Alito Wallows In Self Pity While Women’s Lives Are In Jeopardy

Check it out. The fascist conservative losers here are going all-out to defend the corruption of their corrupt justice pals. This is how they raise deflector shields to maximum, by crying about how awful liberals are for not loving corruption as they do.

Conservatives now support and nourish themselves by suckling at the anus of corruption. Liberal attacks on corruption in general are seen by conservatives as an open assault on their deviant corruption-based lifestyles.

It's not just money that conservatives gain from the corruption. They revel in orgasmic glee at the sick thrills they obtain from their various types of corrupt perversions. Hell hath no fury like a conservative denied his pervy thrills, thus the rage we're seeing here from them.
Check it out. The fascist conservative losers here are going all-out to defend the corruption of their corrupt justice pals. This is how they raise deflector shields to maximum, by crying about how awful liberals are for not loving corruption as they do.

Conservatives now support and nourish themselves by suckling at the anus of corruption. Liberal attacks on corruption in general are seen by conservatives as an open assault on their deviant corruption-based lifestyles.

It's not just money that conservatives gain from the corruption. They revel in orgasmic glee at the sick thrills they obtain from their various types of corrupt perversions. Hell hath no fury like a conservative denied his pervy thrills, thus the rage we're seeing here from them.

Keep your filthy Stalinistic hands off of SCOTUS!!

There. I feel better already. :D
In most States it is, that's why if a pregnant woman is murdered the perp can be charged with two counts of murder, one for the woman, one for the fetus.

Because ... the fetus is dependent on the woman's status. It is not a person, not recognized independently under the law as a victim.
Good God you're dense. If a pregnant woman is attacked and survives, but the child doesn't the perp can still be charged with murder.
You don't get it. The investment is in the woman, superior to the fetus (there is no child). The living woman is always superior to the fetus and worth more.
You don't get it. The investment is in the woman, superior to the fetus (there is no child). The living woman is always superior to the fetus and worth more.

Step away from the bong and boxed wine, you're nothing but a broken record that can't seem to address what I said. I know you're too stupid to breathe, but can you read?

Step away from the bong and boxed wine, you're nothing but a broken record that can't seem to address what I said. I know you're too stupid to breathe, but can you read?

I addressed your point: you are wrong. The fetus has no independent personhood at all. It is dependent on its host. A living woman is always superior to a fetus.

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