Alexandro Cortez and College Fraud

How does a state properly fund education if the tax revenue normally collected is funneled back to the job creators so we can have jobs?
The amount of incentives is far less than the repaid taxes from the newly created jobs, sweetie. That's like debating, which is the most, the million invested in incentives for businesses to hire new people or the billion those employees are able to put back into the economy and taxes from their lucrative jobs, created by incentives? Do the math. I didn't, but I do understand what an incentive is. It's a win-win proposition. The opposite is a lose-lose situation, which keeps the wealthy class small and the serf class huge.
How does a state properly fund education if the tax revenue normally collected is funneled back to the job creators so we can have jobs?
The amount of incentives is far less than the repaid taxes from the newly created jobs, sweetie. That's like debating, which is the most, the million invested in incentives for businesses to hire new people or the billion those employees are able to put back into the economy and taxes from their lucrative jobs, created by incentives? Do the math. I didn't, but I do understand what an incentive is. It's a win-win proposition. The opposite is a lose-lose situation, which keeps the wealthy class small and the serf class huge.
Right, you want to shift the tax burden back onto the beggars.

It's only a win win for the job creators.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.

We need to cut all corporate welfare and we need to modify welfare programs, Clinton was on the right track in the 90’s and it needs to continue.

Cortez knows nothing about economics either, not sure how she got a degree.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.

We need to cut all corporate welfare and we need to modify welfare programs, Clinton was on the right track in the 90’s and it needs to continue.

Cortez knows nothing about economics either, not sure how she got a degree.
Well, she is very well-spoken on abstract things, but even with perfect diction, some of the things she says turn my innards because what she says flies in the face of not only the Constitution but human freedom and the accomplishments that our Bill of Rights' freedoms enable.
I made my point. Tax incentives are akin to begging for a job. The only question is, will the public realize the predicament they are in?

No they are not.

Begging is asking someone to give you something you need for nothing in return.

The tax incentives were offered in order to BRING JOBS INTO NEW YORK, dummy.

That is not begging by definition or in Truth.

And AOC blew it for NY.
Well, she is very well-spoken on abstract things, but even with perfect diction, some of the things she says turn my innards because what she says flies in the face of not only the Constitution but human freedom and the accomplishments that our Bill of Rights' freedoms enable.

not to mention she flies in the face of Reality.
Or honest. Like Trump said why he pays no taxes, that makes him smart.

He takes business losses as a tax deduction, and bankruptcies count. He can prorate them over years and so he does.

And you would too if you could.
How does a state properly fund education if the tax revenue normally collected is funneled back to the job creators so we can have jobs?
Because the j obs created generate MORE TAX REVENUE.

This is just incredibly BASIC ECONOMICs, I cant believe we are debating this when there are four decades of proof that tax incentives to create jobs is a net job and revenue GROWTH policy.
I do understand what an incentive is. It's a win-win proposition. The opposite is a lose-lose situation, which keeps the wealthy class small and the serf class huge.
Right, you want to shift the tax burden back onto the beggars.
It's only a win win for the job creators.

Oh get real. White collar workers are not beggars and they would have paid most of the taxes had the deal worked out.

That is why Marxists are socialists; they are unable to think through problems, they just work on the basis of resentment, jealousy and ignorance.
She is right , we need to quit giving these large corps tax incentives. Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.
Lol, they would get 3 billion in tax incentives, while paying 27 billion in taxes over 10 years.

As AOC might say; "Those are just numbers, I am talking about real poor people." or some similar twaddle.
The amount of incentives is far less than the repaid taxes from the newly created jobs, sweetie. That's like debating, which is the most, the million invested in incentives for businesses to hire new people or the billion those employees are able to put back into the economy and taxes from their lucrative jobs, created by incentives? Do the math. I didn't, but I do understand what an incentive is. It's a win-win proposition. The opposite is a lose-lose situation, which keeps the wealthy class small and the serf class huge.
Which is why Marxist Socialism grows as it CAUSES the problems that it claims to be the solution for.
Also the jobs were not daily jobs like a factory would have, they were white collar jobs. Gentrification.

Yes, violent ghettos are far preferable to quiet, clean neighborhoods suitable for raising a family without bullets shattering through your windows during drive-bys.
The original premise of the OP is not being addressed as the thread is devolving into the usual wrangling over how bad capitalism and socialism are relative to each other.

I think most of us realize that extremes of either economic ideology are harmful across the board.

What I was trying to address is a new problem; Are college degrees worth spit any more?

If AOC can get an economics degree from a top university when she clearly did not learn a god damned thing about economics, are we seeing college degree over supply that will eventually devalue all degrees across the board?

Saying you have a college degree is almost meaningless now, while it once meant you at least knew the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground. AOC proves this is no longer the case.
AOC was fired from a corn dog shack for incompetence.

And Democrats think she's an economic genius.

Just shows that Democrats are even stupider than AOC.

Well, the ones supporting AOC anyway.

Are you forgetting that a great many Dems dont agree with her or even like her?
I do understand what an incentive is. It's a win-win proposition. The opposite is a lose-lose situation, which keeps the wealthy class small and the serf class huge.
Right, you want to shift the tax burden back onto the beggars.
It's only a win win for the job creators.

Oh get real. White collar workers are not beggars and they would have paid most of the taxes had the deal worked out.

That is why Marxists are socialists; they are unable to think through problems, they just work on the basis of resentment, jealousy and ignorance.
From the Marxist perspective, this deal and all the others like it, serves to highlight the dominant material relationship.

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