All power back to the State, are you for that??

Convention of the States: Is a billionaire-funded coup to rewrite the Constitution on the verge of happening?

The Wisconsin GOP is calling for a constitutional convention — only five more states are needed to make it happen

“Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma — all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can’t even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are ‘beyond the reach’ of what the federal government can do.”

Convention of the States: Is a billionaire-funded coup to rewrite the Constitution on the verge of happening?

Above is a snippet of article, you can learn more about it online. All Republicans , ex Tea partiers, Beck, Hannity, Rush, Kasich, all the elites who do not want to pay taxes especially FICA, they have enough to retire on, you will see rioting in the streets unless the Pubs plan on the state militias.

We are better to let Texas to succeed from the Union since this is where it started, they can take WI with them, since Walker has ruined the state.

This is what all you who voted for DT want, well your are going to get it and get it good.

What makes you think the states are not capable of these things on their own?

Because I have seen what GOP states have done to the ACA and not expanding Medicaid, and I have seen the gerrymandering on steroids in MI. I would never want to live under GOP rule, nor do I want my grandchildren to be slaves for them.
The EPA has been one of the most successful agencies ever.

Damn straight...OUr standards of living has increased a thousand fold.

We'd look like India or China right now if it wasn't for the EPA in air and water quality...Not that the hicks give a shit.
Hold on here pajama boy. Aren't those two of the countries excluded from having to clean up their pollution in the Paris fiasco?
No its not really historically ignorant, It is in fact, the truth.

Historical ignorance quite frankly is the belief that the US constitution gave states supremacy.

You don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about, clown. With a few exceptions, like Lincoln and the Civil War, the federal government was fairly impotent until the Roosevelts came along. Both Teddy and FDR were big time power grabbers.

Oh I do know what I am taking about. You on the other hand.....

I will give you a hint what is the name of our country?





Convention of the States: Is a billionaire-funded coup to rewrite the Constitution on the verge of happening?

The Wisconsin GOP is calling for a constitutional convention — only five more states are needed to make it happen

“Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma — all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can’t even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are ‘beyond the reach’ of what the federal government can do.”

Convention of the States: Is a billionaire-funded coup to rewrite the Constitution on the verge of happening?

Above is a snippet of article, you can learn more about it online. All Republicans , ex Tea partiers, Beck, Hannity, Rush, Kasich, all the elites who do not want to pay taxes especially FICA, they have enough to retire on, you will see rioting in the streets unless the Pubs plan on the state militias.

We are better to let Texas to succeed from the Union since this is where it started, they can take WI with them, since Walker has ruined the state.

This is what all you who voted for DT want, well your are going to get it and get it good.
a tyrannical department
a failed department
favoritism laws

on and on,

nothing but crying and assumption.

how about I vote for what happens in my state b/c it affects me and you shut the fuck up and don't force what you want on me?

Unless you're cool with me making your kids wear uniforms to school, get passing grades or get dumped, act right in class or get tossed?
Tell you that you are paying to build a nuke plant for my states use.

on and on

leftist just hate freedom.

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