ALL Republican candidates invited to LaRaza and ZERO showed up.

I don't think any racist organizations should have politicians attending their events. La Raza "The Race" is little more than the Mexican version of the Klu Klux Klan. Racism is racism, even when the people acting racist are brown.

You are making assumptions & projecting mythical thoughts. Clearly you are wrong. Here is their mission statement. Do point out anything racist there, not what Rushkie, Hannity & Savage have to say. Thks!

Specifically, the goals of the Association are:

• Increase the overall number of Latinos in the legal profession.
• Encourage and support Latino and Latina judicial candidates to apply to the bench
• Advocate for the promotion and retention of Latino and Latina attorneys and judicial officers.
• Improve the professional skills of our members through our certified MCLE programs.
• Provide for the professional and social interaction among our members and other organized bar associations.
• Improve the delivery and access of legal services to the county's Spanish speaking community.
• Provide role models and mentoring to Latino youth through direct interaction with students and school districts.
• Strongly advocate positions on judicial, economic and social issues to political leaders and state and local bar associations that impact the Latino community

They have donated money to groups that are clearly racist. Groups like MEChA, The Brown Berets de Aztlan, OLA (Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan), La Raza Unida Party, and the "Nation of Aztlan" to name a few....

You are full of crap!!! Everyone of these organizations is anti-racist and seeking equality and helping Hispanics. Here are some mission statements, basically all supporting organizations are of the same goals.

MEChA: an organization that seeks to promote Chicano unity and empowerment through political action.
MEChA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

~Mission Statement~Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico~
We as Chicano's can so clearly see that there are still so many changes needed to be done with RACISM. Not only do we still have Problems with Supremicists,
There seems to be a worse problem with Chicanos hating Chicanos.
That is so much worse than the Crystal-Clear Race Issues that we all as a People of all Ethnicities and Colors need to Fix. We need to be Proud of Our Chicano History and Strive for a more Prosperous Future for Our Gente.
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico (BBNO): Mission Statement de Nuevo Mexico

Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan mission statement: El Plan de Aztlan, we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism.
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Going to La Raza is like going to a Black Panthers meeting or a KKK meeting...its the Hispanic version.
Well, when you call all brown people south of the border one people/race/etc., they start acting as such. "LA RAZA" is a civil rights organization. Don't let the Spanish scare you xenophobes away.
You are making assumptions & projecting mythical thoughts. Clearly you are wrong. Here is their mission statement. Do point out anything racist there, not what Rushkie, Hannity & Savage have to say. Thks!

Specifically, the goals of the Association are:

• Increase the overall number of Latinos in the legal profession.
• Encourage and support Latino and Latina judicial candidates to apply to the bench
• Advocate for the promotion and retention of Latino and Latina attorneys and judicial officers.
• Improve the professional skills of our members through our certified MCLE programs.
• Provide for the professional and social interaction among our members and other organized bar associations.
• Improve the delivery and access of legal services to the county's Spanish speaking community.
• Provide role models and mentoring to Latino youth through direct interaction with students and school districts.
• Strongly advocate positions on judicial, economic and social issues to political leaders and state and local bar associations that impact the Latino community

They have donated money to groups that are clearly racist. Groups like MEChA, The Brown Berets de Aztlan, OLA (Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan), La Raza Unida Party, and the "Nation of Aztlan" to name a few....

You are full of crap!!! Everyone of these organizations is anti-racist and seeking equality and helping Hispanics. Here are some mission statements, basically all supporting organizations are of the same goals.

MEChA: an organization that seeks to promote Chicano unity and empowerment through political action.
MEChA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

~Mission Statement~Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico~
We as Chicano's can so clearly see that there are still so many changes needed to be done with RACISM. Not only do we still have Problems with Supremicists,
There seems to be a worse problem with Chicanos hating Chicanos.
That is so much worse than the Crystal-Clear Race Issues that we all as a People of all Ethnicities and Colors need to Fix. We need to be Proud of Our Chicano History and Strive for a more Prosperous Future for Our Gente.
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico (BBNO): Mission Statement de Nuevo Mexico

Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan mission statement: El Plan de Aztlan, we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism.
Keep drinking the Kool Aid. MEChA is an Hispanic separatist organization that encourages anti-American activities and civil disobedience. The radical members of MEChA who refer to themselves as "Mechistas," romanticize Mexican claims to the "lost Territories" of the Southwestern United States -- a Chicano country called Aztlan. In its national constitution, MEChA calls for self-determination by its members to liberate Aztlan. MEChA's national constitution starts out: "Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán."

All of the other groups I listed believe in the same goal- separation from the USA.
You are doing a nice job of digging a hole for yourself.....:lol:
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You are making assumptions & projecting mythical thoughts. Clearly you are wrong. Here is their mission statement. Do point out anything racist there, not what Rushkie, Hannity & Savage have to say. Thks!

Specifically, the goals of the Association are:

• Increase the overall number of Latinos in the legal profession.
• Encourage and support Latino and Latina judicial candidates to apply to the bench
• Advocate for the promotion and retention of Latino and Latina attorneys and judicial officers.
• Improve the professional skills of our members through our certified MCLE programs.
• Provide for the professional and social interaction among our members and other organized bar associations.
• Improve the delivery and access of legal services to the county's Spanish speaking community.
• Provide role models and mentoring to Latino youth through direct interaction with students and school districts.
• Strongly advocate positions on judicial, economic and social issues to political leaders and state and local bar associations that impact the Latino community

They have donated money to groups that are clearly racist. Groups like MEChA, The Brown Berets de Aztlan, OLA (Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan), La Raza Unida Party, and the "Nation of Aztlan" to name a few....

You are full of crap!!! Everyone of these organizations is anti-racist and seeking equality and helping Hispanics. Here are some mission statements, basically all supporting organizations are of the same goals.

MEChA: an organization that seeks to promote Chicano unity and empowerment through political action.
MEChA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

~Mission Statement~Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico~
We as Chicano's can so clearly see that there are still so many changes needed to be done with RACISM. Not only do we still have Problems with Supremicists,
There seems to be a worse problem with Chicanos hating Chicanos.
That is so much worse than the Crystal-Clear Race Issues that we all as a People of all Ethnicities and Colors need to Fix. We need to be Proud of Our Chicano History and Strive for a more Prosperous Future for Our Gente.
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico (BBNO): Mission Statement de Nuevo Mexico

Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan mission statement: El Plan de Aztlan, we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism.

:lol:......they got a patsy here.....
Well, when you call all brown people south of the border one people/race/etc., they start acting as such. "LA RAZA" is a civil rights organization. Don't let the Spanish scare you xenophobes away.

yea sure......try telling them that.....see what you get in return....
If that isnt a statement I dont know what is. I hope they continue to ignore the voting block that is huge and growing. That'll help

Dumbass Thread O' The Year Award, nailed down. :razz:

LaRaza is a racist organization. Nobody should ever vote for ANY politician who has anything to do with them.
You call it a Hispanic race only because you see brown people south of the border and think, race. See what I mean? Also, anyone can join. A lot of Hispanic legal counsels/orgs here have whites on staff. It's a matter of civil rights, and Latinos are discriminated against here. Ever catch CNN talking about Hispanics? They don't say, "The Hispanic American community..." Nah, they just say Latino or Hispanic. No -- American about it.

"Latino voters..."
"Latino organization...."
"Large Hispanic population..."

There are also legal associations for women and Native Americans, Jews, blacks, and general interest orgs, such as: water rights, litigation, family law, civil rights, Christian issues, etc.
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You call it a Hispanic race only because you see brown people south of the border and think, race. See what I mean?.
I call it race because thats what Raza means.
Also, anyone can join. A lot of Hispanic legal counsels/orgs here have whites on staff. It's a matter of civil rights, and Latinos are discriminated against here. Ever catch CNN talking about Hispanics? They don't say, "The Hispanic American community..." Nah, they just say Latino or Hispanic. No -- American about it.

"Latino voters..."
"Latino organization...."
"Large Hispanic population...".
Hispanics Latinos whatever, want to be seperated by race, thats what La Raza is about.

There are also legal associations for women and Native Americans, Jews, blacks, and general interest orgs, such as: water rights, litigation, family law, civil rights, Christian issues, etc.
Anything for the Honkey's?
You call it a Hispanic race only because you see brown people south of the border and think, race. See what I mean? Also, anyone can join. A lot of Hispanic legal counsels/orgs here have whites on staff. It's a matter of civil rights, and Latinos are discriminated against here. Ever catch CNN talking about Hispanics? They don't say, "The Hispanic American community..." Nah, they just say Latino or Hispanic. No -- American about it.

"Latino voters..."
"Latino organization...."
"Large Hispanic population..."

There are also legal associations for women and Native Americans, Jews, blacks, and general interest orgs, such as: water rights, litigation, family law, civil rights, Christian issues, etc.

Do you know ANYTHING? La Raza is a racist mexican organization which supports the reconquista. If you don't know what THAT means, look it up. Their motto (in spanish of course) has always been "For the race [la raza, meaning mexicans] everything, for others nothing".
You call it a Hispanic race only because you see brown people south of the border and think, race. See what I mean? Also, anyone can join. A lot of Hispanic legal counsels/orgs here have whites on staff. It's a matter of civil rights, and Latinos are discriminated against here. Ever catch CNN talking about Hispanics? They don't say, "The Hispanic American community..." Nah, they just say Latino or Hispanic. No -- American about it.

"Latino voters..."
"Latino organization...."
"Large Hispanic population..."

There are also legal associations for women and Native Americans, Jews, blacks, and general interest orgs, such as: water rights, litigation, family law, civil rights, Christian issues, etc.

You are not being accurate there. "The Race" that what La Raza a racist organization that caters to Illegal Latinos, and liberal whites are allowed to ride along, but dont get to do any driving. And just so all the folks who think all the Latinos are just going to run right out and vote democrat think again. Most Latinos borne here or are here legally hate there illegal brethren.
The La Raza the OP mentioned is not a racist organization nor does it support the reconquista. Go check out their issues section. PROVE to me that the org. the OP posted is this 'racist' organization. There may be other orgs that cry, LA RAZA! and have a whackjob agenda but this is not one of them.

Again, you conveniently forget that it was white people who started putting generalized labels on the brown folk that already lived here when we conquered the land.
The La Raza the OP mentioned is not a racist organization nor does it support the reconquista. Go check out their issues section. PROVE to me that the org. the OP posted is this 'racist' organization. There may be other orgs that cry, LA RAZA! and have a whackjob agenda but this is not one of them.

Again, you conveniently forget that it was white people who started putting generalized labels on the brown folk that already lived here when we conquered the land.

They changed it. And the "brown folk" are the ones who put the label on other " brown folk". And those also killed all the poor Indians for that land to. "The Race" is a racist organization.

"NCLR’s work as a civil rights institution is about inclusion and participation in the American Dream, including extensive efforts to assist new immigrants in the process of fully integrating into American life. In fact, NCLR and its Affiliates work everyday to provide English classes, support naturalization efforts, and offer other services that help integrate immigrants fully into American society." But not ones from Africa or any ware else, just Latin ones. If you read between the lines, they only help illegals in this country. YOU prove me wrong.

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