All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.
It is all part of history...the good and the bad

There are three museums on the National Mall dedicated to specific ethnic groups........African American Museum, Native Anerican Museum and Holocaust Museum. Guess what they have in common?

Never again

Interesting, whenever is something exclusively democrats doing bad - it's part of the history, "we" did it as country. Nope, democrats did it, and are still doing it.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Oh, so you want to discuss the history of SLAVERY in Africa? Or just here? You are the ones that take a shit when we don't call them African. Want to discuss the history (complete history) of slavery and who owned who through out history?


Do you want just fucking remind us how 1.5% of this entire country during that time were slave owners. Never a republican mind you. Never.

So, you want to discuss just Jim Crow, or how every city in America (really around the world) segregate out according race, or religion, or whatever?

Like Little Italy, or Chinatown, or BLACK Harlem, or the Polish sections, Irish sections, Jewish sections etc etc etc. Every major city.

You want to discuss the Trans-Sahara slave trade which was going to on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved? Want to discuss how most slaves brought to America were in fact already slaves?

Want to discuss that? Are any of those facts discussed during black history month? In that new museum?

Let me know if you want to discuss the complete history of AFRICAN Americans. Since they all want to be referred to as AFRICAN, you would think they would want to know the HISTORY of the slave trade on the continent. Want to discuss it and how the muslims were involved?

No? Thought not.
We are concerned with our own history. We had 4 million slaves HERE
They were used as free labor to fuel the cotton trade which was a huge economic engine both north and south.
It is part of our history. Not something to ignore or declare over.

Let's "correct the record".

Slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, those are all part of southern racist democrats history.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.

Oh, so you want to discuss the history of SLAVERY in Africa? Or just here? You are the ones that take a shit when we don't call them African. Want to discuss the history (complete history) of slavery and who owned who through out history?


Do you want just fucking remind us how 1.5% of this entire country during that time were slave owners. Never a republican mind you. Never.

So, you want to discuss just Jim Crow, or how every city in America (really around the world) segregate out according race, or religion, or whatever?

Like Little Italy, or Chinatown, or BLACK Harlem, or the Polish sections, Irish sections, Jewish sections etc etc etc. Every major city.

You want to discuss the Trans-Sahara slave trade which was going to on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved? Want to discuss how most slaves brought to America were in fact already slaves?

Want to discuss that? Are any of those facts discussed during black history month? In that new museum?

Let me know if you want to discuss the complete history of AFRICAN Americans. Since they all want to be referred to as AFRICAN, you would think they would want to know the HISTORY of the slave trade on the continent. Want to discuss it and how the muslims were involved?

No? Thought not.
We are concerned with our own history. We had 4 million slaves HERE
They were used as free labor to fuel the cotton trade which was a huge economic engine both north and south.
It is part of our history. Not something to ignore or declare over.

Let's "correct the record".

Slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, those are all part of southern racist democrats history.
Those all occurred in the north as well. Even Jim Crow.
Sooooo, the patronizing left (just so we are clear) do not want to discuss the African history, and yet they want to label them Africans.

How convenient for their victimology narrative and the political strategy of the elite democrat massas.

They are such losers.
Has it ever occured to you white fuck heads, that there'd be no need for museums in this country celebrating various cultures, HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR WHITE PEOPLE??

Yaw the reason Native Americans have one
Yaw the reason the Jews have one
Yaw the reason the Negro's have one
Yaw the reason Women have one
Its the bigotry, hatred, segregated mentality that is planted in your DNA, that makes this country want to celebrate, that despite all the bullshit WHITE PEOPLE PUT US ALL THROUGH, we still made it!!
Sooooo, the patronizing left (just so we are clear) do not want to discuss the African history, and yet they want to label them Africans.

How convenient for their victimology narrative and the political strategy of the elite democrat massas.

They are such losers.
We cant discuss African history with you. You are not literate enough to understand it.
No I am not really american. I just live here and have citizenship. I am African first and foremost. Of course you give a shit. You just proved it by whining about it should be enough for me. Well it isnt because the constitution was only written with me in mind as 3/5 of a person. The national anthem was written mocking Blacks attempting to fight from their freedom. The very clown people like to tout as the great emancipator was only a foolish southern decision to secede from assigning my people to eternal slavery in this country.

You were not a person when constitution was written. You were not person when 13th amendment was added neither. The "Star spangled banner" is not written with purpose to become anthem. It was poem that become anthem some 100 years after. So much about mocking the "slaves".

African first and foremost. Eternal slavery... Tell me, what or where would you be today if your ancestors were not sold by your African brothers and shipped here? Wild guess?

Yeah, blame whitey for everything. Newsflash... you can't blame me if your IQ test results came back negative.
Sooooo, the patronizing left (just so we are clear) do not want to discuss the African history, and yet they want to label them Africans.

How convenient for their victimology narrative and the political strategy of the elite democrat massas.

They are such losers.
We cant discuss African history with you. You are not literate enough to understand it.
The fact that this museum is even an issue speaks volume on how white people in this country will never get it. The biggest proprietiers of hatred, the bearer's of bias, and racism is now on the defense on whether or not a museum celebrating black history is okay? The same fools who love the WWII shit that all races partook in
Sooooo, the patronizing left (just so we are clear) do not want to discuss the African history, and yet they want to label them Africans.

How convenient for their victimology narrative and the political strategy of the elite democrat massas.

They are such losers.
We cant discuss African history with you. You are not literate enough to understand it.
The fact that this museum is even an issue speaks volume on how white people in this country will never get it. The biggest proprietiers of hatred, the bearer's of bias, and racism is now on the defense on whether or not a museum celebrating black history is okay? The same fools who love the WWII shit that all races partook in
Whites are a curious species to me. Especially the really ignorant ones with a surplus of neanderthal DNA. They either swear they arent the children of raving racists or they fully embrace their history as the most violent and savage species to walk the planet.
No I am not really american. I just live here and have citizenship. I am African first and foremost. Of course you give a shit. You just proved it by whining about it should be enough for me. Well it isnt because the constitution was only written with me in mind as 3/5 of a person. The national anthem was written mocking Blacks attempting to fight from their freedom. The very clown people like to tout as the great emancipator was only a foolish southern decision to secede from assigning my people to eternal slavery in this country.

You were not a person when constitution was written. You were not person when 13th amendment was added neither. The "Star spangled banner" is not written with purpose to become anthem. It was poem that become anthem some 100 years after. So much about mocking the "slaves".

African first and foremost. Eternal slavery... Tell me, what or where would you be today if your ancestors were not sold by your African brothers and shipped here? Wild guess?

Yeah, blame whitey for everything. Newsflash... you can't blame me if your IQ test results came back negative.
I do blame whitey for slavery and segregation laws in this country back then....who the fuck else is there to blame, dumb ass?
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.
It is all part of history...the good and the bad

There are three museums on the National Mall dedicated to specific ethnic groups........African American Museum, Native Anerican Museum and Holocaust Museum. Guess what they have in common?

Never again

Interesting, whenever is something exclusively democrats doing bad - it's part of the history, "we" did it as country. Nope, democrats did it, and are still doing it.
Blaming the Democrats is deceptive

Slavery existed in the south for two hundred years before the Democratic or Republican Party was formed

It was decisively a SOUTHERN issue
No I am not really american. I just live here and have citizenship. I am African first and foremost. Of course you give a shit. You just proved it by whining about it should be enough for me. Well it isnt because the constitution was only written with me in mind as 3/5 of a person. The national anthem was written mocking Blacks attempting to fight from their freedom. The very clown people like to tout as the great emancipator was only a foolish southern decision to secede from assigning my people to eternal slavery in this country.

You were not a person when constitution was written. You were not person when 13th amendment was added neither. The "Star spangled banner" is not written with purpose to become anthem. It was poem that become anthem some 100 years after. So much about mocking the "slaves".

African first and foremost. Eternal slavery... Tell me, what or where would you be today if your ancestors were not sold by your African brothers and shipped here? Wild guess?

Yeah, blame whitey for everything. Newsflash... you can't blame me if your IQ test results came back negative.
I do blame whitey for slavery and segregation laws in this country back then....who the fuck else is there to blame, dumb ass?
You. You are stuck 200 years in the past. The world has moved on.
You know, a lot of you people are bitching and complaining about Obama doing this, but news for you...................the legislation approving the building of this museum was passed in 1929 by president Herbert Hoover. The only problem is, they approved the building of it, but didn't approve money to get it built.

Fast forward to the 70's when there was another push to get it built, but it didn't happen until just recently.

Might wanna read up on the history of it sometime before you start bitching that Obama is trying to get rid of the white folks.

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not bitching about it being built. What I am bitching about is this museum is not about black history. What it is about is the perpetual commitment to convince them that they are victims. Nearly every artifact is about that. Like every show in history channel during black history month.

That is what this is ALL ABOUT.

Well, considering that this country was founded in 1776, and slavery wasn't abolished until 1864, and then it took over 100 more years (1964/1965) until the Jim Crow laws were repealed and blacks got the full right to vote, yeah, I'd say that for the most part in this country, blacks have been given the short end of the stick.

It's not convincing them they are victims, it's showing how long this country has kept them down.
It is all part of history...the good and the bad

There are three museums on the National Mall dedicated to specific ethnic groups........African American Museum, Native Anerican Museum and Holocaust Museum. Guess what they have in common?

Never again

Interesting, whenever is something exclusively democrats doing bad - it's part of the history, "we" did it as country. Nope, democrats did it, and are still doing it.
Blaming the Democrats is deceptive

Slavery existed in the south for two hundred years before the Democratic or Republican Party was formed

It was decisively a SOUTHERN issue
Just as ignorant whites are trying desperately to channel all their bias and hatred onto Trump's run for President, they will once again be responsible for the turmoil in this country.
Here is the homework for you.

First - find and quote one post where I said I am against this or any other museum.

Since you going to fail on the first task, here is the second - find your lost chromosome immediately, since things like you wrote in your post cant be written by normal person, only by Retard American.

You don't read well. I underlined in your post the incorrect thing you said, and my post was directly aimed at that statement. YOU FAIL in reading comprehension well as putting 2 and 2 together. Go back to grammar school.

Not all blacks in US are Americans.
Not all blacks in US are Africans.
Not all blacks in US are African and American.

Assuming that someone black is automatically African Americans is idiotic.

I said nothing wrong, the term African American is just PC term invented simply to regulate the speech.

I'll explain this in my next post since JQP1 asked related question.
Only a complete retard would think it was a PC label. Its a label to describe a particular subset of Black people in the us. The fact that you dont know that further proves you are a inbred moron.

Are you hearing yourself?

"It's a label..."

What "particular subset" you're talking about? Name it.
Not really important since what you think isnt really of concern to me.

If is not important, why mention?

Or is that you're just blabbering something you heard elsewhere, but have no idea how to explain.
Sooooo, the patronizing left (just so we are clear) do not want to discuss the African history, and yet they want to label them Africans.

How convenient for their victimology narrative and the political strategy of the elite democrat massas.

They are such losers.
We cant discuss African history with you. You are not literate enough to understand it.
The fact that this museum is even an issue speaks volume on how white people in this country will never get it. The biggest proprietiers of hatred, the bearer's of bias, and racism is now on the defense on whether or not a museum celebrating black history is okay? The same fools who love the WWII shit that all races partook in
You poor little victim. There there there. It will be alright.
No I am not really american. I just live here and have citizenship. I am African first and foremost. Of course you give a shit. You just proved it by whining about it should be enough for me. Well it isnt because the constitution was only written with me in mind as 3/5 of a person. The national anthem was written mocking Blacks attempting to fight from their freedom. The very clown people like to tout as the great emancipator was only a foolish southern decision to secede from assigning my people to eternal slavery in this country.

You were not a person when constitution was written. You were not person when 13th amendment was added neither. The "Star spangled banner" is not written with purpose to become anthem. It was poem that become anthem some 100 years after. So much about mocking the "slaves".

African first and foremost. Eternal slavery... Tell me, what or where would you be today if your ancestors were not sold by your African brothers and shipped here? Wild guess?

Yeah, blame whitey for everything. Newsflash... you can't blame me if your IQ test results came back negative.
Hey dummy. You obviously lack english skills. Of course i wasnt born back then. However, my ancestors were.

I would be in a part of Africa dealing with the legacy of european fuckups on the African continent. Whites fuck up pretty much everything they touch.

Who should I blame for whites fucking up everything they touch? I guess I should blame my ancestors for educating whites in the first place.

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