Alaska is the first red state to legalize recreational Marijuana

The only confusion is yours.

Cannabis is not in the least bit "addictive" to those without addictive personalities to begin with. There are no "withdrawal symptoms" from cannabis even for heavy users. There is also no proven causality. The onus is on you to provide it you can't.
Yes there are withdrawal symptoms.

Contrary to common belief, marijuana is addictive. Estimates from research suggest that about 9 percent of users become addicted to marijuana; this number increases among those who start young (to about 17 percent, or 1 in 6) and among people who use marijuana daily (to 25-50 percent).

Long-term marijuana users trying to quit report withdrawal symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which can make it difficult to abstain.
DrugFacts Marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

NIDA is addicted to funding from the phony "war on drugs". Their "evidence" is fabricated and the gullible like you and your ilk never question the source or the motives of places like NIDA.
What evidence do you have it is fabricated?

Just look at the statistics of actual users versus the fabricated claims of "harm". If those fabrications were "accurate" there would be millions of people with those symptoms overwhelming the medical system. But they don't exist. The fabrications fail the reality test.

However there is no question that those who fabricate these studies are addicted to their funding. Without that they would be looking for a real job.
There is actual evidence of reduced cognitive function and altered brain composition/chemistry. You just don't accept it. And no, those things don't necessitate the medical system being overwhelmed.

Except that those only occur in underage children. There is no evidence in adults of that fabrication which is why it doesn't overwhelm the medical system.
Because alcohol in moderate use does not harm an individual's health, whereas marijuana, cocaine, and heroin do.

Absolute BS! Prove that moderate use of cannabis harms anyone's health using data from an unbiased credible source.
"A credible source. Like Vox or some gay 23 year old blogger from Yale! Governments and universities are all lying man! "


Sorry, just saying you don't agree with the studies isn't an argument.

Onus is on you to prove that your "studies" jibe with reality.

They don't and you can't provide any proof that they do.


Are you really this gullible?

What does the very first sentence say?

"Longitudinal trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence into adulthood were examined for adverse life-course outcomes among African-Americans and Puerto Ricans. "

Who is the study targeting?

Underprivileged minorities, right?

And who are more likely to end up committing crimes?

Underprivileged minorities, right?

But you are gullible enough to believe that growing up as an underprivileged minorities in a crime ridden neighborhood is not the primary cause of becoming a criminal but smoking pot is the cause?


Thanks for destroying your own credibility with your "post smoking" behavior. ;)

Have a nice day.
I agree non-whites are more prone to criminal behavior, 100%, and the stats bear that out. I am glad you agree about disproportionate levels of non-white crime, many on the left don't recognize this.

However, this study shows those Blacks and Puerto Ricans who didn't use marijuana are less prone to criminal behavior as adults than those who used . So my claim i validated, those who use marijuana are more prone to criminal behavior than those who don't.

NIDA is addicted to funding from the phony "war on drugs". Their "evidence" is fabricated and the gullible like you and your ilk never question the source or the motives of places like NIDA.
What evidence do you have it is fabricated?

Just look at the statistics of actual users versus the fabricated claims of "harm". If those fabrications were "accurate" there would be millions of people with those symptoms overwhelming the medical system. But they don't exist. The fabrications fail the reality test.

However there is no question that those who fabricate these studies are addicted to their funding. Without that they would be looking for a real job.
There is actual evidence of reduced cognitive function and altered brain composition/chemistry. You just don't accept it. And no, those things don't necessitate the medical system being overwhelmed.

Except that those only occur in underage children. There is no evidence in adults of that fabrication which is why it doesn't overwhelm the medical system.
Not true. The study I cited was 18-25 year olds. Not children.
Even Casual Marijuana Smokers at Risk for Structural Brain Changes
Reefer is for dopes....that's why it's called DOPE and yes Martha, it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook. It's much worse on your lungs than tobacco from it's high tar content. It shrinks your nuts and makes you fat from munchies and too lazy to work. Of course there are exceptions and depending on frequency of use, not as harmful as alcohol. But please, don't let anybody under 30 be a legal user....if you don't know who you are by 30, you'll never know.

Channeling for Henry Anslinger, bro?
There's a big difference between being around potheads as a user and a non user.
your stories say you have very little experience around people smoking are the one who said when you were at a party where people were smoking pot you had to be rushed to the hospital with a "contact" high.....
Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
You don't understand what gateway drug theory is.

The idea is not that everyone who smokes weed moves to heroin or cocaine.

Most people, if any, don't start at heroin, but started at softer drugs like marijuana. Show me one heroin addict that started at heroin and I will show you 50 that started at pot. This is the point, that soft drug use leads to an increased likelihood of harder dug use. Meaning those who haven't used substances like marijuana to begin with are less like to use harder drugs.

Many baby boomers are amoral, selfish, narcissistic faggots, bad example.

Marijuana, NOT EVEN ONCE.


So according to that fallacy of yours soda is a gateway to becoming an alcoholic because you can't show me a single alcoholic who never started by drinking a soda, right?

Your false equivalence fails because there is no causality. Addicts become addicts because they have addictive personalities. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the substances they abuse either. People who are addicted to gambling or cutting themselves or bulimia didn't all smoke pot first.
It isn't a fallacy.

It is just a fact someone who smokes marijuana is at a higher risk of using hard drugs than someone who doesn't use marijuana. Gateway drug theory isn't about gambling or bulimia so stop confusing the issue.
You're wrong bud. Your just spewing propoganda. I promise you all the cokeheads and heroine users of the world tried alcohol first. And probably cigarettes.

But I CAN think of a way that marijuana IS a gateway drug! Because it's so illegal the only way to get it is to get mixed up with criminals. And those criminals have access to other drugs! So it makes getting into further illegal activities seem not so bad!

But I can think of one very easy way to end that...
Someone that just drinks alcohol is less likely than someone who uses marijuana to use hard drugs
thats funny just about everyone i knew who drank smoked cigarets and pot and would do speed or coke if it was there...
The criminals who sold illegal alcohol didn't suddenly become law abiding. They moved into drug sales. .

There was little in the way of an illegal drug market in 1930- organized crime focused on loan sharking, gambling and prostitution once they lost the alcohol market. And violence dropped once the big money was eliminated.

The unintended consequences of the rightwing "do-gooder" mentality of trying to ban alcohol and drugs has created the violent criminal gangs of today.
Where are all those violent marijuana gangs in the US states where it is illegal?

Cash From Marijuana Fuels Mexico s Drug War NPR

Petition Legalize Marijuana Stop Violent Mexican Drug Cartels

May as well have an article from The Advocate that butt fucking is good for you and doesn't cause anal leakage.
many of your sources for your "facts" have been just as biased....

So according to that fallacy of yours soda is a gateway to becoming an alcoholic because you can't show me a single alcoholic who never started by drinking a soda, right?

Your false equivalence fails because there is no causality. Addicts become addicts because they have addictive personalities. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the substances they abuse either. People who are addicted to gambling or cutting themselves or bulimia didn't all smoke pot first.
It isn't a fallacy.

It is just a fact someone who smokes marijuana is at a higher risk of using hard drugs than someone who doesn't use marijuana. Gateway drug theory isn't about gambling or bulimia so stop confusing the issue.
You're wrong bud. Your just spewing propoganda. I promise you all the cokeheads and heroine users of the world tried alcohol first. And probably cigarettes.

But I CAN think of a way that marijuana IS a gateway drug! Because it's so illegal the only way to get it is to get mixed up with criminals. And those criminals have access to other drugs! So it makes getting into further illegal activities seem not so bad!

But I can think of one very easy way to end that...
Someone that just drinks alcohol is less likely than someone who uses marijuana to use hard drugs
Because it is legal and they are not exposed to the criminal element.
This is true, those who use marijuana are definitely more prone to criminal behavior than those who just drink.
what other drugs are they also doing?....
Alcohol and cigarettes may have higher rates of addiction, but are less harmful as far as cognitive function goes. Moderate Marijuana use in the immediate term is far more harmful than cigarette use and certainly more so than moderate alcohol consumption.

Read the studies I linked in the thread, they aren't but a couple pages back. But in reality, you don't care about the science behind the issue, so what's the point? Your view wouldn't change even if you read the studies and admitted marijuana is more harmful. Because at the end of the day, you just don't think the government has the right to tell someone not to toke, regardless of harm level. I would be curious to see if that logic applies to cocaine and heroin as well? We shouldn't be inconsistent right?

And right back at you.

At the end of the day you think the government does have the right to tell people what they can- or cannot smoke- unless of course it is alcohol or cigarettes......

You fail to apply your 'logic' to alcohol- why would we expect you to use the same logic for alcohol and cocaine and heroin?
Because alcohol in moderate use does not harm an individual's health, whereas marijuana, cocaine, and heroin do. My view isn't inconsistent. But if your view is based off the claim that the government doesn't have to dictate what someone puts in their body, or that you support legalizing marijuana to reduced organized violence, than you should support legalizing hard drugs as well.

But yes, I think the government has the right to tell people what they can and cannot put in their bodies.
i smoked for 30 years and all the exams i have had say that for my age i am in good health....must be a fluke.....
We didn't "steal" money you cum-drunk dingo....we ROBBED the hippie-dippies.

A distinction without a difference. You are a self confessed criminal who should have been prosecuted, sentenced and served hard time behind bars where you belong.


Are you really this gullible?

What does the very first sentence say?

"Longitudinal trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence into adulthood were examined for adverse life-course outcomes among African-Americans and Puerto Ricans. "

Who is the study targeting?

Underprivileged minorities, right?

And who are more likely to end up committing crimes?

Underprivileged minorities, right?

But you are gullible enough to believe that growing up as an underprivileged minorities in a crime ridden neighborhood is not the primary cause of becoming a criminal but smoking pot is the cause?


Thanks for destroying your own credibility with your "post smoking" behavior. ;)

Have a nice day.
I agree non-whites are more prone to criminal behavior, 100%, and the stats bear that out. I am glad you agree about disproportionate levels of non-white crime, many on the left don't recognize this.

However, this study shows those Blacks and Puerto Ricans who didn't use marijuana are less prone to criminal behavior as adults than those who used . So my claim i validated, those who use marijuana are more prone to criminal behavior than those who don't.

I don't agree with your racism and your racist study either.

Middle class minorities who don't live in crime ridden areas are less likely to become criminals but racists like you make the fallacious assumption that it has to do with race and not location. Here is a newsflash for you. Underprivileged whites who live in crime ridden areas smoke pot and become criminals at higher rates than whites in middle class areas.

Thanks for admitting to being a gullible racist.
NIDA is addicted to funding from the phony "war on drugs". Their "evidence" is fabricated and the gullible like you and your ilk never question the source or the motives of places like NIDA.
What evidence do you have it is fabricated?

Just look at the statistics of actual users versus the fabricated claims of "harm". If those fabrications were "accurate" there would be millions of people with those symptoms overwhelming the medical system. But they don't exist. The fabrications fail the reality test.

However there is no question that those who fabricate these studies are addicted to their funding. Without that they would be looking for a real job.
There is actual evidence of reduced cognitive function and altered brain composition/chemistry. You just don't accept it. And no, those things don't necessitate the medical system being overwhelmed.

Except that those only occur in underage children. There is no evidence in adults of that fabrication which is why it doesn't overwhelm the medical system.
Not true. The study I cited was 18-25 year olds. Not children.
Even Casual Marijuana Smokers at Risk for Structural Brain Changes
Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users

Here is the disclaimer on your first link;

Healthline is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.

The second study contradicts itself and your contention;

I read with great interest this article correlating neuroanatomical changes in casual cannabis users versus non-users. However, the authors repeatedly and explicitly state a causative relationship between the cannabis use and the anatomic changes throughout the article, only to state in the second-to-last paragraph that no causative relationship can be concluded due to the cross-sectional design of this study

Once again you have come up snake eyes with your "studies" since they don't substantiate what you are claiming.

Obviously you only read the headlines and not the substance. Is that because you don't understand the subject matter or lack the comprehension abilities to grasp the content?

Either way the end result is the same. There is nothing about marijuana that is significantly different to any other substance that is legal. Plenty of studies have debunked the fake "science" put out by the big tobacco corporations and proven that it does cause cancer and other diseases. Alcohol causes diseases too.

Being a racist hypocrite you have no basis for opposing cannabis except for your racism and hypocrisy.

Have a nice day.
The criminals who sold illegal alcohol didn't suddenly become law abiding. They moved into drug sales. .

There was little in the way of an illegal drug market in 1930- organized crime focused on loan sharking, gambling and prostitution once they lost the alcohol market. And violence dropped once the big money was eliminated.

The unintended consequences of the rightwing "do-gooder" mentality of trying to ban alcohol and drugs has created the violent criminal gangs of today.
Where are all those violent marijuana gangs in the US states where it is illegal?

Cash From Marijuana Fuels Mexico s Drug War NPR

Petition Legalize Marijuana Stop Violent Mexican Drug Cartels

May as well have an article from The Advocate that butt fucking is good for you and doesn't cause anal leakage.

Tipsycatlover aka katzendgs

Coming from a self-described drunk, its very telling that you have such intimate knowledge of such things but its on you to prove what those sites are saying is untrue.

Betcha can't.
We didn't "steal" money you cum-drunk dingo....we ROBBED the hippie-dippies.

A distinction without a difference. You are a self confessed criminal who should have been prosecuted, sentenced and served hard time behind bars where you belong.

The Marine Corp and Air Force, where he has said he served with honor, would NOT be terribly proud of his bragging about being a criminal but I wonder if he's telling the truth.

He has lied about everything else.

BullKurtz aka Doodette aka BullKurtzUSMC - why don't you just tell the truth?
Onus is on you to prove that your "studies" jibe with reality.

They don't and you can't provide any proof that they do.

We didn't "steal" money you cum-drunk dingo....we ROBBED the hippie-dippies.

You should know about stealing when you tried to steal our Valor by lying about serving in US Armed Forces. Hard to believe you can go outside your hovel without somebody beating the crap out of you.

We didn't "steal" money you cum-drunk dingo....we ROBBED the hippie-dippies.

A distinction without a difference. You are a self confessed criminal who should have been prosecuted, sentenced and served hard time behind bars where you belong.

The Marine Corp and Air Force, where he has said he served with honor, would NOT be terribly proud of his bragging about being a criminal but I wonder if he's telling the truth.

He has lied about everything else.

BullKurtz aka Doodette aka BullKurtzUSMC - why don't you just tell the truth?

BullKurtz[/USER] aka Doodette aka BullKurtzUSMC - why don't you just tell the truth?

Weed, cocaine, meth is not the problem in America. The real drug problem is the alcohol. It's legal, sold everywhere so naturally it is the one most consumed and easily abused.

  • Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the U.S. 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence along with several million more who engage in risky drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. More than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking, and more than seven million children live in a household where at least one parent is dependent or has abused alcohol.
  • Alcohol Drug Information
Anyone who thinks inhaling smoke into their lungs, is a good thing, isn't smart to begin with.

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