Al Queda Ready to Blow World Up Today. Meanwhile....

So we're going to close down America? THAT'S THE PLAN ??

I haven't seen or heard of any "plan" to "shut down America."

What I commented on was the odd number of members posting their preconceived ASSumptions that the news of the latest al qaeda threat "is" bogus.

I posted 2 links ( and simply tons more) ala the 2000's where in bush was accused of using fear of terrorism to ratchet up sppt..but nitwits like Nuttly and the rest, now? its all systems go!! we must shut down a slew of embassies closing shoppe across what 15 Muslim countries ( but on the last anniversary of 911, well bengahzi consulate? naaaaah, biz as usual :rolleyes) ...becasue....terrorism! and if you say nary a word...well, you're not onboard, you're an asshole against the president....:lol:


Look. It's easy for me. I think President Obama is a fucking moron.

On the other hand, like it or not, the people (and the electoral college) DID put him into that Office. So, he IS the President. And right now, the government has a duty to try to thwart the efforts of shitbags like al qaeda.

So, I will not say diddly shit in opposition to a program I support (like the NSA Surveillance program) just because I dislike the incumbent. I WANT him to do his job. And it appears to me that (largely BECAUSE of such programs) he is attempting to do just that.

So, I will not pretend to criticize the guy when I actually support his efforts for a change. He is doing (it appears ) what I believe he OUGHT to be doing.

Good for President Obama.

And, uhm, thank you, Mr. President. Keep up the good work in that regard.
It wasn't true was it?

What a shame that the friends and families of eembassy personnel were so needlessy worried so that it looks like obama was doing something.
The days almost over.....they blow the world up yet?
It's not my fault that I know more about foreign policy and U.S. history than you. Pay attention and you might learn something.

Just last week, according to you, I was an anti-Semite because I do not support Israel, and this week a commie because I don not support endless wars for empire. What will I be next week?

I can school you all day long but you'll eventually bring out your labels to sidetrack a conversation that you're sure to lose.

If you can't handle the truth then go back to your plastic existence and believe what is more comfortable for you, but if you want a pragmatic viewpoint of the world that surrounds you then I can give you a truthful, no bullshit run down.

And if you don't believe anything I'm attempting to impress upon you then I suggest you examine for yourself what happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union and how the United States acted after that time.

:lol: Okay, so tell me where this wealth of information of your's comes from? Anybody who's read my work here knows where I got what I know about you clue us in to your experience in what really goes down out there? And get a clue....calling the USA "imperialistic" and guilty of "hegemony" ain't gonna endear you to any on the right here....we know those words and remember where we first heard them from. Now get busy with your bonafides on espionage and conspiracy theories for us.....I think you're just a wild-hair who enjoys mixing explosive ingredients together to piss people off...prove me wrong, cowpoke. :eusa_eh:

I'm not here to make friends with "right wingers" even though I am a "right winger". Your cliques do not interest me.

Conspiracy theories? I don't believe I've presented any.

And my "wealth" of information comes from years of study. I read well for a "cowpoke". I like to understand how the world really works instead of running around like a sheep tuned into faux news or the commie news network.

So what are right wing policies that America should be interested in?:popcorn:
Considering what Republican policies have done to this country since Reagan, anyone from the outside might think al Qaeda and Republicans are working together.
this has got to be one the most hideous lies of the century, especially since demoncRAT Bubba Clintoon allowed 20 terrorists (maybe more, who knows ??) into this country to learn how to fly big airplanes into tall buildings, if there is any collusion, it lies in the lap of demoncRATS :up:

so suck it up liberals :lmao:
I will be glad soon as I gage the depth of your ignorance of the End-Time Movement.
is your breakfast made up of dog puke ? or cat shit ? the gage and depth of your stupidity is much deeper than the Kansas sink hole :up:
The days almost over.....they blow the world up yet?

Did they say it would be done on any one day?

Why must you be so disrespectful of the President and his Administration?

It's because he's black, apparently. More of your stock and typical left wing racist bullshit.

Thanks.....that's good news for all the Conservatives praying for a major attack
OK, I'm not exactly a huge fan of Fearless Leader myself (although I've voted for him, twice) but I'm also not sure exactly what Obumble is supposed to be doing differently than what is already being done.

The Feds have closed-up our Embassies worldwide for a few days and we've put ourselves on a heightened state of alert in selected places and we're pushing our so-called allies for more intel and we're undertaking additional recon and intel-gathering ops ourselves and some of our fast-response assets are prepositioned about as well as we can without knowing exactly when-and-where, and, I'm sure, Fearless Leader is getting periodic updates each day on the subject, and it would not be seemly for so visible a public figure to be SEEN as altering his schedule and activities for those creeps, so...

What more is expected, realistically speaking?
The days almost over.....they blow the world up yet?

Did they say it would be done on any one day?

Why must you be so disrespectful of the President and his Administration?

It's because he's black, apparently. More of your stock and typical left wing racist bullshit.

Thanks.....that's good news for all the Conservatives praying for a major attack

No no. It is you idiot liberals who detest America. Thus, it is the morons on your end of the political spectrum who favor a successful attack against America.

Meanwhile, the fact that al qaeda may be ready to attempt some new spectacular doesn't mean tht they WILL attempt to perform that deed "today."

Possibly, the fact that Administration (i.e., by its use of the USA PATRIOT Act and the NSA Surveillance program) reported the threat and acted to prevent it from succeeding MIGHT have persuaded the al qaeda filth to pull back. Maybe the interference CAUSED them to wait.

Why can't you filthy racist liberals give Obama any credit? Is your unthinking hatred of black people THAT deep, at ALL times? Apparently so.
Did they say it would be done on any one day?

Why must you be so disrespectful of the President and his Administration?

It's because he's black, apparently. More of your stock and typical left wing racist bullshit.

Thanks.....that's good news for all the Conservatives praying for a major attack

No no. It is you idiot liberals who detest America. Thus, it is the morons on your end of the political spectrum who favor a successful attack against America.

Meanwhile, the fact that al qaeda may be ready to attempt some new spectacular doesn't mean tht they WILL attempt to perform that deed "today."

Possibly, the fact that Administration (i.e., by its use of the USA PATRIOT Act and the NSA Surveillance program) reported the threat and acted to prevent it from succeeding MIGHT have persuaded the al qaeda filth to pull back. Maybe the interference CAUSED them to wait.

Why can't you filthy racist liberals give Obama any credit? Is your unthinking hatred of black people THAT deep, at ALL times? Apparently so.

Why do you think that all of this is racist? The fact that AlQaeda is about to raise its ugly head against us is a sign that it can, that they hate us, and nothing has changed in the time he has been president although he claimed time after time that it had. It is simple as that.

It has nothing to do with what color the president is. It has all to do with the fact that America knows, and he knows that nothing has changed and this time, thank God, he is acknowledging it and doing something about it, and not playing games. We thank him for that. Good for you, Mr. President. No Benghazi this time.
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Thanks.....that's good news for all the Conservatives praying for a major attack

No no. It is you idiot liberals who detest America. Thus, it is the morons on your end of the political spectrum who favor a successful attack against America.

Meanwhile, the fact that al qaeda may be ready to attempt some new spectacular doesn't mean tht they WILL attempt to perform that deed "today."

Possibly, the fact that Administration (i.e., by its use of the USA PATRIOT Act and the NSA Surveillance program) reported the threat and acted to prevent it from succeeding MIGHT have persuaded the al qaeda filth to pull back. Maybe the interference CAUSED them to wait.

Why can't you filthy racist liberals give Obama any credit? Is your unthinking hatred of black people THAT deep, at ALL times? Apparently so.

Why do you think that all of this is racist? The fact that AlQaeda is about to raise its ugly head against us is a sign that it can, that they hate us, and nothing has changed in the time he has been president although he claimed time after time that it had. It is simple as that.

It has nothing to do with what color the president is. It has all to do with the fact that America knows, and he knows that nothing has changed and this time, thank God, he is acknowledging it and doing something about it, and not playing games. We thank him for that. Good for you, Mr. President. No Benghazi this time.

I didn't say anything about "all of this" being racist.

I am just asserting that the unreasoned hatred of Obama by shit-stains like leftwhiner HAS to be founded in the fact that Obama is black. leftwhiner is a far left wing fubar liberal. If he cannot give the incumbent, a decidedly left wing President, ANY credit and if he even attacks the President for allowing warnings about al qaeda threats to be disseminated, then it is apparent that leftwhiner is simply a racist pig dog.
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obama wants the world to know that Al Quaeda had us on the run, now we're cowering under the bed.

Unless he made the whole thing up. That's entirely possible too.
OR, the President is actually taking measured reasonable steps to warn us of the latest intel regarding the plots and plans of al qaeda while taking some steps to deflect and disrupt their efforts (maybe while seeking to take them down a whole lot harder?); and this is what he is supposed to be doing?

I don't much support almost anything Obama, but why should it be so fucking impossible to even give the devil his due?

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