Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.
Pretty sure trump has that too.
.BTW, you never addressed the CBS video of a crisis actress posing as a mother

No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims.

Why do you keep repeating all this crazy shit... In only impresses other crazy people like PumpkinHead.

Do tell? Newtown spreads over 59 square miles and it has a median income of 120K. You believe that wealthy parents would send their children to a school that had massive mold and asbestos issues with a damaged roof and wasn't close to complying with the ADA of 2009?

Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.

Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me.


This website, which amusingly calls itself the "Crisis Actor's Guild", points out that not only was SH open, but they had made infrastructure improvements between 2010 and 2012.

Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Thirteen: Google Earth – The Crisis Actors Guild

Probably going to be seeing a lot of this website, when I use it to debunk your crazy... so get used to seeing it.

Nope, any a very few were even allowed in the shut down school. EMTs were kept over a half a mile down the road. NDAs were signed, fellow like-minded people told that this was for the greater good and that their (snicker) "patriotism" would be rewarded financially.

Do you have a copy of one of these NDA's? Proof of financial transactions?

LMAO! The NRA would face a publicity nightmare for even suggesting that this entire event was indeed a DHS mass casualty capstone drill passed off as a real time event even IF they could get the TV time to make the case like I and others have and since the media is owned by the "powers that be", that ain't gonna happen.

Your girlfriend seems to think they are in on the conspiracy, and frankly,t hat sounds LESS crazy than what you just proposed.

So let me get this straight. The NRA, which has the ability to reach MILLIONS of people through mailings and lists, to rally people every time someone proposes even the most tepid gun control and terrify the shit out of Congress, gets evidence from Crazy Dale that Sandy Hook was a False Flag and I can prove it!

And they do.. um, nothing with it? Come on, that would be an impeachable offense if that really happened. The NRA has had no problem spreading lies about Fast and Furious and other government missteps, this one would be a slam dunk, take Barry out in handcuffs moment... and the do... nothing with it.

"No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims."

LMAO! Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie SEZ??? " I have zero explanation as to why the CBS Morning Show would put on a crisis actress that claimed she saw "body after bloodstained body" carried out as she arrived shortly after the alleged event but not even the body of the alleged shooter was removed allegedly until the wee hours of Saturday and dodge, Joe Blowhard, the angry card carrying commie! Duck and dodge!!! It's what you do best!

"Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.
Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me."

Nope, the CNN helicopter footage of that day is what I posted which showed a rotting roof that hadn't been maintained for years by the looks of it. FOIAs were used to show even one maintenance request for any type of upkeep and requisition forms and P.O #s and yet none could be found....interesting, no??? I mean, that should have been easy to comply with, eh?

Here are the photos of that school shortly after the alleged event.

View attachment 256823 View attachment 256824 View attachment 256826

Now, this pic below is rather damning because the windows in the green circle were allegedly blown out as Adam Lanza put bullet holes in the car of one of the staff but yet? The Police tape is already in place, no one else is around and there is ol Wayne Carver standing there with hands in pockets waiting to do his "interview".....btw, this was taken from the Connecticut state police's own website....looks like they kinda goofed, No?

View attachment 256829

Here we see the same two students but they changed the order of these alleged evacuees right in the middle of it.......notice the shadows? This is late afternoon not early morning and it certainly looks like this was taken in the middle of fall and not at the beginning of Winter....notice all the leaves on the trees.
View attachment 256828

You just keep asking for the continued ass-kicking, Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie. What you seem to struggle with the most (and is your biggest stumbling block) is that your anger and pride blinds you as to what should be obvious if you could only look through objective lenses and use the analytical side of your brain instead of the emotional side of it. When well-packaged lies are sold as the truth, anyone that points out the obvious fallacies and deceptions can expect to be "labeled".

Allow me to get down to the proverbial brass tacks.... we have been trained and programmed like one of Pavlov's dogs to trust unequivocally that when the proverbial "bell rings" that we are going to be "fed" information and mentally we start "salivating".The musical introduction, bright color patterns and even the cadence of the teleprompter reader are used subliminally to lull us into this paradigm that they (and only they) are the purveyors of truth. We are programmed that anyone that uses any type of critical thinking and doesn't subscribe to the "Hive Mindset" is a dissenter and a danger to the "state". That is how Hitler stifled dissent, the way Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot and every despot since has ruled the serfs.

You don't understand what is really going on, what has happened and what the "end game" entails. You don't understand how this fiat, debt based monetary system actually works. You are too "dug in" and too entrenched in your belief system to ever take a step back and look objectively. I suppose that is one of the reasons that I can't bust on you too harshly because I was once just as entrenched as you are now. You will eventually see things for what they really are....many will, but only after it's too late to do anything about it.

Lol.....and speaking of broken glass, how about 30 feet behind the door shot out with .223 ( rounds of which were reported to have gone through a school wall AND then through a car door.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:)....there are NO holes in the wall!:ack-1:. Not one!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Now.....when one is a sucker for the "official report" it makes alot of sense!! Yuk......:deal:
.BTW, you never addressed the CBS video of a crisis actress posing as a mother

No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims.

Why do you keep repeating all this crazy shit... In only impresses other crazy people like PumpkinHead.

Do tell? Newtown spreads over 59 square miles and it has a median income of 120K. You believe that wealthy parents would send their children to a school that had massive mold and asbestos issues with a damaged roof and wasn't close to complying with the ADA of 2009?

Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.

Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me.


This website, which amusingly calls itself the "Crisis Actor's Guild", points out that not only was SH open, but they had made infrastructure improvements between 2010 and 2012.

Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Thirteen: Google Earth – The Crisis Actors Guild

Probably going to be seeing a lot of this website, when I use it to debunk your crazy... so get used to seeing it.

Nope, any a very few were even allowed in the shut down school. EMTs were kept over a half a mile down the road. NDAs were signed, fellow like-minded people told that this was for the greater good and that their (snicker) "patriotism" would be rewarded financially.

Do you have a copy of one of these NDA's? Proof of financial transactions?

LMAO! The NRA would face a publicity nightmare for even suggesting that this entire event was indeed a DHS mass casualty capstone drill passed off as a real time event even IF they could get the TV time to make the case like I and others have and since the media is owned by the "powers that be", that ain't gonna happen.

Your girlfriend seems to think they are in on the conspiracy, and frankly,t hat sounds LESS crazy than what you just proposed.

So let me get this straight. The NRA, which has the ability to reach MILLIONS of people through mailings and lists, to rally people every time someone proposes even the most tepid gun control and terrify the shit out of Congress, gets evidence from Crazy Dale that Sandy Hook was a False Flag and I can prove it!

And they do.. um, nothing with it? Come on, that would be an impeachable offense if that really happened. The NRA has had no problem spreading lies about Fast and Furious and other government missteps, this one would be a slam dunk, take Barry out in handcuffs moment... and the do... nothing with it.

"No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims."

LMAO! Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie SEZ??? " I have zero explanation as to why the CBS Morning Show would put on a crisis actress that claimed she saw "body after bloodstained body" carried out as she arrived shortly after the alleged event but not even the body of the alleged shooter was removed allegedly until the wee hours of Saturday and dodge, Joe Blowhard, the angry card carrying commie! Duck and dodge!!! It's what you do best!

"Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.
Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me."

Nope, the CNN helicopter footage of that day is what I posted which showed a rotting roof that hadn't been maintained for years by the looks of it. FOIAs were used to show even one maintenance request for any type of upkeep and requisition forms and P.O #s and yet none could be found....interesting, no??? I mean, that should have been easy to comply with, eh?

Here are the photos of that school shortly after the alleged event.

View attachment 256823 View attachment 256824 View attachment 256826

Now, this pic below is rather damning because the windows in the green circle were allegedly blown out as Adam Lanza put bullet holes in the car of one of the staff but yet? The Police tape is already in place, no one else is around and there is ol Wayne Carver standing there with hands in pockets waiting to do his "interview".....btw, this was taken from the Connecticut state police's own website....looks like they kinda goofed, No?

View attachment 256829

Here we see the same two students but they changed the order of these alleged evacuees right in the middle of it.......notice the shadows? This is late afternoon not early morning and it certainly looks like this was taken in the middle of fall and not at the beginning of Winter....notice all the leaves on the trees.
View attachment 256828

You just keep asking for the continued ass-kicking, Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie. What you seem to struggle with the most (and is your biggest stumbling block) is that your anger and pride blinds you as to what should be obvious if you could only look through objective lenses and use the analytical side of your brain instead of the emotional side of it. When well-packaged lies are sold as the truth, anyone that points out the obvious fallacies and deceptions can expect to be "labeled".

Allow me to get down to the proverbial brass tacks.... we have been trained and programmed like one of Pavlov's dogs to trust unequivocally that when the proverbial "bell rings" that we are going to be "fed" information and mentally we start "salivating".The musical introduction, bright color patterns and even the cadence of the teleprompter reader are used subliminally to lull us into this paradigm that they (and only they) are the purveyors of truth. We are programmed that anyone that uses any type of critical thinking and doesn't subscribe to the "Hive Mindset" is a dissenter and a danger to the "state". That is how Hitler stifled dissent, the way Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot and every despot since has ruled the serfs.

You don't understand what is really going on, what has happened and what the "end game" entails. You don't understand how this fiat, debt based monetary system actually works. You are too "dug in" and too entrenched in your belief system to ever take a step back and look objectively. I suppose that is one of the reasons that I can't bust on you too harshly because I was once just as entrenched as you are now. You will eventually see things for what they really are....many will, but only after it's too late to do anything about it.

Lol.....and speaking of broken glass, how about 30 feet behind the door shot out with .223 ( rounds of which were reported to have gone through a school wall AND then through a car door.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:)....there are NO holes in the wall!:ack-1:. Not one!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Now.....when one is a sucker for the "official report" it makes alot of sense!! Yuk......:deal:

Have ya seen the blown out side glass to the security door that Adam Lanza alleged shot out? It's not what one would believe that a 6'1, 120 pound guy loaded down with hundreds of rounds of ammo and two handguns would be able to get through. What is even MORE hilarious is that no less than 17 heavily armed men of large stature claimed in their own written reports that they went through that same small opening without making it bigger or ACCIDENTALLY breaking more glass due to their size, weapons and gear that were allegedly wearing and not ONE stopped to unlatch the door lock which has to be operational under fire code statutes. It would be laughable and would rate a show on Comedy Central if it wasn't being used for the ruse that it was. SMH.........
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I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. The fact that you're refusing to learn is obvious from how you're just responding with more Genetic Fallacies and Ad Hominem fallacies. "You're crazy [insert generic sentence modifier here]". You have not, and are not making any arguments, just reasserting the same thing over and over.

Here's the problem with Conspiracy Nuts..

No matter how many times you prove it's a weather balloon, they will INSIST it's a flying saucer.

I literally just linked a study that proves it doesn't. Not only do they not actually listen to us, as public opinion has no effect on the passage of legislation, but people DO know you can't represent you, so people who DON'T certainly can't.

Yeah, acutally, it really does... it kind of depends on caveats, though.

Let's take gun control. If we were to put every sensible, common sense gun control on a ballot, it would TRULY suck for you gun nuts.

Ban Assault Rifles? Done.
Waiting Periods? Done.
Background Checks? Done.

The problem isn't necessarily what the people want, it's who is passionate about it.

When you have a mass slaughter like Sandy Hook, everyone gets upset. For about a week. But the hard core Gun Nut NRA member compensating for a tiny dick, he's going to be passionate about this all the time. So even though gun owners represent only 20% of the population, and the true Tiny-Dicked Gun Nuts probably less than 3% of the population, they can keep the pressure on Congress.

Define "Assault Rifles", Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? Leftards (as a whole) believe anything that can fire a projectile is an "assault weapon". You were allegedly in the military, does an AR 15 qualify? Semi-automatic weapons are "Assault weapons" but double barrelled shotguns that can blow a hole through someone isn't? You made it clear that ALL guns should be taken from law abiding stated it yourself. Sandy Hoax never happened, Joe Blowhard...and let us know how YOU would ward off a home invasion or a situation where your beloved (if you have one) would be protected and how all you would need to do is "drop trou" to scare off the attackers.....we could use a good laugh. You are the poster child for the adage of "It's better to be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

As far as you ducking my question as to how a crisis actress could make the claim that she saw child after bloody child being removed from the school within an hour of this event and that she was probably just mistaken? HOW in the fuck could you "mistake" a sight like that IF it actually happened? You ducked and dodged the fact that Gene Rosen claimed he took in wait, it was wait! It was definitely SIX children that were dropped off in front of his house with NO explanation by a male bus wait, it was a "she"......damn those pesky lies because you have to remember them verbatim.

Face it, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you have gotten your cyber ass thoroughly beaten not by just myself but by others responding here. Pumpkin Row utterly destroyed was even uglier than the butt kicking I gave you. Rise off that cyber canvas before the count of ten on those wobbly legs of yours, Joe Blowhard........I have another uppercut to give out.

Except you haven't proven anything, you're just reasserting that people who disagree with you are crazy while you ignore presented evidence.

No, you really are crazy... so there's no point proving it's weather balloon.... that's my point.

I already refuted this claim twice, at least. So, apparently what you consider to be "debating" is continually ignoring the other person's argument without ever refuting it, and just reasserting the same thing over and over. So, being a Binswanger. Since you're just repeating yourself, I'll just quote myself.

Dummy, it doesn't sound less crazy a second time. You don't have an argument, you just repeat shit other crazy people came up with.

So one more time.

One Crazy Guy with guns.


Thousands of people engaging in an elaborate hoax that the planned out months in advance, reasons.

Oh, you're just repeating yourself again here, so I'll just keep quoting myself, since you've again introduced no evidence, and again made no actual arguments, just reasserted the same refuted claim.

again, when you blurt out that the NRA isn't crazy enough for you (Although the NRA is pretty fucking crazy, when you get right down to it) that's kind of an indication of your craziness.

Here's the thing. New Zealand. One Crazy guys comes over and shoots a bunch of people... THEY ACTUALLY IMPOSE NEW GUN LAWS.

This country, we have mass shooting after mass shooting, and I think the only thing we've managed to do is ban bump stocks.
Define "Assault Rifles", Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? Leftards (as a whole) believe anything that can fire a projectile is an "assault weapon". You were allegedly in the military, does an AR 15 qualify?

Yes, absolutely. It was designed for the military and never, ever should have been sold to civilians.

You made it clear that ALL guns should be taken from law abiding stated it yourself.

that happens to be my opinion. That said, I know that isn't practical. What I'd consider a good comprimise position would be treating guns like cars... you have to get licensed, registered and insured to own one after you've undergone a background check and if you abuse the privilege, they get taken away.

"But, but, but the Founding Slave Rapists said I can have guns." whatever.

Sandy Hoax never happened, Joe Blowhard...and let us know how YOU would ward off a home invasion or a situation where your beloved (if you have one) would be protected and how all you would need to do is "drop trou" to scare off the attackers.....

Uh, dummy, you guys are the ones who have to own a gun to compensate for tiny dicks, not me. I'm a pragmatist. Home invasions are RARE. Understandably so, most people who want to get into your house to steal stuff wait until your not home, because Home Invasion has much higher penalties than burglary. The one and only time my home was "invaded", they waited until I wasn't there and took some stuff.

On the other hand, most murders, the victims knows the killer. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. This is truly a case of the "cure" being worse than the disease.

As far as you ducking my question as to how a crisis actress could make the claim that she saw child after bloody child being removed from the school within an hour of this event and that she was probably just mistaken? HOW in the fuck could you "mistake" a sight like that IF it actually happened?

People mistake things all the time. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. We do know that live children were removed from the school, some of them were probably taken out on stretchers or carried. This is probably what she was describing.

But again, since you didn't provide this supposed tape, who knows what you are really describing, other than a delusion in your own head.

You ducked and dodged the fact that Gene Rosen claimed he took in wait, it was wait! It was definitely SIX children that were dropped off in front of his house with NO explanation by a male bus wait, it was a "she"......damn those pesky lies because you have to remember them verbatim.

Really? This is another decent average guy who has been harrassed by you nuts.

Man who helped Sandy Hook kids is harassed by conspiracy theorists

yes, you truly are an evil cocksucker, Dale. I am not even sure how you live with yourself.
Have ya seen the blown out side glass to the security door that Adam Lanza alleged shot out? It's not what one would believe that a 6'1, 120 pound guy loaded down with hundreds of rounds of ammo and two handguns would be able to get through.

Guy, you do realize that the AR-15 weighs all of 7 lbs, right? It was designed to be lightweight. The reason why the Army went with 5.56mm ammo was so that soldiers could carry a lot of it over long distances.

What is even MORE hilarious is that no less than 17 heavily armed men of large stature claimed in their own written reports that they went through that same small opening without making it bigger or ACCIDENTALLY breaking more glass due to their size, weapons and gear that were allegedly wearing and not ONE stopped to unlatch the door lock which has to be operational under fire code statutes. It would be laughable and would rate a show on Comedy Central if it wasn't being used for the ruse that it was. SMH.........

Okay, guy, let's look at this one. Here's the hole you are talking about.


That's a pretty big fucking hole.

Hey, Bonus info so we don't have to go back to it.

Remember how you go on and on about Porta-Potties.

We'll here they are being delivered- THE NEXT DAY according to the Exif data on the State Trooper's recorder.

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.
Pretty sure trump has that too.
Obama speaks about himself in 3rd person singular. That is a sign of mental illness.
Except you haven't proven anything, you're just reasserting that people who disagree with you are crazy while you ignore presented evidence.

No, you really are crazy... so there's no point proving it's weather balloon.... that's my point.

I already refuted this claim twice, at least. So, apparently what you consider to be "debating" is continually ignoring the other person's argument without ever refuting it, and just reasserting the same thing over and over. So, being a Binswanger. Since you're just repeating yourself, I'll just quote myself.

Dummy, it doesn't sound less crazy a second time. You don't have an argument, you just repeat shit other crazy people came up with.

So one more time.

One Crazy Guy with guns.


Thousands of people engaging in an elaborate hoax that the planned out months in advance, reasons.
Oh, you're just repeating yourself again here, so I'll just keep quoting myself, since you've again introduced no evidence, and again made no actual arguments, just reasserted the same refuted claim.

again, when you blurt out that the NRA isn't crazy enough for you (Although the NRA is pretty fucking crazy, when you get right down to it) that's kind of an indication of your craziness.

Here's the thing. New Zealand. One Crazy guys comes over and shoots a bunch of people... THEY ACTUALLY IMPOSE NEW GUN LAWS.

This country, we have mass shooting after mass shooting, and I think the only thing we've managed to do is ban bump stocks.

s0n.....what are we up to now with post total count? 450,000 yet?

OCD is a mental disorder! Dont take my word for it.....look it up. Falls under the umbrella of depression. I just think it's kinda funny because you call others "crazy" more than anybody else!:2up:

Heres what doesnt pass the smell test s0n....

You're an anti-cop guy. Quick to besmirch police reports when a black kid gets shot like in Ferguson. The police have no credibility. Oh.....but at Sandy Hook, you embrace ever single word of the police report. Hmmmmm......:113::bye1::bye1: wouldnt know this but when bullets hit glass, it doesnt stop them. The bullets dont fall to the ground you d0lt. They continue to travel. When bullets pass through glass, the leave some level of damage to areas behind the glass. But not at the Sandy Hook school!:backpedal:
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Have ya seen the blown out side glass to the security door that Adam Lanza alleged shot out? It's not what one would believe that a 6'1, 120 pound guy loaded down with hundreds of rounds of ammo and two handguns would be able to get through.

Guy, you do realize that the AR-15 weighs all of 7 lbs, right? It was designed to be lightweight. The reason why the Army went with 5.56mm ammo was so that soldiers could carry a lot of it over long distances.

What is even MORE hilarious is that no less than 17 heavily armed men of large stature claimed in their own written reports that they went through that same small opening without making it bigger or ACCIDENTALLY breaking more glass due to their size, weapons and gear that were allegedly wearing and not ONE stopped to unlatch the door lock which has to be operational under fire code statutes. It would be laughable and would rate a show on Comedy Central if it wasn't being used for the ruse that it was. SMH.........

Okay, guy, let's look at this one. Here's the hole you are talking about.


That's a pretty big fucking hole.

Hey, Bonus info so we don't have to go back to it.

Remember how you go on and on about Porta-Potties.

We'll here they are being delivered- THE NEXT DAY according to the Exif data on the State Trooper's recorder.


Again....fake army guys wouldnt know.....

Saiga 12's do not have 35 round magazines. Oh....except at Sandy Hook they did!!:abgg2q.jpg:

Lingering Questions From the Adam Lanza Search Warrants | The Scoop - Investigative Reporting

And only in the world of a fake army guy does there
exist a C183 Mossberg 12G shotgun!:spinner:
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No, you really are crazy... so there's no point proving it's weather balloon.... that's my point.
You don't have a point, because that's not an argument. You were backed into a corner one post into this discussion, so you're just flinging ad hominems.
Dummy, it doesn't sound less crazy a second time. You don't have an argument, you just repeat shit other crazy people came up with.

So one more time.

One Crazy Guy with guns.


Thousands of people engaging in an elaborate hoax that the planned out months in advance, reasons.
Calling it crazy and presenting your false dichotomy again doesn't refute my argument, you're just ignoring my argument and reasserting yours, instead of presenting an argument against mine.
again, when you blurt out that the NRA isn't crazy enough for you (Although the NRA is pretty fucking crazy, when you get right down to it) that's kind of an indication of your craziness.

Here's the thing. New Zealand. One Crazy guys comes over and shoots a bunch of people... THEY ACTUALLY IMPOSE NEW GUN LAWS.

This country, we have mass shooting after mass shooting, and I think the only thing we've managed to do is ban bump stocks.
The point was that the NRA supports Gun Monopolization, at least now you're admitting that. Good, that's progress. Although, you still keep using the word "crazy" as a method to avoid legitimate discussion, so I suppose it has to be micro-steps.

The New Zealand shooting is an obvious false flag, and I've already explained that to you. Three gunmen were seen, while only one was reported and brought to court, and in addition to that, there was no actual ideology consistently professed in the manifesto(I can upload it, to show you). The manifesto was also typed in American English while the post was in The Queen's English. The gunmen also displayed professional training, AND the gunman spoke with a Cuban accent despite supposedly being born and raised in Australia. It's the sloppiest false flag ever.

Not only that, it's hilarious that you mention Gun Monopolization immediately followed the obvious false flag, because you keep claiming that there's no reason for a false flag and ignoring me when I point out that it's to disarm the populace. You can't even keep your narrative consistent.
No, no, you really are a crazy person. Sane people don't look at a mass shooting and see Psy-Op operations. Sane people don't look at weather balloons and see flying saucers.
Your problem isn't with what we see, but the fact that we're not seeing what the Government is telling you to see. You've acknowledged the existence of actual Conspiracies, such as Watergate, which means you acknowledge the possibility exists, you just don't want us to continue questioning the official narrative which you take as gospel.
No, you really, really are a crazy person. The NRA is what it is... a group that supports the proliferation of guns to profit the gun manufacturing industry. Didn't used to be this way. Used to be they supported common sense gun control... until the 1970's and the crazies took it over.
This year, they supported the Red Flag Law proposed by Marco Rubio, they've consistently assisted in the writing of, and the passage of Gun Monopolization Legislation. You're just trying to slap a year on it because you didn't read all of my citation out of disinterest in or disregard for the truth, due to wanting to push the Government's false narrative.
No, only crazy people say stuff like that. this is not something a sane person says.

As you can see from this screenshot, he spoke in the Queen's English when posting the link. As you can see from the attached file, it's in American English, and the ideas presented are completely inconsistent with each other. I would link the video of him saying Subscribe to Pewdiepie, to show his accent, however the Government has gone to great lengths to take down all evidence.
My consistent position is that only crazy people look at a mass shooting of innocent children and say, "the Gummit is trying to take our guns!"
Yet you just admitted that it's what happened in New Zealand immediately after the false flag operation.

Also, Gun Monopolization is fully inconsistent, it's inconsistent with a belief in Private Property, and inconsistent due to requiring special pleading fallacy for Road Pirates/Police.


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It's pretty sad when a teenager has more insight and wisdom than someone who is probably twice her age. A "grown" man who has no argument, just personal attacks.

Pumpkin Row - your maturity, patience and restraint in dealing with someone like that is admirable!
Your problem isn't with what we see, but the fact that we're not seeing what the Government is telling you to see. You've acknowledged the existence of actual Conspiracies, such as Watergate, which means you acknowledge the possibility exists, you just don't want us to continue questioning the official narrative which you take as gospel.

Not going to spend much more time with you... but...

Watergate was investigated, documented and dealt with. People went to prison, were forced to resign, and laws were changed to keep it from happening again.

Sandy Hook... you have a lot of stuff from people who listen to other people doctoring photographs and saying awful things about the parents of murdered children... Most of these claims collapse under even MILD scrutiny.

I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

As you can see from this screenshot, he spoke in the Queen's English when posting the link. As you can see from the attached file, it's in American English, and the ideas presented are completely inconsistent with each other. I would link the video of him saying Subscribe to Pewdiepie, to show his accent, however the Government has gone to great lengths to take down all evidence.

I wasn't aware the written word had an accent... I mean, if you showed grammatical differences between Australian and British English here, you might have a point, like saying "Torch" instead of Flashlight".

Yet you just admitted that it's what happened in New Zealand immediately after the false flag operation.

No. What happened in NZ is exactly what should have happened in this country, a long time ago. Like 30 mass shootings ago.

Let's keep in mind, the reason why the guy didn't kill a bunch of people in Australia is because they already have tight gun laws... so he went to a place with a lot less Muslims and a lot more gun availability.
It's pretty sad when a teenager has more insight and wisdom than someone who is probably twice her age. A "grown" man who has no argument, just personal attacks.

Pumpkin Row - your maturity, patience and restraint in dealing with someone like that is admirable!

The problem is, these guys don't have proof... they go on about how there are these big old conspiracies to stuff.

But I'm kind of done with this thread...
Have ya seen the blown out side glass to the security door that Adam Lanza alleged shot out? It's not what one would believe that a 6'1, 120 pound guy loaded down with hundreds of rounds of ammo and two handguns would be able to get through.

Guy, you do realize that the AR-15 weighs all of 7 lbs, right? It was designed to be lightweight. The reason why the Army went with 5.56mm ammo was so that soldiers could carry a lot of it over long distances.

What is even MORE hilarious is that no less than 17 heavily armed men of large stature claimed in their own written reports that they went through that same small opening without making it bigger or ACCIDENTALLY breaking more glass due to their size, weapons and gear that were allegedly wearing and not ONE stopped to unlatch the door lock which has to be operational under fire code statutes. It would be laughable and would rate a show on Comedy Central if it wasn't being used for the ruse that it was. SMH.........

Okay, guy, let's look at this one. Here's the hole you are talking about.


That's a pretty big fucking hole.

Hey, Bonus info so we don't have to go back to it.

Remember how you go on and on about Porta-Potties.

We'll here they are being delivered- THE NEXT DAY according to the Exif data on the State Trooper's recorder.

Hmmm? Seems that they enlarged that hole after the fact??? How did the magazine rack not get knocked down or the chairs and bench moved???


As far as the porta-pottie picture, the time stamp is 12-14-2012 at 1:30 PM...the DAY of this alleged event. I can understand your confusion being that the alleged Adam Lanza's date of death was on December 13th, the day BEFORE the alleged event.

I found this very interesting after the cache dates we looked at......


Here are crisis actors waiting for their moment on stage at the firehouse with lots of bottled water delivered.


Not much of a sense of urgency, eh, Joe????.... and why would SOOO much bottled water be necessary? Porta Potties? Why? If there is a mass evacuation, why would people stick around long enough to need use the facilities especially since the school has several allegedly that were no where close to the classrooms where the shooting took place and they must have evacuated EXTREMELY quickly since there is no footage of the other 460 plus alleged students being whisked away? It couldn't have been tooo horrific of a crime scene if Connecticut state troopers are setting out a lunch buffet on the hood of a Cruiser at 10:00 AM in the morning that according to the FIOA request was the footage given (No time stamp, BTW) showing no mass evacuation but rather the neat and orderly laying out of cold cuts, bread, Gator-Ade and other fixings for what appears to be a lunch buffet? I mean, after all, just because 27 badly shot up bodies are allegedly laying in pools of blood and other bodily fluids and brain matter is NO reason to skip "snack time", eh, Joseph?

The footage of the alleged "mother" that was on the CBS morning show claiming that she saw dead, bloodied child after dead, bloodied child being removed for the school was something I posted numerous times here. Youtube has taken it down because of "copyright" strikes as they have MANY channels and videos showing it to be a fraud. Here is one of the more PATHETIC CBS videos where Scott Pelley....what a fucking fraud. Dead children allegedly still in the school and will allegedly not be removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning and CNN fucks up and rolls the cameras while Robbie Parker is smirking and waiting for his big moment and then gets into character and quickly mentions a donation page......Barrypuppet wiping away fake tears from this left eye.......tear ducts not work on the right hand side? WTF?

It's fucking EMBARRASSING that this shabbily pulled off hoax is still being pushed.

Define "Assault Rifles", Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? Leftards (as a whole) believe anything that can fire a projectile is an "assault weapon". You were allegedly in the military, does an AR 15 qualify?

Yes, absolutely. It was designed for the military and never, ever should have been sold to civilians.

You made it clear that ALL guns should be taken from law abiding stated it yourself.

that happens to be my opinion. That said, I know that isn't practical. What I'd consider a good comprimise position would be treating guns like cars... you have to get licensed, registered and insured to own one after you've undergone a background check and if you abuse the privilege, they get taken away.

"But, but, but the Founding Slave Rapists said I can have guns." whatever.

Sandy Hoax never happened, Joe Blowhard...and let us know how YOU would ward off a home invasion or a situation where your beloved (if you have one) would be protected and how all you would need to do is "drop trou" to scare off the attackers.....

Uh, dummy, you guys are the ones who have to own a gun to compensate for tiny dicks, not me. I'm a pragmatist. Home invasions are RARE. Understandably so, most people who want to get into your house to steal stuff wait until your not home, because Home Invasion has much higher penalties than burglary. The one and only time my home was "invaded", they waited until I wasn't there and took some stuff.

On the other hand, most murders, the victims knows the killer. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. This is truly a case of the "cure" being worse than the disease.

As far as you ducking my question as to how a crisis actress could make the claim that she saw child after bloody child being removed from the school within an hour of this event and that she was probably just mistaken? HOW in the fuck could you "mistake" a sight like that IF it actually happened?

People mistake things all the time. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. We do know that live children were removed from the school, some of them were probably taken out on stretchers or carried. This is probably what she was describing.

But again, since you didn't provide this supposed tape, who knows what you are really describing, other than a delusion in your own head.

You ducked and dodged the fact that Gene Rosen claimed he took in wait, it was wait! It was definitely SIX children that were dropped off in front of his house with NO explanation by a male bus wait, it was a "she"......damn those pesky lies because you have to remember them verbatim.

Really? This is another decent average guy who has been harrassed by you nuts.

Man who helped Sandy Hook kids is harassed by conspiracy theorists

yes, you truly are an evil cocksucker, Dale. I am not even sure how you live with yourself.

"What I'd consider a comprimise position would be treating guns like cars... you have to get licensed, registered and insured to own one after you've undergone a background check and if you abuse the privilege, they get taken away."

My rights are not "privileges", dipshit, they are "inalienable" as in I can only give those up by consensual and a cohesion contract agreeing to do so. Millions of us will not and it has NOTHING to do with compensating but rather the lessons of history and those that refuse to learn from it. Do you believe the Jewish men were well-endowed and simply gave up their weapons to the Nazis brownshirts because their massive "manhood" would protect them and their families? The Chinese people that were totally unarmed and ran over by tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989? You think maybe THEY wish they could have had a way to defend themselves regardless of the odds? The communist agenda are the "enemies within" and you are a useful idiot.

"Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. We do know that live children were removed from the school, some of them were probably taken out on stretchers or carried. This is probably what she was describing"

Nope, one alleged teacher with an alleged foot wound was removed for the sake of cameras rolling...not a single alleged " bloody, injured child" was carried out of the school.

"Really? This is another decent average guy who has been harrassed by you nuts."

Gene Rosen is a crisis actor and contracts with FEMA...if he has been confronted, he deserves it for his lies and shitty acting. You believe him? HOLY shit but are you fucking stupid and gullible. Here is a song for you to get all "weepy-eyed" over....break out the Kleenix!

BAD, BAD acting, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying LMAO!!!
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