Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

And Bush racked up $4.212 trillion in public debt in his 8 fiscal years and Obama has only racked up $2.203 up to now. Only an ignorant boob would call 2.2 trillion more than 4.2 trillion. :cuckoo:

The fucker has only been in office for two years. At this rate he will exceed Bush by the time he leaves office on Jan 20, 2013 - in half the amount of time.

Note to the Uncensored asshole from 2008......the closing for the Bush budget policies ended in October of 2009. Obama inherited that shit pile when he became President, but has been only working on it since November of 2009....with the Party of NO filibustering and stonewalling all the way!
hey stupid fuck, who signed the second half budget with an increase in discretionary spending of 20% for 2009? Who pushed through and signed the stimulak bill which increased even more the deficit in 2009?
you can't even read a fucking ballance sheet and your trying to tell me about debt? LOL. what a rube.

I already PROVED it was included in the final deficit numbers. PROVED, dumbass. Nothing you say is going to change that.

as for the debt publicly held debt rose from 3.5T to 6.9T on Bush signature (the other 600B in 2009 was on Obama's signature--not Bush's). Under Obama It's already 10.4T and counting dumbass. thats 3.4T under 8 years of Bush and 3.5T under 3 years of Obama.

You do know what 141B for FY 2008 means don't you moron? It means NOT 2007... fucking idiot.

yes, i already said there was a 98B supplemental (increased by the congress from the 93 Bush requested); however, as I've shown dumbass, the "anticipated spending for the GWoT" covered 50B of it and was included in the BUDGET authorization of 489B. "Anticipated", dumbass... words have meanings. Just like the 70B that was anticipated in 2006 and made a part of that estimate (ended up being 72B), they anticipated 50B for 2007 and it ended up being 98B... only 89B however went to the DoD, which is why the number at the end of the year is only 39B higher than the authorization.

Let us know when you develope any fucking sence at all.
Another avalanche of lies.

You proved nothing, proved your "proof" numbers were bogus.

You said Bush's 8 years and now you backtrack to 7. Bush's public debt went from 3.339 trillion to 7.551 trillion. And the public debt as of 7/15/2011 is 9.754 trillion not 10.4 trillion. So even if we take 600 billion away from Bush's spending and put it on Obama you get 3.3 to 6.9 = 3.6 trillion Bush and 6.9 to 9.8 = 2.9 trillion Obama and even using your stupid rationalizations you are still lying about Obama spending more.

And you know what Supports operations in the Global War on Terror by providing an additional $93.4 billion in
supplemental funds for 2007 means don't you moron?
It means NOT 2008... fucking:asshole:

The total spending for the GWoT in 2007 was 173 billion which is a hell of a lot more than the "anticipated" 50 billion.
hey stupid ass, if you include 2001 and 2009 thats 9 years.

what a fucking moron.

Pick the 8 years you want to count

end of 2001 through the end of 2008

end of 2002 through about 2/3 of 2009
(Obama signed the second half budget and stimulack and spent more TRAP money.)

I'm going with the WORSE case scenario for Bush 2002 (his first budget year) through about 2/3 of 2009.

But since you want to start in 2001 (Clinton's last Budget year) we can

and the 93B dumbass, was increased to 98B by the congress (as you've already been told) and INCLUDES the 50B that was previously "anticipated" in budget authority but not authorized in appropriations.

I'm done with you, you are far too stupid to bother with.
These condescending morons can't even do simple arithmetic!
"end of 2001 through the end of 2008" is 7 years, :asshole:
"end of 2002 through about 2/3 of 2009" is less than 7 years.
Clinton's last budget year, 2001 ended Sept 30, 2001.
Bush's first budget started Oct 1, 2001 and his last budget ended Sept 30, 2009 for a total of 8 budget years.
Keep making a fool of yourself, I'm enjoying it! :rofl::lmao:
Obviously you just plucked a bunch of random numbers and mixed and matched them to get whatever numbers you wanted.

First of all, there are no 2007 DoD supplemental appropriations in your link. Second, in FY 2007, the Defense Department base budget was $498 billion. Added to that was $70 billion in supplemental security spending, which was approved during that fiscal year. The budget for FY 2008 Budget added to that an additional $103.6 billion to be spent in the remainder of that fiscal year (January - October 2007). That meant Supplemental Spending for the WoT for FY 2007 was $173.6 billion. This brought total Military spending for FY 2007 to $671.6 billion. Third, obviously all this extra supplemental defense spending does not show up in your budget outlays numbers, and defense was not the only supplemental spending. So we are back to the fact that deficit spending in 2007 raised the total debt by 500 billion.

:clap2: Bravo! Once again, careful and comprehensive reading exposes Benny for the myopic neocon BS artist that he is, and Toddy for being Benny's mindless parrot.

But watch them BOTH just ignore what you say and repeat themselves ad nauseum.
Why would I ignore his errors?

The 70B was actually approriated for the 2006 budget year and the 103B for 2008. The TOTAL spending for GWoT in 2007 was 98B that was appropriated in the supplemental and includes 50B in budget authority that was previously unappropriated.

The TOTAL deficit for 2007 including ALL spending was 161B. That fact is not going to change no matter how much you wish to believe lies.

The both of you together not having a brain cell to rub together is nothing anyone needs to avoid.
Damn you are thick!!! :cuckoo:

The President’s 2008 Budget:
• Provides $481.4 billion for the Department of Defense’s base budget—a 62-percent increase
over 2001—to ensure a high level of military readiness as the Department develops
capabilities to meet future threats, defends the homeland, and supports the all-volunteer
force and their families;
• Supports operations in the Global War on Terror by providing an additional $93.4 billion in
supplemental funds for 2007
and $141.7 billion for 2008, including funds to accelerate efforts
to train and equip Iraqi and Afghan Security Forces;
The fucker has only been in office for two years. At this rate he will exceed Bush by the time he leaves office on Jan 20, 2013 - in half the amount of time.
That's because of all the carryover from the GOP's wasteful spending. You have 2 wars, the medicare part D, and interest on the 12 trillion GOP debt.

It's all Bush's fault!

Do you genuinely believe anyone is so stupid that they are still swallowing that BS?
Total debt numbers tell us the most impotrant thing about assets, namely how much they fell short of total spending!!!

If your total debt increased by $1000 but your total assets increased by $100,000, did you have a good year or a bad year?
Good and bad are meaningless relative terms, but what can be concluded from the numbers you gave is your expenses were $101,000.

Hey Ed, let's talk about simple arithmetic!
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.

Actually, President Obama has been, as always, concerned with Party and self over country, entirely.

Only the conservatives have been concerned with country over party.

All it takes is the realization that the debt problem is far too dangerous and massive to grant it mere lip-service any longer.

President Obama, most of the Democratics in Congress and many Republicans still show more concern for re-election than they do for the survival of the Republic.

And they have many liberals serving as sycophants to cheer them on. Like JimH52.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.

Nope, almost 90% agree with me that the debt needs to be reduced. Silly fact, but true. Obama is thinking about his ego and nothing more. Thinking about party would actually be a step in the right direction for him.
Let's talk real numbers

The 2011 total Federal budget was $6.2 trillion

Specifically what do we propose is cut and how much would your reductions save?
I have no problem starting a withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq today for starters.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.

Nope, almost 90% agree with me that the debt needs to be reduced. Silly fact, but true. Obama is thinking about his ego and nothing more. Thinking about party would actually be a step in the right direction for him.
But that does not mean that they agree with you on how to do it, or your timetable for doing it!!!
And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.

Nope, almost 90% agree with me that the debt needs to be reduced. Silly fact, but true. Obama is thinking about his ego and nothing more. Thinking about party would actually be a step in the right direction for him.
But that does not mean that they agree with you on how to do it, or your timetable for doing it!!!

Possibly, but it is far different than being in the minority. The timetable is in the present according to the poll.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

I respectfully agree.

There is a historical fallacy related to the belief that raising taxes will lead to a balanced budget. Taxes have been raised, and cut in the past apace with promises of spending reductions. The taxes change but invariably the spending continues to go up and the promised spending cuts never happen. Raising taxes will not lead to a balanced budget simply because the politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, aren't telling the American taxpayer the truth when it comes to reducing expendatures. Eliminate wasteful borrowing by implementing legislature that will drastically reduce expenditure spending. The American People are tired of empty promises from Congress. We have a stack of promises from Congress that they were going to reduce spending in past decades which have never been fulfilled. Eliminate the excess spending first and then, and only then, if there is a justifiable reason to raise taxes then present it to us. Eliminate the 40 cents of deficits on every dollar of spending that should never have existed and then talk to us about taxation. We don't want another empty promise about reducing expendatures someday in the distant future so that taxes can be raised simply to support even more deficit spending. We're tired of being lied to by Congressional leaders from both aisles of the political arena and past and present President's.
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:clap2: Bravo! Once again, careful and comprehensive reading exposes Benny for the myopic neocon BS artist that he is, and Toddy for being Benny's mindless parrot.

But watch them BOTH just ignore what you say and repeat themselves ad nauseum.
Why would I ignore his errors?

The 70B was actually approriated for the 2006 budget year and the 103B for 2008. The TOTAL spending for GWoT in 2007 was 98B that was appropriated in the supplemental and includes 50B in budget authority that was previously unappropriated.

The TOTAL deficit for 2007 including ALL spending was 161B. That fact is not going to change no matter how much you wish to believe lies.

The both of you together not having a brain cell to rub together is nothing anyone needs to avoid.
Damn you are thick!!! :cuckoo:

The President’s 2008 Budget:
• Provides $481.4 billion for the Department of Defense’s base budget—a 62-percent increase
over 2001—to ensure a high level of military readiness as the Department develops
capabilities to meet future threats, defends the homeland, and supports the all-volunteer
force and their families;
• Supports operations in the Global War on Terror by providing an additional $93.4 billion in
supplemental funds for 2007
and $141.7 billion for 2008, including funds to accelerate efforts
to train and equip Iraqi and Afghan Security Forces;

Did I call that one dead on target or what? :lol:
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.

Nope, almost 90% agree with me that the debt needs to be reduced. Silly fact, but true. Obama is thinking about his ego and nothing more. Thinking about party would actually be a step in the right direction for him.

Would you and all the neocon parrots PLEASE THINK instead of squawking all this Rovian character assasination BS and deal with the FACTS!

The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks.

Deregulation that allows outsourcing and tax breaks for corporations banking billions in profit denies the country's revenue serious bucks.

The Shrub raised the debt ceiling several times, with NO complaints from the bastards now pretending that for Obama to do this is a mortal sin.

Thinking about country is what puts Obama at odds with neocons thinking about party and it's corporate masters.
Obviously you just plucked a bunch of random numbers and mixed and matched them to get whatever numbers you wanted.

First of all, there are no 2007 DoD supplemental appropriations in your link. Second, in FY 2007, the Defense Department base budget was $498 billion. Added to that was $70 billion in supplemental security spending, which was approved during that fiscal year. The budget for FY 2008 Budget added to that an additional $103.6 billion to be spent in the remainder of that fiscal year (January - October 2007). That meant Supplemental Spending for the WoT for FY 2007 was $173.6 billion. This brought total Military spending for FY 2007 to $671.6 billion. Third, obviously all this extra supplemental defense spending does not show up in your budget outlays numbers, and defense was not the only supplemental spending. So we are back to the fact that deficit spending in 2007 raised the total debt by 500 billion.

:clap2: Bravo! Once again, careful and comprehensive reading exposes Benny for the myopic neocon BS artist that he is, and Toddy for being Benny's mindless parrot.

But watch them BOTH just ignore what you say and repeat themselves ad nauseum.

Do you know how to read a balance sheet, or are you as dumb as your buddy?

Your neocon myopia is well documented in the chronology of the posts, well as your intellectualy dishonesty and level of denial. In short, run along and repeat your BS add nauseum, Toddy boy.
Uh, wasn't it Obama who rejected using the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction recommendations?

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