Alerts Request


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Is there any way to tweak the software to number the Alerts column...say from the bottom up? Often, when I actually work all day and don't log in to USMB for hours, I return to find 14, 18 maybe 20 Alerts. I try to check them from the bottom up. Sometimes there are several in a row from one poster and it presents difficulty in remembering which one should be next.

...just sayin'
YOU work for hours at a time? :lol:

I had suggested the un-read alerts remain shaded until upon they hath been clicked.

That would work even better. Then one could skip around and remain in the same thread until done with all Alerts regarding same.

YOU work for hours at a time? :lol:

I had suggested the un-read alerts remain shaded until upon they hath been clicked.

That would work even better. Then one could skip around and remain in the same thread until done with all Alerts regarding same.

Another solution would be to have them disappear after being clicked upon.
Is there any way to tweak the software to number the Alerts column...say from the bottom up? I try to check them from the bottom up. Sometimes there are several in a row from one poster and it presents difficulty in remembering which one should be next.

And can we have free sandwiches for posting too? I try to always have some kind of snack while browsing USMB, but sometimes there are several alerts in a row and it presents difficulty in remembering to eat my tuna salad, kale, etc. in between addressing them.
I just wish I didn't get an alert every time someone quoted a post of mine , when in actuality all they did was quote a post that contained a nested quote from me.
I just wish I didn't get an alert every time someone quoted a post of mine , when in actuality all they did was quote a post that contained a nested quote from me.

In Alert Preferences:

Alert Preferences


The option:

"Replies to a watched thread." needs to be disabled to remove the response to a non direct quote alert.

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