Alabama moves to eliminate marriage licenses

Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
Fine...if all are treated equally, all are treated equally. But my grandmother would call that "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

Gives the churches control over who they marry NOT the state.

That's not the point.

The point is being treated like straight families with regards to family law, the tax code and financial laws and rules.

Nobody gives a fuck if churches don't recognize each others marriages, but We, The People, at all levels of government, must recognize ALL marriages.
Watch DF's homofying rage. I am told by two thumbs that DF has amazing pole breath.

No one cares, DF. You lost. Get over it.

This is merely sour grapes legislation.
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If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.

There is no need to "force" any church to marry them. There are plenty of institutions that would be happy to marry them. As an ordained officiant myself, I'm more than happy to marry a same sex couple.

Now, if the law were to recognize only unions recognized by some religious institution, and now provide a mechanism for non-religiously created unions, there might be a first amendment issue there.
You CAN'T force a church to marry a homo. And that IS what the homo wants. They want to FORCE the church. And you know some homo with a crack addict lawyer IS going to try. This was NEVER an issue of two homo's wanting to be together. This ALWAYS has been an issue of the homos ATTACKING the church.

If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.

There is no need to "force" any church to marry them. There are plenty of institutions that would be happy to marry them. As an ordained officiant myself, I'm more than happy to marry a same sex couple.

Now, if the law were to recognize only unions recognized by some religious institution, and now provide a mechanism for non-religiously created unions, there might be a first amendment issue there.
You CAN'T force a church to marry a homo. And that IS what the homo wants. They want to FORCE the church. And you know some homo with a crack addict lawyer IS going to try. This was NEVER an issue of two homo's wanting to be together. This ALWAYS has been an issue of the homos ATTACKING the church.

Come on DF, not a single church has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes. Not one. If even some activist gay sues a church the suit will get laughed out of court. Bet the farm on it.
Good the government should not be in the marriage business to begin with.
Why should you need the government's approval to get married, not to mention paying them for the privilege.

It's not about some sort of blessing...

It's about the advantages built in to the system for 2 person partnerships with proper documentation.

Did you know that if you're married you can share Social Security benefits?
Good the government should not be in the marriage business to begin with.
Why should you need the government's approval to get married, not to mention paying them for the privilege.
Sad for those who do not get a marriage license....their divorces and child custodies and survivor benefit situations are going to be rather interesting.

That's a matter of personal responsibility. Wills and separation, are issues one can prepare for, without a governmental, cookie-cutter, indiscriminate, "safety net".
It requires one to take not only responsibility; but to take action, as well...

No, it's not.

It's the simple fact of the advantages built in to the system for 2 person partnerships with proper documentation. Your legal spouse can do things to and for you that no other family member can.

Simple recognition by the state is NOT too much to ask.
Good the government should not be in the marriage business to begin with.
Why should you need the government's approval to get married, not to mention paying them for the privilege.
Sad for those who do not get a marriage license....their divorces and child custodies and survivor benefit situations are going to be rather interesting.

That's a matter of personal responsibility. Wills and separation, are issues one can prepare for, without a governmental, cookie-cutter, indiscriminate, "safety net".
It requires one to take not only responsibility; but to take action, as well...

No, it's not.

It's the simple fact of the advantages built in to the system for 2 person partnerships with proper documentation. Your legal spouse can do things to and for you that no other family member can.

Simple recognition by the state is NOT too much to ask.
Well, I contend that there equally effective means of handling all such circumstances. Power of attorney arrangements, take care of the same issues. And in fact, gives one greater control over their assets, and health care choices.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.
From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)

LOL- I love it!

Why would anyone care?

As long as all Alabamans are treated equally when it comes to being married legally- I don't care.

Alabamans- straight or gay- will still be getting legally married.

And assfucking homophobes like yourself still won't be able to stop it.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
Works for me!
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
They will try. You know it.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
Fine...if all are treated equally, all are treated equally. But my grandmother would call that "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

Gives the churches control over who they marry NOT the state.

That's not the point.

The point is being treated like straight families with regards to family law, the tax code and financial laws and rules.

Nobody gives a fuck if churches don't recognize each others marriages, but We, The People, at all levels of government, must recognize ALL marriages.
LOL never going to happen.
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.

There is no need to "force" any church to marry them. There are plenty of institutions that would be happy to marry them. As an ordained officiant myself, I'm more than happy to marry a same sex couple.

Now, if the law were to recognize only unions recognized by some religious institution, and now provide a mechanism for non-religiously created unions, there might be a first amendment issue there.
You CAN'T force a church to marry a homo. And that IS what the homo wants. They want to FORCE the church. And you know some homo with a crack addict lawyer IS going to try. This was NEVER an issue of two homo's wanting to be together. This ALWAYS has been an issue of the homos ATTACKING the church.

Come on DF, not a single church has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes. Not one. If even some activist gay sues a church the suit will get laughed out of court. Bet the farm on it.
Yet. Key word is YET....faggots will try soon I figure.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
What IS a marriage license?
It is nothing more than a fee to record the union of two people. A tax, if you will.
All the license does is pay for the time it takes to record the union in the public record.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:

LOL- well they still will be recognizing all the marriages as legal- they just won't have to worry about some civil servant getting butt hurt by having to hand a paper to a gay couple saying that they are married.

We should thank Alabama for this great approach to ensuring that gay Alabamans can get married without government interference.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
Fine...if all are treated equally, all are treated equally. But my grandmother would call that "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
How so?.....
Yet. Key word is YET....faggots will try soon I figure.

They can try but it will get laughed out of court. Trust.

You seem to have a lot of 'yet' and 'soon' and 'wait' in your repertoire. Pardon me if I don't hit the panic button every time you claim the shit is about to hit the fan.
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Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)

LOL- I love it!

Why would anyone care?

As long as all Alabamans are treated equally when it comes to being married legally- I don't care.

Alabamans- straight or gay- will still be getting legally married.

And assfucking homophobes like yourself still won't be able to stop it.
Assfucking homophobes.....How about you come with an even larger oxymoron?
You seethe with anger so much you cannot comprehend what it is you type.....Hilarious...
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
Fine...if all are treated equally, all are treated equally. But my grandmother would call that "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
Gives the churches control over who they marry NOT the state.
And what to do about people who don't believe in your church god?
They can get married in another state....
Good the government should not be in the marriage business to begin with.
Why should you need the government's approval to get married, not to mention paying them for the privilege.
Sad for those who do not get a marriage license....their divorces and child custodies and survivor benefit situations are going to be rather interesting.
One does not need a "license" to have their union entered into the public record.
The licensing of a marriage is essentially a fee or tax.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)
So? That only goes to show how brain-dead rightwingers are. They would rather not recognize over a million marriages among heterosexuals so that they don't have to recognize thousands of gay marriages. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. :lol:
If you read the text of the law IDIOT the state will still accept marriage by the church. So are the homo's going to FORCE the church to marry them? CAN'T be done.
Nah, they'll find a church that will marry them. They'll still get married only the million+ heterosexual marriages will no longer be recognized by the state.

conservatives truly are dumbfucking imbeciles.
From the link:
Instead of issuing marriage licenses, couples would simply fill out marriage contracts – be they same-sex or opposite sex – that probate judges in the state would then file in the state's official records.
And? It was NEVER about getting married it was about getting SOMEONE ANYONE from the state to be FORCED to recognize their fake marriage. Now that's been taken away. :) Why else would the fag brigade hate it.
Alabama Moves to Eliminate Marriage Licenses

:D Good. I GUARANTEE the butt fucker hate brigade will attack this with ALL its might because what they TRULY want is the state to be forced to recognize their disgusting idea of marriage! GOOD JOB ALABAMA! Let the ignorant tirades and hate filled comments against Alabama and Southerns begin! :)

LOL- I love it!

Why would anyone care?

As long as all Alabamans are treated equally when it comes to being married legally- I don't care.

Alabamans- straight or gay- will still be getting legally married.

And assfucking homophobes like yourself still won't be able to stop it.
LOL homophobes show of hands of who is afraid of faggots prancing in the streets shoving their crotches in kids faces! NOT ME! I DESPISE faggots. I wish DEATH on faggots and their supporters. I do not FEAR ANY FAGGOT.

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