Al-Qaeda Loses an Iraqi Friend

yes, a cleric that ALSO says that RSR's solution to Iraq is just as unnaccptable.

did you want to let me know why you dont mind criticising me for trolling the thread but will totally ignore RSR doing the same thing?

are my sweeping generalizations not broad enough?

in this thread I noticed only you going away from the subject, stop pointing finger and be accountable for the moment. I'd actually like to hear what is own your mind but you mask a punch of insults behin every post. why is that necessary?
in this thread I noticed only you going away from the subject, stop pointing finger and be accountable for the moment. I'd actually like to hear what is own your mind but you mask a punch of insults behin every post. why is that necessary?

Because he is an idiot?
Because he is an idiot?

no not at all, they may think we think that. But I'm giving the benifit of the doubt on this one. There may be a shread of decent material in the person. I mean we all know they are experts in about every subject, but I wonder where the personal experience is to make a personal opinon about the expert subjects? They think I'm in ka-hoots with you and that ain't so, but who knew right?
in this thread I noticed only you going away from the subject, stop pointing finger and be accountable for the moment. I'd actually like to hear what is own your mind but you mask a punch of insults behin every post. why is that necessary?


because you people ignore the vile ranting of RSR's sweeping stereotypes and liberal demonization and then POUNCE the second someone feeds his own shit back to him. Point in case.. ive NEVER seen gunny step up and deal with the constant cut and pasting of newsmax articles until people on my side of the fence started rattling the cage. ive NEVER seen gunny say anything about RSR shitting on a thread with 50 posts of "liberals are evil, they eat babies"-level posts in damn near any thread he touches.

Go ask gunny to dig up my very first attempt to post on this board and see what kind of a response it attracted from the likes of people like RSR. Hell, on my other board IM the libertarian who bats down liberal ideas all the time... but hearing RSR in any given thread....

what can I say... it was fun to hand to him his own shit today..

mod as you all feel necessary.
no not at all, they may think we think that. But I'm giving the benifit of the doubt on this one. There may be a shread of decent material in the person. I mean we all know they are experts in about every subject, but I wonder where the personal experience is to make a personal opinon about the expert subjects? They think I'm in ka-hoots with you and that ain't so, but who knew right?

indeed, you suggest as much every time you pounce on a lib for doing exactly what you look the other way when done by RSR...

point in case, RSR just resorted to an ad hominem... but I dont see you rebuking such... kinda like he's your teams lil pet monkey....
no not at all, they may think we think that. But I'm giving the benifit of the doubt on this one. There may be a shread of decent material in the person. I mean we all know they are experts in about every subject, but I wonder where the personal experience is to make a personal opinon about the expert subjects? They think I'm in ka-hoots with you and that ain't so, but who knew right?

When a liberal wants your opinion they will tell it to you

That is all the personal experience they have
because you people
You got a set of balls on you! Because I have conservative views puts me in this group? What a crock of shit, I've been nice and treated you more fair than you deserve via the post in replys to me in return. Don't mistake goodness for weakness! Quit looking for a fight, come to the table and sell me on the democratic ways with a answer to something instead of quoting other peoples shit. You have the brain and capability to do that, when I don't I give my opinion that is my way soemtimes. And it ain't up to your standards don't reply back to me.
You got a set of balls on you! Because I have conservative views puts me in this group? What a crock of shit, I've been nice and treated you more fair than you deserve via the post in replys to me in return. Don't mistake goodness for weakness! Quit looking for a fight, come to the table and sell me on the democratic ways with a answer to something instead of quoting other peoples shit. You have the brain and capability to do that, when I don't I give my opinion that is my way soemtimes. And it ain't up to your standards don't reply back to me.

Shogun must be one of the many libs suffering from PEST


and a dose of Bush Derangement Syndrome tossed in for good measure
You got a set of balls on you! Because I have conservative views puts me in this group? What a crock of shit, I've been nice and treated you more fair than you deserve via the post in replys to me in return. Don't mistake goodness for weakness! Quit looking for a fight, come to the table and sell me on the democratic ways with a answer to something instead of quoting other peoples shit. You have the brain and capability to do that, when I don't I give my opinion that is my way soemtimes. And it ain't up to your standards don't reply back to me.

would you care to look at, and comment on, RSRs post directly ABOVE and BELOW yours? Praytell, would you care to spank the team monkey or is it more funy to watch him toss poo around the thread and hide behind your leg?

why does it become a sin when a non-conservative broken record does it?

Ive stated above that it is hilarious that RSR will post that a muslim cleric who talks shit on both alqueda AND the US military somehow becomes a friend lost to LIBERALS. If autonomy takes hold then great. Take as much time rubbing my liberal nose in it as you need to take... I still find the selective condemnation of thread trolling rather transparent.
I was just wondering because I've noticed that too, but far be it from me to really know that. And that is why I asked the question that you actually answered unlike some other posters.

Here is another friend AQ lost


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