AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child's the definition of "opinion piece":

"Definition of opinion piece in English
opinion piece
Syllabification: (o·pin·ion piece)

  • an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news:an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal predicted the closing of practices to new patients
opinion piece: definition of opinion piece in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

Now, here's the definition of "propaganda"...

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause;
Your opinion piece is a piece of propaganda. The studies (yes I posted two, from two different universities) are not "propaganda". They were actual studies.

Is any of this sinking in, dum dum?

Is it really hard for you to pick up on a point being made? I know what an opinion piece is. I also know what a controlled study put forth by bigots looks like.

No, you obviously don't. That is not the point you made, and it isn't the case in this argument. The bigots are the loons at APA who insist on putting children in danger by putting out bad studies deliberately skewed to encourage homosexual parenting, and deliberately altered to hide the facts.

The studies by the schools in Louisiana and Texas (two separate studies, by separate groups of people, none of which had a discernible agenda, and both of which employed ethical, open means in their studies...) concurr....the APA hogwash is indeed hogwash, they are incorrect in their conclusions and there is nothing in their materials which can lead them to logically make those conclusions...and in fact, children of homosexual parents are much, much more likely to be molested and forcibly raped than the children of heteros.

But you want to ignore that, I encourage you to foster your kids out to homosexual foster parents.

The Texas study didn't have an agenda while being funded by a right wing think tank that opposes same sex marriage?
Do you hear yourself? And how dumb that sounds?

My gay friend takes care of my son often. Your point?

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Last edited:'s the definition of "opinion piece":

"Definition of opinion piece in English
opinion piece
Syllabification: (o·pin·ion piece)

  • an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news:an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal predicted the closing of practices to new patients
opinion piece: definition of opinion piece in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

Now, here's the definition of "propaganda"...

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause;
Your opinion piece is a piece of propaganda. The studies (yes I posted two, from two different universities) are not "propaganda". They were actual studies.

Is any of this sinking in, dum dum?

Is it really hard for you to pick up on a point being made? I know what an opinion piece is. I also know what a controlled study put forth by bigots looks like.

No, you obviously don't. That is not the point you made, and it isn't the case in this argument. The bigots are the loons at APA who insist on putting children in danger by putting out bad studies deliberately skewed to encourage homosexual parenting, and deliberately altered to hide the facts.

The studies by the schools in Louisiana and Texas (two separate studies, by separate groups of people, none of which had a discernible agenda, and both of which employed ethical, open means in their studies...) concurr....the APA hogwash is indeed hogwash, they are incorrect in their conclusions and there is nothing in their materials which can lead them to logically make those conclusions...and in fact, children of homosexual parents are much, much more likely to be molested and forcibly raped than the children of heteros.

But you want to ignore that, I encourage you to foster your kids out to homosexual foster parents.

A. Your study was protested by 200 of the authors peers. He even conceded it was flawed
B. The two studies were not separate, Marks cites the Texas study
C. The study was proven to be done in a controlled environment with flawed methodology.
D. The Texas study received 700,000 from a conservative think tank that opposes same sex marriage
E. Loren Marks, from Louisiana has been outspoken about gay marriage.

I found that out in five minutes. Like I said all one has to do is google your links and they are usually bought and paid for by people who oppose gay marriage.

And I am the ignorant one. Lol
Like I said, you missed my point.

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"I am a devoted acolyte of PP, the APA, the Kinsey Institute, the CDC and Huffington Post! If it doesn't come from them, then it just ain't so!"


yep. applicable to those leftard dumbos.

I think the tard is the one who uses a study that is flawed and biased. Even the man who presented the study conceded it was flawed.
Who really is the tard, Doctor?

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Is it really hard for you to pick up on a point being made? I know what an opinion piece is. I also know what a controlled study put forth by bigots looks like.

No, you obviously don't. That is not the point you made, and it isn't the case in this argument. The bigots are the loons at APA who insist on putting children in danger by putting out bad studies deliberately skewed to encourage homosexual parenting, and deliberately altered to hide the facts.

The studies by the schools in Louisiana and Texas (two separate studies, by separate groups of people, none of which had a discernible agenda, and both of which employed ethical, open means in their studies...) concurr....the APA hogwash is indeed hogwash, they are incorrect in their conclusions and there is nothing in their materials which can lead them to logically make those conclusions...and in fact, children of homosexual parents are much, much more likely to be molested and forcibly raped than the children of heteros.

But you want to ignore that, I encourage you to foster your kids out to homosexual foster parents.

A. Your study was protested by 200 of the authors peers. He even conceded it was flawed
B. The two studies were not separate, Marks cites the Texas study
C. The study was proven to be done in a controlled environment with flawed methodology.
D. The Texas study received 700,000 from a conservative think tank that opposes same sex marriage
E. Loren Marks, from Louisiana has been outspoken about gay marriage.

I found that out in five minutes. Like I said all one has to do is google your links and they are usually bought and paid for by people who oppose gay marriage.

And I am the ignorant one. Lol
Like I said, you misses my point.

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I feel like such a Lib-tard. (sad face)

I admit that the study was for real. True, only two participants were raised by an actual gay couple, but it WAS a university study after all. Lets just admit that we drink cool-aid and fall asleep clutching our Rachel Maddow doll....
No, you obviously don't. That is not the point you made, and it isn't the case in this argument. The bigots are the loons at APA who insist on putting children in danger by putting out bad studies deliberately skewed to encourage homosexual parenting, and deliberately altered to hide the facts.

The studies by the schools in Louisiana and Texas (two separate studies, by separate groups of people, none of which had a discernible agenda, and both of which employed ethical, open means in their studies...) concurr....the APA hogwash is indeed hogwash, they are incorrect in their conclusions and there is nothing in their materials which can lead them to logically make those conclusions...and in fact, children of homosexual parents are much, much more likely to be molested and forcibly raped than the children of heteros.

But you want to ignore that, I encourage you to foster your kids out to homosexual foster parents.

A. Your study was protested by 200 of the authors peers. He even conceded it was flawed

B. The two studies were not separate, Marks cites the Texas study

C. The study was proven to be done in a controlled environment with flawed methodology.

D. The Texas study received 700,000 from a conservative think tank that opposes same sex marriage

E. Loren Marks, from Louisiana has been outspoken about gay marriage.

I found that out in five minutes. Like I said all one has to do is google your links and they are usually bought and paid for by people who oppose gay marriage.

And I am the ignorant one. Lol

Like I said, you misses my point.

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I feel like such a Lib-tard. (sad face)

I admit that the study was for real. True, only two participants were raised by an actual gay couple, but it WAS a university study after all. Lets just admit that we drink cool-aid and fall asleep clutching our Rachel Maddow doll....

Plus the fact he compared children living in single parent homes where the parent was gay, and the home setting wasn't the best to children with two parent houses.
Of course when you compare children with two parents gay or straight you get about the same result.
There is a reason many have said it was flawed.

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"I am a devoted acolyte of PP, the APA, the Kinsey Institute, the CDC and Huffington Post! If it doesn't come from them, then it just ain't so!"

You forgot your hat....

the only ones who got embarrassed and owned are the ignorants like you, luissa, asclepias and noomi.

that bunch are ignoramuses and known ones.

you looked a bit more educated.


^^^^ Did you have something to add outside of sticking out your tongue and wagging your fingers?

that bunch are ignoramuses and known ones.


the only ones who got embarrassed and owned are the ignorants like you, luissa, asclepias and noomi.

that bunch are ignoramuses and known ones.

you looked a bit more educated.


^^^^ Did you have something to add outside of sticking out your tongue and wagging your fingers?

that bunch are ignoramuses and known ones.



Shhhh! "She" is a doctor.
"She" is all smart and such.

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"It should also be clear what the purpose of the American Psychological Association is. Presumably it is supposed to have some credibility, it certainly attempts to present itself that way, although I don’t believe a close look at it now indicates that it is completely earned. This is a trade organization essentially run by people within the trade; when ever this happens it is possible that if their decision are made within the association without informed input from the majority of the public that it may reflect the biases of the members. These biases may be affected by the way they’re financed by powerful institutions that influence many of the most important aspects of our lives."

Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association - zacherydtaylor - Open Salon

APA is not taken more seriously than motherjones.

Open Salon. :lol:

Now there's a reliable source!

Open Salon 2014 - TopTenREVIEWS

Open Salon by Salon is an emerging community powered by capable blog software and writers who are looking for an audience.
Are you suggesting that you want to suck a dick?
By the way bitch I'll be as vulgar as I fucking please, don't like kiss my ass.

OK tough guy.


You are a pissy little pussy if you thought I was trying to be a "tough guy"

Sorry, trying to "bully" me by calling me things like "pissy little pussy" counts as Internet tough guy speak.


All of us 6'7" 325 lb ex marines are on equal footing here - no need to try and shout each other down or pretend we own each other. Especially if we can't even tie our shoes, need a pump in order to have "happy time" or have to change our ostomy bag when we have to do number two.

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