All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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Get your butts out there and VOTE!


I refuse.

The Dems have disappointed me too greatly for me to find the will to cast a ballot for them, but at the same time, I will never side with the rabid hordes of howlers and do-nothing-but-bitch-but-only-when-the-Dems-are-in-charge sign wavers who call themselves the Tea Party.

Then get the hell out of this thread AND this board.

You got no business talking about politics, if you won't do your part.

Fuck you Valeyard--er, Samuari. You can choose whether you wish to slice your own tits off with a butter knife or a chainsaw, but I won't.
Well if that's how far you have to go back in time to live a victory agianst Republicans, well goody for you!


2008? How old are you?

Yeah, I remember 2008.

That was the night I prediced THIS was going to happen today! I knew Democrats are arrogant liberals and they would govern AGAINST the people.

The day after Obama won, I warned liberals this day was coming, and I have been warning liberals ever since.

I knew they wouldn't listen!


--->whoosh---> Franken v. Coleman (US Senate seat-MN).

Sorry, but it appears your knowledge of politics doesn't go back any further "in history" than this year, if you can't remember that contest. But I'll bet all those liberals are cringing over the warning coming from THE big bad Tea Party Samurai and wished they'd heeded your personal message from the outset.

is america's nightmare over yet?

can impeachment finally start?

On what grounds--Ah wait, here's Linda Tripp!

i heard obama is not an american.

and his wife is not proud enough.

and i am sure there will be other good reasons.

come on, his middle name is HUSSEIN!

I always suspected Bush blew up the WTC to hide Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. They've been plotting this takeover for a long time.... just don't share that, okay. They're watching. Them. You see the satellites in the sky?
Get your butts out there and VOTE!


I refuse.

The Dems have disappointed me too greatly for me to find the will to cast a ballot for them, but at the same time, I will never side with the rabid hordes of howlers and do-nothing-but-bitch-but-only-when-the-Dems-are-in-charge sign wavers who call themselves the Tea Party.

Then get the hell out of this thread AND this board.

You got no business talking about politics, if you won't do your part.

excuse me? you're no more entitled to post here than anyone else, and you've DEFINITELY got no say in who else may do so.
On what grounds--Ah wait, here's Linda Tripp!

i heard obama is not an american.

and his wife is not proud enough.

and i am sure there will be other good reasons.

come on, his middle name is HUSSEIN!

I always suspected Bush blew up the WTC to hide Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. They've been plotting this takeover for a long time.... just don't share that, okay. They're watching. Them. You see the satellites in the sky?

i haven't left my bunker since this marxomaoist has been installed, so i haven't seen the sky at all for amost 2 years.
but i get the real news via radio and from teapartysandwichs' threads.
information overload, almost.

I refuse.

The Dems have disappointed me too greatly for me to find the will to cast a ballot for them, but at the same time, I will never side with the rabid hordes of howlers and do-nothing-but-bitch-but-only-when-the-Dems-are-in-charge sign wavers who call themselves the Tea Party.

Then get the hell out of this thread AND this board.

You got no business talking about politics, if you won't do your part.

Fuck you Valeyard--er, Samuari. You can choose whether you wish to slice your own tits off with a butter knife or a chainsaw, but I won't.

No, you won't do anything but sit on your butt, and feel you are superior somehow for NOT voting, while the rest of us do that job for you.

Maybe you are right. The ignorant should stay home and let the informed vote.

But the ignorant should also SHUT UP let the informed DISCUSS politics. If you won't carry your share of the load, then shut up and let the adults discuss.

This thread is for those who are going out to vote. If you won't, then I ignore you, and suggest everyone else do the same.


I refuse.

The Dems have disappointed me too greatly for me to find the will to cast a ballot for them, but at the same time, I will never side with the rabid hordes of howlers and do-nothing-but-bitch-but-only-when-the-Dems-are-in-charge sign wavers who call themselves the Tea Party.

Then get the hell out of this thread AND this board.

You got no business talking about politics, if you won't do your part.

excuse me? you're no more entitled to post here than anyone else, and you've DEFINITELY got no say in who else may do so.

This thread is about those going out to vote. As far as I'm concerned, those that will not vote, have no business bitching about politics.

But, I'm still going to ignore (in this thread) those that want to derail this thread, with their self important "I won't vote" BS. If they want to start another thread where they can feel soooooooooooo superior for not voting, they can be my guest.

This thread is for those who will actually get their butts out there and vote.
There's nothing wrong with having security at the polls. If you're scared just because he's big and black...that's just your own fear. (I'm not calling you a racist, just the race of the man has no bearing)

I was just trying to describe him....his height struck me as...well...pretty striking.
I will just wait and review the battle damage tomorrow.
Heck didn't it take close to a year to decide that one in WI last time?

that was funny though, a clown like Frankin beating the best the republicans had to offer. How embaressing.

Well if that's how far you have to go back in time to live a victory agianst Republicans, well goody for you!


Wasn't that just two years ago? At the last election? Doesn't seem like that's very far back in time to me.
Then get the hell out of this thread AND this board.

You got no business talking about politics, if you won't do your part.

Fuck you Valeyard--er, Samuari. You can choose whether you wish to slice your own tits off with a butter knife or a chainsaw, but I won't.

No, you won't do anything but sit on your butt, and feel you are superior somehow for NOT voting, while the rest of us do that job for you.

Maybe you are right. The ignorant should stay home and let the informed vote.

But the ignorant should also SHUT UP let the informed DISCUSS politics. If you won't carry your share of the load, then shut up and let the adults discuss.

This thread is for those who are going out to vote. If you won't, then I ignore you, and suggest everyone else do the same.

Ignorant is the one who watches Fox News and believes he's getting the whole story. I blame the ones who choose the lesser of two evils simply because it's their so-called God-given right to vote for the failure that is our two-party system. I participated in it since I became old enough to vote, but not this time.

I guess for you it's easy to confuse abstention with non-participation. Then again, I'm familiar enough with your posting to see you confuse "slam-dunking" people with getting a new asshole verbally torn into you.
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Then get the hell out of this thread AND this board.

You got no business talking about politics, if you won't do your part.

excuse me? you're no more entitled to post here than anyone else, and you've DEFINITELY got no say in who else may do so.

This thread is about those going out to vote. As far as I'm concerned, those that will not vote, have no business bitching about politics.

But, I'm still going to ignore (in this thread) those that want to derail this thread, with their self important "I won't vote" BS. If they want to start another thread where they can feel soooooooooooo superior for not voting, they can be my guest.

This thread is for those who will actually get their butts out there and vote.

can i mock you in your thread, your retardedness?

please say yes.
I don't think a security guard is a problem. They have them where I vote, (I think).

I'm talking about some things I've seen like bringing over a whole busload of mentally handicapped people, and leading them in to vote. (Yes, I saw that in 2002)

Or stuff like this!

He's bigger than those two guys, and has a jacket like that, but without the patches...and is standing right by the door....closer than that woman you see in the picture.

Well hell, maybe he's just waiting for someone he's supposed to meet there! My polling place was at the local grammar school and there's a lot of artwork and school projects on display, bake sales, etc., and some people want to enjoy that in addition to just voting.

Just looked. He's still there. They've got a folding chair for him now.
He's bigger than those two guys, and has a jacket like that, but without the patches...and is standing right by the door....closer than that woman you see in the picture.

Well hell, maybe he's just waiting for someone he's supposed to meet there! My polling place was at the local grammar school and there's a lot of artwork and school projects on display, bake sales, etc., and some people want to enjoy that in addition to just voting.

Just looked. He's still there. They've got a folding chair for him now.

damn, lazy and big!
2008? How old are you?

Yeah, I remember 2008.

That was the night I prediced THIS was going to happen today! I knew Democrats are arrogant liberals and they would govern AGAINST the people.

The day after Obama won, I warned liberals this day was coming, and I have been warning liberals ever since.

I knew they wouldn't listen!


--->whoosh---> Franken v. Coleman (US Senate seat-MN).

Sorry, but it appears your knowledge of politics doesn't go back any further "in history" than this year, if you can't remember that contest. But I'll bet all those liberals are cringing over the warning coming from THE big bad Tea Party Samurai and wished they'd heeded your personal message from the outset.


Franken vs. Coleman??????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This is your big evidence of liberal victory?

An election stolen by lawyers and "recounts."

Oh PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

As IF the ONLY STATE TO VOTE FOR MONDALE IN 1984 is proof of how the country is going in the first place??????????

I have FAMILY in Minnesota! TRUST ME, I KNOW HOW PEOPLE IN MINNESOTA think. :lol::lol:

The fact they think someone like Franken, who was such an asshole even SNL no longer wanted him, proudly represents that state, says all you need to KNOW about Minnesota.

But if that "victory" makes you feel good, you be my guest.

That was then, this is 2010 baby! Let's see what the results are going to be in 2010, shall we???????

Franken! BWahahaaaa! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
excuse me? you're no more entitled to post here than anyone else, and you've DEFINITELY got no say in who else may do so.

This thread is about those going out to vote. As far as I'm concerned, those that will not vote, have no business bitching about politics.

But, I'm still going to ignore (in this thread) those that want to derail this thread, with their self important "I won't vote" BS. If they want to start another thread where they can feel soooooooooooo superior for not voting, they can be my guest.

This thread is for those who will actually get their butts out there and vote.

can i mock you in your thread, your retardedness?

please say yes.

Why don't you start a nice flame thread like the rest of the losers. I'm sure there will be plenty of those started by liberals, targeting conservatives on this board, after election results tonight!

This thread is about those going out to vote. As far as I'm concerned, those that will not vote, have no business bitching about politics.

But, I'm still going to ignore (in this thread) those that want to derail this thread, with their self important "I won't vote" BS. If they want to start another thread where they can feel soooooooooooo superior for not voting, they can be my guest.

This thread is for those who will actually get their butts out there and vote.

can i mock you in your thread, your retardedness?

please say yes.

Why don't you start a nice flame thread like the rest of the losers. I'm sure there will be plenty of those started by liberals, targeting conservatives on this board, after election results tonight!


interesting concept.

i will think about it, while laughing at your idiocy.
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