All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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Yeah, I remember 2008.

That was the night I prediced THIS was going to happen today! I knew Democrats are arrogant liberals and they would govern AGAINST the people.

The day after Obama won, I warned liberals this day was coming, and I have been warning liberals ever since.

I knew they wouldn't listen!


--->whoosh---> Franken v. Coleman (US Senate seat-MN).

Sorry, but it appears your knowledge of politics doesn't go back any further "in history" than this year, if you can't remember that contest. But I'll bet all those liberals are cringing over the warning coming from THE big bad Tea Party Samurai and wished they'd heeded your personal message from the outset.


Franken vs. Coleman??????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This is your big evidence of liberal victory?

An election stolen by lawyers and "recounts."

Oh PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

As IF the ONLY STATE TO VOTE FOR MONDALE IN 1984 is proof of how the country is going in the first place??????????

I have FAMILY in Minnesota! TRUST ME, I KNOW HOW PEOPLE IN MINNESOTA think. :lol::lol:

The fact they think someone like Franken, who was such an asshole even SNL no longer wanted him, proudly represents that state, says all you need to KNOW about Minnesota.

But if that "victory" makes you feel good, you be my guest.

That was then, this is 2010 baby! Let's see what the results are going to be in 2010, shall we???????

Franken! BWahahaaaa! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You're barely worth any more time, but I'll try again, genius: YOU implied that the Franken win was historically long ago. I responded that it was only two years ago, period, end of discussion on point. But YOU had to reply again going into your usual tirade about liberals. To which I then used code (--->whoosh--->) to imply that my Franken/Coleman statement went right over your head. So NOW, you're back here all tantrummy again wanting to get into another fucking debate over the merits of liberalism vs. conservatism by using Al Franken as your prop.

Go play with your Palin doll, honey. You've become like the bratty little kid tugging at a grownup's pantleg demanding attention because you finally brought home a C in arithmetic instead of an F.
One thing I hated about FL was that my polling place was in a church operated building.
Just does not seem right to me.

For heaven's sake (no pun intended) why? Churches are part of the community and have the space to provide as a service to the community. Every vote I've cast over the last 35 years has been in a church with the exception of a homeowner's association pool house for a year or two.

I've heard from several people today, that their kids are home from school because of voting. Hell, I've been voting in our elementary school for years and my kids never got the day off. In fact, he's there right now.

For the last five years they close schools on election day, where I live.

I think it's a post 9/11 paranoia or maybe it's because the school will be too packed with voters to have school at the same time.

Otherwise, I think it's they are worried about too many strangers being in the school at the same time with the kids.

But that's not how it used to be in Ohio, I know that!
I still can't see how the Tea Party is anything other than just a conservative protester wing of the Republican Party, like a large-scale incarnation of Protest Warriors where sour grapes replaced the humor.

Honey, it's pretty hypocritical of YOU to complain about sour grapes!


How so, opaque one with the thirty smileys?

You know how I keep saying liberalism is an eternal battle against the obvious? The post above is a beautiful example of this.

Why don't you start a nice flame thread like the rest of the losers. I'm sure there will be plenty of those started by liberals, targeting conservatives on this board, after election results tonight!


interesting concept.

i will think about it, while laughing at your idiocy.

Why don't we wait until the results come in to see who's the idiot!

I've been warning liberals about this day since Obama win in 2008.


See if you really knew anything historical about political cycles, you would already know not to count your chickens before they hatch. Tomrrow will see the same lawmakers still in place. Your new ones won't be sworn in until January. And thereafter, they'll wander the great halls of the Capital building with their heads up their asses, because if they do indeed become spoilers for the GOP's chances in 2012, your "gloating" will be shortlived.
No, the thanks go to everyone that gets out there and votes! :D

Go vote and check those paper ballots before you hit confirm! :2up:

Fox News is covering (right now) about the "voting machine malfunctions" in Nevada! That bastard Reid is determinded to win one way or another! :D

For one who identifies herself so strongly with a party that's sure to win tonight, you're rather quick to come up with a conspiracy theory excuse for an unexpected defeat.

I came up with it? I don't live in Nevada moron! The reports are coming out of Nevada.

For someone who isn't going to vote, you sure seem to mind the rest of US discussing voting irregularities. What do you care?

The sour grapes are coming!


I shall forgive you for your poor attempt to spin the fact that you're proposing an election fraud conspiracy for your intellectual capacities would fail a kindergartner.

Please spam me with more smileys.
My polling place is in a mall and it's always super busy with a line longer than fuck. But atleast the line goes past the Orange Julius. :D
There were retired people manning my polling place. I think they are AARP plants. Should I be concerned? Which radio program should I report this to?
Let's think back.

Did libs tend to gloat when President Obama won election? Uhm. Yes. Yes they did.

Now, since I consider President Obama to be an unmitigated disaster, will I gloat when a sufficient degree of his power is taken away from him, tonight, that he will become effectively neutered, politically? Uhm. Yes. Yes, I will.

Not a lot. But, the sense of relief is very real.

If the results do even JUST that much in just the House alone, I will be breathing such a sigh of relief that it will be impossible not to gloat at least a little bit.

Thank GOD for you Tea Party folks. Bravo to all of you. You guys may have just saved the Republic.

How will they "save it"?? Thus far, it's all talk and no plan of action.

(That said, I never thought I'd be GLAD to see an old veteran con like you jump into this fray. :eek:)
My polling place is in a mall and it's always super busy with a line longer than fuck. But atleast the line goes past the Orange Julius. :D

If the giant ass pretzel place is next door, you're in bidness! :eusa_drool:
--->whoosh---> Franken v. Coleman (US Senate seat-MN).

Sorry, but it appears your knowledge of politics doesn't go back any further "in history" than this year, if you can't remember that contest. But I'll bet all those liberals are cringing over the warning coming from THE big bad Tea Party Samurai and wished they'd heeded your personal message from the outset.


Franken vs. Coleman??????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This is your big evidence of liberal victory?

An election stolen by lawyers and "recounts."

Oh PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

As IF the ONLY STATE TO VOTE FOR MONDALE IN 1984 is proof of how the country is going in the first place??????????

I have FAMILY in Minnesota! TRUST ME, I KNOW HOW PEOPLE IN MINNESOTA think. :lol::lol:

The fact they think someone like Franken, who was such an asshole even SNL no longer wanted him, proudly represents that state, says all you need to KNOW about Minnesota.

But if that "victory" makes you feel good, you be my guest.

That was then, this is 2010 baby! Let's see what the results are going to be in 2010, shall we???????

Franken! BWahahaaaa! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You're barely worth any more time, but I'll try again, genius: YOU implied that the Franken win was historically long ago. I responded that it was only two years ago, period, end of discussion on point. But YOU had to reply again going into your usual tirade about liberals. To which I then used code (--->whoosh--->) to imply that my Franken/Coleman statement went right over your head. So NOW, you're back here all tantrummy again wanting to get into another fucking debate over the merits of liberalism vs. conservatism by using Al Franken as your prop.

Go play with your Palin doll, honey. You've become like the bratty little kid tugging at a grownup's pantleg demanding attention because you finally brought home a C in arithmetic instead of an F.

Honey, I will NEVER stop discussing the merits of conservatism over liberalism.

However, I was responding to this:
Heck didn't it take close to a year to decide that one in WI last time?

I didn't even bother responding to the Franken comment, (until you brought it up again) because it was so ridiculously false it wasn't worth bothering with.

It was pretty obvious by the shenanigans in Minnesota that Franken no more won in 2008, than Gore won in 2000.

So who doesn't get it?


Not the Franken thing. I didn't even think it worth my time discussing Franken
The sour grapes from liberals is already coming in!

Aw! Poor wittle liberals!

But it's nut cracking time!

Here's some nut cracking to keep you entertained until the returns come in!


Ah, I think I've figured this gal out. She's been hanging around Willow's campfire too long crackin' them thar nuts.

interesting concept.

i will think about it, while laughing at your idiocy.

Why don't we wait until the results come in to see who's the idiot!

I've been warning liberals about this day since Obama win in 2008.


See if you really knew anything historical about political cycles, you would already know not to count your chickens before they hatch. Tomrrow will see the same lawmakers still in place. Your new ones won't be sworn in until January. And thereafter, they'll wander the great halls of the Capital building with their heads up their asses, because if they do indeed become spoilers for the GOP's chances in 2012, your "gloating" will be shortlived.

NOW who's counting his chickens before they hatched? :lol::lol::lol:

You tell me to wait until the returns come in and then YOU tell me what will happen anyway!

Hypocrisy watch!

No, you won't do anything but sit on your butt, and feel you are superior somehow for NOT voting, while the rest of us do that job for you.

Maybe you are right. The ignorant should stay home and let the informed vote.

But the ignorant should also SHUT UP let the informed DISCUSS politics. If you won't carry your share of the load, then shut up and let the adults discuss.

This thread is for those who are going out to vote. If you won't, then I ignore you, and suggest everyone else do the same.


Get over yourself TPS. You're not the brightest kid on the block even though you think you are.

Yeah, bringing up Franken as evidence of liberal success at the ballot box was a work of genius! Oh you are obviously way brighter than me!

Yeah, you go with that!


But I never said that. Pay attention. That usually helps.
For one who identifies herself so strongly with a party that's sure to win tonight, you're rather quick to come up with a conspiracy theory excuse for an unexpected defeat.

I came up with it? I don't live in Nevada moron! The reports are coming out of Nevada.

For someone who isn't going to vote, you sure seem to mind the rest of US discussing voting irregularities. What do you care?

The sour grapes are coming!


I shall forgive you for your poor attempt to spin the fact that you're proposing an election fraud conspiracy for your intellectual capacities would fail a kindergartner.

Please spam me with more smileys.

Look at the liberal who is upset we are discussing the attempt by liberals to cause problems with the vote.

You notice they always get upset when conservatives discuss their shenanigans?

My polling place is in a mall and it's always super busy with a line longer than fuck. But atleast the line goes past the Orange Julius. :D

We had a real long line in 2004, when Bush as reelected, but since then they put in early voting, and that took care of the lines.

I'm not sure early voting is 100% trustworthy, but not much I can do about it. ;)
Let's think back.

Did libs tend to gloat when President Obama won election? Uhm. Yes. Yes they did.

Now, since I consider President Obama to be an unmitigated disaster, will I gloat when a sufficient degree of his power is taken away from him, tonight, that he will become effectively neutered, politically? Uhm. Yes. Yes, I will.

Not a lot. But, the sense of relief is very real.

If the results do even JUST that much in just the House alone, I will be breathing such a sigh of relief that it will be impossible not to gloat at least a little bit.

Thank GOD for you Tea Party folks. Bravo to all of you. You guys may have just saved the Republic.

How will they "save it"?? Thus far, it's all talk and no plan of action.

(That said, I never thought I'd be GLAD to see an old veteran con like you jump into this fray. :eek:)

They won't "save it" for you! The Tea party is voting conservative!

I still can't see how the Tea Party is anything other than just a conservative protester wing of the Republican Party, like a large-scale incarnation of Protest Warriors where sour grapes replaced the humor.

Honey, it's pretty hypocritical of YOU to complain about sour grapes!


How so, opaque one with the thirty smileys?

I've tried to shame her into stopping that childish practice. Now I'm just thinking she has stuttering fingers.
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