Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

The fucker has only been in office for two years. At this rate he will exceed Bush by the time he leaves office on Jan 20, 2013 - in half the amount of time.

Note to the Uncensored asshole from 2008......the closing for the Bush budget policies ended in October of 2009. Obama inherited that shit pile when he became President, but has been only working on it since November of 2009....with the Party of NO filibustering and stonewalling all the way!
hey stupid fuck, I'm not your mother, Benny Boy, so watch your language who signed the second half budget with an increase in discretionary spending of 20% for 2009? Who pushed through and signed the stimulak bill which increased even more the deficit in 2009?

Who put the two wars that the Shrub and company had off the books on that 2nd half, genius? And what GOP senators and congressmen APPROVED those bills? And with the stimulus, the auto industry would have TANKED, genius. One major auto group is up and running and paid back. Also, dopes like YOU Benny Boy sure as hell cashed in those 2 stimulus checks the Shrub gave you. So please, spare us all your lame, failed mantras.
And you will be in the minority. All the polls agree on that. But Obama is going to cave, like he always does....:doubt:

isn't that silly? He is thinking Country over Party, unlike the Republicans.

Nope, almost 90% agree with me that the debt needs to be reduced. Silly fact, but true. Obama is thinking about his ego and nothing more. Thinking about party would actually be a step in the right direction for him.

Would you and all the neocon parrots PLEASE THINK instead of squawking all this Rovian character assasination BS and deal with the FACTS!

The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks.

Deregulation that allows outsourcing and tax breaks for corporations banking billions in profit denies the country's revenue serious bucks.

The Shrub raised the debt ceiling several times, with NO complaints from the bastards now pretending that for Obama to do this is a mortal sin.

Thinking about country is what puts Obama at odds with neocons thinking about party and it's corporate masters.

"The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks"

How much?
Be as precise as you can.
:clap2: Bravo! Once again, careful and comprehensive reading exposes Benny for the myopic neocon BS artist that he is, and Toddy for being Benny's mindless parrot.

But watch them BOTH just ignore what you say and repeat themselves ad nauseum.

Do you know how to read a balance sheet, or are you as dumb as your buddy?

Your neocon myopia is well documented in the chronology of the posts, well as your intellectualy dishonesty and level of denial. In short, run along and repeat your BS add nauseum, Toddy boy.

When you learn to add and subtract, be sure to let me know. LOL!
Nope, almost 90% agree with me that the debt needs to be reduced. Silly fact, but true. Obama is thinking about his ego and nothing more. Thinking about party would actually be a step in the right direction for him.

Would you and all the neocon parrots PLEASE THINK instead of squawking all this Rovian character assasination BS and deal with the FACTS!

The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks.

Deregulation that allows outsourcing and tax breaks for corporations banking billions in profit denies the country's revenue serious bucks.

The Shrub raised the debt ceiling several times, with NO complaints from the bastards now pretending that for Obama to do this is a mortal sin.

Thinking about country is what puts Obama at odds with neocons thinking about party and it's corporate masters.

"The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks"

How much?
Be as precise as you can.

I'm damned tired of doing homework for you willfully ignorant neocon parrots. Obviously, you don't know WTF is going on beyond what the WND or Newsbusters or some Hannity/Levin/Crowley hybrid tells you. Here, for your education:

Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts

In 2001, the JCT estimated that the tax-rate package would reduce revenues by $115 billion in 2010. In December, the extension of those tax rates in 2012 was estimated to cost $105 billion
Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post
Would you and all the neocon parrots PLEASE THINK instead of squawking all this Rovian character assasination BS and deal with the FACTS!

The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks.

Deregulation that allows outsourcing and tax breaks for corporations banking billions in profit denies the country's revenue serious bucks.

The Shrub raised the debt ceiling several times, with NO complaints from the bastards now pretending that for Obama to do this is a mortal sin.

Thinking about country is what puts Obama at odds with neocons thinking about party and it's corporate masters.

"The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks"

How much?
Be as precise as you can.

I'm damned tired of doing homework for you willfully ignorant neocon parrots. Obviously, you don't know WTF is going on beyond what the WND or Newsbusters or some Hannity/Levin/Crowley hybrid tells you. Here, for your education:

Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts

In 2001, the JCT estimated that the tax-rate package would reduce revenues by $115 billion in 2010. In December, the extension of those tax rates in 2012 was estimated to cost $105 billion
Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Wow! $115 billion in 2010. I remember the deficit was much larger than that in 2010.
"The Bush tax cuts are denying the country's revenue serious bucks"

How much?
Be as precise as you can.

I'm damned tired of doing homework for you willfully ignorant neocon parrots. Obviously, you don't know WTF is going on beyond what the WND or Newsbusters or some Hannity/Levin/Crowley hybrid tells you. Here, for your education:

Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts

In 2001, the JCT estimated that the tax-rate package would reduce revenues by $115 billion in 2010. In December, the extension of those tax rates in 2012 was estimated to cost $105 billion
Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Wow! $115 billion in 2010. I remember the deficit was much larger than that in 2010.

Toddy, you are one willfully ignorant, insipidly stubborn neocon fool. That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE....that's the amount of money DENIED the national coffers, genius! And if you had actually READ the article, you blinders wearing neocon jackass, you would have noticed that was the original estimate that has not been updated....the update is MUCH WORSE.

Read the article and THEN try to discuss it, Toddy boy, because I'm not interested in your half assed supposition and conjecture based on bits of information and half truths.
Do you know how to read a balance sheet, or are you as dumb as your buddy?

Your neocon myopia is well documented in the chronology of the posts, well as your intellectualy dishonesty and level of denial. In short, run along and repeat your BS add nauseum, Toddy boy.

When you learn to add and subtract, be sure to let me know. LOL!

Toddy sticks out his tongue and runs away from an honest discussion of ALL the information by blowing smoke....just like I figured.
I'm damned tired of doing homework for you willfully ignorant neocon parrots. Obviously, you don't know WTF is going on beyond what the WND or Newsbusters or some Hannity/Levin/Crowley hybrid tells you. Here, for your education:

Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts

In 2001, the JCT estimated that the tax-rate package would reduce revenues by $115 billion in 2010. In December, the extension of those tax rates in 2012 was estimated to cost $105 billion
Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Wow! $115 billion in 2010. I remember the deficit was much larger than that in 2010.

Toddy, you are one willfully ignorant, insipidly stubborn neocon fool. That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE....that's the amount of money DENIED the national coffers, genius! And if you had actually READ the article, you blinders wearing neocon jackass, you would have noticed that was the original estimate that has not been updated....the update is MUCH WORSE.

Read the article and THEN try to discuss it, Toddy boy, because I'm not interested in your half assed supposition and conjecture based on bits of information and half truths.

"That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE...."

Yes, so if you're a moron who thinks allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will balance the budget, you're off by over $1 trillion.
Someone mentioned eariler that we have raised the debt ceiling 89 times. For the sake of simplicity and to further dramatize the case, let's say it was 40 times. The debt is $14T est. On average that means we raised $35B each time. So no one on the left sees a difference between that and $2 trillion?
Your neocon myopia is well documented in the chronology of the posts, well as your intellectualy dishonesty and level of denial. In short, run along and repeat your BS add nauseum, Toddy boy.

When you learn to add and subtract, be sure to let me know. LOL!

Toddy sticks out his tongue and runs away from an honest discussion of ALL the information by blowing smoke....just like I figured.
Coming from a guy who can't add or subtract, that hurts. :lol::lol:
Someone mentioned eariler that we have raised the debt ceiling 89 times. For the sake of simplicity and to further dramatize the case, let's say it was 40 times. The debt is $14T est. On average that means we raised $35B each time. So no one on the left sees a difference between that and $2 trillion?

I would like to get an answer for this post too.
Crusty Old Skeleton has ALWAYS been known as a RINO.. Who gives a damn what he or any libs think? Hey ALAN, where's your outrage at DingleBarry for totally dissing your Commission on the debt?? For libs failing to pass a budget AT ALL??? This rests SOLELY on the Marxist left.
Wow! $115 billion in 2010. I remember the deficit was much larger than that in 2010.

Toddy, you are one willfully ignorant, insipidly stubborn neocon fool. That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE....that's the amount of money DENIED the national coffers, genius! And if you had actually READ the article, you blinders wearing neocon jackass, you would have noticed that was the original estimate that has not been updated....the update is MUCH WORSE.

Read the article and THEN try to discuss it, Toddy boy, because I'm not interested in your half assed supposition and conjecture based on bits of information and half truths.

"That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE...."

Yes, so if you're a moron who thinks allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will balance the budget, you're off by over $1 trillion.

I never said it would balance it alone, you Toddling buffoon! But it sure as hell would put a dent in our deficit, along with getting rid of the tax breaks/loopholes for mega corporations like Mobil....unless YOU, Toddy, have your head so far up Boehner's butt that you think $115 billion is irrelevent.

Get up to speed, Toddy boy.
Toddy, you are one willfully ignorant, insipidly stubborn neocon fool. That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE....that's the amount of money DENIED the national coffers, genius! And if you had actually READ the article, you blinders wearing neocon jackass, you would have noticed that was the original estimate that has not been updated....the update is MUCH WORSE.

Read the article and THEN try to discuss it, Toddy boy, because I'm not interested in your half assed supposition and conjecture based on bits of information and half truths.

"That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE...."

Yes, so if you're a moron who thinks allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will balance the budget, you're off by over $1 trillion.

I never said it would balance it alone, you Toddling buffoon! But it sure as hell would put a dent in our deficit, along with getting rid of the tax breaks/loopholes for mega corporations like Mobil....unless YOU, Toddy, have your head so far up Boehner's butt that you think $115 billion is irrelevent.

Get up to speed, Toddy boy.

LOL So business based here should not be allowed to compete globally. Force them overseas. It good for the dem job machine.

Brilliant. Just because they have been our boogieman for over 50 years.

Get a new act. Try to understand some basic economics. Jeez
Toddy, you are one willfully ignorant, insipidly stubborn neocon fool. That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE....that's the amount of money DENIED the national coffers, genius! And if you had actually READ the article, you blinders wearing neocon jackass, you would have noticed that was the original estimate that has not been updated....the update is MUCH WORSE.

Read the article and THEN try to discuss it, Toddy boy, because I'm not interested in your half assed supposition and conjecture based on bits of information and half truths.

"That's $115 billion in REDUCED REVENUE...."

Yes, so if you're a moron who thinks allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will balance the budget, you're off by over $1 trillion.

I never said it would balance it alone, you Toddling buffoon! But it sure as hell would put a dent in our deficit, along with getting rid of the tax breaks/loopholes for mega corporations like Mobil....unless YOU, Toddy, have your head so far up Boehner's butt that you think $115 billion is irrelevent.

Get up to speed, Toddy boy.
A dent? LOL!

What tax breaks/loopholes for Mobil do you want to eliminate?
Be specific.

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