Alaska Air is Gay, Gay, Gay

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
What's amusing to me about this is my entire life and longer the Republican Party has been a shill for big business, wanting as few restrictions as possible on their activities and as few taxes paid, all in the name of the free market (which the GOP has never truly practiced). They were even on board with bailing out the failed financial institutions after the crash in 2008, despite their irresponsible actions that created that mess. After all of that goodwill, today's corporations, now flooded with far left woke executives, have thanked them by pushing a deviant social agenda abhorrent to conservatives and biting the very hand that fed them.

What's distressing is the people in this video don't seem to be the slightest bit embarrassed about being grown men and women behaving like this in public. It's as if someone opened the cells in the local asylum and let everyone out. We have become a society that is too permissive.

What's amusing to me about this is my entire life and longer the Republican Party has been a shill for big business, wanting as few restrictions as possible on their activities and as few taxes paid, all in the name of the free market (which the GOP has never truly practiced). They were even on board with bailing out the failed financial institutions after the crash in 2008, despite their irresponsible actions that created that mess. After all of that goodwill, today's corporations, now flooded with far left woke executives, have thanked them by pushing a deviant social agenda abhorrent to conservatives and biting the very hand that fed them. What's distressing is the people in this video don't seem to be the slightest bit embarrassed about being grown men and women behaving like this in public. It's as if someone opened the cells in the local asylum and let everyone out. We have become a society that is too permissive.

You are absolutely dead on ball right, Taz.
Things can go terribly wrong in an instant at 30,000 feet and the last thing I want is to add to the danger with a crew running things like this.
I expect AA will lose big on this.
I would now sooner take a Moose to Alaska than ever trust Alaska Airlines ever again to fly me there.
You are absolutely dead on ball right, Taz.
Things can go terribly wrong in an instant at 30,000 feet and the last thing I want is to add to the danger with a crew running things like this.
I expect AA will lose big on this.
I would now sooner take a Moose to Alaska than ever trust Alaska Airlines ever again to fly me there.

Oh come on, you don't want a pretend woman asking you " coffee, tea or me?"
Oh come on, you don't want a pretend woman asking you " coffee, tea or me?"

That is no problem at all so long as the person asking really is an ACTUAL WOMAN.

This shit would be lucky I don't grab him by the pants and throw him out the baggage door at 12,000 feet.

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Being gay is a biological reality and there's nothing wrong with it. ;) Why is a biological reality that has been around for all of human history as it is part of our reality as a species far left? Doesn't make much sense. If republicans were truly small government that believe in rights and liberty then it wouldn't be going guns out at us gays...It would also leave businesses like Alaska alone to do what they think is best.
Fun fact... Rome didn't fall until AFTER they adopted xtianity as the state religion.

Rome fell because it just got too big for its britches, then suffered being run by a succession of terrible, self-centered, gluttonous and hedonistic rulers.

Much like America is now.
It would also leave businesses like Alaska alone to do what they think is best

No one is proposing the government Alaska airlines from swishing and mincing down the runway.

Everyone here should be content to let the market decide if this was, or was not, wise in their marketing concepts.

Regardless of my sexual orientation, I'm not impressed with pride flags on my seat or having nuts thrown at me by drag queens.

I just want to get there on time, with a minimum of drama, at a reasonable price.

And - IF - the stewardess is young, pretty, with a nice smile, I consider that a bonus.
Being gay is a biological reality
Show me where it is on an anatomy chart. Even better, just tell me what the biological process is supporting it.

and there's nothing wrong with it.
Leaving all religious considerations of morality aside, it operates in direct conflict with nature as an unnatural (perverse) act.

Why is a biological reality that has been around for all of human history as it is part of our reality as a species far left?
Murder and disease have been around forever as well. That doesn't mean that either is desired or normal.

If republicans were truly small government that believe in rights and liberty then it wouldn't be going guns out at us gays...
They might not if for the fact that everytime gays are granted more recognition and normalization (even co-opting "marriage" now because civil unions just were not good enough for you), you use it to get over others trying to take everything over, from flying flags on the WH, to filling the WH with freaks, to having parades with naked men waving their junk in children's faces to forcing drag queen parties and faggotry into our schools.

Gave an inch, you took a mile. The fault is all yours. We gave you the chance to be normal and just integrate into society, and you blew it.
Those aren't gays, those are fags. And fags do not belong in our society.

Gays? Eh, I don't agree with it but long as they don't bang kids or parade it around I'll tolerate it. Most real gays aren't even that well known as being gay because they act like a person instead of some caricature of a flaming homo.

Fags on the other hand have to make sure everyone with 100ft of them are completely aware they are a fag. Push it in everyone's face and pretty much think being some stereotypical fag is their entire personality. They are the ones to walk up to a stranger and yell "I'm gay and I'm proud and you better get used to it honey!". No one likes fags.

What are trying to make their airline a flying fag rave party or something? Jesus I hope they go bankrupt
What's amusing to me about this is my entire life and longer the Republican Party has been a shill for big business, wanting as few restrictions as possible on their activities and as few taxes paid, all in the name of the free market (which the GOP has never truly practiced). They were even on board with bailing out the failed financial institutions after the crash in 2008, despite their irresponsible actions that created that mess. After all of that goodwill, today's corporations, now flooded with far left woke executives, have thanked them by pushing a deviant social agenda abhorrent to conservatives and biting the very hand that fed them.

What's distressing is the people in this video don't seem to be the slightest bit embarrassed about being grown men and women behaving like this in public. It's as if someone opened the cells in the local asylum and let everyone out. We have become a society that is too permissive.

Oh no! You mean to tell me those people aren't embarrassed to be enjoying themselves out in public? Darn.
Being gay is a biological reality and there's nothing wrong with it. ;) Why is a biological reality that has been around for all of human history as it is part of our reality as a species far left? Doesn't make much sense. If republicans were truly small government that believe in rights and liberty then it wouldn't be going guns out at us gays...It would also leave businesses like Alaska alone to do what they think is best.

What they should be doing is concentrating on making sure their planes are safe, their pilots as qualified as possible, and their schedule adhered to as much as possible.

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