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All Opinion Threads on Kavanaugh/Ford for Friday, Sept 21 2018

Will the Dems recruit another "victim" to miraculously come forward before the confirmation vote?

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Bill O? Lol!

Another righty perv that conservatives defended all along .

Kinda like the left and Bill Clinton wouldn't you say??
^ Another conservative now perfectly fine with rape because Bill Clinton.
Clinton, Weiner, Biden, Booker, Weinstein.

Who’s the party of abusing women?
Trump, O'Reilly, Farenthold, Ailes, Meehan, Franks.

You really need to leave your echo chamber once in a while.
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Bill O? Lol!

Another righty perv that conservatives defended all along .

Kinda like the left and Bill Clinton wouldn't you say??
^ Another conservative now perfectly fine with rape because Bill Clinton.
Because Liberal athletes don’t rape and beat the shit out of women all the time.
Is that why you're okay with rape now?

There has been no allegation of rape in this case. Why are you propagandizing? Oh right, you don't propagandize, you just lie.

I was wondering what a fifteen year old girl was doing at a party that was located where that one was was??

Where were her parents?? Hell mine would have been beating the bushs for me and when they found me I would have gotten my ass kicked.
Well, there you go....it's her fault. No, wait...it never happened. But for something that never happened with no party, it's still her fault.
To me, the biggest factor in Kavanaugh's favor is the fact no other women have come forward to accuse him.

Every time someone of importance is accused of a sex crime, several other victims come flooding in.

Sexual predators never harm just one victim.

Kavanaugh may very well have grabbed some titty when he was a drunken teenager at a party. Once. He should own up to it and show all the fucking hypocritical assholes on this forum and in Washington, DC what real integrity looks like.

Kavanaugh is being given very bad advice by a REAL sexual predator like Donald Trump who lives by the credo Sin Every Day, Never Admit Guilt.
...because when it comes down to it, all this furious hatred is spurred on by the evil hearts of the Democrats, who want to keep abortion legal.

To save freedom from a bunch of people who really don't like people having freedom.

"We're pro-life" they say, while being pro-war, pro-executions, not at all pro-life.

"We're for smaller government" they say while fighting gay marriage, imposing prohibition on alcohol, making sure people don't get drugs, allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking and increasing the federal budget or taxes, one or the other.

They say one thing, do the opposite as a matter of fact over a long period of time.

allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking

What the hell does this even mean?

BTW, the OP is correct, The democrats who are insanely afraid RvW will be overturned are finding anyway to stop the confirmation including lying. One only needs to look at who this woman is.... a liberal professor.
Lying and subverting the law in order to achieve what they consider a righteous outcome means nothing to them. One has to wonder why this woman is demanding Cavinaugh defend himself first before she even speaks in testimony....... this is not the way the law works or ever has worked, but for maybe in areas controlled by the Spanish Inquisition.

Thats, right I am calling it bullshit, even though O'Reilly gives measured response. He simply gives the bullet points and the facts.

Rational minds can connect the dots. The losers on the left are the same losers that went nuts when their masters told them to over the word BINDER in 2012.

Like I have repeated over and over again. There is no reason whatsoever to get into a debate with such people.

Bill O'Reilly who was run out of Fox News for sexual harassment. To think I used to like Newsmax. Now they have sold their soul to the devil.

Harvey Weinstein?

Yes. Harvey Weinstein too. Absolutely Harvey Weinstein.

Thats, right I am calling it bullshit, even though O'Reilly gives measured response. He simply gives the bullet points and the facts.

Rational minds can connect the dots. The losers on the left are the same losers that went nuts when their masters told them to over the word BINDER in 2012.

Like I have repeated over and over again. There is no reason whatsoever to get into a debate with such people.

I'm guessing it doesn't include a fact.

Thats, right I am calling it bullshit, even though O'Reilly gives measured response. He simply gives the bullet points and the facts.

Rational minds can connect the dots. The losers on the left are the same losers that went nuts when their masters told them to over the word BINDER in 2012.

Like I have repeated over and over again. There is no reason whatsoever to get into a debate with such people.

Bill O'Reilly who was run out of Fox News for sexual harassment. To think I used to like Newsmax. Now they have sold their soul to the devil.

Harvey Weinstein?

Weinstein isn't in the OP, dipshit. Jesus, you tu quoque tards are pathetic.

It is hilariously ironic Newsmax went out and found an infamous sexual predator to ask him his opinion about sexual harassment.

It's an obvious attempt to try to clean up O'Reilly's filthy reputation by tying his predatory behavior to a guy who may actually be innocent.

It's a subtle attempt to claim O'Reilly is innocent because Kavanaugh might be.

It's disgusting O'Reilly is given a shred of credibility about any topic at all. He should be hiding his face in shame, and no one should touch him with a ten foot pole. The man is a well known liar and predator.
Well we know many held their noses as they voted for Trump due to the Supreme Court Justices, what do you want them to do, REPEAL Roe V Wade. I guess God , who the RWN's so cherish want to take away free will, that he supposedly gave us. You want your religious views to be the law of the land.

Move to Saudi Arabia. Men have no right when it comes to a females body, even if he is her husband. We have our own minds, and we do not need Men, telling us what to do and what not to do.
Recent events beg the question. However flimsy, should every allegation of sexual assault be investigated? If some skank who you might have known or had no recall of 30+ years ago said you tried to rape her, would she have the veracity to do so?
Only if there is evidence to prove the sexual assault actually happened. Such evidence is lacking in the Kavanagh case.
Putting out obviously false accusations of sexual assault and having the nation roll its eyes at the accusations only makes it more difficult for a woman who was really assaulted to come forward.
The demonization of rape victims by conservatives makes it more difficult than anything a liberal could do.

Lib please you people have jack shit to say about it after Bill and Hillary demonized every woman who dared speak about Bill's rapes and sexual assaults. Talk about the mother of all double standards. You bunch of hacks elected one of them President and tried to elect the other one President.

In summary, blow it our your ass.

Why don't you blow it up your fucking ass.

I don't know why you assume anyone who is concerned about this was not concerned about what Bill Clinton did. I did not vote for Clinton because of the sexual affairs. I did not vote for Trump because of the sexual assaults. I believe we should try to find out what happened.
1. Ford did not come out and claim sexual assault. She was dragged out into public against her will by a corrupt POS Democrat who betrayed her and her wishes in order to launch and unsubstantiated claim against a good man.

2. Dianne Feinstein demonstrated it doesn't matter what women want, what victims of sexual crimes want, by using this woman as a political tool, a weapon, to stop president Trump, to obstruct, any way she could.

Feinstein and the Democratic Party just demonstrated that there is no one, no sex or color, they will not use in an attack against their opposition in an attempt to gain back power, even if they have to betray those people and their trust by doing so.
Recent events beg the question. However flimsy, should every allegation of sexual assault be investigated? If some skank who you might have known or had no recall of 30+ years ago said you tried to rape her, would she have the veracity to do so?

I'm inclined to say if it's not relevant to the job, then it's not relevant, period.

But when you use the term "skank" you stick a pistol in your own question's mouth and pull the trigger.
Putting out obviously false accusations of sexual assault and having the nation roll its eyes at the accusations only makes it more difficult for a woman who was really assaulted to come forward.
The demonization of rape victims by conservatives makes it more difficult than anything a liberal could do.

Lib please you people have jack shit to say about it after Bill and Hillary demonized every woman who dared speak about Bill's rapes and sexual assaults. Talk about the mother of all double standards. You bunch of hacks elected one of them President and tried to elect the other one President.

In summary, blow it our your ass.

Why don't you blow it up your fucking ass.

I don't know why you assume anyone who is concerned about this was not concerned about what Bill Clinton did. I did not vote for Clinton because of the sexual affairs. I did not vote for Trump because of the sexual assaults. I believe we should try to find out what happened.

Lib please you people just tried to elect his enabling wife POTUS for God's sake, you're concerned riiiiiiight. Here talk to the hand fool :eusa_hand:
Bill O? Lol!

Another righty perv that conservatives defended all along .

Kinda like the left and Bill Clinton wouldn't you say??
^ Another conservative now perfectly fine with rape because Bill Clinton.
Clinton, Weiner, Biden, Booker, Weinstein.

Who’s the party of abusing women?
Trump, O'Reilly, Farenthold, Ailes, Meehan, Franks.

You really need to leave your echo chamber once in a while.
Any of them yelling about how much democrats hate women?
Putting out obviously false accusations of sexual assault and having the nation roll its eyes at the accusations only makes it more difficult for a woman who was really assaulted to come forward.
The demonization of rape victims by conservatives makes it more difficult than anything a liberal could do.
Blasey Ford is not a rape victim. Idiot.

Oh so good of you to make that determination.
Recent events beg the question. However flimsy, should every allegation of sexual assault be investigated? If some skank who you might have known or had no recall of 30+ years ago said you tried to rape her, would she have the veracity to do so?

I'm inclined to say if it's not relevant to the job, then it's not relevant, period.

But when you use the term "skank" you stick a pistol in your own question's mouth and pull the trigger.
So when the libtards on the forum call him a rapist is that gun in their mouths?

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