Alabama moves to eliminate marriage licenses

Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.
"only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state."
Umm....Care to explain how the State of Alabama is going to "unrecognize" existing marriages?
And you have the nerve to refer to others as "dumbfucking imbeciles"?
You have taken the lead for the most stupid post on USMB of the day
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.

There is no need to "force" any church to marry them. There are plenty of institutions that would be happy to marry them. As an ordained officiant myself, I'm more than happy to marry a same sex couple.

Now, if the law were to recognize only unions recognized by some religious institution, and not provide a mechanism for non-religiously created unions, there might be a first amendment issue there.
The operative being "might".....As you say, if a church declines the union, the couple is free to find individuals such as yourself to perform the ceremony.
The couple can then seek a civil license in another jurisdiction...or they can simply have an attorney draw up their papers and file them with the State
Faun, some state laws prevented a partner doing those things with even a POA.

I know of incidents where family members barred a partner from a sick room. That's wrong.
Good the government should not be in the marriage business to begin with.
Why should you need the government's approval to get married, not to mention paying them for the privilege.
Sad for those who do not get a marriage license....their divorces and child custodies and survivor benefit situations are going to be rather interesting.

That's a matter of personal responsibility. Wills and separation, are issues one can prepare for, without a governmental, cookie-cutter, indiscriminate, "safety net".
It requires one to take not only responsibility; but to take action, as well...

No, it's not.

It's the simple fact of the advantages built in to the system for 2 person partnerships with proper documentation. Your legal spouse can do things to and for you that no other family member can.

Simple recognition by the state is NOT too much to ask.

Well, I contend that there equally effective means of handling all such circumstances. Power of attorney arrangements, take care of the same issues. And in fact, gives one greater control over their assets, and health care choices.

No, it's not the same.

There are no documents except a marriage contract or a birth certificate that allows people to draw Social Security benefits on another persons record.

There are plenty of advantages built in to the system for 2 person partnerships with proper documentation.

The only way for We, The Peeps to move forward from here is to recognize ALL two person partnerships willing to document the event, or We recognize none of them.

And, if We opt for recognition of none, We need to recognize all during the excessive time it will take to remove from the system the advantages built in to it for two person partnerships with proper documentation.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.

From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.

As long as the state is recognizing all marriages equally, The Constitution is honored.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.

From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.

As long as the state is recognizing all marriages equally, The Constitution is honored.
States not recognizing anything. No signature is involved no approval nothing. They take it to courthouse and its put in the states files. Simple as that.
Gay rights groups and the American Civil Liberties Union still oppose the bill, calling it a "ham-handed solution in search of a non-existent problem," reports.

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I believe the laws against gay marriage will still be in effect since most laws still say one man or one woman or it is assumed that hat is true. It really won't change anything
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.

From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.

As long as the state is recognizing all marriages equally, The Constitution is honored.

States not recognizing anything. No signature is involved no approval nothing. They take it to courthouse and its put in the states files. Simple as that.

Alabama and Mississippi are inbred paradise, heavy breeding between brothers and sisters , hence the hick accents as a result
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.
From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.
And? It was NEVER about getting married it was about getting SOMEONE ANYONE from the state to be FORCED to recognize their fake marriage. Now that's been taken away. :) Why else would the fag brigade hate it.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)

LOL- I love it!

Why would anyone care?

As long as all Alabamans are treated equally when it comes to being married legally- I don't care.

Alabamans- straight or gay- will still be getting legally married.

And assfucking homophobes like yourself still won't be able to stop it.
LOL homophobes show of hands of who is afraid of faggots prancing in the streets shoving their crotches in kids faces! NOT ME! I DESPISE faggots. I wish DEATH on faggots and their supporters. I do not FEAR ANY FAGGOT.

From all of your posts on the subject, clearly you are terrified of homosexuals.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are weeping in fear while you post.

Meanwhile- despite the 'best' efforts of assfucking homophobes like yourself- Alabamans are- and will continue to get married- whether they are straight or gay.

That this will both infuriate you and terrify you just makes me chuckle.
Gay rights groups and the American Civil Liberties Union still oppose the bill, calling it a "ham-handed solution in search of a non-existent problem," reports.

Read Latest Breaking News from Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses
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I believe the laws against gay marriage will still be in effect since most laws still say one man or one woman or it is assumed that hat is true. It really won't change anything

Well you believe wrong- the laws that were against gay marriage are as dead as the laws against mixed race marriage.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.

From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.

As long as the state is recognizing all marriages equally, The Constitution is honored.
States not recognizing anything. No signature is involved no approval nothing. They take it to courthouse and its put in the states files. Simple as that.

Absolutely- the States will be recognizing every marriage filed with the State- gay or straight.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
Fine...if all are treated equally, all are treated equally. But my grandmother would call that "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
Gives the churches control over who they marry NOT the state.
And what to do about people who don't believe in your church god?
They can get married in another state....

Everyone will still be able to get married in Alabama- just Alabamans will send in the forms and the marriage will be officially recognized- regardless of God or whether the people or gay or straight.
The operative being "might"

Of course it is. I haven't read the bill. I don't know if it would restrict recognition of marriage to those sanctioned by religious institutions. If it does, then there would probably be a first amendment issue. If it provides a means by which people can be married without resorting to religious institutions, then there is probably no constitutional problem.

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