Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


Well just how does Allen propose that we're going to get 14.3 TRILLION dollars in red ink now with another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabiities--by simply raising taxes?

Currently 18,000 babyboomers are entering social security/medicare DAILY and this will continue for the next 15 YEARS. Resulting in $534,000 per household owed to the federal government to pay this tab.

$1 billion dollars.jpg

1 billion dollars $100.00 bills stacked on pallets.

$trillion dollars.jpg

1 trillion dollars $100.00 bills stacked on pallets. NOTE: How small the man is in this chart.

Currently the Federal Government is borrowing .43 cents on every dollar it spends--and this moron wants to raise the credit card limit--so they can BORROW and SPEND more money.

Now for you liberals--when you can figure out who you're going to tax the crap out of to get 74 of the trillion dollar chart--let us know--which class you'll be picking on.
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Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


Bottom line: the Shrub engaged us in TWO wars without a way to pay for them...and did NOT include the cost of those wars in the budget.

The Shrub put forth a perscription plan that was virtually written by insurance companies and pharamceutical companies, but did NOT have a way to pay for it.

The Shrub gave tax breaks to the wealthy on the premise that they would create jobs that would eclipse the lost revenue to the nation's budget. To date, no massive job creations and a 2 year extension on a tax cut that originally was slated to END (sunset, as it were).

The Shrub RAISED the debt ceiling NUMEROUS times.....thus making the GOP and it's parrots and pundits hypocrits.

Good on ya, Simpson!
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


Bottom line: the Shrub engaged us in TWO wars without a way to pay for them...and did NOT include the cost of those wars in the budget.

The Shrub put forth a perscription plan that was virtually written by insurance companies and pharamceutical companies, but did NOT have a way to pay for it.

The Shrub gave tax breaks to the wealthy on the premise that they would create jobs that would eclipse the lost revenue to the nation's budget. To date, no massive job creations and a 2 year extension on a tax cut that originally was slated to END (sunset, as it were).

The Shrub RAISED the debt ceiling NUMEROUS times.....thus making the GOP and it's parrots and pundits hypocrits.

Good on ya, Simpson!

You know it must be very difficult for you to move forward when you're continually looking out your rear view mirror?

The point is we are in a real financial crisis today--and it's not because of the tax cuts during the Bush era-which has amounted to 2.3 trillion--while we're at 14.3 trillion in red ink--with another oncoming train wreck of 64 trillion in unfunded liabilites--with babyboomers now entering social security/medicare.

There isn't enough wealth in this entire country to pay this tab. And to raise taxes right now--would only put the final nail in this economy's coffin.

Simpson is the co-chair of Obama's deficit committee. His erratic behavior led to a minor scandal in the offensive "milk cow" E-mail on 8/25/10. Maybe it's time for a CAT scan.
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


Well just how does Allen propose that we're going to get 14.3 TRILLION dollars in red ink now with another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabiities--by simply raising taxes?

Currently 18,000 babyboomers are entering social security/medicare DAILY and this will continue for the next 15 YEARS. Resulting in $534,000 per household owed to the federal government to pay this tab.

View attachment 13985

1 billion dollars $100.00 bills stacked on pallets.

View attachment 13986

1 trillion dollars $100.00 bills stacked on pallets. NOTE: How small the man is in this chart.

Currently the Federal Government is borrowing .43 cents on every dollar it spends--and this moron wants to raise the credit card limit--so they can BORROW and SPEND more money.

Now for you liberals--when you can figure out who you're going to tax the crap out of to get 74 of the trillion dollar chart--let us know--which class you'll be picking on.

Half the battle is won by ending the Bush tax cuts:

In addition, Burman said, extending the top Bush-era tax rates — which would deny the Treasury an estimated $679.6 billion over 10 years, deepening the federal debt — could help push up interest rates. That might "have a very deleterious effect on investment and hiring decisions of all businesses, including entrepreneurs," Burman said.

Read more: Would ending Bush tax cuts hurt small businesses? | McClatchy

And as for Social Security

Social Security Media Watch Project
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


Raise Revenue? Is that what you guys have decided to start Calling Raising Taxes?

Let's talk about your sides Refusal to talk about Lowering Spending? Hmmmm? We don't have a fucking Revenue problem, we have a spending problem.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

Oh.... the big lie again.... Democrats want to raise taxes and not make any cuts. No... Republicans want cuts alone and save their sacred cow... which is taking care of their rich buddies.
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Good luck with that.


What a bunch of shit... blood from a turnip? Apparently you haven't noticed that corporate Profits are way up, and the personal income of the well to do have increased some 500% over the past decade, while people from the middle class on down are struggling.

But that doesn't fit your agenda.. so you dismiss it.

Let's see, we want more jobs, which means we need small business to invest in hiring people. Through the uncertainty of higher taxes, no spending cuts and a slowing economy what idiot is going to hire? Go ahead Democrats, tank the economy. 2012 is just around the corner.

Yeah... nevermind that banks and BIG Business are sitting on $2T+ and refusing to invest in SMALL BUSINESS and/or hiring.

You're right about 2012 being around the corner.
Raise taxes ..actually cut tax cuts on the top 1%. End the wars and stop the loopholes the large corporations use. Stop giving large corporations tax incentives for outsourcing (that is insane) and we will be fine.

Don't mess with medicare or social security. Raise the damn taxes on teh uber rich and this is a done deal. Of course republicans are against taking away tax loopholes since they hate the big corporations being hurt in any way since they are paid by lobbyists, but you dumb republican voters are actually backing them up.


But don't you know???? That's Raising taxes in the Conservatard viewpoint.
You guys love to compare the government to a business. Ok. Name one business that became successful by cutting costs only and never trying to raise revenue.

Yep.... we laid off all our employees.... we're just waiting for the money to roll in now........ any second...... here we go..... ummm.
Let's see, we want more jobs, which means we need small business to invest in hiring people. Through the uncertainty of higher taxes, no spending cuts and a slowing economy what idiot is going to hire? Go ahead Democrats, tank the economy. 2012 is just around the corner.

Yeah... nevermind that banks and BIG Business are sitting on $2T+ and refusing to invest in SMALL BUSINESS and/or hiring.

You're right about 2012 being around the corner.

I agree and I frankly hope the Democrats are working hard trying to get congress back. This kind of self regulatory bullcrap by banks, insurance companies and big oil has to stop.
You guys love to compare the government to a business. Ok. Name one business that became successful by cutting costs only and never trying to raise revenue.

There is no comparison of business and government. Businesses offer a product or service that generates revenues. After overhead is paid the business is left with a profit or loss.

Government produces nothing and just takes in taxes off the backs of the populace. The government ledger should be zero EVERY YEAR. There should be no surplus or deficit.

Oh.... good, more rhetoric from Rush & Co... man... I can go to work happy now.
The more intelligent response might be to end the wars, rather than raise the taxes/

But if the masters insist on having their wars of Empire, it might be nice if the corporatocracy paid for their adventures instead of foisting the cost of them onto FUTURE generations of taxpayers
Let's see, we want more jobs, which means we need small business to invest in hiring people. Through the uncertainty of higher taxes, no spending cuts and a slowing economy what idiot is going to hire? Go ahead Democrats, tank the economy. 2012 is just around the corner.

Yeah... nevermind that banks and BIG Business are sitting on $2T+ and refusing to invest in SMALL BUSINESS and/or hiring.

You're right about 2012 being around the corner.

I agree and I frankly hope the Democrats are working hard trying to get congress back. This kind of self regulatory bullcrap by banks, insurance companies and big oil has to stop.

That was a joke, right?

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