Alabama Senator Totally Triggered The Libs With This Brilliant Move - LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Sen. Tommy Tuberville used a tweet to call attention to more than a billion dollars in federal aid to expand broadband access across Alabama. But he didn’t vote for the 2021 legislation that made it possible. Alabama is set to receive $1.4 billion from the federal infrastructure law to expand broadband access in the state as part of the Biden administration’s $40 billion plan to increase Internet access across the country. The announcement was made by Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Birmingham, who was the only Alabama representative to vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill signed by President Biden. None of the six Alabama Republicans in the House of Representatives voted for the bill.

On Tuesday morning, Tuberville trumpeted the funding in a tweet: "Broadband is vital for the success of our rural communities and for our entire economy. Great to see Alabama receive crucial funds to boost ongoing broadband efforts." However, Tuberville was not one of the 19 Republicans who voted in favor of the bill back in August 2021, which passed 69-30 in the Senate. Richard Shelby, then still Alabama’s senior U.S. Senator, also voted against it. Mitch Landrieu, senior advisor to the president and infrastructure law coordinator, said “It’s unfortunate that some voted no but still want the dough. If they had integrity, they’d applaud President Biden’s leadership for putting us on the path to provide reliable, affordable high-speed internet to every American.”

Tommy Tubbers may have been a lifelong football coach, but he is quickly learning the ropes as Senator with this brilliant move. Everyone knows you are supposed to take credit for the good outcomes of policies that are helping the people in your state - even if you voted against it and called it Marxist-Woke-Communism - because you know that most of your voters will have no idea you voted against or care. Many other GOP congressional members who opposed this bill are also taking credit for the benefits from the bill, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to name a couple.

It is a win-win move because as long as you have no shame - like Ted Cruz most certainly does not have - then moves like this are pretty smart. It's almost like you don't have to take governing seriously because you can count on Democrats to deliver that infrastructure spending anyway and you can claim credit for it afterwards while pumping your chest about your "fiscal conservatism" by voting against that thing you said was so great.
I wonder how all the black players and parents think about this racist clown.
I'm curious as to how the fuck you came to the conclusion that Tuberville is racist ? You do know when he was head coach at Ole Miss he was part of the movement to ban the Confederate battle flag from the stadium ?
I'm curious as to how the fuck you came to the conclusion that Tuberville is racist ? You do know when he was head coach at Ole Miss he was part of the movement to ban the Confederate battle flag from the stadium ?
He admitted that they were bad for recruiting, he has no problem whatsoever with the flag.
I'm curious as to how the fuck you came to the conclusion that Tuberville is racist ? You do know when he was head coach at Ole Miss he was part of the movement to ban the Confederate battle flag from the stadium ? was is some more context....

"Following a brutal 17-0 loss to Mississippi State in the 1996 Egg Bowl, Khayat met with a devastated Tuberville, who said simply: “We can’t recruit against that flag.” In the state of Mississippi, the best football players are black,” Tuberville said, according to Burson. “With the flags on campus, we’re not getting our share of black players that are going to other schools.” It was then that Burson told Tuberville he was the “only person who can get the flags off the campus."

Read more at: How Tommy Tuberville and the power of compromise helped remove Confederate flags from the University of Mississippi - Magnolia State Live

In other words, he didn't do it because he had some heart felt sympathies for black folks, he did it because he wanted to win football games...Do you know how I know this? Because how do you go from that to reversing all of what you previously so-called stood for just so you can curry favor with "Conservative" voters??

"Like a true American huckster who’s simply hustling to survive, Tuberville will do whatever it takes to close the deal: Take credit for the careers of Baker Mayfield and Patrick Mahomes (despite their being recruited by Texas Tech successor Kliff Kingsbury, now head coach of the NFL’s Arizona Cardinals). Start a foundation to build homes for veterans (while reportedly withholding two-thirds of the donations). Dog whistle to appeal to adherents of white power. Whatever it takes to win."

Just because you can't see thru right-wing bullshit doesn't mean the rest of us can't
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"Sen. Tommy Tuberville used a tweet to call attention to more than a billion dollars in federal aid to expand broadband access across Alabama. But he didn’t vote for the 2021 legislation that made it possible. Alabama is set to receive $1.4 billion from the federal infrastructure law to expand broadband access in the state as part of the Biden administration’s $40 billion plan to increase Internet access across the country. The announcement was made by Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Birmingham, who was the only Alabama representative to vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill signed by President Biden. None of the six Alabama Republicans in the House of Representatives voted for the bill.

On Tuesday morning, Tuberville trumpeted the funding in a tweet: "Broadband is vital for the success of our rural communities and for our entire economy. Great to see Alabama receive crucial funds to boost ongoing broadband efforts." However, Tuberville was not one of the 19 Republicans who voted in favor of the bill back in August 2021, which passed 69-30 in the Senate. Richard Shelby, then still Alabama’s senior U.S. Senator, also voted against it. Mitch Landrieu, senior advisor to the president and infrastructure law coordinator, said “It’s unfortunate that some voted no but still want the dough. If they had integrity, they’d applaud President Biden’s leadership for putting us on the path to provide reliable, affordable high-speed internet to every American.”

Tommy Tubbers may have been a lifelong football coach, but he is quickly learning the ropes as Senator with this brilliant move. Everyone knows you are supposed to take credit for the good outcomes of policies that are helping the people in your state - even if you voted against it and called it Marxist-Woke-Communism - because you know that most of your voters will have no idea you voted against or care. Many other GOP congressional members who opposed this bill are also taking credit for the benefits from the bill, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to name a couple.

It is a win-win move because as long as you have no shame - like Ted Cruz most certainly does not have - then moves like this are pretty smart. It's almost like you don't have to take governing seriously because you can count on Democrats to deliver that infrastructure spending anyway and you can claim credit for it afterwards while pumping your chest about your "fiscal conservatism" by voting against that thing you said was so great.
It'll be good for rural America to become aware that there is an outside world apart from their tiny, backwards communities. They need better internet for that to happen.
The GOP seems o have a penchant for recruiting low quality sports coaches. Is it a policy or just an accident ?

There was also that wife beater fellow in Georgia as well.
I'm curious as to how the fuck you came to the conclusion that Tuberville is racist ? You do know when he was head coach at Ole Miss he was part of the movement to ban the Confederate battle flag from the stadium ?

Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville is facing backlash for remarks he made about white nationalists in the armed forces in an interview about his blocking of military nominees. He said that while Democrats may consider such people to be racists, “I call them Americans.”

Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville is facing backlash for remarks he made about white nationalists in the armed forces in an interview about his blocking of military nominees. He said that while Democrats may consider such people to be racists, “I call them Americans.”

You loons think any white person who is slightly patriotic and doesn't vote Democrat is a white nationalist.
The GOP seems o have a penchant for recruiting low quality sports coaches. Is it a policy or just an accident ?

There was also that wife beater fellow in Georgia as well.
Name recognition is king in the south, be it a football coach, a preacher, or some other personality that is widely known. As long as they preach God, Guns, and Gays they will cover all the bases.
You loons think any white person who is slightly patriotic and doesn't vote Democrat is a white nationalist.
There are many patriotic white folks who don't vote Democrat but are still not white nationalists....yall call them RINOS tho -- so that seems more like a "YOU" problem....
Name recognition is king in the south, be it a football coach, a preacher, or some other personality that is widely known. As long as they preach God, Guns, and Gays they will cover all the bases.
Explains trump as well.

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