Alabama Legislators Approve Bill Requiring School Prayer Every Morning

A private religious school, no problem

Did any of these State Legislators ever go to law school and study the history of Con Law?

It's almost as if they know nothing about SCOTUS precedent.

that has always been the case….which is why there's no basis for relitigating the issue.

it doesn't matter if they studied con law or not…. they have an agenda… just like a vile creature like levin knows better and still rants and raves about what HE wants the constitution to be.

it's the pretend constitutionalists who crack me up….
SCOTUS has opined on this issue several times.

The leges are revving up their base for the fall elections.
Out of curiosity, how would these people feel if the City of Dearborn, Michigan, which has a large Muslim population, passed an ordinance requiring all children to spend 15 minutes in Islamic prayer every morning at school?

A key committee in Alabama's House of Representatives has pushed through a bill requiring teachers and students at all of the state's public schools to spend 15 minutes every morning in Christian prayer, even though a majority of legislators present say they opposed the measure.

Alabama, of course, is a churchin' state, ranked the "2nd most religious state" behind its neighbor, Mississippi. Alabama is also home to Roy Moore, the state Supreme Court chief justice who fought to keep a massive stone sculpture of the Ten Commandments in the state court building.

But that stand seems lukewarm next to the current House measure's planned compulsion of religion among captive pupils.

Alabama Legislators Approve Bill Requiring School Prayer Every Morning

If they didnt like it, they'd move out of Dearborn. What a concept!
We had prayer in schools for years and years. I didnt see that things were worse then.
But this is what's going to happen with a backlash against all the liberal crap that is being passed.
And that will cost Alabama dearly.
Rep. Steve Hurst, R-Munford and Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, R-Indian Springs should be thrown out. Don't elect these creepy people.
This is a STATE law, not a FEDERAL one.

In the decades after 1790, all of the states abolished taxpayer support for religion and religious tests for office-holders, and state courts, deeming that churches were private institutions, ruled that religious bodies could not receive public funding to provide education or poor relief. Even so, those changes proceeded slowly: religious tests persisted in some states until well into the nineteenth century, and religious establishments lingered in New England, with Massachusetts maintaining its Congregationalist “Standing Order” until 1833.

I'm not entirely sure that this law will not pass constitutional muster.
If Alabama wishes to pass a law permitting prayer in school then so be it. If you don't like it, move to some other atheistic state, better yet, pack up your liberal pathetic ass and move out of this country.

And another American Taliban heard from. Only thing he didn't do was threaten to cut off someones head. Wonder why.
In committee.

"Only McClurkin and one other Republican on the panel actually voted "aye" on the bill. Two Republicans and one Democrat insist they said "no" to the bill in the voice vote; three legislators weren't even present for the vote. The House's clerk told the Advertiser that "the chairman of each committee has the discretion to decide the outcome of a voice vote."

It will never pass.

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