All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

Yeah............sure..............let's start with Jim Crow laws and the fact that they made it very hard for blacks to vote until 1965.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Oh, so you want to discuss the history of SLAVERY in Africa? Or just here? You are the ones that take a shit when we don't call them African. Want to discuss the history (complete history) of slavery and who owned who through out history?


Do you want just fucking remind us how 1.5% of this entire country during that time were slave owners. Never a republican mind you. Never.

So, you want to discuss just Jim Crow, or how every city in America (really around the world) segregate out according race, or religion, or whatever?

Like Little Italy, or Chinatown, or BLACK Harlem, or the Polish sections, Irish sections, Jewish sections etc etc etc. Every major city.

You want to discuss the Trans-Sahara slave trade which was going to on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved? Want to discuss how most slaves brought to America were in fact already slaves?

Want to discuss that? Are any of those facts discussed during black history month? In that new museum?

Let me know if you want to discuss the complete history of AFRICAN Americans. Since they all want to be referred to as AFRICAN, you would think they would want to know the HISTORY of the slave trade on the continent. Want to discuss it and how the muslims were involved?

No? Thought not.
We are concerned with our own history. We had 4 million slaves HERE
They were used as free labor to fuel the cotton trade which was a huge economic engine both north and south.
It is part of our history. Not something to ignore or declare over.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Obviously your white boy logic has confused you. I call myself Black, African American, and Melanin God. Not all Blacks are African american you dummy. some are (Whatever country) american.

Once again, I don't give a shit if you call yourself a penguin. If that's your choice I'll accept it.
If you're born here, you're American and that's enough for me, and it should be enough for you. If you think you're something else first, are you really American?
Is there a single poster here who
a) is pissed off about this new museum and
b) is not a Trump voter?
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Obviously your white boy logic has confused you. I call myself Black, African American, and Melanin God. Not all Blacks are African american you dummy. some are (Whatever country) american.

Once again, I don't give a shit if you call yourself a penguin. If that's your choice I'll accept it.
If you're born here, you're American and that's enough for me, and it should be enough for you. If you think you're something else first, are you really American?
No I am not really american. I just live here and have citizenship. I am African first and foremost. Of course you give a shit. You just proved it by whining about it should be enough for me. Well it isnt because the constitution was only written with me in mind as 3/5 of a person. The national anthem was written mocking Blacks attempting to fight from their freedom. The very clown people like to tout as the great emancipator was only a foolish southern decision to secede from assigning my people to eternal slavery in this country.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Oh, so you want to discuss the history of SLAVERY in Africa? Or just here? You are the ones that take a shit when we don't call them African. Want to discuss the history (complete history) of slavery and who owned who through out history?


Do you want just fucking remind us how 1.5% of this entire country during that time were slave owners. Never a republican mind you. Never.

So, you want to discuss just Jim Crow, or how every city in America (really around the world) segregate out according race, or religion, or whatever?

Like Little Italy, or Chinatown, or BLACK Harlem, or the Polish sections, Irish sections, Jewish sections etc etc etc. Every major city.

You want to discuss the Trans-Sahara slave trade which was going to on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved? Want to discuss how most slaves brought to America were in fact already slaves?

Want to discuss that? Are any of those facts discussed during black history month? In that new museum?

Let me know if you want to discuss the complete history of AFRICAN Americans. Since they all want to be referred to as AFRICAN, you would think they would want to know the HISTORY of the slave trade on the continent. Want to discuss it and how the muslims were involved?

No? Thought not.
We are concerned with our own history. We had 4 million slaves HERE
They were used as free labor to fuel the cotton trade which was a huge economic engine both north and south.
It is part of our history. Not something to ignore or declare over.
That is what I thought. You definitely don't want to discuss the entire truth about slavery.

We all know that and we all know why.

You make sure you do your part, pawn. Let them know they are only victims.


Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."
Just think, all that hell we went through or better still white people went through to keep Barbie away from Mandigo.....and today, they're the perfect couples!! What a wasted violent history white people gave us and look, your mops still crave dark meat dispite it all....ha ha ha
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Oh, so you want to discuss the history of SLAVERY in Africa? Or just here? You are the ones that take a shit when we don't call them African. Want to discuss the history (complete history) of slavery and who owned who through out history?


Do you want just fucking remind us how 1.5% of this entire country during that time were slave owners. Never a republican mind you. Never.

So, you want to discuss just Jim Crow, or how every city in America (really around the world) segregate out according race, or religion, or whatever?

Like Little Italy, or Chinatown, or BLACK Harlem, or the Polish sections, Irish sections, Jewish sections etc etc etc. Every major city.

You want to discuss the Trans-Sahara slave trade which was going to on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved? Want to discuss how most slaves brought to America were in fact already slaves?

Want to discuss that? Are any of those facts discussed during black history month? In that new museum?

Let me know if you want to discuss the complete history of AFRICAN Americans. Since they all want to be referred to as AFRICAN, you would think they would want to know the HISTORY of the slave trade on the continent. Want to discuss it and how the muslims were involved?

No? Thought not.
We are concerned with our own history. We had 4 million slaves HERE
They were used as free labor to fuel the cotton trade which was a huge economic engine both north and south.
It is part of our history. Not something to ignore or declare over.
That is what I thought. You definitely don't want to discuss the entire truth about slavery.

We all know that and we all know why.

You make sure you do your part, pawn. Let them know they are only victims.

Who wants to discuss slavery with a white person? shut up
It caters to ALL AMERICANS
no it doesn't

why state an obvious lie when even the Pres said it's a racist museum?

it's only about blacks, and no one else, therefore; racist
Too bad. If you dont like it dont pay your taxes.
^ supports racism b/c is a racist.
Stop whining.
stop being a racist

Chances are better with striking lottery...
Go blow it out of your ass, you patronizing pile of shit left wing racist.

I wish you whitey left wingers would know the truth the about slavery around the world and who it is that enslaved who.

Your ignorance, is your bliss. Now, back to your pathetic echo chambers.
Very informative, thank you! :smile: I'll make you a deal: You teach me all about slavery and I'll teach you about Pearl Harbour, the hostages in Tehran, the American soldiers who were killed and dragged through town on a rope, the victims of the American embassy in Libya, the American marines who were bombed to hell and back in Beirut, those who perished in OK City bombing, and the WCT attack on 7/11 ....... I'll teach you the truth about the background to those events and the justification of them taking place. Then we'll see what's what. How does that sound to you? Deal? :slap:
Goody goody, can't wait!!
There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.

Here is the homework for you.

First - find and quote one post where I said I am against this or any other museum.

Since you going to fail on the first task, here is the second - find your lost chromosome immediately, since things like you wrote in your post cant be written by normal person, only by Retard American.

You don't read well. I underlined in your post the incorrect thing you said, and my post was directly aimed at that statement. YOU FAIL in reading comprehension well as putting 2 and 2 together. Go back to grammar school.

Not all blacks in US are Americans.
Not all blacks in US are Africans.
Not all blacks in US are African and American.

Assuming that someone black is automatically African Americans is idiotic.

I said nothing wrong, the term African American is just PC term invented simply to regulate the speech.

I'll explain this in my next post since JQP1 asked related question.
Only a complete retard would think it was a PC label. Its a label to describe a particular subset of Black people in the us. The fact that you dont know that further proves you are a inbred moron.

Are you hearing yourself?

"It's a label..."

What "particular subset" you're talking about? Name it.
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.
White people do have a museum celebrating their roles in history.....FROM JEWS TO NIGGA'S TO THE EXTINCTION OF INDIANS....ALL MADE POSSIBLE BY HATE MONGERING WHITE MOTHEFUCKERS!!
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.

Here is the homework for you.

First - find and quote one post where I said I am against this or any other museum.

Since you going to fail on the first task, here is the second - find your lost chromosome immediately, since things like you wrote in your post cant be written by normal person, only by Retard American.

You don't read well. I underlined in your post the incorrect thing you said, and my post was directly aimed at that statement. YOU FAIL in reading comprehension well as putting 2 and 2 together. Go back to grammar school.

Not all blacks in US are Americans.
Not all blacks in US are Africans.
Not all blacks in US are African and American.

Assuming that someone black is automatically African Americans is idiotic.

I said nothing wrong, the term African American is just PC term invented simply to regulate the speech.

I'll explain this in my next post since JQP1 asked related question.
Only a complete retard would think it was a PC label. Its a label to describe a particular subset of Black people in the us. The fact that you dont know that further proves you are a inbred moron.

Are you hearing yourself?

"It's a label..."

What "particular subset" you're talking about? Name it.
Not really important since what you think isnt really of concern to me.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Oh, so you want to discuss the history of SLAVERY in Africa? Or just here? You are the ones that take a shit when we don't call them African. Want to discuss the history (complete history) of slavery and who owned who through out history?


Do you want just fucking remind us how 1.5% of this entire country during that time were slave owners. Never a republican mind you. Never.

So, you want to discuss just Jim Crow, or how every city in America (really around the world) segregate out according race, or religion, or whatever?

Like Little Italy, or Chinatown, or BLACK Harlem, or the Polish sections, Irish sections, Jewish sections etc etc etc. Every major city.

You want to discuss the Trans-Sahara slave trade which was going to on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved? Want to discuss how most slaves brought to America were in fact already slaves?

Want to discuss that? Are any of those facts discussed during black history month? In that new museum?

Let me know if you want to discuss the complete history of AFRICAN Americans. Since they all want to be referred to as AFRICAN, you would think they would want to know the HISTORY of the slave trade on the continent. Want to discuss it and how the muslims were involved?

No? Thought not.
We are concerned with our own history. We had 4 million slaves HERE
They were used as free labor to fuel the cotton trade which was a huge economic engine both north and south.
It is part of our history. Not something to ignore or declare over.
That is what I thought. You definitely don't want to discuss the entire truth about slavery.

We all know that and we all know why.

You make sure you do your part, pawn. Let them know they are only victims.

Slavery is part of OUR history....Long after the majority of civilized nations abandoned it

We had to lose 600,000 lives before we would give up our affection for human bondage. Even then, it was 100 years before we would consider giving equal rights. Even then it took lynchings, bombings, fire hoses and attack dogs before we got the idea

THAT is why we need a museum
What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!

I don't give a shit how blacks wants to call themselves. That's completely up to them. If they were asked...

But they were not asked. They didn't chose to be called African American. If you ask them, all they want to be called is - American. But, southern democrat racist whites, along with party demagogues who always think they know what's best of everyone selected the term to make blacks feeling good about themselves. You see, we do care about you.

Esmeralda in previous post blasted on me for saying "there is no such thing as African American". For both of you, allow me to elaborate. You don't have to agree with me, and you probably wont, but at least you'll read opinion that differ from yours.

To understand my point you'll need to read thru couple of parts first, without it, it won't make sense to you. What exactly is the purpose of saying, for example Italian American, or Asian American, or Irish American? Reinforcing the belief they they're not just Americans, but that they're something else. Or that they're something else first, and Americans second?

I believe that people born in United States ARE American first, and "nothing" second. With exception, only immigrants that accepted the US citizenship could claim that they're American first and "something" second. Heritage is just that - heritage. Saying that someone who never lived in Ireland is Irish American is nonsense and stupid. It's just as stupid as saying "African American" since large majority of blacks in US have have never been in Africa and have no desire to go to Africa and other than their skin color have no other connection to Africa.

Second, by tracing DNA, scientist proved that we all share African roots. Therefore, should whites be called caucasian African, or caucasian Americans? Why are they called simply "white" and not European Americans, or Scandinavian Americans? Even more damning is term "Muslim Americans". They're just Americans who happen to be Muslim. You don't see people saying "Christian Americans" or Jewis Americans. You hear Christians or Jews. So why do we need qualifying statements? The truth is - we don't.

Why do we need to know people's race... unless subconsciously, deep down, southern white democrats were feeling that American equals white. Everyone else is not American, but "something American". They could not accept that blacks, or Irish, or Asians, could be Americans just as they are. They had to label them... Yes, you're American, but you're black, so you're really African American, and you're ginger, so you're Irish American. Second grade people.

So tell me, how insisting on using "politically correct" term "African American" for blacks is not insanely racist and based on prejudice?
You are wasting your time treating them with any respect. Complete waste of time.

I know. And you're absolutely correct.

Only, this way it's clear what I said and they can blow me if they try to say otherwise.

More they talk, more they expose themselves to be exactly what they're trying to label others.
There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.

Here is the homework for you.

First - find and quote one post where I said I am against this or any other museum.

Since you going to fail on the first task, here is the second - find your lost chromosome immediately, since things like you wrote in your post cant be written by normal person, only by Retard American.

You don't read well. I underlined in your post the incorrect thing you said, and my post was directly aimed at that statement. YOU FAIL in reading comprehension well as putting 2 and 2 together. Go back to grammar school.

Not all blacks in US are Americans.
Not all blacks in US are Africans.
Not all blacks in US are African and American.

Assuming that someone black is automatically African Americans is idiotic.

I said nothing wrong, the term African American is just PC term invented simply to regulate the speech.

I'll explain this in my next post since JQP1 asked related question.
Are you always this sensitive?

It seems to upset you so

What's sensitive in my post?

Are you always so stupid? You don't need to answer, it's rhetorical question.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Care to say who exactly kept them down?

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