AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child

Attacking methodology is the lazy man's

The learned community knows that if your methodology sucks, your study sucks. When you use crap methodology, you are generally being dishonest in your approach. Your little article is cute, but completely beside the point, and nothing but a justification of crap *studies* that present falsehoods as reality...and children are the ones who suffer.

The only time an article, link, or review isn't false if it agrees with your view point. The problem is, you have to post blogs by A Mormon who spent his career trying conversion therapy on homosexuals. Your methodology sucks. Most can see it, sorry you and Vox are ignorant loons, and cannot.
You problem KG, is you became educated on false material. Just imagine what you could have been if you actually opened up your mind to information that wasn't based in lunacy? You are smart, but only to a point. You could go a lot farther if you got over being a bigot.

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It's an opinion piece, ditz. My studies blew the retards out of the water, and that's all they have left.

Sure they did.
An Opinion piece is probably better than any propaganda "study" you post where they completely controlled the outcome.
Of course you are too biased to realize that.

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Last edited:
The only time an article, link, or review isn't false if it agrees with your view point. The problem is, you have to post blogs by A Mormon who spent his career trying conversion therapy on homosexuals. Your methodology sucks. Most can see it, sorry you and Vox are ignorant loons, and cannot.

You problem KG, is you became educated on false material. Just imagine what you could have been if you actually opened up your mind to information that wasn't based in lunacy? You are smart, but only to a point. You could go a lot farther if you got over being a bigot.

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It's an opinion piece, ditz. My studies blew the retards out of the water, and that's all they have left.

the retards do not understand the difference between the study and the opinion piece in a newspaper... some can't read the abstract or find other sources if the access is limited :D

Did you figure out how to do that in medical school in Russia?

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The only time an article, link, or review isn't false if it agrees with your view point. The problem is, you have to post blogs by A Mormon who spent his career trying conversion therapy on homosexuals. Your methodology sucks. Most can see it, sorry you and Vox are ignorant loons, and cannot.
You problem KG, is you became educated on false material. Just imagine what you could have been if you actually opened up your mind to information that wasn't based in lunacy? You are smart, but only to a point. You could go a lot farther if you got over being a bigot.

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It's an opinion piece, ditz. My studies blew the retards out of the water, and that's all they have left.

Sure they did.

An Opinion piece is probably better than any propaganda "study" you post where they completely controlled the outcome.
Of course you are too biased to realize that.

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Why are you quoting and re-posting your own drivel?

It was meaningless the first time. It's even less meaningful recycled.
Why are you quoting and re-posting your own drivel?

It was meaningless the first time. It's even less meaningful recycled.

Better than the word garbage you post.

Of course a non hateful bitch would probably realize it was an accident. Now you will respond with how dumb I am because it was accident.
Are you this vile in person?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk's the definition of "opinion piece":

"Definition of opinion piece in English
opinion piece
Syllabification: (o·pin·ion piece)

  • an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news:an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal predicted the closing of practices to new patients
opinion piece: definition of opinion piece in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

Now, here's the definition of "propaganda"...

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause;
Your opinion piece is a piece of propaganda. The studies (yes I posted two, from two different universities) are not "propaganda". They were actual studies.

Is any of this sinking in, dum dum?

Manipulation of information to influence public opinion. The term comes from Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith), a missionary organization established by the pope in 1622. Propagandists emphasize the elements of information that support their position and deemphasize or exclude those that do not. Misleading statements and even lies may be used to create the desired effect in the public audience. Lobbying, advertising, and missionary activity are all forms of propaganda, but the term is most commonly used in the political arena. Prior to the 20th century, pictures and the written media were the principal instruments of propaganda; radio, television, motion pictures, and the Internet later joined their ranks. Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes use propaganda to win and keep the support of the populace. In wartime, propaganda directed by a country at its own civilian population and military forces can boost morale; propaganda aimed at the enemy is an element of psychological warfare.

Propaganda - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

So. What is the purpose of an "opinion piece" do you think?'s the definition of "opinion piece":

"Definition of opinion piece in English
opinion piece
Syllabification: (o·pin·ion piece)

  • an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news:an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal predicted the closing of practices to new patients
opinion piece: definition of opinion piece in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

Now, here's the definition of "propaganda"...

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause;
Your opinion piece is a piece of propaganda. The studies (yes I posted two, from two different universities) are not "propaganda". They were actual studies.

Is any of this sinking in, dum dum?

Is it really hard for you to pick up on a point being made? I know what an opinion piece is. I also know what a controlled study put forth by bigots looks like.

And I am just glad you didn't use Wikipedia this time.

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Children with homosexual parents:
Are 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will.

How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study

At this point its like debating a porcupine. You are too slow and stupid to grasp what you are being told but you want to continue to endanger people with your reasoning skills.

What she is being told is wrong, regardless how you whine about it.
Children with homosexual parents:
Are 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will.

How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study

Like I said... It's pretty easy to debunk your studies.

That study was bought and paid for by a right wing think tank that opposes gay marriage.

"The Witherspoon Institute is a conservative think tank in Princeton, New Jersey. The group is opposed to same-sex marriage, embryonic stem cell research, and abortion.[1][2][3]"

Do you think they controlled the study?
Oh! And I made sure I used a Wikipedia link. I know how you love them now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk's the definition of "opinion piece":

"Definition of opinion piece in English
opinion piece
Syllabification: (o·pin·ion piece)

  • an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news:an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal predicted the closing of practices to new patients
opinion piece: definition of opinion piece in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

Now, here's the definition of "propaganda"...

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause;
Your opinion piece is a piece of propaganda. The studies (yes I posted two, from two different universities) are not "propaganda". They were actual studies.

Is any of this sinking in, dum dum?

Is it really hard for you to pick up on a point being made? I know what an opinion piece is. I also know what a controlled study put forth by bigots looks like.

No, you obviously don't. That is not the point you made, and it isn't the case in this argument. The bigots are the loons at APA who insist on putting children in danger by putting out bad studies deliberately skewed to encourage homosexual parenting, and deliberately altered to hide the facts.

The studies by the schools in Louisiana and Texas (two separate studies, by separate groups of people, none of which had a discernible agenda, and both of which employed ethical, open means in their studies...) concurr....the APA hogwash is indeed hogwash, they are incorrect in their conclusions and there is nothing in their materials which can lead them to logically make those conclusions...and in fact, children of homosexual parents are much, much more likely to be molested and forcibly raped than the children of heteros.

But you want to ignore that, I encourage you to foster your kids out to homosexual foster parents.
Oh I can play that game, too.

The fact is, the studies out of the universities can't be challenged.

All you can do is attack the people who made them. If you had a lick of sense, you'd show where the studies are faulty..but you can't. Because there's nothing faulty about them. They're open and straight up.

Unlike the APA's *studies*...

"After looking at quite a few sources I have come to the conclusion that there appears to be a significant amount of either corruption, or incompetence, or more likely both, in the American Psychology Association. This has been indicated in the way that psychology has been studied and presented differently in the academic world than it is in the general public. It has also been indicated by the way the academics have used their research to make decision on major policy issues that aren’t in the best interest of the vast majority of the public. "

Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association - zacherydtaylor - Open Salon
Both James Garbarino and Juliet Schor have stated that the American Psychological Association has considered revising thier ethical standards about whether or not members should be allowed to participate in marketing research that is targeting children. They both also provide a case that most reasonable people would not doubt is wrong yet little or nothing has been done except perhaps for more calls for more research. Susan Linn cited the same attempt to study whether or not the American Psychological Association should regulate ads to children and went one step further; she wrote the following:
“The 1992 Ethical Principles of the American Psychological Association include one titled “Social Responsibility,” which stated, among other things, that psychologists should “apply and make public their knowledge of psychology in order to contribute to human welfare.” I was dismayed; however, to discover that in the new version of the principles, effective June 2003, the APA eliminated that sentence-and the entire Social Responsibility Principle from the document. Unfortunately, there are many from the ranks of our profession who help companies market successfully to children by routinely employing the principles and practices of child psychology-from development theory to diagnostic techniques.”

Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association - zacherydtaylor - Open Salon
"It should also be clear what the purpose of the American Psychological Association is. Presumably it is supposed to have some credibility, it certainly attempts to present itself that way, although I don’t believe a close look at it now indicates that it is completely earned. This is a trade organization essentially run by people within the trade; when ever this happens it is possible that if their decision are made within the association without informed input from the majority of the public that it may reflect the biases of the members. These biases may be affected by the way they’re financed by powerful institutions that influence many of the most important aspects of our lives."

Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association - zacherydtaylor - Open Salon's the definition of "opinion piece":

"Definition of opinion piece in English
opinion piece
Syllabification: (o·pin·ion piece)

  • an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news:an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal predicted the closing of practices to new patients
opinion piece: definition of opinion piece in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

Now, here's the definition of "propaganda"...

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause;
Your opinion piece is a piece of propaganda. The studies (yes I posted two, from two different universities) are not "propaganda". They were actual studies.

Is any of this sinking in, dum dum?

It is way too much information to digest for a brainiac luisa you are talking to ;)
"It should also be clear what the purpose of the American Psychological Association is. Presumably it is supposed to have some credibility, it certainly attempts to present itself that way, although I don’t believe a close look at it now indicates that it is completely earned. This is a trade organization essentially run by people within the trade; when ever this happens it is possible that if their decision are made within the association without informed input from the majority of the public that it may reflect the biases of the members. These biases may be affected by the way they’re financed by powerful institutions that influence many of the most important aspects of our lives."

Corruption or Bias in the American Psychological Association - zacherydtaylor - Open Salon

APA is not taken more seriously than motherjones.
"I just put the name in my google phone and I click on the first link that comes up and whatever it says, I believe!"
"I am a devoted acolyte of PP, the APA, the Kinsey Institute, the CDC and Huffington Post! If it doesn't come from them, then it just ain't so!"
"I am a devoted acolyte of PP, the APA, the Kinsey Institute, the CDC and Huffington Post! If it doesn't come from them, then it just ain't so!"


yep. applicable to those leftard dumbos.

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