Alaska Air is Gay, Gay, Gay

What's amusing to me about this is my entire life and longer the Republican Party has been a shill for big business, wanting as few restrictions as possible on their activities and as few taxes paid, all in the name of the free market (which the GOP has never truly practiced). They were even on board with bailing out the failed financial institutions after the crash in 2008, despite their irresponsible actions that created that mess. After all of that goodwill, today's corporations, now flooded with far left woke executives, have thanked them by pushing a deviant social agenda abhorrent to conservatives and biting the very hand that fed them.

What's distressing is the people in this video don't seem to be the slightest bit embarrassed about being grown men and women behaving like this in public. It's as if someone opened the cells in the local asylum and let everyone out. We have become a society that is too permissive.

Give 'em the Bud Light treatment.
Looks like they are having a lot of fun and enjoy where they work.

Good on them.

Being gay is a biological reality and there's nothing wrong with it. ;) Why is a biological reality that has been around for all of human history as it is part of our reality as a species far left? Doesn't make much sense. If republicans were truly small government that believe in rights and liberty then it wouldn't be going guns out at us gays...It would also leave businesses like Alaska alone to do what they think is best.

Fuck fags. They try to shove that faggot shit down our throats. God hates fags. All I need to know.

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