All Democrat issues are fraud designed to install fear and bilk you for your fear

Honestly, what is the difference between Mitch McConnell and traitor Joe?


They are clones of the same traitor.

CRT apparently never explains that the slaves were initially enslaved in Africa by homO's ancestors.
ANTIFA claims the Nazis were "not really fascists"
Hate hoaxes

The dem party does not just reject truth, it hates it.

You are the TRAITOR.

CRT has been demonized by Republicans. General Milley spanked your butts over CRT. He pointed out the importance of understanding where people are coming from. That is what a great leader does. Cowardly dogs like you fear CRT. Clearly there is some truth in it. The Breanna Taylor case proves this. Also the fact that Republicans are trying to take over Fulton County, Georgia's election board is more proof of this.
You lying dysfunctional treasonous bastard.

Everything you say is bullshit. You know nothing of science, and so shut up.

I couldn't have said it better myself.
You would think LaDouche was living back in the 19th century with only the local newspaper and a lot of gossip driving his beliefs.
LaDouche, the 19th Century Man of USMB.
LaDouche is an idiot.
Who said this, LaDouche?
“Real power is – I don’t even want to use the word – fear.”
Three guesses.
You are the TRAITOR.

CRT has been demonized by Republicans. General Milley spanked your butts over CRT. He pointed out the importance of understanding where people are coming from. That is what a great leader does. Cowardly dogs like you fear CRT. Clearly there is some truth in it. The Breanna Taylor case proves this. Also the fact that Republicans are trying to take over Fulton County, Georgia's election board is more proof of this.

CRT taught IM2 here that the white (Jew) slave ships came up to Africa, the whites got off, put on track cleats, and chased down the native Africans from behind....

CRT is deliberately dishonest because it is not about truth, it is about leftwing race baiting.

If you do not like America, you are free to leave....
At least the Republican's fear mongering is beneficial for our gun industry.
Honestly, what is the difference between Mitch McConnell and traitor Joe?


They are clones of the same traitor.

CRT apparently never explains that the slaves were initially enslaved in Africa by homO's ancestors.
ANTIFA claims the Nazis were "not really fascists"
Hate hoaxes

The dem party does not just reject truth, it hates it.
Ever since long before THE CRUCIFIXION. Which is one of truths revealed at THE CRUCIFIXION.
CRT taught IM2 here that the white (Jew) slave ships came up to Africa, the whites got off, put on track cleats, and chased down the native Africans from behind....

CRT is deliberately dishonest because it is not about truth, it is about leftwing race baiting.

If you do not like America, you are free to leave....
The Democrat Party is all about using fear to get you to cede your rights and your money. None of their main issues have any truth at all....

1. Global Warming = co2 not the cause of climate change - $2 trilllon flushed for nothing
2. White Supremacists = always "caught" before "they" do anything. When they are supposed to do something like disrupt the election, they do not show
3. Covid = a normal flu last year, everything else is a total lie
4. Covid vax = just how many have died from the vax? CDC went from 6200 to 12000 and back to 6500, so we can trust them....
5. UnVaxed people = fear fear fear - you might.... well, no. You are vaxed so... so what.....oh wait, you are vaxed, and the test says you got it for the 12th time...

IF we allow this latest "delta" fraud to succeed, we will be out another $10 trillion, and our Federal Debt will have doubled since Fauci first started changing answers to justify absentee ballot fraud.

The things you should fear are what the Dems are all about...

bankrupting america
election fraud
taking away your rights
forcing you to allow them to shoot something in your veins you have no idea what it is, and absolutely no need for it
lying about who is dying and why....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling. (and then they fudged the data)

through July 19, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018%)


  • 4,115 people have been hospitalized or died with Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated.
  • The total number of individuals who died after contracting Covid-19 despite vaccination is 750.

And they say GET THE VAX....


If the shot doesn't kill me, covid still "can" and "did" according to those telling you to get it....

The Democrat Party is all lies all the time....
Now the single two fact in the whole rant lol, brainwashed functional moron. Don't change the channel whatever you do lol
The whites those photos are all democrats.

The Republican Party never supported state sponsored DNA discrimination.

The democrat party has never not supported it. You support it. It is called "affirmative action" today....
The whites in that picture are all southern conservatives, now all in the scumbag giveaway to the rich brainwashing GOP. The whole world thinks you are absolutely nuts.
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The Democrat Party is all about using fear to get you to cede your rights and your money. None of their main issues have any truth at all....

1. Global Warming = co2 not the cause of climate change - $2 trilllon flushed for nothing
2. White Supremacists = always "caught" before "they" do anything. When they are supposed to do something like disrupt the election, they do not show
3. Covid = a normal flu last year, everything else is a total lie
4. Covid vax = just how many have died from the vax? CDC went from 6200 to 12000 and back to 6500, so we can trust them....
5. UnVaxed people = fear fear fear - you might.... well, no. You are vaxed so... so what.....oh wait, you are vaxed, and the test says you got it for the 12th time...

IF we allow this latest "delta" fraud to succeed, we will be out another $10 trillion, and our Federal Debt will have doubled since Fauci first started changing answers to justify absentee ballot fraud.

The things you should fear are what the Dems are all about...

bankrupting america
election fraud
taking away your rights
forcing you to allow them to shoot something in your veins you have no idea what it is, and absolutely no need for it
lying about who is dying and why....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling. (and then they fudged the data)

through July 19, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018%)


  • 4,115 people have been hospitalized or died with Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated.
  • The total number of individuals who died after contracting Covid-19 despite vaccination is 750.

And they say GET THE VAX....


If the shot doesn't kill me, covid still "can" and "did" according to those telling you to get it....

The Democrat Party is all lies all the time....
Oh, fer Crissakes... put a sock in it, loser...
You are a left wing liar taxpayer funded leech intellectually incapable of defining the word conservative....
Sure I can, greedy idiot rich people and their doops. Forever. Democrats are for working people, they are for a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and the training Great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share, like every other modern country. End of story.

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