Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

Yup. Your beliefs are fine. But Biden help you if you try to act on them and follow them.

My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.
LOL! You are a hypocrite.

Nothing hypocritical about it.
oF course it is.
You think your beliefs are worthy, someone who disagrees with you isnt entitled to any meaningful expression of those beliefs.

I said nothing of the sort.

Let's go back to the beginning Einstein.

1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

2) I could believe that all Right wing Christian fuckwads deserve to starve to death. That does not mean I have the right to refuse service to them in my restaurant.

Where is the hypocrisy, genius?

Looks like the fundys are all hopped up from their fix of ignorance this morning at their churches
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.
I'm certain you believe you responded with logic and intelligence.
In truth, you didn't reply to my post at all. You simply wrote to attack me because I do not agree with you.
No. You proved my point. You give lip service to people holding beliefs but when it comes to acting on them, when it really matters, you deny people their religious beliefs.
The 1A says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
Forcing someone to do something contrary to his religiosu beliefs is prohibiting the free exercise of his religion. Which is forbidden by the Constitution.
You are a joke.
What religiously mandated practices would you deny others?

I basically wouldn't. I am sure you could reach up your ass and invent some cult that believed in drinking blood or something but we're talking about the real world, not what you can pull out of your ass.
Such eloquence! Such scholarly and educated language!
Your use of the title "Rabbi," is offensive and inaccurate to your proven station.
Done with you.
Shalom Chaver!
My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.

And your actions are that you forced your beliefs upon those who have no and desire no kinship with them... and THAT action is going to bring a reaction, which you are not going to like much. And you're going to have no say in how far it goes and in the finality it represents.

I get it. If you break the law by refusing service to someone you want to then retain the right to harm others when the law doesn't see it your way. That will take you far in life, I suggest you stop paying taxes now.

The thing to take away from this is that prior to this, ya had it pretty good. You could come out, walk around, work, play and be a homosexual with few, if any giving a dam'.

Well, except for according to you being refused service by anyone who felt like it and also all those benefits that come with marriage, other than that, it's totally the same thing.

But that wasn't good enough... you needed MORE.

Needed the same as others. Why is this about me?

Well... ya got your wish.


Now buckle up and watch as what ya wished for opens up before your very eyes.

Oh, more vague hints of a violent future.

(Now Reader, understand... she will never have the means to understand what that means. One of the tenets of Relativism is that in rinsing objectivity, it precludes the means to calculate for Cause and Effect. It's a very old trinket of idiocy that came out of Islam a thousand years ago. It's part and parcel of the reasoning that produced the Dark Ages. It evil... of the very real and very live variety and not to be confused with that of the colloquial fiction with which most or more familiar.)

And now this is where you talk to yourself and use the wrong pronouns. How about you move the box of tissue out of the way, use both hands and type something that has any real meaning?
1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the Baker's belief serve?
My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.

And your actions are that you forced your beliefs upon those who have no and desire no kinship with them... and THAT action is going to bring a reaction, which you are not going to like much. And you're going to have no say in how far it goes and in the finality it represents.

I get it. If you break the law by refusing service to someone you want to then retain the right to harm others when the law doesn't see it your way. That will take you far in life, I suggest you stop paying taxes now.

The thing to take away from this is that prior to this, ya had it pretty good. You could come out, walk around, work, play and be a homosexual with few, if any giving a dam'.

Well, except for according to you being refused service by anyone who felt like it and also all those benefits that come with marriage, other than that, it's totally the same thing.

But that wasn't good enough... you needed MORE.

Needed the same as others. Why is this about me?

Well... ya got your wish.


Now buckle up and watch as what ya wished for opens up before your very eyes.

Oh, more vague hints of a violent future.

(Now Reader, understand... she will never have the means to understand what that means. One of the tenets of Relativism is that in rinsing objectivity, it precludes the means to calculate for Cause and Effect. It's a very old trinket of idiocy that came out of Islam a thousand years ago. It's part and parcel of the reasoning that produced the Dark Ages. It evil... of the very real and very live variety and not to be confused with that of the colloquial fiction with which most or more familiar.)

And now this is where you talk to yourself and use the wrong pronouns. How about you move the box of tissue out of the way, use both hands and type something that has any real meaning?

Ahh ... LOL! The Concessions are comin' steady now.

You above concessions are duly noted and summarily accepted.

Reader, do you see how easy this is?

Remember, the key to defeating Left-think, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.
My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.
LOL! You are a hypocrite.

Nothing hypocritical about it.
oF course it is.
You think your beliefs are worthy, someone who disagrees with you isnt entitled to any meaningful expression of those beliefs.

I said nothing of the sort.

Let's go back to the beginning Einstein.

1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

2) I could believe that all Right wing Christian fuckwads deserve to starve to death. That does not mean I have the right to refuse service to them in my restaurant.

Where is the hypocrisy, genius?
Yes people can have beliefs. They just can't act on them. A prohibition of free exercise of religion.
Your hatred of Christians is not my problem.

First off, I don't hate Christians, I hate Christians that think their rights trump others.

Secondly, if your actions break the law, they break the law, end of story. Actions do not equal beliefs. I can wish you dead (I don't) but to kill you is a crime. Beliefs and actions = not the same thing. Get it? Fuckin' A, what is the matter with you people?
1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the belief serve?

So a belief only matters if you can break the law by committing a follow up action? Dude, grow up.

Why are you discriminating against the guy who doesn't want to serve Christians in his restaurant?
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.
I'm certain you believe you responded with logic and intelligence.
In truth, you didn't reply to my post at all. You simply wrote to attack me because I do not agree with you.
No. You proved my point. You give lip service to people holding beliefs but when it comes to acting on them, when it really matters, you deny people their religious beliefs.
The 1A says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
Forcing someone to do something contrary to his religiosu beliefs is prohibiting the free exercise of his religion. Which is forbidden by the Constitution.
You are a joke.
What religiously mandated practices would you deny others?

I basically wouldn't. I am sure you could reach up your ass and invent some cult that believed in drinking blood or something but we're talking about the real world, not what you can pull out of your ass.
Such eloquence! Such scholarly and educated language!
Your use of the title "Rabbi," is offensive and inaccurate to your proven station.
Done with you.
Shalom Chaver!

He is a pork stenched goy
And Keys.

LOL! Yes you can have beliefs. They just can't mean anything/

Your beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) that doesn't mean if I owned a restaurant I have the right to refuse service to them.
Yup. Your beliefs are fine. But Biden help you if you try to act on them and follow them.

My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.
LOL! You are a hypocrite.

Nothing hypocritical about it.

Nothing hypocritical about it.

Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

You claimed to 'believe' that beliefs are worthy and valuable, then you state that beliefs have no value in action.

1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the belief serve?
In your case, it seems to serve as a reason to publish your disdain and validate your bigotry.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Whose next?








Anyone at all?
Your beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. I could believe that Rightwing Christian fuckwads should starve to death (I don't, but what does it matter?) that doesn't mean if I owned a restaurant I have the right to refuse service to them.
Yup. Your beliefs are fine. But Biden help you if you try to act on them and follow them.

My beliefs are whatever they are and they don't require your approval. Actions however are a different matter.
LOL! You are a hypocrite.

Nothing hypocritical about it.

Nothing hypocritical about it.

Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

You claimed to 'believe' that beliefs are worthy and valuable, then you state that beliefs have no value in action.


DUMBASS: Someone who confuses thoughts with physical acts of breaking the law.
1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the belief serve?
In your case, it seems to serve as a reason to publish your disdain and validate your bigotry.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Whose next?








Anyone at all?
I most certainly concede nothing to you.
Oh, and learn to use correct English.
The word is 'who's,' not "whose."
1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the belief serve?
In your case, it seems to serve as a reason to publish your disdain and validate your bigotry.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Whose next?








Anyone at all?

Why do you ignore everyone else's beliefs with this nonsense parrot-o-thon troll shit you got going on?
1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the belief serve?

So a belief only matters if you can break the law by committing a follow up action? Dude, grow up.

Why are you discriminating against the guy who doesn't want to serve Christians in his restaurant?

Any law that forces one to behave outside of what they know to be truthful, valid and essential to their own viability, is invalid and in no way obligates a free sovereign.

Let the record reflect that when THE LAW required that homosexual sex was forbidden, Homosexuals were having sex.

Let the record reflect that when THE LAW required that One Man and One Woman could marry, Homosexuals were marrying.

Homosexuals do not give a tinker's dam about THE LAW... but in fairness to them, they're Leftists, thus they reason SUBJECTIVELY.

Law is only valid where such is OBJECTIVE.

Subjective law is invalid law, thus obligates no free sovereign to recognize it.
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1) A baker can believe that gay marriage is bad and all homosexuals will burn in hell. Fine by me, that's his beliefs. The baker however is not allowed to refuse service based on those beliefs.

Then what purpose does the belief serve?
In your case, it seems to serve as a reason to publish your disdain and validate your bigotry.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Whose next?








Anyone at all?
I most certainly concede nothing to you.

Yet... you conceded the standing points, as the record above clearly and irrefutably indicates.
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