. Youtube and NetFlix, require to function according to demands from users need and pay for prioritization and the amount of that prioritization will be subject to bureaucratic rules with so called "net neutrality"

It matters not a whit how fast a blogger or you or I can move our traffic over the Internet but those two and others like them need the ability to move their content vastly faster than you or I to fulfill their mission.

This NN crap will mean you and I will spend a whole lot more time wIting for our vids and movies and other media.

Ruz is right and Franken is wrong and a tool of the administration
Prioritisation will be achieved by slowing others' stuff down...not by speeding your stuff up.
Cruz's statements regarding Net Neutrality and Obamacare did demonstrate a profound lack of understanding of what Net Neutrality actually is.

But then Ted generally doesn't have a firm grasp on the issues he chooses to discuss. I remember him telling his constituents that defunding Obamacare by shutting down the government was going to be easy.

How'd that work out again?

Ted is correct in linking Net Neutrality and Obamacare

Republicans want both internet access and healthcare to go to the highest bidder

The one who pays the most gets the most? Who came up with that insane idea? We all get the same regardless of what we pay, that is the American way, it's what the Constitution says. Right big guy?
Cruz is right and Franken is wrong.

Net neutrality means that providers willing to pay for prioritization will be denied it. I.E. Youtube and NetFlix, require to function according to demands from users need and pay for prioritization and the amount of that prioritization will be subject to bureaucratic rules with so called "net neutrality"

It matters not a whit how fast a blogger or you or I can move our traffic over the Internet but those two and others like them need the ability to move their content vastly faster than you or I to fulfill their mission.

This NN crap will mean you and I will spend a whole lot more time wIting for our vids and movies and other media.

Ruz is right and Franken is wrong and a tool of the administration
Prioritisation will be achieved by slowing others' stuff down...not by speeding your stuff up.

And you know this how? You made it up.
Cruz is right and Franken is wrong.

Net neutrality means that providers willing to pay for prioritization will be denied it. I.E. Youtube and NetFlix, require to function according to demands from users need and pay for prioritization and the amount of that prioritization will be subject to bureaucratic rules with so called "net neutrality"

It matters not a whit how fast a blogger or you or I can move our traffic over the Internet but those two and others like them need the ability to move their content vastly faster than you or I to fulfill their mission.

This NN crap will mean you and I will spend a whole lot more time wIting for our vids and movies and other media.

Ruz is right and Franken is wrong and a tool of the administration

And all this time I thought RWers claimed to be for encouraging innovation.

Arguing with the voices in your head again? You know you said that out loud. Got anything to say regarding the post you responded to or just going with that?
Cruz is right and Franken is wrong.

Net neutrality means that providers willing to pay for prioritization will be denied it. I.E. Youtube and NetFlix, require to function according to demands from users need and pay for prioritization and the amount of that prioritization will be subject to bureaucratic rules with so called "net neutrality"

It matters not a whit how fast a blogger or you or I can move our traffic over the Internet but those two and others like them need the ability to move their content vastly faster than you or I to fulfill their mission.

This NN crap will mean you and I will spend a whole lot more time wIting for our vids and movies and other media.

Ruz is right and Franken is wrong and a tool of the administration

If ISPs want to offer faster service, they need to offer it to everyone, not just to the highest bidder. If they don't have the capability to offer it to everyone, they need to build that capability, like they've been doing ever since the beginning, or get out of the market and let someone take over who can provide that capability.

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