Alexandro Cortez and College Fraud


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
AOC is the symptom of what happens when the rich game the system to get numbskulls into college ahead of their betters. AOC is an Affirmative Action Baby.

AOC draws ire ripping ‘your thoughts and prayers’ after Christchurch mosque shootings

Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance proves admissions fraud is the symptom, not cause, of America’s education crisis

American universities have never considered academic merit the sole criterion for admittance. The parents caught up in Tuesday’s sting simply exploited this reality to a criminal extreme.

An even more troubling question is not how the deficient students matriculated but how they graduated. Over his six-decade career at Harvard, Professor Harvey Mansfield has witnessed grade inflation reach such ludicrous heights that he now gives students two different grades: one that will appear on their transcripts and another that they deserve.

In 2017, Yale changed its course requirements such that an English major may now graduate without ever having read Shakespeare. A 2007 survey from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute showed that college students graduate with less knowledge of history, politics, and economics than they had before they entered. The admissions scam succeeded for so long because everyone knew once the sub-par students made it into these schools they were unlikely to encounter any real scholarly rigor.

So what is a college degree worth these days? Millennial congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez majored in Economics and graduated cum laude from a private university that costs nearly $70,000 per year. Since entering Congress, she has struggled to articulate even basic economic concepts.

Last month, AOC blocked Amazon from relocating tens of thousands of jobs near her congressional district because she failed to understand the difference between a tax incentive and a slush fund. On Tuesday, during congressional testimony, Ocasio-Cortez appeared bemused as Wells Fargo CEO explained the basic function of a bank. If Ocasio-Cortez represents the quality of an Economics degree from BU, the university should lose its accreditation.

The liberal arts enable us to understand and earn our liberty. Unlike professional and mechanical education, the liberal arts do not train students for any particular job. They are literally the arts of freedom, and no society that abandons liberal education can remain free for long. Unfortunately, the left’s decades-long effort to subvert liberal education through pseudo-academic disciplines, administrative bloat, and outright censorship have transformed even our nation’s most elite universities into little more than decadent indoctrination camps.​
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.

Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs.

25,000 white collar jobs in a new plant??
AOC is the symptom of what happens when the rich game the system to get numbskulls into college ahead of their betters. AOC is an Affirmative Action Baby.

AOC draws ire ripping ‘your thoughts and prayers’ after Christchurch mosque shootings

Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance proves admissions fraud is the symptom, not cause, of America’s education crisis

American universities have never considered academic merit the sole criterion for admittance. The parents caught up in Tuesday’s sting simply exploited this reality to a criminal extreme.

An even more troubling question is not how the deficient students matriculated but how they graduated. Over his six-decade career at Harvard, Professor Harvey Mansfield has witnessed grade inflation reach such ludicrous heights that he now gives students two different grades: one that will appear on their transcripts and another that they deserve.

In 2017, Yale changed its course requirements such that an English major may now graduate without ever having read Shakespeare. A 2007 survey from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute showed that college students graduate with less knowledge of history, politics, and economics than they had before they entered. The admissions scam succeeded for so long because everyone knew once the sub-par students made it into these schools they were unlikely to encounter any real scholarly rigor.

So what is a college degree worth these days? Millennial congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez majored in Economics and graduated cum laude from a private university that costs nearly $70,000 per year. Since entering Congress, she has struggled to articulate even basic economic concepts.

Last month, AOC blocked Amazon from relocating tens of thousands of jobs near her congressional district because she failed to understand the difference between a tax incentive and a slush fund. On Tuesday, during congressional testimony, Ocasio-Cortez appeared bemused as Wells Fargo CEO explained the basic function of a bank. If Ocasio-Cortez represents the quality of an Economics degree from BU, the university should lose its accreditation.

The liberal arts enable us to understand and earn our liberty. Unlike professional and mechanical education, the liberal arts do not train students for any particular job. They are literally the arts of freedom, and no society that abandons liberal education can remain free for long. Unfortunately, the left’s decades-long effort to subvert liberal education through pseudo-academic disciplines, administrative bloat, and outright censorship have transformed even our nation’s most elite universities into little more than decadent indoctrination camps.​
She is truly an actress. She doesn't know anything about politics. In the second part in this video explains.

She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.

Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs.

25,000 white collar jobs in a new plant??

And why are white collar jobs OK to be tossed under the bus so Marxists can posture about caring for the poor?
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives.
Who is this 'we' you speak of?

People who need jobs?
I would think the wake up call would be the point where people in need of a job have to beg "job creators" for one. That is when you know you're owned.
Who was begging? I dont recall anyone begging.
But I would be wrong, apparently.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.

She's a fucking moron and a complete economic illiterate.

With a few tax breaks, and Mayor Mike extending the 7 Train, Hudson Yards is an example of good city planning. With deBlasio and his Communist coconspirators, you are fucking destroying NY City econony
With a few tax breaks, and Mayor Mike extending the 7 Train, Hudson Yards is an example of good city planning. With deBlasio and his Communist coconspirators, you are fucking destroying NY City econony

General Hoods revenge for Shermans March to the Sea; let the Marxist Radicals take over the North!
Giant straw man there. When did Cortez claim that college admissions was the main cause of our education problems?
How does a state properly fund education if the tax revenue normally collected is funneled back to the job creators so we can have jobs?
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives.
Who is this 'we' you speak of?

People who need jobs?

Its called reverse socialism. Robbing the poor to put money into the wealthy.
How were poor people robbed?

Tax incentives are simply funds left in the pockets of their rightful owner, no poor people get robbed.

Poor people get robbed because they are just plain stupid. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives.
Who is this 'we' you speak of?

People who need jobs?

Its called reverse socialism. Robbing the poor to put money into the wealthy.
How were poor people robbed?

Tax incentives are simply funds left in the pockets of their rightful owner, no poor people get robbed.

Who do you think pays taxes. So all wealthy and filthy rich should not pay taxes?? Trump would agree, so would republicans.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives.
Who is this 'we' you speak of?

People who need jobs?

Its called reverse socialism. Robbing the poor to put money into the wealthy.
How were poor people robbed?

Tax incentives are simply funds left in the pockets of their rightful owner, no poor people get robbed.

Poor people get robbed because they are just plain stupid. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Or honest. Like Trump said why he pays no taxes, that makes him smart.

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