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All Opinion Threads on Kavanaugh/Ford for Friday, Sept 21 2018

Will the Dems recruit another "victim" to miraculously come forward before the confirmation vote?

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I was wondering what a fifteen year old girl was doing at a party that was located where that one was was??

Where were her parents?? Hell mine would have been beating the bushs for me and when they found me I would have gotten my ass kicked.
Well, there you go....it's her fault. No, wait...it never happened. But for something that never happened with no party, it's still her fault.

. No, wait...it never happened.

You have proof it happened?

send your proof to Feinstein, Booker, etc.

they need all the help they can get on this
For some reason, the GOP is keeping the FBI from running an investigation on that. Odd.
She is now completely disgraced.

3 Witnesses who The Libtard Bitch claimed were there, not only said they were not at this party but said Kavanaugh was not there either.
Has she identified the date and place of the party, finally? Because how else could anyone say they were not at THIS party and neither was Kavanaugh?

Because they were never at any party with those 4 people where such an incident occurred. I know for sure I wasn't there, and I don't need her to tell me the exact location...which she won't.
I was wondering what a fifteen year old girl was doing at a party that was located where that one was was??

Where were her parents?? Hell mine would have been beating the bushs for me and when they found me I would have gotten my ass kicked.
Well, there you go....it's her fault. No, wait...it never happened. But for something that never happened with no party, it's still her fault.

. No, wait...it never happened.

You have proof it happened?

send your proof to Feinstein, Booker, etc.

they need all the help they can get on this
For some reason, the GOP is keeping the FBI from running an investigation on that. Odd.

while the dems want to spend 3-4 years investigating whether a drunk high school girl was POSSIBLY felt up by a 17 year old drunk boy. and the ACCUSER can't even remember the location, or the date it happened.

Is the intention to double the debt yet again on a he said/she said investigation ?
wait...didn't O'Reiley have his OWN "issues" involving sexual harassment?

Isn't that why he is no longer at Fox?

Yea...it us
She is now completely disgraced.

3 Witnesses who The Libtard Bitch claimed were there, not only said they were not at this party but said Kavanaugh was not there either.
I thought she was dead already.

She may be dead, but like a good lil Democrat, she is voting from her grave.

Borrowed this link from you BriPat

Third Witness Who Christine Ford Says Saw Brett Kavanaugh Sexually Assault Her Says It Never Happened | LifeNews.com
Nice shit one sided source there! Fake news.
They've blown their wad ....and failed miserably.

The only good thing about all this is that America sees what the left is all about
That's right. You stand up for your pussiy grabbers.
While you stand up for abusers of women like Ellison.
There is actual documentation of that.
I don't stand up for abusers are women. You're delusional.
And you are lying again.
Why do Republicans want to take away women’s rights and gay people’s rights. It doesn’t affect them at all so why bother?
No one ever said that.
Pathetic liar.
Hey idiot. It's in the GOP Party platform. Are you a fool or an idiot? Or just ignorant?

With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose

I truly don't understand Republicans. They are fighting for something they insist they aren't fighting for. It's astounding!

Why else do they want to ruin the lives of gays?

Why else do they want to legislate women's bodies?

How can they have the nerve to cry "liar" when you only need to copy from their own literature?
Why do Republicans want to take away women’s rights and gay people’s rights. It doesn’t affect them at all so why bother?
No one ever said that.
Pathetic liar.
Hey idiot. It's in the GOP Party platform. Are you a fool or an idiot? Or just ignorant?

With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose

I truly don't understand Republicans. They are fighting for something they insist they aren't fighting for. It's astounding!

Why else do they want to ruin the lives of gays?

Why else do they want to legislate women's bodies?

How can they have the nerve to cry "liar" when you only need to copy from their own literature?
I am not a Republican moron.
I am a Trump supporter. Big difference, but in liberal projection world you broadbrush.
The GOP despises him. Or did you forget that with your short attention span?
I was wondering what a fifteen year old girl was doing at a party that was located where that one was was??

Where were her parents?? Hell mine would have been beating the bushs for me and when they found me I would have gotten my ass kicked.
Well, there you go....it's her fault. No, wait...it never happened. But for something that never happened with no party, it's still her fault.

. No, wait...it never happened.

You have proof it happened?

send your proof to Feinstein, Booker, etc.

they need all the help they can get on this
For some reason, the GOP is keeping the FBI from running an investigation on that. Odd.
Perhaps because the FBI has no reason to be investigating this at all. It is not the FBI's job to investigate sexual assault accusations like this one in the first place let alone the utter and complete lack of anything to actually investigate.
No such allegation from so long ago, lacking in all necessary for other than moot judgement, should even be admitted into court.
It isn't admitted in court. No one has suggested that.
No, many are simply assuming guilt and suggesting that he should no longer be up for nomination.

All based on an accusation - no actual evidence of any wrongdoing at all. What is pathetic is that so many can easily identify that this does not have the veracity to even end up in court let alone the possibility of conviction but are just fine obliterating his carrier.
To me, the biggest factor in Kavanaugh's favor is the fact no other women have come forward to accuse him.

Every time someone of importance is accused of a sex crime, several other victims come flooding in.

Sexual predators never harm just one victim.

Kavanaugh may very well have grabbed some titty when he was a drunken teenager at a party. Once. He should own up to it and show all the fucking hypocritical assholes on this forum and in Washington, DC what real integrity looks like.

Kavanaugh is being given very bad advice by a REAL sexual predator like Donald Trump who lives by the credo Sin Every Day, Never Admit Guilt.
Meh. That is a big factor but I think it is far more telling that there is nothing there. No real evidence. Not even a when and where - twp pieces of information that should be crystal clear.
...because when it comes down to it, all this furious hatred is spurred on by the evil hearts of the Democrats, who want to keep abortion legal.

To save freedom from a bunch of people who really don't like people having freedom.

"We're pro-life" they say, while being pro-war, pro-executions, not at all pro-life.

"We're for smaller government" they say while fighting gay marriage, imposing prohibition on alcohol, making sure people don't get drugs, allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking and increasing the federal budget or taxes, one or the other.

They say one thing, do the opposite as a matter of fact over a long period of time.

allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking

What the hell does this even mean?

BTW, the OP is correct, The democrats who are insanely afraid RvW will be overturned are finding anyway to stop the confirmation including lying. One only needs to look at who this woman is.... a liberal professor.
Lying and subverting the law in order to achieve what they consider a righteous outcome means nothing to them. One has to wonder why this woman is demanding Cavinaugh defend himself first before she even speaks in testimony....... this is not the way the law works or ever has worked, but for maybe in areas controlled by the Spanish Inquisition.

They're looking for any means, but are they lying?

Oh, wait, you've just thrown "fake news" out there because it's inconvenient for you.
The left will say that a man that coaches girl's soccer has to be a child predator. Interview every girl he ever coached to see if he assaulted anyone.
...because when it comes down to it, all this furious hatred is spurred on by the evil hearts of the Democrats, who want to keep abortion legal.

To save freedom from a bunch of people who really don't like people having freedom.

"We're pro-life" they say, while being pro-war, pro-executions, not at all pro-life.

"We're for smaller government" they say while fighting gay marriage, imposing prohibition on alcohol, making sure people don't get drugs, allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking and increasing the federal budget or taxes, one or the other.

They say one thing, do the opposite as a matter of fact over a long period of time.

allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking

What the hell does this even mean?

BTW, the OP is correct, The democrats who are insanely afraid RvW will be overturned are finding anyway to stop the confirmation including lying. One only needs to look at who this woman is.... a liberal professor.
Lying and subverting the law in order to achieve what they consider a righteous outcome means nothing to them. One has to wonder why this woman is demanding Cavinaugh defend himself first before she even speaks in testimony....... this is not the way the law works or ever has worked, but for maybe in areas controlled by the Spanish Inquisition.

They're looking for any means, but are they lying?

Oh, wait, you've just thrown "fake news" out there because it's inconvenient for you.

There's as much evidence to support they are lying as there is evidence available that Ford's claims are true. The burden of proof is on the accuser and its interesting how the new tactic by the dems is to flip that around.
Well we know many held their noses as they voted for Trump due to the Supreme Court Justices, what do you want them to do, REPEAL Roe V Wade. I guess God , who the RWN's so cherish want to take away free will, that he supposedly gave us. You want your religious views to be the law of the land.

Move to Saudi Arabia. Men have no right when it comes to a females body, even if he is her husband. We have our own minds, and we do not need Men, telling us what to do and what not to do.

No one is planning on repealing R v W conservative justices tend to be NON- activist.
...because when it comes down to it, all this furious hatred is spurred on by the evil hearts of the Democrats, who want to keep abortion legal.

To save freedom from a bunch of people who really don't like people having freedom.

"We're pro-life" they say, while being pro-war, pro-executions, not at all pro-life.

"We're for smaller government" they say while fighting gay marriage, imposing prohibition on alcohol, making sure people don't get drugs, allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking and increasing the federal budget or taxes, one or the other.

They say one thing, do the opposite as a matter of fact over a long period of time.

allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking

What the hell does this even mean?

BTW, the OP is correct, The democrats who are insanely afraid RvW will be overturned are finding anyway to stop the confirmation including lying. One only needs to look at who this woman is.... a liberal professor.
Lying and subverting the law in order to achieve what they consider a righteous outcome means nothing to them. One has to wonder why this woman is demanding Cavinaugh defend himself first before she even speaks in testimony....... this is not the way the law works or ever has worked, but for maybe in areas controlled by the Spanish Inquisition.

They're looking for any means, but are they lying?

Oh, wait, you've just thrown "fake news" out there because it's inconvenient for you.

There's as much evidence to support they are lying as there is evidence available that Ford's claims are true. The burden of proof is on the accuser and its interesting how the new tactic by the dems is to flip that around.

Well, the problem is that people like Joe McCarthy realized that by the time the truth came around, the shit had already stuck.

Using Republican tactics from the 1950s is, well, a little shitty, but seeing as they've seen such tactics so many times, it's hardly surprising they're fighting back.

Yes, it's crap, but there's a partisan system in place where it's more important to win than anything else. If you don't like it, CHANGE THE DAMN SYSTEM. Because it's just going to get worse and worse and worse.
...because when it comes down to it, all this furious hatred is spurred on by the evil hearts of the Democrats, who want to keep abortion legal.

Yep.... Democrats have so many Black votes wrapped up that a lot of Blacks will honor Margaret Sanger.

Thank goodness for Margaret Sanger, and I'm white or Caucasian, yes my white folks came from Europe.

Margaret Sanger was an elitist who sought to control the population of what she considered to be “less” and then proceeded to focus on blacks.
Yes including FREE WILL, which gives you the ability to transform your life and your world through the choices you make.

You can be a Missionary, or a Pornographer.

A God who describes himself as the Creator of Love, cannot force man to love him except by Free Will.

Since we and The Angels were Created Beings, we inherit the power of Our Father to Create.

God did not Create Evil, He only allowed for The Potential of Others to Create it, if they so desired to.

You Create Evil or Good in your life and the lives of others every time you exercise free will to do one or the other.
So if god made everything, then He made evil. Pretty simple concept, really.

Consider then these simple concepts:

Does cold exist?
Does darkness exist?
Yes. Both made by god.

Actually, they don't. Cold is the absence of heat and dark is the absence of light. You can't create darkness and you can't create cold. You can only remove light and remove heat. Evil, likewise, is the absence of Holiness, righteousness, and all that is good. It is the absence of God. When God gave man the ability to reject Him, He allowed evil to happen. He did not create evil and thrust it upon man, as you so gleefully assert.
You can create darkness by closing your eyes and putting your hands over them.

You can create cold by turning on your freezer.

And you say it yourself "He allowed evil to happen". Thanks for clearing that up.

You cannot. You can remove light by shutting your eyes, but that creates nothing. You can remove heat from a volume of space by turning on a freezer (the heat is merely moved to a different volume of space), but you're not creating anything. Yes, God allowed evil to happen, because without consequences there is no true free will. Essentially, you want the freedom to turn your back on God, but then blame Him for what happens when you do. If you stop off the roof of a building, you fall. It makes no sense and no difference to curse gravity for pulling you to the ground.
...because when it comes down to it, all this furious hatred is spurred on by the evil hearts of the Democrats, who want to keep abortion legal.

To save freedom from a bunch of people who really don't like people having freedom.

"We're pro-life" they say, while being pro-war, pro-executions, not at all pro-life.

"We're for smaller government" they say while fighting gay marriage, imposing prohibition on alcohol, making sure people don't get drugs, allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking and increasing the federal budget or taxes, one or the other.

They say one thing, do the opposite as a matter of fact over a long period of time.

allowing supremacy of cars with jay walking

What the hell does this even mean?

BTW, the OP is correct, The democrats who are insanely afraid RvW will be overturned are finding anyway to stop the confirmation including lying. One only needs to look at who this woman is.... a liberal professor.
Lying and subverting the law in order to achieve what they consider a righteous outcome means nothing to them. One has to wonder why this woman is demanding Cavinaugh defend himself first before she even speaks in testimony....... this is not the way the law works or ever has worked, but for maybe in areas controlled by the Spanish Inquisition.

They're looking for any means, but are they lying?

Oh, wait, you've just thrown "fake news" out there because it's inconvenient for you.

There's as much evidence to support they are lying as there is evidence available that Ford's claims are true. The burden of proof is on the accuser and its interesting how the new tactic by the dems is to flip that around.

They have to, because they know there is no way to prove her accusation.

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