Al Qaeda tells followers only to target whites

Amen, say 5 hail marries and pass me a joint of incense with your weekly personal check please
How did you become so ignorant regarding Christianity? Is it practiced or are you just a natural talent?
Al Qaeda Urges Lone Wolf Terrorists to Target White Americans, Cites a Specific Reason

In a recent memo to their followers, Al Qaeda said to only attack whites and not minorities in the US.

Then the left can get 100% behind them.

It is rumored that the shooter in Orlando told a few blacks that he had nothing against them. his mistake, though, was targeting gays.

Ironically, Al Qeada's alleged obsession with race mirrors the American Rightwing, which also refuses to judge people as individuals, but instead chooses intellectually lazy generalizations like "Mexicans" or "Muslims" or "Gays".

Tragically, both Al Qeada and the American Right benefit from the politics of demonization where whole cultures, races or religions are blamed for the actions of a minority of radicals. By turning this into a "war for civilization", the American Right has a context for oil intervention and defense budgets, and Al Qaeda gets an "evil enemy" that can be used to scare moderate Muslims into moving the Middle East Right, so they can keep their world from modernizing and evolving out of their barbaric, anachronistic religion/traditions.

Both Trump and Al Qaeda use fear to grow their own political power.

There are collectivists on both the right and left. Both are in love with big government who also use race as a tool and I'm not much of a fan of Trump either.
or religion

collectivism incarnate, pass the collection plate after we all chant our spells

Constantine hijacked Christianity, even though he was not even a Christian. He turned it into a collectivist tool for conquest. That is when you got the Crusades you hear Obama harp about in comparison to Islam today.

However, today Christianity has largely stripped away statism, except for maybe the Pope getting up and preaching about global warming and the need for more government redistribution etc. Conversely, Islam demands that church and state be one. That is why they are comparable today to the Crusades of a time gone by which was started by Constantine.

Religion and statism is perhaps the most deadly of combinations.

There's no such thing as CHRISTIANITY and statism combined. Sorry.
And it is working. They target anti-immigration rallies, then they attend as "anti-racism" protesters. They then attack the anti-immigration protesters (who are identified by the complicit media as militants and/or racists) and instead of having to report that MUSLIMS are violently attacking and stabbing people, the press reports that ANTI-RACISTS are winning the day.
Al Qaeda has been mostly left in tatters, and his been supplanted by ISIS. I think they're just hoping to be able to claim credit for any old lunatic who goes postal, to try creating the illusion that they're the preferred brand for whack jobs to join.

I think the left is creating a racist jihad against white conservatives, much like the IRS has declared jihad against them under Obama.

Even stupider. That, I can tell you.
You know what alqueda is talking about ? Charleston shooting . Because it's was blacks targeted , and a white shooter, the right wingers refuse to call it a terror attack.
You know what alqueda is talking about ? Charleston shooting . Because it's was blacks targeted , and a white shooter, the right wingers refuse to call it a terror attack.
It was a Democrat shooter and the Obama regime that refuses to call it a terrorist attack, dummy.
And it is working. They target anti-immigration rallies, then they attend as "anti-racism" protesters. They then attack the anti-immigration protesters (who are identified by the complicit media as militants and/or racists) and instead of having to report that MUSLIMS are violently attacking and stabbing people, the press reports that ANTI-RACISTS are winning the day.
Check this out:

Protest staged in militant muslim neighborhood...all the muslims who attack them are referred to as "anti-racism protesters".

"police held around 10 anti-racist activists who had assembled near the bourse, where flowers, candles and flags have been laid in memory of the 32 victims of the March 22 suicide bombings at the city's airport and metro.

"Belgian television later showed some 30 far-right marchers in an outer suburb of the Belgian capital, holding a banner reading "This is our country"."

They use the terms "anti-racists" and "youths" to describe the hundreds of men who arrived on scene to attack the cops and the "far right" protesters.
Protest staged in militant muslim neighborhood...all the muslims who attack them are referred to as "anti-racism protesters".

"police held around 10 anti-racist activists who had assembled near the bourse, where flowers, candles and flags have been laid in memory of the 32 victims of the March 22 suicide bombings at the city's airport and metro.

"Belgian television later showed some 30 far-right marchers in an outer suburb of the Belgian capital, holding a banner reading "This is our country"."

They use the terms "anti-racists" and "youths" to describe the hundreds of men who arrived on scene to attack the cops and the "far right" protesters.

Anti-racism = anti-white racism
You know what alqueda is talking about ? Charleston shooting . Because it's was blacks targeted , and a white shooter, the right wingers refuse to call it a terror attack.
It was a Democrat shooter and the Obama regime that refuses to call it a terrorist attack, dummy.

liar .

Find me one conservative calling it a terror attack .
Al Qaeda Urges Lone Wolf Terrorists to Target White Americans, Cites a Specific Reason

In a recent memo to their followers, Al Qaeda said to only attack whites and not minorities in the US.

Then the left can get 100% behind them.

It is rumored that the shooter in Orlando told a few blacks that he had nothing against them. his mistake, though, was targeting gays.

Ironically, Al Qeada's alleged obsession with race mirrors the American Rightwing, which also refuses to judge people as individuals, but instead chooses intellectually lazy generalizations like "Mexicans" or "Muslims" or "Gays".

Tragically, both Al Qeada and the American Right benefit from the politics of demonization where while cultures, races or religions are blamed for the actions of a minority of radicals. By turning this into a "war for civilization", the American Right has a context for oil intervention and defense budgets, and Al Qaeda gets an "evil enemy" that can be used to scare moderate Muslims into moving the Middle East toward the Right, so they can keep their world from modernizing and evolving out of their barbaric, anachronistic religion/traditions.

Both Trump and Al Qaeda use fear to grow their own political power.

There is something you need to realize, world wide Islamic terrorism is a problem.

Islamic terrorists are like pit bulls. Not every dog attack is a pit bull, but if you hear of one, 9 times out of 10 it is a pit bull attack.

Deal with it.

I almost agree with this, but I think both Christianity and Islam are based on barbaric, pre-modern texts. The sanctified violence and sexism in the Old Testament is laughable when considered as a sacred moral document.

Just as Reagan made appeals to religion/conservatism/tradition to fool people into actualizing a political movement that was essentially economic (lower taxes and regulations), the heads of Al Qeada are using religion to convince stupid people to become literal weapons in a war to remove Western outsiders from their politics and natural resources.

Here is why it's hard to have this conversation with someone who has never studied the region's history but gets news from partisan, political sources. Because you don't know anything about how the USA and Russia turned the region into a Cold War chessboard, with each superpower funding terrorist proxies in order to cause trouble for the other. This is why Reagan funded and trained early Al Qaeda (called the Mujahideen) in Afghanistan. He was trying to trap and thereby bankrupt the Russians there, so he got in bed with terrorists because they served a wider agenda.

This was the same reason we replaced the popular Mosedeq (in Iran) with the brutal Shaw - because we wanted a leader who would play ball with British and U.S. Energy needs.

Problem is, when you make terrorist stronger - by directly funding them or removing popular leaders, which, in Iran, gave power to homegrown, nativist radicals - it becomes harder to ignore your role in the outcome.

This is not to remove blame from evil doers, but it is to say that it's hard to take seriously people who've never studied our long, complicated history in the region.

I'm all for killing the bad guys, but Bush taught us that the act of simply dropping bombs until freedom sprouts is going to create exactly the kind of instability and resentment that enables ISIS to rise.
Looks like Al Qaeda has figured out killing Latinos and homos is counterproductive.

"Too many US Southerners have been sending us postcards thanking us."

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