"Aliens" shown to Mexicos Congress

There is a wild story in the news today. The true part of this story is, scientists showed (on camera) Mexicos congress what they are claiming are aliens. They say they were found in an algea mine in Peru in 2017.

They look fake as hell. They look like ET.

They look like sculptures
They look like sculptures
They claim that there are eggs inside one of them. They have scans, supposedly.

This will all be quickly figured out. They will either let independent scientists examine them and test them, or they will prove its a hoax by not allowing anyone to look.
Remember when conservatives told us the NY Post was a serious newspaper?

That was hilarious.

I don't know if that particular alien is real or not, but I absolutely believe there is life in other parts of the Universe.

He could be real, who knows.
No, it's not impossible. You're not addressing the question in an appropriate way. More to the point is that aliens visiting the earth is highly improbable. You'll find that DeGrasse Tyson explains why from a modern science POV.
Tyson is a smug self important douchenozzle. Michio Kaku is a better choice.
There's so many solar systems out there. Nobody with 2 brain cells believes were alone.

It makes logical sense that EARTH cant be the only planet in all the galaxies to have Large bodies of water. Either lakes or oceans. Because H2O is an unstable molecule and tends to break other compounds down.. it creates potential food sources for microbes and such.... and if the evolutionary process is correct.. those creatures should also eventually evolve to some higher form.

I dont know why there wouldn't be some form of life. Probably Venus did before all its oceans evaporated.

Michio Kaku once said that if an airplane were trying to take off on a giant treadmill, it wouldn't be able to. Apparently, he didn't even know what the four forces were that acted on aircraft.
You do know that a jet needs lift to take off ? A jet plane on a giant treadmill wouldn't get it.
The wheels don't propel the craft. Friction isn't one of the forces that acts on aircraft.
Correct, the plane engine propels the craft through the air but the wheels allow it to move down the runway with little friction so it can gain enough air speed to take off. A plane on a treadmill would have to overcome a runway going in the opposite direction at the same speed.

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