Alaska Still Counting, With Basis In Diversity Changes!(?) Of Framers, Before Framers!(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So far, the main people seeming to talk about the Alaska vote appear to be supporters of the likely new Independent, Governor-Elect! "No Surprises" seem to be noted in the counting. If that tends to include no surprises from likely new included diversity ballots, that may be the extra advantage that Senator Begich has to overcome. He needs 8000 to run even. He eventually overcame a 3000 vote deficit in 2008, to win by 4000.

More than 50 000 votes remain to be counted in Senate governor s race Alaska Dispatch

So anyone notices that instead of looking backward, the Chinese are doing, "Singles Day," online: Celebrating the market spending that the Red State locals oppose. It is noted that many Red States oppose federal subsidies for health care, in their states. Red State opposition to customers in the stores, with extra money, would be said to be the Red State Republican brand(?)!

Now, possibly, even the Chief Justice of the federal Supreme Court, may want to comment on just how short-sighted some states attorneys may actually be! Even any lay person would read ACA, noting that "exchanges set up by the states," is the language that opens the subsidy program language in the statute. It does not define the statute, overall.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Voters from Lands of Many Nations, now Important in Much of Pacific Rim, of former Lands of Many Nations(?)! Many know how creative language of White Eyes can be! Many did say, "It never said that at all(?)!)
Alaska Senate will be red as will Louisiana. The rest of OP is written so poorly, it's impossible to decipher its meaning.
This thread is dishonest. And racist.

Speaking of the Chinese, I believe they said something along the lines of "Americans have gotten tired of Obama's banality."
This thread is dishonest. And racist.

Speaking of the Chinese, I believe they said something along the lines of "Americans have gotten tired of Obama's banality."
Which is another way for the Chinese to say "We are tired of obama's banality."
"Alaska will be Red, as will Louisiana. . ." is asserted basis-free, along with the other comments, including of others.

The Framers, who came after the original indigenous peoples--and even many Colonists--set up the Senate v. House to reflect population dynamics, not political ideologies. Now political maps of the Red States v. Blue States look like a giant majority of people all Republicans, hardly anyone Democrats, all live in the USA center. The federal and local legislatures went with the low voter turnout, anyone else would note, such that all of a sudden, rural population voter interests gained ascendency, which happens. That is how the whole thing was set up. Minority representation is all about minority representation.

Noted in Alaska is that political divisions, including of indigenous peoples, only now start to get counted in Alaska. The Independent, likely governor-elect, has noted that the Alaska vote pattern is likely different from the other states. Lava Flows are not an issue, for example(?). When urban voters show up in the more major voter turnout elections, then the map will look more blue--except maybe the big red blotch in the middle, upper north. That blotch, however, is not about tribal lands. In fact, neither is Wyoming(?)!

The fact that the map may look like it is inhabited, only by original indigenous peoples, does not suggest to anyone that only original, indigenous peoples, really live there. Many may already have migrated to tribal lands in California for example.

The Red Map is more about Coolidge and Hoover, than it is about Crazy Horse, or Pocahontas.

Alaska has no need to go back! In fact, actually, neither does anyone else!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many on Lands of Many Nations now dress in tie and tails, with honor. . .and wampum. . . and not like George Clooney!)
Would you care to wager on the outcome of the Alaska Senate race? Louisiana?
D Winner* M. Landrieu (i)42.1%618,840
R Winner* B. Cassidy41.0%602,439
R R. Maness13.8%202,413
R T. Clements1.0%14,158
L B. McMorris0.9%13,024
D W. Ables0.8%11,318
D W. Waymire0.3%4,669
D V. Senegal0.3%
Maness and Clements are both Republicans. The runoff will likely give >90% of their votes to Cassidy. We're looking at Cassidy by 57/43 or better.

In Alaska, with 50,000 votes or so to be counted, Sullivan (R) leads Begich (D) by 8,000 votes. Begich would need >2/3 of those votes to win. with the rest of the state showing a 4% lead for the Republican, betting that the absentees will vary far enough from that trend to make a difference.

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