Alan Simpson Slams Fellow Republicans For Unwillingness To Compromise

Slamming Pubs?? Bullpucky!..........................

Read again what he said.

"You can’t grow your way out of this hole, and you can’t tax your way out of this hole."

He's talking to BOTH parties. Do you think he's talking about the Pubs "taxing their way out"? Really?

Too many people see what they want to see instead of actually reading and comprehending.

And I daresay, Alan Simpson talks to enough of these guys to know full well that neither party is going to get serious until after November. Both parties have been dealing with a president who is clueless when it comes to leadership. Our Congress has had no leadership from the day this man was sworn in.

When was the last time you heard of any important legislation being dealt with in Congress? 6 months, 9 months, this year?

They are in wait mode.
Who pay's more money in taxes?
A person who earns 50,000 a year at 25%
A person who earns 50,000,000,000 at 15%
Who pays more taxes?

I told have stumped everyone. You are a fucking genius and nobody here would dare try to match wits with you. You are just......too.......damned.......brilliant.

You took the time and space to respond but to stupid to answer the question.

I told have stumped everyone. You are a fucking genius and nobody here would dare try to match wits with you. You are just......too.......damned.......brilliant.

You took the time and space to respond but to stupid to answer the question.

Dude, he already said that. YOU are the king. He bows down to your dizzying intellect. Christ, would you TRY to pay attention.
I told have stumped everyone. You are a fucking genius and nobody here would dare try to match wits with you. You are just......too.......damned.......brilliant.

You took the time and space to respond but to stupid to answer the question.

Dude, he already said that. YOU are the king. He bows down to your dizzying intellect. Christ, would you TRY to pay attention.
So he's stupid maybe he should shut the fuck up.
I told have stumped everyone. You are a fucking genius and nobody here would dare try to match wits with you. You are just......too.......damned.......brilliant.

You took the time and space to respond but to stupid to answer the question.

Dude, he already said that. YOU are the king. He bows down to your dizzying intellect. Christ, would you TRY to pay attention.

Do you really believe the problem in our govt is because republicans refuse to compromise?
You took the time and space to respond but to stupid to answer the question.

Dude, he already said that. YOU are the king. He bows down to your dizzying intellect. Christ, would you TRY to pay attention.

Do you really believe the problem in our govt is because republicans refuse to compromise?

You can't compromise when two people have too different goals in mind.\\How does a sheep compromise with a wolf on what will be for supper?
Dude, he already said that. YOU are the king. He bows down to your dizzying intellect. Christ, would you TRY to pay attention.
So he's stupid maybe he should shut the fuck up.

We'd never hear from half the board again.
When this bullshit about the rich not paying enough taxes is stopped I will stop asking that question.

Who pay's more money in taxes?
A person who earns 50,000 a year at 25%
A person who earns 50,000,000,000 at 15%
Who pays more taxes?
We'd never hear from half the board again.
When this bullshit about the rich not paying enough taxes is stopped I will stop asking that question.

Who pay's more money in taxes?
A person who earns 50,000 a year at 25%
A person who earns 50,000,000,000 at 15%
Who pays more taxes?

Your record is stuck.
Just like the democrats record is stuck that the rich does not pay enough in taxes.

Who pay's more money in taxes?
A person who earns 50,000 a year at 25%
A person who earns 50,000,000,000 at 15%
Who pays more taxes?
It is an impenetrable and unscalable wall of brilliance! Nobody can answer that fucking question without also admitting that Bigrube is absolutely correct.

Genius I tell ya.
It is an impenetrable and unscalable wall of brilliance! Nobody can answer that fucking question without also admitting that Bigrube is absolutely correct.

Genius I tell ya.
Just too damn smart for your stupid ass.
I am glad I can rube you the wrong way.
Yeah, Simpson is one of those Olympia Snow, Dick Lugar, Lindsey Graham, Arlen Specter kinda "players" who believe in their relevance and their self importance and "ruling like a Senator" rather than responding to their constituents wishes.

aka RINO.
Wow.....when it comes to History, you Teabaggers surely are some.....



I listened to the Fareed Zakeria show (it's the bomb) and I was very impressed by Alan Simpson. This country needs more politicians like him. What we don't need is a bunch of politicians groveling before Grover Norquist.

Exactly! Who is Norquist? When was he elected to anything? Yet, the GOP feels obligated to worship his every word.

It is the old 'he has their nads in a vise grip' factor.

If the GOP pisses Norquist off as they repeatedly have the social conservatives, guess what?

The GOP is replaced within 4 years.

Replaced with what? Are yoiu speaking about the Tea Party?:lol:
Exactly! Who is Norquist? When was he elected to anything? Yet, the GOP feels obligated to worship his every word.

It is the old 'he has their nads in a vise grip' factor.

If the GOP pisses Norquist off as they repeatedly have the social conservatives, guess what?

The GOP is replaced within 4 years.

Replaced with what? Are yoiu speaking about the Tea Party?:lol:

You can have the McCains of the GOP we don't want them.
In 1950 individual taxes were very low, so low that, after deductions, most Americans paid no income tax to the federal government.

Now, after 62 years of 'compromise' we see the government at all levels taking the majority of our income.

How did we get into this condition?

Because of asswipe RINOs like Simpson compromising whenever the Democrats came up with a new excuse to take our money from us!

When a theif comes up to you and demands your money in your wallet, it is NOT compromise to give him only half.

It is a compromise when you dont shoot the son of a bitch.

Hmm, sounds a lot like today. And guess what happened after 1950? Everyone figured out that the tax rates weren't high enough, so they raised them. Guess what is going to happen in the near future? Everyone is going to figure out that tax rates aren't high enough, and we are finally going to raise them to more reasonable levels.
When this bullshit about the rich not paying enough taxes is stopped I will stop asking that question.

Who pay's more money in taxes?
A person who earns 50,000 a year at 25%
A person who earns 50,000,000,000 at 15%
Who pays more taxes?

Your record is stuck.
Just like the democrats record is stuck that the rich does not pay enough in taxes.

Who pay's more money in taxes?
A person who earns 50,000 a year at 25%
A person who earns 50,000,000,000 at 15%
Who pays more taxes?

Let's do it this way; a person who makes $50,000 gets taxed at 50%, so they pay $25,000, and a person who makes $5,000,000 gets taxed at 1%, so they pay $50,000. The person making the most pays more, so this is proof that we should only tax the wealthy at 1% of income, and we should tax the middle class at 50% of income. Actually, in order to get the middle class to pay their fair share and equal the amount paid by the wealthy, we should tax the middle class at 100% while only taxing the wealthy at 1%.

This is taking your analogy to an extreme, but it does highlight your fucked up way of thinking.

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