All of Clinton's Emails were sent to a foreign country (not Russia). The FBI refused to investigate.

The FBI refused to investigate.

Probably because it isn't true, fool.

Strozk said yesterday that he had never heard of that.

Why are we to believe strozk after all the lies he told yesterday. He is a disgrace to the FBI and country.

What lies?
Oh, lies like this:

He was asked what he meant when he said 'WE will stop him (Trump).

Strzok had been talking about how the FBI did not want Trump to be President, how they could not afford to let that happen, how they had an 'Insurance policy' against him to ensure he did not win. EVERY intelligent person on the face of the planet knows what this asshole meant.

Instead he spun some BS story how Trump had insulted people and how OTHERS would stop him from becoming President. 'OTHERS'? Really?

'WE' is an INCLUSSIVE term in which the person saying it includes himself in what is being said. Words mean something...but this f*ing idiot tried to say 'WE' meant 'OTHERS' not including himself.

For the 2nd best Counter-Intelligence guy in the US / FBI, he isn't very intelligent.
The fix was in by the corrupt FBI. They deliberately ignored evidence.

FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake

The FBI didn’t notice that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent — something that seemingly would have been one of the first and most obvious checks in an investigation, and one that FBI agents instantly recognized put the facts at odds with Clinton’s public statements.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General spotted it after the FBI missed it, texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, reveal. “Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed?”

“Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this,” he wrote.

“Found on the 30k [emails] provided to State originally. No one noticed. It cuts against ‘I never sent or received anything marked classified,'” he wrote, referring to statements by Clinton downplaying the danger of her email practices.
The FBI refused to investigate.

Probably because it isn't true, fool.

Strozk said yesterday that he had never heard of that.
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

From the article...

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added. Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information. Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker, but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”
He also said that someone alerted the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to the issue. “Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call,” Gohmert said.

The ICIG previously caught problems regarding Clinton’s server that the FBI missed. The bureau didn’t notice that some emails were openly marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent. (RELATED: FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake)

The ICIG spotted the oversight after the FBI missed it, texts between Strzok and his mistress, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, show.

“Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed? … Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this.”

In late 2017, ICIG Chuck McCullough — who was appointed by former President Barack Obama — took the unusual step of coming forward publicly to say that he perceived pushback after he began raising the alarm about issues with Clinton’s servers to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

He said he found it “maddening” that Democrats, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, were underselling the amount of classified information on the server. McCullough said he “expected to be embraced and protected,” but was instead “chided” by someone on Capitol Hill for failing to consider the “political consequences” of his investigative findings
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

You're a known liar.

What exactly was inaccurate in the article I posted?

You can't name a single thing, so shut the fuck up dumbass.

Are all liberals retarded or just the shitheads on this forum?

The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.

"But examining the actions the FBI took, the inspector general concluded that Mr. Strzok “was not the sole decisionmaker” and, in fact, “advocated for more aggressive investigative measures” against Ms. Clinton. “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” The inspector general also concluded that the decisions made on how to conduct the Clinton investigation were reasonable."

The FBI refused to investigate.

Probably because it isn't true, fool.

Strozk said yesterday that he had never heard of that.

Why are we to believe strozk after all the lies he told yesterday. He is a disgrace to the FBI and country.

What lies?
Oh, lies like this:

He was asked what he meant when he said 'WE will stop him (Trump).

Strzok had been talking about how the FBI did not want Trump to be President, how they could not afford to let that happen, how they had an 'Insurance policy' against him to ensure he did not win. EVERY intelligent person on the face of the planet knows what this asshole meant.

Instead he spun some BS story how Trump had insulted people and how OTHERS would stop him from becoming President. 'OTHERS'? Really?

'WE' is an INCLUSSIVE term in which the person saying it includes himself in what is being said. Words mean something...but this f*ing idiot tried to say 'WE' meant 'OTHERS' not including himself.

For the 2nd best Counter-Intelligence guy in the US / FBI, he isn't very intelligent.

He explained it under oath. You're simply speculating. Your bias is showing.
The fix was in by the corrupt FBI. They deliberately ignored evidence.

FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake

The FBI didn’t notice that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent — something that seemingly would have been one of the first and most obvious checks in an investigation, and one that FBI agents instantly recognized put the facts at odds with Clinton’s public statements.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General spotted it after the FBI missed it, texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, reveal. “Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed?”

“Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this,” he wrote.

“Found on the 30k [emails] provided to State originally. No one noticed. It cuts against ‘I never sent or received anything marked classified,'” he wrote, referring to statements by Clinton downplaying the danger of her email practices.

The fix was in by the corrupt FBI. They deliberately ignored evidence.

Another liar.

You have no way of knowing if that's true.
Your bias is showing as well.
All of Clinton's Email from her private rogue server were sent to a foreign country and the FBI refused to investigate.

The FBI is an absolute failure.

Gohmert: Watchdog Found Clinton Emails Were Sent To ‘Foreign Entity’

Another case of massive ties between the DNC and Left with Russia, and massive Intel leaked from the Clintons to another foreign government! First it was Bill with China, Now its Hillary with Russia. No less than the electric chair for Clapper and Feinstein.
The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.
Does a free lobotomy come with membership to the DNC or do you have to pay for it before you become a card-carrying member.

I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

In the texts between Paige and Strzok they talk about how Trump can NOT BE ALLOWED to win, how the FBI did not want Trump to win, how they could not leave it up to chance and had an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure he did not win.

At one point Paige asks Strzok. 'He isn't going to won, right? Right?'

Strzok responds back, 'NO, WE WILL STOP HIM."

'NO BIAS' :wtf:

Not one, sane, non-partisan, non-party-1st American citizen buys that ridiculous shit for a second! The Partisanship could NOT be any more obvious.

Like I said - I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.
But seriously, I think most people are shocked at how inept the FBI really is. They completely missed all of her email being sent to a foreign server.

It's not ineptness when you do this stuff on purpose.
The FBI refused to investigate.

Probably because it isn't true, fool.

Strozk said yesterday that he had never heard of that.
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

From the article...

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added. Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information. Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker, but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”
He also said that someone alerted the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to the issue. “Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call,” Gohmert said.

The ICIG previously caught problems regarding Clinton’s server that the FBI missed. The bureau didn’t notice that some emails were openly marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent. (RELATED: FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake)

The ICIG spotted the oversight after the FBI missed it, texts between Strzok and his mistress, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, show.

“Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed? … Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this.”

In late 2017, ICIG Chuck McCullough — who was appointed by former President Barack Obama — took the unusual step of coming forward publicly to say that he perceived pushback after he began raising the alarm about issues with Clinton’s servers to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

He said he found it “maddening” that Democrats, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, were underselling the amount of classified information on the server. McCullough said he “expected to be embraced and protected,” but was instead “chided” by someone on Capitol Hill for failing to consider the “political consequences” of his investigative findings
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

You're a known liar.

What exactly was inaccurate in the article I posted?

You can't name a single thing, so shut the fuck up dumbass.

Are all liberals retarded or just the shitheads on this forum?

The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.

"But examining the actions the FBI took, the inspector general concluded that Mr. Strzok “was not the sole decisionmaker” and, in fact, “advocated for more aggressive investigative measures” against Ms. Clinton. “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” The inspector general also concluded that the decisions made on how to conduct the Clinton investigation were reasonable."


The same moron that missed classified email and the fact all her email was compromised also rewrote key portions of the statement. That is not advocating for a stronger position regarding Clinton.

FBI agent changed key phrase in Clinton email report

Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed Comey’s earlier draft language describing Clinton’s actions as “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” the sources said.
The FBI refused to investigate.

Probably because it isn't true, fool.

Strozk said yesterday that he had never heard of that.
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

From the article...

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added. Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information. Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker, but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”
He also said that someone alerted the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to the issue. “Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call,” Gohmert said.

The ICIG previously caught problems regarding Clinton’s server that the FBI missed. The bureau didn’t notice that some emails were openly marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent. (RELATED: FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake)

The ICIG spotted the oversight after the FBI missed it, texts between Strzok and his mistress, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, show.

“Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed? … Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this.”

In late 2017, ICIG Chuck McCullough — who was appointed by former President Barack Obama — took the unusual step of coming forward publicly to say that he perceived pushback after he began raising the alarm about issues with Clinton’s servers to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

He said he found it “maddening” that Democrats, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, were underselling the amount of classified information on the server. McCullough said he “expected to be embraced and protected,” but was instead “chided” by someone on Capitol Hill for failing to consider the “political consequences” of his investigative findings
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

You're a known liar.

Are all liberals retarded or just the shitheads on this forum?

The general broad consensus is they are both.
The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.
Does a free lobotomy come with membership to the DNC or do you have to pay for it before you become a card-carrying member.

I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

In the texts between Paige and Strzok they talk about how Trump can NOT BE ALLOWED to win, how the FBI did not want Trump to win, how they could not leave it up to chance and had an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure he did not win.

At one point Paige asks Strzok. 'He isn't going to won, right? Right?'

Strzok responds back, 'NO, WE WILL STOP HIM."

'NO BIAS' :wtf:

Not one, sane, non-partisan, non-party-1st American citizen buys that ridiculous shit for a second! The Partisanship could NOT be any more obvious.

Like I said - I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

Great. Now show us all the official actions taken by Strozk that were biased.

Bias is an action, not a thought dope.
The FBI refused to investigate.

Probably because it isn't true, fool.

Strozk said yesterday that he had never heard of that.
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

From the article...

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added. Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information. Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker, but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”
He also said that someone alerted the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to the issue. “Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call,” Gohmert said.

The ICIG previously caught problems regarding Clinton’s server that the FBI missed. The bureau didn’t notice that some emails were openly marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent. (RELATED: FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake)

The ICIG spotted the oversight after the FBI missed it, texts between Strzok and his mistress, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, show.

“Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed? … Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this.”

In late 2017, ICIG Chuck McCullough — who was appointed by former President Barack Obama — took the unusual step of coming forward publicly to say that he perceived pushback after he began raising the alarm about issues with Clinton’s servers to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

He said he found it “maddening” that Democrats, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, were underselling the amount of classified information on the server. McCullough said he “expected to be embraced and protected,” but was instead “chided” by someone on Capitol Hill for failing to consider the “political consequences” of his investigative findings
He is known liar with zero morals. That piece of shit would say anything.

You're a known liar.

What exactly was inaccurate in the article I posted?

You can't name a single thing, so shut the fuck up dumbass.

Are all liberals retarded or just the shitheads on this forum?

The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.

"But examining the actions the FBI took, the inspector general concluded that Mr. Strzok “was not the sole decisionmaker” and, in fact, “advocated for more aggressive investigative measures” against Ms. Clinton. “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” The inspector general also concluded that the decisions made on how to conduct the Clinton investigation were reasonable."


The same moron that missed classified email and the fact all her email was compromised also rewrote key portions of the statement. That is not advocating for a stronger position regarding Clinton.

FBI agent changed key phrase in Clinton email report

Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed Comey’s earlier draft language describing Clinton’s actions as “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” the sources said.

Great. Now tell us all why that was either improper or biased, liar.
Another liar.
You have no way of knowing if that's true.
Your bias is showing as well.
No way of knowing the FBI ignored evidence? Are you for real?

The FBI came out in public and declared they had found over 15,000 official documents Hillary had tried to destroy, documents she was required by law to turn in but never did. What the FBI declared was that Hillary had Obstructed justice by trying to destroy over 15,000 pieces of evidence - not 'personal correspondence'. They publicly stated that Hillary Clinton had violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act each more than 15,000 times.
- She was never charged for the crimes they informed the public they had found.

Comey publicly declared Hillary had broken numerous laws...right before he claimed she was too stupid to know she was doing it.
- Ignorance is no excuse for the law.
- Hillary signed Official documents after numerous training sessions on handling of classified, acknowledging she was VERY aware of the rules, regs, and laws and knew what she was doing.
- Hillary as Sect of State sent out e-mails warning her employees not to do the very thing she did
*** Comey lied his ass off and provided false justifications for Hillary knowingly breaking the law
*** Evidence shows Comey and Lynch co-authored her exoneration before the investigation ws over
*** Evidence shows Strzok changed the wording of the final FBI report on the Hillary investigation. The words 'criminal negligence was originally used more than 100 times to describe her actions in the report, guaranteeing she would go to jail because the verbiage came right out of the law. Strzok changed the verbiage so she would not go to jail.

All of these recorded facts have been presented to you lying snowflakes over and over, and you always ignore them and spew your lies.

The only real evidence that exists in all of this - all of it against the criminal Democrats - has been shown, but your emotional and mental instability driven by your hate fro Trump prevents you from accepting the truth.
The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.
Does a free lobotomy come with membership to the DNC or do you have to pay for it before you become a card-carrying member.

I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

In the texts between Paige and Strzok they talk about how Trump can NOT BE ALLOWED to win, how the FBI did not want Trump to win, how they could not leave it up to chance and had an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure he did not win.

At one point Paige asks Strzok. 'He isn't going to won, right? Right?'

Strzok responds back, 'NO, WE WILL STOP HIM."

'NO BIAS' :wtf:

Not one, sane, non-partisan, non-party-1st American citizen buys that ridiculous shit for a second! The Partisanship could NOT be any more obvious.

Like I said - I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

Great. Now show us all the official actions taken by Strozk that were biased.

Bias is an action, not a thought dope.

Done, numerous times today. to include citing law, US IG reports, posting links, etc...
Another liar.
You have no way of knowing if that's true.
Your bias is showing as well.
No way of knowing the FBI ignored evidence? Are you for real?

The FBI came out in public and declared they had found over 15,000 official documents Hillary had tried to destroy, documents she was required by law to turn in but never did. What the FBI declared was that Hillary had Obstructed justice by trying to destroy over 15,000 pieces of evidence - not 'personal correspondence'. They publicly stated that Hillary Clinton had violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act each more than 15,000 times.
- She was never charged for the crimes they informed the public they had found.

Comey publicly declared Hillary had broken numerous laws...right before he claimed she was too stupid to know she was doing it.
- Ignorance is no excuse for the law.
- Hillary signed Official documents after numerous training sessions on handling of classified, acknowledging she was VERY aware of the rules, regs, and laws and knew what she was doing.
- Hillary as Sect of State sent out e-mails warning her employees not to do the very thing she did
*** Comey lied his ass off and provided false justifications for Hillary knowingly breaking the law
*** Evidence shows Comey and Lynch co-authored her exoneration before the investigation ws over
*** Evidence shows Strzok changed the wording of the final FBI report on the Hillary investigation. The words 'criminal negligence was originally used more than 100 times to describe her actions in the report, guaranteeing she would go to jail because the verbiage came right out of the law. Strzok changed the verbiage so she would not go to jail.

All of these recorded facts have been presented to you lying snowflakes over and over, and you always ignore them and spew your lies.

The only real evidence that exists in all of this - all of it against the criminal Democrats - has been shown, but your emotional and mental instability driven by your hate fro Trump prevents you from accepting the truth.

The investigation has already been vetted, dope.

"But examining the actions the FBI took, the inspector general concluded that Mr. Strzok “was not the sole decisionmaker” and, in fact, “advocated for more aggressive investigative measures” against Ms. Clinton. “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” The inspector general also concluded that the decisions made on how to conduct the Clinton investigation were reasonable."

Of course the IG will now be declared to be either inept or in on the conspiracy.
The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.
Does a free lobotomy come with membership to the DNC or do you have to pay for it before you become a card-carrying member.

I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

In the texts between Paige and Strzok they talk about how Trump can NOT BE ALLOWED to win, how the FBI did not want Trump to win, how they could not leave it up to chance and had an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure he did not win.

At one point Paige asks Strzok. 'He isn't going to won, right? Right?'

Strzok responds back, 'NO, WE WILL STOP HIM."

'NO BIAS' :wtf:

Not one, sane, non-partisan, non-party-1st American citizen buys that ridiculous shit for a second! The Partisanship could NOT be any more obvious.

Like I said - I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

Great. Now show us all the official actions taken by Strozk that were biased.

Bias is an action, not a thought dope.

Done, numerous times today. to include citing law, US IG reports, posting links, etc...

You haven't, dope.

This is the conclusion reached by the IG.

"But examining the actions the FBI took, the inspector general concluded that Mr. Strzok “was not the sole decisionmaker” and, in fact, “advocated for more aggressive investigative measures” against Ms. Clinton. “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” The inspector general also concluded that the decisions made on how to conduct the Clinton investigation were reasonable."
The entire premise for the attacks on Strozk are a lie. The IG report concludes very clearly that there was no professional bias in their official actions. None.
Does a free lobotomy come with membership to the DNC or do you have to pay for it before you become a card-carrying member.

I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

In the texts between Paige and Strzok they talk about how Trump can NOT BE ALLOWED to win, how the FBI did not want Trump to win, how they could not leave it up to chance and had an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure he did not win.

At one point Paige asks Strzok. 'He isn't going to won, right? Right?'

Strzok responds back, 'NO, WE WILL STOP HIM."

'NO BIAS' :wtf:

Not one, sane, non-partisan, non-party-1st American citizen buys that ridiculous shit for a second! The Partisanship could NOT be any more obvious.

Like I said - I know what you have been TOLD...and you parrot it very well, but for once try to think for YOURSELF.

Great. Now show us all the official actions taken by Strozk that were biased.

Bias is an action, not a thought dope.

FYI, you may want to lookup the definition of "bias"....dumbass.
The fix was in by the corrupt FBI. They deliberately ignored evidence.

FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake

The FBI didn’t notice that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent — something that seemingly would have been one of the first and most obvious checks in an investigation, and one that FBI agents instantly recognized put the facts at odds with Clinton’s public statements.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General spotted it after the FBI missed it, texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, reveal. “Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed?”

“Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this,” he wrote.

“Found on the 30k [emails] provided to State originally. No one noticed. It cuts against ‘I never sent or received anything marked classified,'” he wrote, referring to statements by Clinton downplaying the danger of her email practices.

The fix was in by the corrupt FBI. They deliberately ignored evidence.

Another liar.

You have no way of knowing if that's true.
Your bias is showing as well.

Yep, the tards at the FBI, allegedly trained in counter-intelligence, are too fucking stupid to recognize classified documents when they see them. Their forensic people suck so bad they did not recognize that all of her email was compromised. They are all incompetent. That is a common defense used by the left. They were just too stupid to know what they were doing.

I wonder how many others they have screwed over through gross incompetence?
But seriously, I think most people are shocked at how inept the FBI really is. They completely missed all of her email being sent to a foreign server.

The FBI was terrified that she was going to win the Presidency, because they know that she destroys anyone who opposes her....... you can see that in the emails of the two lovebirds...

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