Ala. loses workers as immigration law takes effect

not saying there wasn't a drug raid but he has NO FN DRUG CHARGES AGAINST HIM..what part of that did you somehow miss? The charge of interference with a government operation came from the man demanding the search warrant....

Are you inbred or something? Where did I say there were 'FN DRUG CHARGES AGAINST HIM'? Please show me that post, because I think I missed it.

Your source doesn't state that. Got a link?
GHook, there aren't really that many illegal immigrants in Alabama the ones that are there are mostly agricultural workers.

Yeah, what border states have an illegal immigrant problem?


You retards are a crackup...
really are you sure about that? Tell that to the Gadsden, Alabama man who was ARRESTED because some idiot assumed he was illegal..turns out he is a US

so the first person to be detained under the law turns out to be a US citizen..interesting...and you wonder why minorities are leaving Alabama if they aren't illegal..this is why.

{The Etowah County Sheriff’s Department apprehended three men from Yemen during a drug raid Friday. One produced papers showing he had become a citizen. The second had a work visa. But the third man, who was accused of obstructing a government operation, could not produce any records and was held in jail.

Etowah County officials said Monday an attorney for 24-year-old Mohamed Ali Muflahi later produced papers showing he had legal status.}

So let's review - it was a DRUG raid, not enforcement of the new law, and the people arrested were ARABS, not Mexicans...

You're such a fucking liar - which we all knew already...
Sounds like there are job opportunities there now. Look for a decrease in the unemployment rate for AL.
really are you sure about that? Tell that to the Gadsden, Alabama man who was ARRESTED because some idiot assumed he was illegal..turns out he is a US

so the first person to be detained under the law turns out to be a US citizen..interesting...and you wonder why minorities are leaving Alabama if they aren't illegal..this is why.

{The Etowah County Sheriff’s Department apprehended three men from Yemen during a drug raid Friday. One produced papers showing he had become a citizen. The second had a work visa. But the third man, who was accused of obstructing a government operation, could not produce any records and was held in jail.

Etowah County officials said Monday an attorney for 24-year-old Mohamed Ali Muflahi later produced papers showing he had legal status.}

So let's review - it was a DRUG raid, not enforcement of the new law, and the people arrested were ARABS, not Mexicans...

You're such a fucking liar - which we all knew already...
In all fairness to Xchel (reading comprehension challenges she faces not withstanding), she never claimed the guy was Mexican.

Other than that, you're spot on.
It will certainly be interesting to see if the employers pony up and start paying wages that will attract Americans.

Without the illegals in there they wont have much of a choice but to pony up the money to attract and hire Americans, which is the way it should have been a long time ago.,
It will certainly be interesting to see if the employers pony up and start paying wages that will attract Americans.

I will certainly be interesting to see if American workers pony up and start working instead of living off the government. Funny, in Georgia crops are ruining but unemployment is over 10%. 99 weeks is a long time.

True story.
Red staters don't want to work, apparently.

Blue staters marching on wall street dont either, apparently.
GHook, there aren't really that many illegal immigrants in Alabama the ones that are there are mostly agricultural workers.

I dont care if it's just 1 illegal, he is still illegal and needs deported. We are a nation of laws.
Naturegirl, in Alabama and Georgia they put those check points in Hispanic areas not in white areas. That is the problem. If they were putting them at random it would not be racially get caught up in the check perhaps because you either live in an area that is mostly Hispanic or because you drive through an area that is. Hispanics that are legal or citizens should not be harrassed for their skin color yet lots of people assume that we are not legal.

It's not profiling if Whites/Blacks and hispanics all drive through that area, just because it has a higher concentration of hispanics means nothing. That and if it's a known honey hole for illegals, it is justified. You wouldn't try to hunt down a Mexican drug cartel ring in Canada would you? No, you would go to where they are and hunt them down. "Not saying there is not one in canada, but I think you get the point".
Undocumented immigrants enter our country to escape poverty, not to become criminals. The criminals are those who employ them, who exploit labor and defraud the taxpayer by not paying payroll taxes and living wages. Those farmers in the link who whine about losing their crop and income have violated the law for years.

The answer is comprehensive immigration reform, something the criminal business element wants to avoid. Very simply, The Congress must recognize the problem, not exploit it for partisan gain, and create a process where farmers can legally hire immigrants for seasonal work.

Full-time permanent employment must be more fully restricted as long as our country has high unemployment; the devil is in the details but one important detail is to make the employer pay in terms of fines and jail time. It makes no sense not to enforce our laws and it is unjust to punish the employee and not the employer.

Undocumented = Illegal.
We are a nation of laws, and that's all that needs to be said. Either you are in favor of enforcing our laws, or you are not. You dont get to pick and choose which ones you like and which ones you dont like to enforce, if they are a law, then they need to be enforced.
Why is it we are not 'supposed' to be the worlds police, but we are 'expected' to be the worlds nanny?

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