ALL Republican candidates invited to LaRaza and ZERO showed up.

The La Raza the OP mentioned is not a racist organization nor does it support the reconquista. Go check out their issues section. PROVE to me that the org. the OP posted is this 'racist' organization. There may be other orgs that cry, LA RAZA! and have a whackjob agenda but this is not one of them.

Again, you conveniently forget that it was white people who started putting generalized labels on the brown folk that already lived here when we conquered the land.

You're a dumb white bitch who doesn't live here - you have NO IDEA what you're talking about - anyone who LIVES HERE will just laugh their ass off at your Pee See drivel which has not the slightest, remotest connection with the day to day reality lived by everyone here.
If that isnt a statement I dont know what is. I hope they continue to ignore the voting block that is huge and growing. That'll help

La Raza is a pretty radical group, certainly not mainstream. Of course, no Republicans are going to show up. They all remember how McCain tried to suck up to them and the GOP base never forgave them.
I think the problem is that Republicans get them mixed up with another group with a similar name. But that is their loss, of course.

In the context that NCLR uses it, “La Raza” it means “the people,” or “the Hispanic people of the New World”[7] — people of Chicano (i.e. Mexican American) and Mexican descent and the Hispanic world, as well as mestizos who share Native American or national Hispanic heritage.[citation needed]. The concept of inclusiveness was initially promoted by Jose Vasconselos as part of the phrase and title of his essay, "La Raza Cosmica", the mixing of white, black, and native, in the Western Hemisphere. [8] (wikipedia)

When millions of people are demonized because of their heritage, beliefs, or what have you, I cannot see anything wrong with them banding together to fight off that stigma and work to better themselves.

Apparently the Republicans do see a problem with it.
Are you arguing that a name that says "the race" is racist? Proof please..

The name itself is proof. You don't name an organization "The race" if racial bigotry isn't the purpose.

I notice your focus is blantanly racist.

It could be a race to the election top.
It could include all races of voters.

But in your bigoted racist mind it is something evil. :cuckoo:

Are you serious? I guess you've never heard some of these clowns speak. Of course it's about racial intolerance. They flat out admit it!!!
Maybe you should "RACE" to the nearest mental institution....What a fucken tool!!!!
BTW, friggin wiki lol...

Definition of the phrase "La Raza"

In the context that NCLR uses it, “La Raza” it means “the people,” or “the Hispanic people of the New World”[7] — people of Chicano (i.e. Mexican American) and Mexican descent and the Hispanic world, as well as mestizos who share Native American or national Hispanic heritage.

Game over man, Game over....

It means just what it says "The Race"
Trying to say that it means anything else is a joke. You can hardly take it out of context.
Thats like saying "I hate negros" but I mean the white ones.
Fucken LIBS:cuckoo:
What a bunch of dumb ass fucking right wing morons.

Not ALL Hispanics belong to La Raza.

This was put together by "Hispanic Republicans". Hilarious. Right wingers show their true colors, "white and white".

2012 GOP hopefuls skip Hispanic Leadership Conference | The Washington Independent

The Conservative right just has to slap another minority with a shit pie. And their base cheers and cheers and shrinks.


So its chosen segregation?
I think the problem is that Republicans get them mixed up with another group with a similar name. But that is their loss, of course.

In the context that NCLR uses it, “La Raza” it means “the people,” or “the Hispanic people of the New World”[7] — people of Chicano (i.e. Mexican American) and Mexican descent and the Hispanic world, as well as mestizos who share Native American or national Hispanic heritage.[citation needed]. The concept of inclusiveness was initially promoted by Jose Vasconselos as part of the phrase and title of his essay, "La Raza Cosmica", the mixing of white, black, and native, in the Western Hemisphere. [8] (wikipedia)

When millions of people are demonized because of their heritage, beliefs, or what have you, I cannot see anything wrong with them banding together to fight off that stigma and work to better themselves.

Apparently the Republicans do see a problem with it.

Ravi what group are you talking about with the similar name?....
OK class, lets start from the beginning:
Translation of La Raza:
la- la = the La English Spanish Translation | Traductor ingles español
raza- 1. race (human)
Raza English Spanish Translation | Traductor ingles español
In the Spanish language the term La Raza translates literally to "the race" and more symbolically to "the people."
La Raza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Council of La Raza = NCLR that many are claiming to be different from La Raza, when in fact is is the voice of La Raza.
"The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is a non-profit and non-partisan advocacy group in the United States, focused on improving opportunities for Hispanics.[1] It is sometimes confused with La Raza Onida. According to the organization's website, it is "the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States" and "serves all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country".
National Council of La Raza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, what purpose does NCLR serve?

Obama does/will attend the NCLR conference:
The National Council of La Raza, an advocacy group that frames nearly every national policy debate as a Latino issue, will hear a speech from President Obama today, as the president delivers his latest sales pitch to Hispanics
La Raza | Barack Obama | Latinos | The Daily Caller

But prior to attending the conference:
President Barrack Obama is hosting a White House meeting for Hispanic advocacy groups Monday, just a week after a Gallup poll of Hispanic voters revealed potentially lethal news for his re-election chances
Hispanic Conference | White House | Minority Voters | The Daily Caller
Obama Nominates La Raza Activist as Ambassador. President Barrack Obama has appointed Maria del Carmen Appointee to be the next American ambassador to El Salvador......

PRESIDENT Obama is returning to the scene of the lies.
He is scheduled to speak in the next few days at the annual meeting of the National Council of La Raza, one of the nation's largest Latino advocacy groups. The event, in Washington, is expected to draw 25,000 people.
It was during a speech to this same group in July 2008 that then-candidate Obama played the role of simpatico to the Latino community. He condemned immigration raids where "communities are terrorized," declared that it was time for a president who "won't walk away from something as important as comprehensive (immigration) reform," promised that he would make it "a top priority" in the first year of his presidency, and insisted that the United States "cannot and should not deport 12 million people."
Now, Obama has become what he once criticized. He walked away from immigration reform, continued the raids that terrorize immigrant communities and deported nearly 1 million people.
Ruben Navarrette: Obama must face up to an awful record on Latinos - Pasadena Star-News

The White House loves social media. But users of social media don’t always love the White House back.
The White House recommended watching President Obama’s speech Monday to the National Council of La Raza, the nation’s largest Latino advocacy group, and viewing it live on the group’s Web site. Those who did found a healthy debate alongside Mr. Obama’s remarks, including negative comments about the president and his immigration policy.
“I can tell Obama is lying … his lips are moving,” one person wrote on the site’s live chat. “Almost three years and no immigration reform, plus a record number of deportations by Labor Day!”
“Stop the Deportations!” said another poster.
"This really was a let down,” said a third.
Many of the comments were along similar lines—voicing disappointment that Mr. Obama had increased deportations while failing to move a comprehensive immigration overhaul through Congress that would give many illegal immigrants a mechanism for gaining legal status.
Obama Takes Heat on Immigration - Washington Wire - WSJ

Pro-Illegal-Immigration 'La Raza' Blasts Obama Health Plan for Not Including Illegal Aliens
The open-borders lobby is wailing about Pres. Obama's health care compromise, and that seems like it should be good news on the immigration front.
They say the President is leaving all illegal aliens out of the plan. And they are calling on their activists to phone the White House to demand that illegal aliens be included.
Pro-Illegal-Immigration 'La Raza' Blasts Obama Health Plan for Not Including Illegal Aliens | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

bw) Washington, DC — on June 14th, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) introduced House Resolution (HR) 2164 “the Legal Workforce Act” — a bill which expands the E-Verify system making it mandatory for all U.S. employers.
“E-Verify is a successful program to help ensure that jobs are reserved for citizens and legal workers,” explained Congressman Smith"

President Barrack Obama is hosting a White House meeting for Hispanic advocacy groups Monday, just a week after a Gallup poll of Hispanic voters revealed potentially lethal news for his reelection chances.

The Gallup poll showed that Obama's support among Hispanics fell almost a third in the last 18 months, down from 73 percent in December 2009 to 52 percent in June 2011. That's very bad news for Democrats, because Obama's re-election strategy depends on a Hispanic landslide in swing states such as Florida and Virginia.
President Barack Obama is hosting a White House meeting for Hispanic advocacy groups Monday, just a week after a Gallup poll of Hispanic voters revealed potentially lethal news for his reelection chances.

The Gallup poll showed that Obama's support among Hispanics fell almost a third in the last 18 months, down from 73 percent in December 2009 to 52 percent in June 2011. That's very bad news for Democrats, because Obama's re-election strategy depends on a Hispanic landslide in swing states such as Florida and Virginia.
Read more: Obama Loses 30 Percent of Hispanic Support - President Obama - Fox Nation

just a few more :)
12:45 AM 07/11/2011

President Barrack Obama is hosting a White House meeting for Hispanic advocacy groups Monday, just a week after a Gallup poll of Hispanic voters revealed potentially lethal news for his reelection chances.

The Gallup poll showed that Obama's support among Hispanics fell almost a third in the last 18 months, down from 73 percent in December 2009 to 52 percent in June 2011. That's very bad news for Democrats, because Obama's re-election strategy depends on a Hispanic landslide in swing states such as Florida and Virginia.
Read more: Obama Loses 30 Percent of Hispanic Support - President Obama - Fox Nation

President Barrack Obama is hosting a White House meeting for Hispanic advocacy groups Monday, just a week after a Gallup poll of Hispanic voters revealed potentially lethal news for his reelection chances.

The Gallup poll showed that Obama's support among Hispanics fell almost a third in the last 18 months, down from 73 percent in December 2009 to 52 percent in June 2011. That's very bad news for Democrats, because Obama's re-election strategy depends on a Hispanic landslide in swing states such as Florida and Virginia.
Read more: Obama Loses 30 Percent of Hispanic Support - President Obama - Fox Nation
One more,,,,,

Immigration: Brown signs Dream Act
July 25, 2011 | 5:30 pm 920
It seems Assemblyman Gill Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) has finally succeeded in getting at least half of the California Dream Act passed. On Monday, Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 130, the bill that allows undocumented immigrant students attending California state colleges or universities to apply for scholarships funded by private donors. Three previous attempts at similar bills failed or were vetoed.

That's all for now folks.
I believe that all of these articles cover what everyone is debating.
I sure went a Long for y'all

Hope This post brings some clarity to the whole situation
Last edited:
If that isnt a statement I dont know what is. I hope they continue to ignore the voting block that is huge and growing. That'll help

I'm glad to know the republican's don't support racism.

"The Race" is a racist organization, it would be like being mad at them for not going to a KKK meeting.
I think the problem is that Republicans get them mixed up with another group with a similar name. But that is their loss, of course.

In the context that NCLR uses it, “La Raza” it means “the people,” or “the Hispanic people of the New World”[7] — people of Chicano (i.e. Mexican American) and Mexican descent and the Hispanic world, as well as mestizos who share Native American or national Hispanic heritage.[citation needed]. The concept of inclusiveness was initially promoted by Jose Vasconselos as part of the phrase and title of his essay, "La Raza Cosmica", the mixing of white, black, and native, in the Western Hemisphere. [8] (wikipedia)

When millions of people are demonized because of their heritage, beliefs, or what have you, I cannot see anything wrong with them banding together to fight off that stigma and work to better themselves.

Apparently the Republicans do see a problem with it.

Ravi what group are you talking about with the similar name?....
The one that thinks parts of the US still belong to Mexico. I forget the name.
The La Raza the OP mentioned is not a racist organization nor does it support the reconquista. Go check out their issues section. PROVE to me that the org. the OP posted is this 'racist' organization. There may be other orgs that cry, LA RAZA! and have a whackjob agenda but this is not one of them.

Again, you conveniently forget that it was white people who started putting generalized labels on the brown folk that already lived here when we conquered the land.

You're a dumb white bitch who doesn't live here - you have NO IDEA what you're talking about - anyone who LIVES HERE will just laugh their ass off at your Pee See drivel which has not the slightest, remotest connection with the day to day reality lived by everyone here.

Right. Just a dumb white bitch that lives in a majority Latino area. :cuckoo:
I see ppl still don't know what racist means. Anyone can join, that in and of itself is not racist. Ever see a black person be part of the Klan (Dave Chapelle doesn't count). That's because that is a racist org. Exclusion and believing one race is better than another is the definition of racist.

Not a name, or an org for Hispanics. Notice how all orgs that represent a particular section of society is racist or sexist except for the Jewish ones....that's different. Suuuure.
I see ppl still don't know what racist means. Anyone can join, that in and of itself is not racist. Ever see a black person be part of the Klan (Dave Chapelle doesn't count). That's because that is a racist org. Exclusion and believing one race is better than another is the definition of racist.
Not a name, or an org for Hispanics. Notice how all orgs that represent a particular section of society is racist or sexist except for the Jewish ones....that's different. Suuuure.

Did you ever see a white person belong to the congressional black caucus? One tried and he was denied. Exclusion. Your words not mine.
I see ppl still don't know what racist means. Anyone can join, that in and of itself is not racist. Ever see a black person be part of the Klan (Dave Chapelle doesn't count). That's because that is a racist org. Exclusion and believing one race is better than another is the definition of racist.

Not a name, or an org for Hispanics. Notice how all orgs that represent a particular section of society is racist or sexist except for the Jewish ones....that's different. Suuuure.

La Raza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, "La Raza" is sometimes used to denote people of Chicano and mestizo descent as well as other Latin American mestizos who share Native American heritage. The term is rarely inclusive of entirely European or African descended Hispanic peoples.[citation needed]

The term is also used by the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy group in the United States.

Seems like a racist group to me.

and FYI

By your own reasoning, the naacp is a racist org.
I tend to disagree with racist organizations. That comes from belief that all men are created equal regardless of race. And that race is meaningless.

As do all rational people.

{Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.

Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.} - Ayn Rand

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