Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

What the pin heads can't understand, even if alabama stopped all marriages , people who get married outside of alabama and move back in are married in the eyes of the law

In the eyes of the law, but not God. Big difference.
And you are the authority regarding what is in the heart of G-d?
Have you a transcript of your last, personal conversation with G-d?
The civil law of government is subservient to the Constitution.
Oh, so unless the religion follows the tenets of Christianity, it is a cult? LMAO! Oh that would be fun to watch you try to do.

Yep... That's about the size of it. A religion serves God... A cult serves its own subjective needs, which is a manifestation of evil.

You're free to believe otherwise, but before this is over, that ain't going to mean much. A line has been crossed and you have not even begun to understand what that means.

We'll not be 'trying' anything... we will be doing. And we look for ward to your contest. We actually prefer it when evil struggles. Because it drags it out... makes it last longer.

I guess that whole idea of freedom of religion is only good when it is your religion? Nice.

No, you and your ilk will not do anything. You'll make noise for a little while. And then you will quietly go along with the rules. And in 50 years you will claim you were part of the force that gained gays access to marriage.

Yes, Freedom of religion... Not Freedom of Cults.

You feel that the two words are meaningless, that they are as a consequence interchangeable. Which is just another delicious example of the evil that animates the Ideological Left, being WRONG.

You also feel that there is a limitless amount of patience, wherein you can string one long train of abuse after another against a patient, peaceful people and that they will simply lay there and take it... eaving th offenders immune from justice.

LOL! You're one strike two Rufus... GET READY! See the spin... Don't let the next one by ya... because what's next is you demand to legalize the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification and there isn't a dam thing that you can do to stop it.

Now here's the coolest part of this: You may not be a person who advocates for such, but you are now 100% fully vested in the machine that long ago established that goal and is only one move away from having achieved it... and at the crossing of that line, there will be no power on earth that will spare you from bearing full responsibility for it.

Batter UP Kunta, shits about to get REAL!
See the issue is that while you dont agree with him you also dont accept that he has a right to those beliefs.
You can't read very well, can you?
I clearly stated that I Do respect his right to believe what he will.
Are you OK with a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.

The baker clearly is entitled to their beliefs, they aren't necessarily entitled to act on them. You open a business to the public, you don't get to decide who the public is.
LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/
The Cult of Keys' Delusion continues.

He is not an authority on natural law or God, for he understands neither personally nor philosophically.

When he cites himself, he is just adorable.
You can't read very well, can you?
I clearly stated that I Do respect his right to believe what he will.
Are you OK with a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.

The baker clearly is entitled to their beliefs, they aren't necessarily entitled to act on them. You open a business to the public, you don't get to decide who the public is.
LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/

Your beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) that doesn't mean if I owned a restaurant I have the right to refuse service to them.
You can't read very well, can you?
I clearly stated that I Do respect his right to believe what he will.
Are you OK with a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.

The baker clearly is entitled to their beliefs, they aren't necessarily entitled to act on them. You open a business to the public, you don't get to decide who the public is.
LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/
Your beliefs dont mean squat to anyone else but you unless there is a consensus.
Yea I was alive back then. I was a Kennedy Democrat who supported the civil rights movement. Not a conservative who supported Jim Crow laws, racial segregation or participated in lynchings.

Liberals did not belong to the KKK...that is the sole property of conservatives from both parties.

Isn't it wonderful how delusion just sews itself in and out of reality.

Americans (Conservatives) did not and DO NOT oppose Rights for Black People...

We recognize that Black people have the same rights that we have... we simply did not support the idea that THE GOVERNMENT IS EMPOWERED TO GIVE RIGHTS TO ANYONE.

Which is what the "Civil Rights" do... the idea is that Black people owe their rights to the government.

That was wrong in the mid 60s, it's wrong today and it will always be wrong, because Black people have ALWAYS had the same rights as everyone else. They simply were not provided the means to exercise those rights because SOME PEOPLE felt that THEIR OWN SUBJECTIVE NEEDS SUPERSEDED THE RIGHTS OF THOSE BLACK PEOPLE.

Now... today, at this very moment there are human beings RIGHT HERE IN THE US, who are without a voice, who possess no means to defend themselves and are so innocent that they have never committed a single offense against anyone, never said a negative word against anyone and whose very existence is predicated upon the trustworthiness of ONE PERSON.

That person is their own mother.

Now... of the two competing sets of Ideas; That of the Ideological Left which rejects the very existence of "Objectivity" wherein HUMAN RIGHTS were discovered, or that of the Philosophical Right, which observes, recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO the laws of nature that govern human behavior... all of which rest upon the premise which our founding fathers declared: All men are created equal ... that 'we are endowed by our Creator with certain, inalienable rights ... '. These principles declared through the Charter of American Principle, which ITSELF is WHOLLY REJECTED BY THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT AS BEING EVEN RELEVANT TO "MODERN AMERICA"...

Which would you say is entrenched today behind the IDEA that THE MOTHER OF MOST INNOCENT, WHOLLY DEFENSELESS HUMAN LIFE HAS "THE RIGHT" TO KILL IT... if that life represents an inconvenience to her subjective needs. And what's more, she can willfully engage in sexual intercourse as often as she wants and kill as many of her children as she dam' well pleases and that is because of: THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT, OKA: The Democrats, Independent, Moderate, Liberal, Progressive, Socialists... AKA: The Communists.




Now friends and Readers... IF a people will murder their own children, what would it be that would prohibit those same people from killin' your black ass, either quickly by rope or slowly by a life of servitude, or BOTH? And by what delusion would a sane person trust such a people, whose subjective needs, sets you and your race or your sexual kink as temporally 'needed'?

This is proof that somebody should have been on birth control.


Wow~ Those sort of posts usually take quite a while before the concessions start pouring in.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Yes, I do and yes, I've read your bible.
I am not, nor ever have been a Christian. I respect your right to believe what you will. That doesn't mean I accept your beliefs.
See the issue is that while you dont agree with him you also dont accept that he has a right to those beliefs.
You can't read very well, can you?
I clearly stated that I Do respect his right to believe what he will.
Are you OK with a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.
I'm certain you believe you responded with logic and intelligence.
In truth, you didn't reply to my post at all. You simply wrote to attack me because I do not agree with you.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling
Does this mean they approve is shacking up?
Yea I was alive back then. I was a Kennedy Democrat who supported the civil rights movement. Not a conservative who supported Jim Crow laws, racial segregation or participated in lynchings.

Liberals did not belong to the KKK...that is the sole property of conservatives from both parties.

Isn't it wonderful how delusion just sews itself in and out of reality.

Americans (Conservatives) did not and DO NOT oppose Rights for Black People...

We recognize that Black people have the same rights that we have... we simply did not support the idea that THE GOVERNMENT IS EMPOWERED TO GIVE RIGHTS TO ANYONE.

Which is what the "Civil Rights" do... the idea is that Black people owe their rights to the government.

That was wrong in the mid 60s, it's wrong today and it will always be wrong, because Black people have ALWAYS had the same rights as everyone else. They simply were not provided the means to exercise those rights because SOME PEOPLE felt that THEIR OWN SUBJECTIVE NEEDS SUPERSEDED THE RIGHTS OF THOSE BLACK PEOPLE.

Now... today, at this very moment there are human beings RIGHT HERE IN THE US, who are without a voice, who possess no means to defend themselves and are so innocent that they have never committed a single offense against anyone, never said a negative word against anyone and whose very existence is predicated upon the trustworthiness of ONE PERSON.

That person is their own mother.

Now... of the two competing sets of Ideas; That of the Ideological Left which rejects the very existence of "Objectivity" wherein HUMAN RIGHTS were discovered, or that of the Philosophical Right, which observes, recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO the laws of nature that govern human behavior... all of which rest upon the premise which our founding fathers declared: All men are created equal ... that 'we are endowed by our Creator with certain, inalienable rights ... '. These principles declared through the Charter of American Principle, which ITSELF is WHOLLY REJECTED BY THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT AS BEING EVEN RELEVANT TO "MODERN AMERICA"...

Which would you say is entrenched today behind the IDEA that THE MOTHER OF MOST INNOCENT, WHOLLY DEFENSELESS HUMAN LIFE HAS "THE RIGHT" TO KILL IT... if that life represents an inconvenience to her subjective needs. And what's more, she can willfully engage in sexual intercourse as often as she wants and kill as many of her children as she dam' well pleases and that is because of: THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT, OKA: The Democrats, Independent, Moderate, Liberal, Progressive, Socialists... AKA: The Communists.




Now friends and Readers... IF a people will murder their own children, what would it be that would prohibit those same people from killin' your black ass, either quickly by rope or slowly by a life of servitude, or BOTH? And by what delusion would a sane person trust such a people, whose subjective needs, sets you and your race or your sexual kink as temporally 'needed'?

This is proof that somebody should have been on birth control.


Wow~ Those sort of posts usually take quite a while before the concessions start pouring in.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Yep, after reading the same thing over and over again, it's still jibberish bullshit.
Are you OK with a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.

The baker clearly is entitled to their beliefs, they aren't necessarily entitled to act on them. You open a business to the public, you don't get to decide who the public is.
LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/

Your beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) that doesn't mean if I owned a restaurant I have the right to refuse service to them.
Yup. Your beliefs are fine. But Biden help you if you try to act on them and follow them.
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.

The baker clearly is entitled to their beliefs, they aren't necessarily entitled to act on them. You open a business to the public, you don't get to decide who the public is.
LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/

Your beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) that doesn't mean if I owned a restaurant I have the right to refuse service to them.
Yup. Your beliefs are fine. But Biden help you if you try to act on them and follow them.
What happens besides being fined or going to jail?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.

The baker clearly is entitled to their beliefs, they aren't necessarily entitled to act on them. You open a business to the public, you don't get to decide who the public is.
LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/

Your beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) that doesn't mean if I owned a restaurant I have the right to refuse service to them.
Yup. Your beliefs are fine. But Biden help you if you try to act on them and follow them.

My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.
... I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) ...

You literally DO believe that and much WORSE. You simply lack the strength of character to recognize that.

Your beliefs include that you possess THE RIGHT, to murder human life that YOU CONCEIVED THROUGH YOUR OWN WILLFUL ACTIONS... and for which you are WHOLLY and SOLELY RESPONSIBLE... to tear the limbs from your own child.

You are what is by every conceivable perspective: A MONSTER; you are manifest EVIL!

There is no protections provided in reason, thus none found in the US Constitution, for evil.

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