Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

Most mass shootings since the 1990's have been either government staged psy-ops or totally staged events. The Port Arthur shooting in Australia in 1996 is a perfect example. A low IQ patsy with a 73 score on the IQ test kills 35 people? Wendy Scurr, that survived the attack tells a very different story. The Dunblane school shooting official narrative reeks as bad as the New Zealand mosque shooting. You might want to think about why the "powers that be" want their serfs to be disarmed, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie........

So it's not just OUR government that is staging these things, it's ALL the governments? Really, Stewbum Dale?

not sure why a high IQ is needed to shoot people. Trust me, when I was in the Army, I knew a lot of idiots, mostly from the Red States, that were dumber than stumps, but you got them on the range, they could hit the target just fine.

The difference is, these countries don't have an NRA, that goes into panic mode every time there is a mass shooting. Instead, these countries figure out how the nut got a gun,and they make sure the next nut can't get one that way.

LOL! Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, I went into the whole "Sandy Hook" event with the intent of shutting down the naysayers until I actually RESEARCHED the event, looked at the CNN footage, did a little background search of the major players and the events leading up to this.

Somehow, I don't think you were a normal person before 2013. No one believes that. Reading your posts, we can all see a high level of neurosis.

Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you obviously have no clue about the U.N, it's goals and agendas, the banker/robber barons behind it as well as their insidious influence on the puppets put in every central bank is controlled by the same share holders of the Federal Reserve, BIS, IMF and the Global bank.

"not sure why a high IQ is needed to shoot people. Trust me, when I was in the Army, I knew a lot of idiots, mostly from the Red States, that were dumber than stumps, but you got them on the range, they could hit the target just fine"

When you were pushing paper as a staff sergeant, Joe Blowhard? You did a background search on every soldier and their testing scores? And you are claiming that USA.INC purposely recruited those of "low intelligence"? If true, it certainly goes a long ways towards explaining as to how you allegedly "qualified".

"Somehow, I don't think you were a normal person before 2013. No one believes that. Reading your posts, we can all see a high level of neurosis"

"We", Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? Who the fuck are these alleged pals of yours that are a part of the "Joe Blowhard commie contingent that make up your "we" crowd? It seems that you suffer from delusions of grandeur.


You've already displayed that you know nothing of logic, your positions are inconsistent, and you frown upon people who think for themselves, as the following quote displays:

I frown upon crazy nuts and worry I have to share my streets with them.

already explained that the Government can, and has, orchestrated similar conspiracies, you're just reasserting the same idea without supporting it with anything. It only takes a few people, not thousands, you're only asserting that it's a large number of people to attempt to back up your Argument form Incredulity.

Um,no... It really would take thousands of people to carry this out.

First, every last law enforcement officer there would have to be in on it, knowing there were no dead kids in there, and that there were no kids there at all.

Then you have the people of Newtown. They would really know which schools are open in their town. It's on their fucking tax bill, even if they don't have kids there themselves. So all 28,000 of them would have to be in on it.

Then you have the media. ANd, yes, I would have to include Fox News and even Hate Radio as part of this. All of them concede that Sandy Hook happened, it was a thing. They might disagree on what to do about it, coming up with crazy ideas like "Let's arm all the teachers, that'll do it!" But you would have to conclude ALL of them knew it was fake or found out it was, but decided to parrot the official government line.

Finally, the NRA. You would have to believe that someone in the NRA went to Ollie North or Wayne Foamy and said,"Hey, look, this is something someone posted on the internet, I think his name is Dale, and it proves Sandy Hook wasn't a thing because of baloney sandwiches or something!" And here they would have a chance to shut down the gun grabbers once and for all and they do.. um... nothing with it? Really?

Oh, right. They are in on the conspiracy.

And when the guy who fanned the flames of the crazy admits he's just a performance artist who was in it for the money, well... he's part of the conspiracy theory to.

"Um,no... It really would take thousands of people to carry this out"

Nope, any a very few were even allowed in the shut down school. EMTs were kept over a half a mile down the road. NDAs were signed, fellow like-minded people told that this was for the greater good and that their (snicker) "patriotism" would be rewarded financially. Allow me to specifically reference the smirking Robbie Parker that didn't realize that the cameras were rolling and started hyperventilating to get into "character" while mentioning a donation site had been set up for him while the alleged body of his alleged dead daughter hasn't even been removed from the school (that had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008) the fuck could ANYONE see that alone and not raise their eyebrows? The city of Newtown benefited greatly, the "players" were handsomely rewarded. AGAIN, I ask you if a bus driver would drop children off at the home of a total stranger to these kids and NOT tell him what allegedly occurred? You are extremely dense, Joe Blowhard.

"First, every last law enforcement officer there would have to be in on it, knowing there were no dead kids in there, and that there were no kids there at all."

Connecticut has a reputation for being VERY corrupt and that includes their law enforcement agencies. It's referred to as
"Corrupticutt" for a reason.

"Then you have the people of Newtown. They would really know which schools are open in their town. It's on their fucking tax bill, even if they don't have kids there themselves. So all 28,000 of them would have to be in on it."

Do tell? Newtown spreads over 59 square miles and it has a median income of 120K. You believe that wealthy parents would send their children to a school that had massive mold and asbestos issues with a damaged roof and wasn't close to complying with the ADA of 2009? No wheelchair access to their portable buildings, no handicapped parking spots with the sign and the proper markings? Do tell? We have the pics, Joseph.....

"Then you have the media. ANd, yes, I would have to include Fox News and even Hate Radio as part of this. All of them concede that Sandy Hook happened, it was a thing. They might disagree on what to do about it, coming up with crazy ideas like "Let's arm all the teachers, that'll do it!" But you would have to conclude ALL of them knew it was fake or found out it was, but decided to parrot the official government line"

Hmmmm? Do tell? Fox News was on the scene? Six media conglomerates control all news, print, radio, TV.....BTW, you never addressed the CBS video of a crisis actress posing as a mother that claimed that she pulled up to the school shortly after the event and claimed that she saw child after bloodstained child being carried out of the school around 10 AM....but wait? According to the reports of the Connecticut State Police own report? Not a single CASUALTY (not even the alleged shooter) was removed until the wee hours of Saturday do you explain this, Joe Blowhard? Where are photos and film footage of the other 460 alleged students being evacuated and why weren't ANY of the OLDER students interviewed???????? The same people going in the firehouse entrance, out the back and then traipsing back to the front, repeat, rinse as necessary? WTF?????? How did the ATF, FBI and DHS arrive at the school an hour after the event? Electronic signs claiming "Everyone Must Check In"? Porta-Potties delivered on site but no receipts can be produced? A newtown selectperson admits during a deposition hearing that DHS paid for the electronic sign? But Joe Blowhard sez???? "Nothing to see here.....move along!"..

"Finally, the NRA. You would have to believe that someone in the NRA went to Ollie North or Wayne Foamy and said,"Hey, look, this is something someone posted on the internet, I think his name is Dale, and it proves Sandy Hook wasn't a thing because of baloney sandwiches or something!" And here they would have a chance to shut down the gun grabbers once and for all and they do.. um... nothing with it? Really?"

LMAO! The NRA would face a publicity nightmare for even suggesting that this entire event was indeed a DHS mass casualty capstone drill passed off as a real time event even IF they could get the TV time to make the case like I and others have and since the media is owned by the "powers that be", that ain't gonna happen.

"And when the guy who fanned the flames of the crazy admits he's just a performance artist who was in it for the money, well... he's part of the conspiracy theory to"

Alex Jones crawfished on Sandy Hoax years ago....he is part of the controlled opposition...mixes some truths with lies by omission and wants to be considered a "truther"....he isn't.

As usual, you will ignore the facts that I have posted because you are one of the sheeple. Kicking your ass with utter ease has become too easy....

Hope this helps!!!
he Police are employed by the monopoly on arbitration that you refer to as "Government". Just like the Army, which was poised to lie to the people of the "United States". Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia

Wow, someone rejected a bad idea. Remember when US Presidents rejected bad ideas instead of coming up with them?

Are you wearing blinders? I literally just showed you that the NRA supports Gun Monopolization. They have no issue with gun grabbers, because they support Gun Monopolization, you dishonest Binswanger.

Yup, I'm sure that when you are so crazy you think the NRA is in on the conspiracy, I'm not sure there is a level of medication that can work.

Dale, I think we've found your Dream Girl. Unless she's a 300 Lbs dude, but that would probably work for you, too.

We literally have two-million people working for the Federal Government. I'd ask how the idea of an organization working for its own interests is confusing to you, but you're one of the people who thinks Conspiracies don't exist because the Government and Government-run media use it as a derogatory term.

I'm sure conspiracies do exist. For instance, i think the NRA conspires with Congress to make guns easily accessable to crazy people so that more nuts want them. I think the Rich conspire with the GOP to undermine the rights of working people. But you see, those are clear conspiracies with clear players for specific reasons.

Staging a fake school shooting, for um, reasons.. to um, accomplish.. things?
.BTW, you never addressed the CBS video of a crisis actress posing as a mother

No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims.

Why do you keep repeating all this crazy shit... In only impresses other crazy people like PumpkinHead.

Do tell? Newtown spreads over 59 square miles and it has a median income of 120K. You believe that wealthy parents would send their children to a school that had massive mold and asbestos issues with a damaged roof and wasn't close to complying with the ADA of 2009?

Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.

Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me.


This website, which amusingly calls itself the "Crisis Actor's Guild", points out that not only was SH open, but they had made infrastructure improvements between 2010 and 2012.

Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Thirteen: Google Earth – The Crisis Actors Guild

Probably going to be seeing a lot of this website, when I use it to debunk your crazy... so get used to seeing it.

Nope, any a very few were even allowed in the shut down school. EMTs were kept over a half a mile down the road. NDAs were signed, fellow like-minded people told that this was for the greater good and that their (snicker) "patriotism" would be rewarded financially.

Do you have a copy of one of these NDA's? Proof of financial transactions?

LMAO! The NRA would face a publicity nightmare for even suggesting that this entire event was indeed a DHS mass casualty capstone drill passed off as a real time event even IF they could get the TV time to make the case like I and others have and since the media is owned by the "powers that be", that ain't gonna happen.

Your girlfriend seems to think they are in on the conspiracy, and frankly,t hat sounds LESS crazy than what you just proposed.

So let me get this straight. The NRA, which has the ability to reach MILLIONS of people through mailings and lists, to rally people every time someone proposes even the most tepid gun control and terrify the shit out of Congress, gets evidence from Crazy Dale that Sandy Hook was a False Flag and I can prove it!

And they do.. um, nothing with it? Come on, that would be an impeachable offense if that really happened. The NRA has had no problem spreading lies about Fast and Furious and other government missteps, this one would be a slam dunk, take Barry out in handcuffs moment... and the do... nothing with it.
he Police are employed by the monopoly on arbitration that you refer to as "Government". Just like the Army, which was poised to lie to the people of the "United States". Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia

Wow, someone rejected a bad idea. Remember when US Presidents rejected bad ideas instead of coming up with them?

Are you wearing blinders? I literally just showed you that the NRA supports Gun Monopolization. They have no issue with gun grabbers, because they support Gun Monopolization, you dishonest Binswanger.

Yup, I'm sure that when you are so crazy you think the NRA is in on the conspiracy, I'm not sure there is a level of medication that can work.

Dale, I think we've found your Dream Girl. Unless she's a 300 Lbs dude, but that would probably work for you, too.

We literally have two-million people working for the Federal Government. I'd ask how the idea of an organization working for its own interests is confusing to you, but you're one of the people who thinks Conspiracies don't exist because the Government and Government-run media use it as a derogatory term.

I'm sure conspiracies do exist. For instance, i think the NRA conspires with Congress to make guns easily accessable to crazy people so that more nuts want them. I think the Rich conspire with the GOP to undermine the rights of working people. But you see, those are clear conspiracies with clear players for specific reasons.

Staging a fake school shooting, for um, reasons.. to um, accomplish.. things?
It’s best if snowflakes like yourself stay in seclusion in your mothers basement
Wow, someone rejected a bad idea. Remember when US Presidents rejected bad ideas instead of coming up with them?
Except the person who rejected the idea was subsequently 'mysteriously' killed from multiple angles, by a single gunman, at a higher fire rate than what was possible for the gun he was using at the time.

Also, they were all too happy to secretly take over the Mainstream news, so I suppose you consider that a good idea? You also seem to think Operation Northwoods was one of a kind, but if they're actually proposing ideas like that, they must be doing so under the impression that such ideas are generally accepted. We, of course, have evidence of that, such as the Russia Narrative, which was started soon after Russia stopped accepting the worthless American Dollar for exchange. Similar narratives are also being run against other Governments which stopped accepting Dollars for exchange, so again, it's not as though the Government has a problem with lying to the people. do you think those are good ideas, too?

Yup, I'm sure that when you are so crazy you think the NRA is in on the conspiracy, I'm not sure there is a level of medication that can work.
Again, I just SHOWED YOU that they support Gun Monopolization, you just don't want to watch the video because you're a dishonest snake with no interest in conflicting narratives.
When the NRA Supported Gun Control
This article from Times Magazine mentions it, too. Calling someone crazy does not refute their argument, especially when you're literally ignoring the citations while doing so. At this point, you're basically covering your eyes and ears and shouting "LALALALA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

I'm sure conspiracies do exist. For instance, i think the NRA conspires with Congress to make guns easily accessable to crazy people so that more nuts want them.

I already proved the NRA supports gun monopolization, it's even on the first page of Google if you ever feel like verifying ANY of your freaking claims. The fact that you're just ignoring all evidence and repeating yourself only shows that you're fully aware you're wrong and don't care, that's exactly what a Binswanger is.

Mentally ill people are LESS likely to commit violent acts, so that narrative is bust, too.
Violence & mental health
The Myth of Violence and Mental Illness - CMHA Durham
Gun Violence and Mental Illness: Myths and Evidence-Based Facts
In fact, they're at higher risk of being a victim of violent "crime", so what you're advocating is making more mentally ill people into victims by preventing them from defending themselves.
I think the Rich conspire with the GOP to undermine the rights of working people. But you see, those are clear conspiracies with clear players for specific reasons.

If you truly believed that, you'd be against Government. You're just attempting to slander what you believe to be your ideological opposition, despite their policies being exactly the same as what you support.
Reg Stats | Regulatory Studies Center | The George Washington University

Federal Register :: Home - Friday, April 19th
Otherwise, we've literally never had a conservative as president, which is obviously not true.

Not that they've ever represented anyone besides themselves to begin with, given that support for legislation has no effect on whether it passes or not, shown here:

Not that it's all that hard to imagine in the first place; How can some random individual you've never met before in your life, and which you probably will never see in person, let alone speak to, ever represent your interests? They don't even know what your interests are.

Staging a fake school shooting, for um, reasons.. to um, accomplish.. things?

I've stated those reasons several times, your intentionally ignoring them so you can continue asserting there's no reason to do so.

I'll go a step further for the people reading the thread, though, because I know you have no interest in the truth, you're fully satisfied with any narrative you're spoonfed by the Government. You already admitted that you frown upon investigating for ones self instead of immediately accepting the words of people claiming to be professionals. Words spoken to you are utterly wasted, and I feel nothing but contempt for dishonest people like yourself.

That's about the Borderline Shooting, which is evidenced by VIDEO to be a false flag.
Except the person who rejected the idea was subsequently 'mysteriously' killed from multiple angles, by a single gunman, at a higher fire rate than what was possible for the gun he was using at the time.

Yes... a single person with a gun shot him. Amazing. The rest of it is paranoid delusion.

Also, they were all too happy to secretly take over the Mainstream news, so I suppose you consider that a good idea?

Naw, i don't worry about that much. i'm not sure you think "They" are, exactly. I mean, the problem is with you conspiracy nuts is that you always get to the Lizard People eventually.


already proved the NRA supports gun monopolization, it's even on the first page of Google if you ever feel like verifying ANY of your freaking claims. The fact that you're just ignoring all evidence and repeating yourself only shows that you're fully aware you're wrong and don't care, that's exactly what a Binswanger is.

No, honey, this is what a "not crazy person" is. Even Crazy Cocksucker Dale won't go as far to claim the NRA is in on the vast conspiracy to stuff. He just thinks they are terrified of what people will think when they say it.

Mentally ill people are LESS likely to commit violent acts, so that narrative is bust, too.

Are they? Frankly, every time we have a mass shooting, we find out that the person was nuts and still had no problem getting a gun. That's kind of the problem here, isn't it?

Not that it's all that hard to imagine in the first place; How can some random individual you've never met before in your life, and which you probably will never see in person, let alone speak to, ever represent your interests? They don't even know what your interests are.

Yes, Representative Democracy clearly can't work. It's the LIzard People, i tell you, the LIzard People run everything.

Yes... a single person with a gun shot him. Amazing. The rest of it is paranoid delusion.
Apparently the sarcasm, along with all of the citations, flew right over your head through this entire message. Your entire response is just Argument from Incredulity fallacy.
Naw, i don't worry about that much. i'm not sure you think "They" are, exactly. I mean, the problem is with you conspiracy nuts is that you always get to the Lizard People eventually.
I'm fully aware you don't worry about it, your masters in Government haven't told you to.

When I say "they", I refer to Government. I don't subscribe to the idea of a deepstate, because the idea of a deepstate is meant to separate the Government from its unethical actions. The Government IS what others refer to as the deepstate. So, no, no lizard people, no illuminati, just the fact that the Government is okay with unethical actions, so long as it advances the interests of Government.

No, honey, this is what a "not crazy person" is. Even Crazy Cocksucker Dale won't go as far to claim the NRA is in on the vast conspiracy to stuff. He just thinks they are terrified of what people will think when they say it.
Well, if according to you a "Not crazy person" is someone who accepts everything reported by the Government without question, then I'm perfectly fine with being considered "crazy", that's just a Genetic Fallacy anyway. Better "crazy" than a Government lapdog.


Are they? Frankly, every time we have a mass shooting, we find out that the person was nuts and still had no problem getting a gun. That's kind of the problem here, isn't it?
Gosh, it's like guns can be built, or printed, or stolen, or obtained on the black market with no taxes, licensing, or hassle. Weird. It's like prohibition has been proven not to work. Like with alcohol prohibition. Or Drug prohibition.

Yes, Representative Democracy clearly can't work. It's the LIzard People, i tell you, the LIzard People run everything.
Argument from incredulity.

No, Democracy can't work, nor any form of Government for that matter. Funny that when met with evidence, you just start autistically screeching about aliens and lizard people. I guess evidence just doesn't compute for the NPCs, they start to break, they prefer to just sling mud and claim things without backing it up. How many citations have you made through this whole discussion? Oh, right, none.

I'll try to make this simple for you, even though I'm sure it';ll just fly right over your head again, everything else has so far;



Even if we exclude all other factors, such as the unsustainability of a fiat currency, or the OTHER agencies within the Government, and THEIR budgets, we can still see the Government has only expanded. They currently employ roughly two-million people, and that number expands with their budget yearly, as can be seen with, if nothing else, the regulations and regulatory staff. Government is unsustainable because they have to staff those agencies after they create them, and regardless of what the populace says, this tend continues.

Taxes can't fix this because of the Law of Diminishing Returns, the Government is WELL beyond the point at which it stops taking in more money. The cap was, roughly, 10% if you high-ball it.

Governments typically last a maximum of about 450 years before collapsing.
No, I am really incredulous that people can be as batshit crazy as you are and remain out of mental hospitals.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. The fact that you're refusing to learn is obvious from how you're just responding with more Genetic Fallacies and Ad Hominem fallacies. "You're crazy [insert generic sentence modifier here]". You have not, and are not making any arguments, just reasserting the same thing over and over.
Here's the thing. A very wise PolSci professor taught me this at an early age. No government survives without the tacit support of its people. Blaming government is a cop out.
What he meant to say is that no Government survives without the illusion of authority. The reason I linked you that study, and showed you the trend in regulation increases is because I wanted to make it as obvious as possible that the Government doesn't work for you. They also ruled that they have no obligation to serve or protect you.
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
All people work to serve their own interests, being part of Government doesn't suddenly change that.

Personally, I'm horrified by Trump. But he reflects a lot of views in this country, of a dumbed down, celebrity obsessed culture. As long as the economy goes well, he's not going anywhere.. when it goes south, he's gone.
The economy doesn't go well, it gets gradually worse as monopolies are promoted through regulatory capture, and as the unsustainable fiat currency created by the Government loses value, due to people being unwilling to trade something worthless except under threat of violence. Every facet of the economy, Trump or no Trump, is in bad shape, and Trump has done nothing to make it better, he has only done all of the same things every previous President has done. There is no difference between Trump and former presidents, except how they present themselves.
No Lizard People required. The worst thing I can say about government is that it reflects its people.
I literally just linked a study that proves it doesn't. Not only do they not actually listen to us, as public opinion has no effect on the passage of legislation, but people DO know you can't represent you, so people who DON'T certainly can't.
Cites are for sane people grounded in reality... When you deal with the Crazy Illuminati Lizard People Right... there's kind of no point.
Genetic Fallacy and Ad Hominem fallacy. Try actually making arguments, this is super boring.
I'd ask how the idea of an organization working for its own interests is confusing to you,
Of course you would, because you are also a conspiracy nutball, ignoring his points and,instead, propping up strawmen for yourself to knck over. Like you just did.
I've not done that even once. I've responded to every single thing has has said so far, and supported everything I've said with citations, and thoroughly explained my arguments. If you're so blind that you think him reasserting the same unsupported argument over and over, while flinging adhominem and genetic fallacies is somehow a "point", I think it says a lot about you.

Then again, you're also the person who just bounces around the forum, posting single sentence and single paragraph responses to people without providing even a single citation. People like you are the kind that encourage people like Joe.

because you are also a conspiracy nutball

Since you clearly didn't bother reading the conversation, or probably even part of it, I'll explain the same thing to you that I explained to Joe; Calling something a Conspiracy is not a way to refute it, it's only an attempt to shut down conversation. A conspiracy just something done in secret. If you believe that the word Conspiracy is a method to refute something automatically, not only would you necessarily have to NOT believe in the Mafia, Watergate, or any amount of gangs. I also want to point out that there are Conspiracies which the Government has outright confirmed, such as Operation Mockingbird and Operation North Woods, despite the second not actually taking place, however it was PLANNED. IF you believe that the Government doesn't hide anything from you, then you truly are lost.
.BTW, you never addressed the CBS video of a crisis actress posing as a mother

No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims.

Why do you keep repeating all this crazy shit... In only impresses other crazy people like PumpkinHead.

Do tell? Newtown spreads over 59 square miles and it has a median income of 120K. You believe that wealthy parents would send their children to a school that had massive mold and asbestos issues with a damaged roof and wasn't close to complying with the ADA of 2009?

Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.

Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me.


This website, which amusingly calls itself the "Crisis Actor's Guild", points out that not only was SH open, but they had made infrastructure improvements between 2010 and 2012.

Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Thirteen: Google Earth – The Crisis Actors Guild

Probably going to be seeing a lot of this website, when I use it to debunk your crazy... so get used to seeing it.

Nope, any a very few were even allowed in the shut down school. EMTs were kept over a half a mile down the road. NDAs were signed, fellow like-minded people told that this was for the greater good and that their (snicker) "patriotism" would be rewarded financially.

Do you have a copy of one of these NDA's? Proof of financial transactions?

LMAO! The NRA would face a publicity nightmare for even suggesting that this entire event was indeed a DHS mass casualty capstone drill passed off as a real time event even IF they could get the TV time to make the case like I and others have and since the media is owned by the "powers that be", that ain't gonna happen.

Your girlfriend seems to think they are in on the conspiracy, and frankly,t hat sounds LESS crazy than what you just proposed.

So let me get this straight. The NRA, which has the ability to reach MILLIONS of people through mailings and lists, to rally people every time someone proposes even the most tepid gun control and terrify the shit out of Congress, gets evidence from Crazy Dale that Sandy Hook was a False Flag and I can prove it!

And they do.. um, nothing with it? Come on, that would be an impeachable offense if that really happened. The NRA has had no problem spreading lies about Fast and Furious and other government missteps, this one would be a slam dunk, take Barry out in handcuffs moment... and the do... nothing with it.

"No, I file that under, "Stuff that only happened in Dale's diseased cock-sucking mind because he's crazier than a homeless person"... That's where i put all your claims."

LMAO! Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie SEZ??? " I have zero explanation as to why the CBS Morning Show would put on a crisis actress that claimed she saw "body after bloodstained body" carried out as she arrived shortly after the alleged event but not even the body of the alleged shooter was removed allegedly until the wee hours of Saturday and dodge, Joe Blowhard, the angry card carrying commie! Duck and dodge!!! It's what you do best!

"Guy, you already showed pictures of the "Damaged Roof" which were actually pictures taken during demolition.
Here's a picture at the time it happened. Roof looks fine to me."

Nope, the CNN helicopter footage of that day is what I posted which showed a rotting roof that hadn't been maintained for years by the looks of it. FOIAs were used to show even one maintenance request for any type of upkeep and requisition forms and P.O #s and yet none could be found....interesting, no??? I mean, that should have been easy to comply with, eh?

Here are the photos of that school shortly after the alleged event.

Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 7.17.18 AM.png
Exterior Photo #65.png
download (1).jpg

Now, this pic below is rather damning because the windows in the green circle were allegedly blown out as Adam Lanza put bullet holes in the car of one of the staff but yet? The Police tape is already in place, no one else is around and there is ol Wayne Carver standing there with hands in pockets waiting to do his "interview".....btw, this was taken from the Connecticut state police's own website....looks like they kinda goofed, No?


Here we see the same two students but they changed the order of these alleged evacuees right in the middle of it.......notice the shadows? This is late afternoon not early morning and it certainly looks like this was taken in the middle of fall and not at the beginning of Winter....notice all the leaves on the trees.

You just keep asking for the continued ass-kicking, Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie. What you seem to struggle with the most (and is your biggest stumbling block) is that your anger and pride blinds you as to what should be obvious if you could only look through objective lenses and use the analytical side of your brain instead of the emotional side of it. When well-packaged lies are sold as the truth, anyone that points out the obvious fallacies and deceptions can expect to be "labeled".

Allow me to get down to the proverbial brass tacks.... we have been trained and programmed like one of Pavlov's dogs to trust unequivocally that when the proverbial "bell rings" that we are going to be "fed" information and mentally we start "salivating".The musical introduction, bright color patterns and even the cadence of the teleprompter reader are used subliminally to lull us into this paradigm that they (and only they) are the purveyors of truth. We are programmed that anyone that uses any type of critical thinking and doesn't subscribe to the "Hive Mindset" is a dissenter and a danger to the "state". That is how Hitler stifled dissent, the way Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot and every despot since has ruled the serfs.

You don't understand what is really going on, what has happened and what the "end game" entails. You don't understand how this fiat, debt based monetary system actually works. You are too "dug in" and too entrenched in your belief system to ever take a step back and look objectively. I suppose that is one of the reasons that I can't bust on you too harshly because I was once just as entrenched as you are now. You will eventually see things for what they really are....many will, but only after it's too late to do anything about it.


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I'd ask how the idea of an organization working for its own interests is confusing to you,
Of course you would, because you are also a conspiracy nutball, ignoring his points and,instead, propping up strawmen for yourself to knck over. Like you just did.
I've not done that even once. I've responded to every single thing has has said so far, and supported everything I've said with citations, and thoroughly explained my arguments. If you're so blind that you think him reasserting the same unsupported argument over and over, while flinging adhominem and genetic fallacies is somehow a "point", I think it says a lot about you.

Then again, you're also the person who just bounces around the forum, posting single sentence and single paragraph responses to people without providing even a single citation. People like you are the kind that encourage people like Joe.

because you are also a conspiracy nutball
Since you clearly didn't bother reading the conversation, or probably even part of it, I'll explain the same thing to you that I explained to Joe; Calling something a Conspiracy is not a way to refute it, it's only an attempt to shut down conversation. A conspiracy just something done in secret. If you believe that the word Conspiracy is a method to refute something automatically, not only would you necessarily have to NOT believe in the Mafia, Watergate, or any amount of gangs. I also want to point out that there are Conspiracies which the Government has outright confirmed, such as Operation Mockingbird and Operation North Woods, despite the second not actually taking place, however it was PLANNED. IF you believe that the Government doesn't hide anything from you, then you truly are lost.

What we believe to be our "government" is actually a corporate entity and anything that the owners of USA.INC wish to get away with (and they do with impunity) with no worries of repercussions because we are divided over so many social lines. The only thing that once worried them was that we would unite together, see what was done to us instead of being so fractured. Now, due to the military industrial complex and the advances in technology where they are 50 to 100 years ahead of what we are allowed to know about? They don't really fear an armed populace anymore IMHO. Directed energy and technotronic weapons could crush any revolt with mere ease. We are not in a very good position about right now.
No, I am really incredulous that people can be as batshit crazy as you are and remain out of mental hospitals.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. The fact that you're refusing to learn is obvious from how you're just responding with more Genetic Fallacies and Ad Hominem fallacies. "You're crazy [insert generic sentence modifier here]". You have not, and are not making any arguments, just reasserting the same thing over and over.

That's their M.O. And that's all they have. It's obvious that they think they can intimidate people into silence. I'm glad that we have people like you who calmly and maturely point out their fallacies and continual attacks in lieu of actual arguments. The funny thing is, aren't you super young? Yet you have more maturity than some here who are 3 times your age.
Genetic Fallacy and Ad Hominem fallacy. Try actually making arguments, this is super boring.

Hah, I was just thinking the same thing about another bootlicker (or shill?) on another thread. Boring, I didn't even bother to reply to him.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. The fact that you're refusing to learn is obvious from how you're just responding with more Genetic Fallacies and Ad Hominem fallacies. "You're crazy [insert generic sentence modifier here]". You have not, and are not making any arguments, just reasserting the same thing over and over.

Here's the problem with Conspiracy Nuts..

No matter how many times you prove it's a weather balloon, they will INSIST it's a flying saucer.

I literally just linked a study that proves it doesn't. Not only do they not actually listen to us, as public opinion has no effect on the passage of legislation, but people DO know you can't represent you, so people who DON'T certainly can't.

Yeah, acutally, it really does... it kind of depends on caveats, though.

Let's take gun control. If we were to put every sensible, common sense gun control on a ballot, it would TRULY suck for you gun nuts.

Ban Assault Rifles? Done.
Waiting Periods? Done.
Background Checks? Done.

The problem isn't necessarily what the people want, it's who is passionate about it.

When you have a mass slaughter like Sandy Hook, everyone gets upset. For about a week. But the hard core Gun Nut NRA member compensating for a tiny dick, he's going to be passionate about this all the time. So even though gun owners represent only 20% of the population, and the true Tiny-Dicked Gun Nuts probably less than 3% of the population, they can keep the pressure on Congress.
I also want to point out that there are Conspiracies which the Government has outright confirmed, such as Operation Mockingbird and Operation North Woods, despite the second not actually taking place, however it was PLANNED. IF you believe that the Government doesn't hide anything from you, then you truly are lost.

Oh, I'm sure they do all the time... but that's not what we are arguing here, nutball.

We are arguing what is more likely.

1) A crazy kid took some guns and shot up a bunch of teachers and students.


2) The government engaged in a complex, ridiculous scheme to fake a mass shooting, that would have involved ALL of the mass media, Federal, State and Local government, the entire population of a town, the NRA, and even Alex Jones to spread whacky conspiracy theories only to retract them., reasons. yeah, they did it for some reason, I think so that Obama could introduce tepid gun control measures that Congress would immediately shoot down.

If there is a REAL conspiracy here, it's that the Gun Manufacturers and NRA are foisting thousands of guns into our society and giving crazy people access to them, so that other crazy people will be scared and want more guns.. Except like most actual conspiracies, it's kind of obvious what they are up to.
LMAO! Joe Blowhard, the angry, card carrying commie SEZ??? " I have zero explanation as to why the CBS Morning Show would put on a crisis actress that claimed she saw "body after bloodstained body" carried out as she arrived shortly after the alleged event but not even the body of the alleged shooter was removed allegedly until the wee hours of Saturday and dodge, Joe Blowhard, the angry card carrying commie! Duck and dodge!!! It's what you do best!

Well, yes, you have Zero explanation, that an eyewitness might have been confused as to what she was seeing.

Nope, the CNN helicopter footage of that day is what I posted which showed a rotting roof that hadn't been maintained for years by the looks of it. FOIAs were used to show even one maintenance request for any type of upkeep and requisition forms and P.O #s and yet none could be found....interesting, no??? I mean, that should have been easy to comply with, eh?

Really, then why do you go on to some other nutty shit rather than show us that CNN Helicopter footage? Oh, that's right, the LIzard People purged it from the net.

Here we see the same two students but they changed the order of these alleged evacuees right in the middle of it.......notice the shadows? This is late afternoon not early morning and it certainly looks like this was taken in the middle of fall and not at the beginning of Winter....notice all the leaves on the trees.

Well, no, because these are very poor resolution pictures. So you really can't tell if that's the same kid or just a different kid wearing similar clothing.

Here's a whole discussion of the evacuation pictures.

Fact Checking “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, Chapter Four – The Crisis Actors Guild

You don't understand what is really going on, what has happened and what the "end game" entails. You don't understand how this fiat, debt based monetary system actually works.

Ohhh... I see, they are staging fake shootings for the Federal Reserve, which we all know is run by Five Jewish Bankers and the Lizard people.... Yup, that sounds totally sane, guy. And they have top secret ray-guns that made you gay!
Here's the problem with Conspiracy Nuts..

No matter how many times you prove it's a weather balloon, they will INSIST it's a flying saucer.
Except you haven't proven anything, you're just reasserting that people who disagree with you are crazy while you ignore presented evidence.
Yeah, acutally, it really does... it kind of depends on caveats, though.
Then refute the study instead of just making YET ANOTHER baseless assertion. The study shows that public opinion does nothing to affect the passage of legislation. Refute aspects of the study instead of essentially just shouting "NUH UH!".
Let's take gun control. If we were to put every sensible, common sense gun control on a ballot, it would TRULY suck for you gun nuts.

Ban Assault Rifles? Done.
Waiting Periods? Done.
Background Checks? Done.
Assault Rifle is a political term, there's absolutely nothing to distinguish an "assault weapon" from another weapon.

Waiting periods would accomplish nothing, as I've already explained with Gun Monopolization as a whole. Not only would that prevent "law abiding" citizens from defending themselves when they suspect themselves to be in immediate danger, but it would do nothing against "crime" because, again, people can build or 3D print their own weapons, something you've ignored every time it was mentioned because you lack an argument against it.

Background checks accomplish nothing, for reasons stated above. People can build their own weapons, and it's easier than making drugs, people are even capable of building guns in prison, where resources are heavily monitored. Understanding this, of course, requires you to stop believing that the Government is omnipotent.

The problem isn't necessarily what the people want, it's who is passionate about it.
No, it quite literally doesn't matter what you want, since the passage of legislation isn't affected by public opinion at all, as shown in the study that you ignored, and by extension did not bother to refute.
When you have a mass slaughter like Sandy Hook, everyone gets upset. For about a week. But the hard core Gun Nut NRA member compensating for a tiny dick, he's going to be passionate about this all the time. So even though gun owners represent only 20% of the population, and the true Tiny-Dicked Gun Nuts probably less than 3% of the population, they can keep the pressure on Congress.
I already showed that the NRA supports and lobbies for gun Monopolization, you just keep ignoring the evidence and reasserting your fallacious claim because you have no arguments.

Saying that have a tiny dong not only isn't an argument and has no bearing on the discussion, but is also just another ad hominem attack. The fact that you're trying so hard to avoid genuine discussion is really telling.

Closer to 25% were willing to state that they own guns, actually. Not that it matters, since that's not how ethics works. Your argument here is literally yet another argumentum ad populum. A majority of people believing that a person or people should not have any specific right does not make infringing on that right ethical or correct. Especially since in this case, it literally only contributes to more deaths, since "criminals" or people planning to do something unethical don't care about your politician scribbles.
Oh, I'm sure they do all the time... but that's not what we are arguing here, nutball.

We are arguing what is more likely.
Actually it is, you're attempting to move the goal post. You keep using "Conspiracy nutball" as a method for disregarding argument, and I'm pointing out that Conspiracies do exist, and that tactic is nonsensical and inconsistent. I also never stated that one is more likely than the other, only that:

Such a thing wouldn't surprise me, since the Government has staged false flags, has lied to the people, doesn't work for us, and has stated that it has no obligation to protect us.

1) A crazy kid took some guns and shot up a bunch of teachers and students.


2) The government engaged in a complex, ridiculous scheme to fake a mass shooting, that would have involved ALL of the mass media, Federal, State and Local government, the entire population of a town, the NRA, and even Alex Jones to spread whacky conspiracy theories only to retract them., reasons. yeah, they did it for some reason, I think so that Obama could introduce tepid gun control measures that Congress would immediately shoot down. .
I already refuted this claim twice, at least. So, apparently what you consider to be "debating" is continually ignoring the other person's argument without ever refuting it, and just reasserting the same thing over and over. So, being a Binswanger. Since you're just repeating yourself, I'll just quote myself.

"Not so elaborate, really. The last few shootings were exposed as hoaxes by the footage taken of them. For example, the fact that the New Zealand Shooting had multiple trained gunman involved, but the other two were never mentioned again. Or the fact that the shooter's manifesto was written differently from his post that accompanied the manifesto. Or the fact that no consistently ideology was present in the manifesto, which meant he wasn't actually acting on his own behalf. Then there was also the Borderline Shooting, in which the video showed a completely empty bar aside from one person completely ignoring the supposed gunman firing supposed shots at the crowd that didn't exist, despite every State Media news report claiming the place was packed. This is also in addition to the Government's already existing history of False Flags, such as Operation North Woods, which you completely ignored when I mentioned it. I actually find it amazing that Lemmings like you have so much trust in a monopolistic organization of robbers, murderers, kidnappers, and liars, without having ever met them in any one single instance at any point in your life. I would admire your blind faith, but it's based entirely on laziness.

As for why, well, gosh, it's like they've been pushing gun restrictions for decades now, and they're trying to use fear to advance that narrative, how about that? Of course, you're fully aware of that, and you're playing dumb."

If there is a REAL conspiracy here, it's that the Gun Manufacturers and NRA are foisting thousands of guns into our society and giving crazy people access to them, so that other crazy people will be scared and want more guns.. Except like most actual conspiracies, it's kind of obvious what they are up to.
Oh, you're just repeating yourself again here, so I'll just keep quoting myself, since you've again introduced no evidence, and again made no actual arguments, just reasserted the same refuted claim.

When the NRA Supported Gun Control
"Not only did the NRA support gun control for much of the 20th century, its leadership in fact lobbied for and co-authored gun control legislation."
And here's even more:

NRA Supported the National Firearms Act of 1934
NRA | About the NRA
With Friends Like The NRA ...
Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment Supporters
National Rifle Association's Change on Gun Control in 1970s | Time
Battleground America | The New Yorker
NRA-ILA | NO SURRENDER--The Firearms Owners Protection Act
February 1994 – How the Brady Bill Passed | Gun Owners of America
NRA-ILA | NRA Statement on 3-D Printers and Plastic Firearms
NRA-ILA | The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
The NRA’s Gun Control Schizophrenia
The Congress Members Receiving the Most N.R.A. Funding - The New York…
Sen. Marco Rubio pushes federal red-flag bill on firearms - Sun Senti…
NRA Signals Openness To Gun Removal Laws — With Conditions : The Two-…
Gun News: NRA Calls for Bump Stock Ban
Trump administration bans bump stocks
The NRA has, and continues, to constantly lobby for more Gun Monopolization. You've been lied to, and there's mountains of evidence to prove it.

Get the Hell over it.

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