Al Gore and pundits: Obama lost because the Denver altitude made him feel "off"...


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Really? the altitude? God Libtards love to make excuses.

[ame=]Al Gore Blames Denver for Obama debate loss - YouTube[/ame]
Obiedoodle doesn't seem to have too much trouble flying around in AF1, which, if it's like most airliners, flies with a cabin pressure of 7,000 feet.
I remember Al Gore....didn't he invent the internet?

Yep he's smart enough to start a company to make money off people's guilt to "save" the planet and then tell them the planet is in huge trouble...and he'll help em out.....I love that

but he's pretty stupid in most Oddball said...the OPrez flies in Airforce one ALOT and is used to altitude ;)
Al...that excuse may work after a football team loses, but not after a presidential debate.

Now go soak your head.
Altitude? Did he really just blame it on Altitude? Wow, now I’ve heard it all. LMAO

I guess next time they better keep the debates at sea level.
I remember Al Gore....didn't he invent the internet?

In hindsight, kind of stupid of him. He invented the means to his own superfluousness.

(I have been waiting to use that word somewhere. Thanks Al!)

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Oh my, I am truly at a loss for words on this one. And those of you who know me realize how rare it is when I don't rant on endlessly. LOL
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i've had obama altitude sickness, not like chris matthews though. and the benz.

to obama: next time send in sephanie cutter.
Hmmm, Mitt didn't seem to have any problem. I guess it doesn't affect everyone, only those who need an excuse for their sorry performance.
It's like Algore was sitting around and asking: "How can I marginalize myself even more than I already am?" :lol:
I believe the last Presidential Debate is in Boca Raton, Florida, I will go on record now and say that if the outcome is the same as last night, Al Gore will blame the loss on hanging chads.... no just kidding, he will blame it on the humidity.
Is Gore being paid by the Romney camp? Or is he just that much of an idiot?

Wait, guess that was a silly question....

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