All the hate Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans has finally paid off

Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
Spoken like a true sociopath who hasn't the capacity to feel empathy for anyone. Never mind human lives were in the balance, all that matters is that your agenda was satisfied, right?

Thanks Doctor, a post like yours is proof that reading comprehension is not a skill of right wing hacks. Human lives matter, which is why I support gun controls.
By the way, what political party decided that it was just fine for those with serious mental issues to have guns?
So now the left's ninth attempt at justifying this will be to make the argument that Republicans deserve to be murdered for upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? :cuckoo:
When are Republicans going to start defending the US Constitution? Cuz Trump's been trashing it.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

What a crock of shit! Like the Right has displayed their hate. Their actions and words aren't exactly generating "love-ins".
Yes, there are Dems who hate, hate, hate. There are also those
on the Right, who hate, hate, hate.
Implying just one side oozes with hate is very, very ignorant, one-sided and immature.
I am so sick of it's always "just the other side bullshit".. It ain't reality at all.

Its not? Maybe you can compare the actions of the conservatives after Obama was elected and the actions of the left after the election of Trump and truthfully tell me you don't see a difference?


I don't see any difference.
Enough said.

So after Obama was elected, the right was out demonstrating, protesting, starting fires, smashing windows, blocking traffic, disrupting speakers, and was making numerous suggestions about assassinating Obama?

GOP Senator Asks Christians to Pray for Obama’s Speedy Death
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

I think you are sweeping with a mighty broad brush.

Many Democrats have been as shocked by the antics of the left as has been many moderate GOP.

The Democrats have to police themselves better and remove the terrorists wannabes from their flock.
Democrats are part and parcel to left wing extremism. Dems advocate for left wing ideology therefore the party is culpable.
Culpable for what? A crazy guy takes a gun and shoots people. But isn't that why your kind defends the rights of crazies to own guns? So they have their 2nd Amendment right to do that?

Dylann Roof sentenced to death for killing 9 black church members in South Carolina
So you're defending Dylan Roof now?
This Scalese shooting is an act of democrat terrorism.
It was a follower of Bernie Sanders. Sanders isn't a Democrat.

But do Republicans support Dylann Roof? Probably. I assumed they do. He did get NINE.
Sanders is democrat. A socialist, a communist, a democrat.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

I think you are sweeping with a mighty broad brush.

Many Democrats have been as shocked by the antics of the left as has been many moderate GOP.

The Democrats have to police themselves better and remove the terrorists wannabes from their flock.
Democrats are part and parcel to left wing extremism. Dems advocate for left wing ideology therefore the party is culpable.
Culpable for what? A crazy guy takes a gun and shoots people. But isn't that why your kind defends the rights of crazies to own guns? So they have their 2nd Amendment right to do that?

Dylann Roof sentenced to death for killing 9 black church members in South Carolina
So you're defending Dylan Roof now?
This Scalese shooting is an act of democrat terrorism.
It was a follower of Bernie Sanders. Sanders isn't a Democrat.

But do Republicans support Dylann Roof? Probably. I assumed they do. He did get NINE.

The truth will always bring forth wrath from the hard right, don't worry about what they write - they are hateful and ignorant.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
Spoken like a true sociopath who hasn't the capacity to feel empathy for anyone. Never mind human lives were in the balance, all that matters is that your agenda was satisfied, right?

Thanks Doctor, a post like yours is proof that reading comprehension is not a skill of right wing hacks. Human lives matter, which is why I support gun controls.
ROFLMAO...Spoken by a true liberal that cannot see beyond the tip of his nose. Sure that's the answer alright. Take guns away from people who need them to defend themselves from progressives nut jobs like Hodgkinson AND all the other scourge they let into the country daily who if not for guns would otherwise make bombs in their basements or rent a van to drive through the field to run people over instead.

When, WHEN will you people learn to think before uttering such nonsense? I mean the voice of reason catches you every time so why embarrass yourself like that?

The real truth is, if those people in the field had been packing, that shooter would have died within seconds. He probably wouldn't have gotten a few rounds off let alone fifty...I mean c'mon guy, think before you write shit like that.
By the way, what political party decided that it was just fine for those with serious mental issues to have guns?
So now the left's ninth attempt at justifying this will be to make the argument that Republicans deserve to be murdered for upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? :cuckoo:
When are Republicans going to start defending the US Constitution? Cuz Trump's been trashing it.
A Democrat just attempted to assassinate elected congressmen because that democrat refuses to accept the results of a presidential election. And you talk about Trump trashing the Constitution!
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
Spoken like a true sociopath who hasn't the capacity to feel empathy for anyone. Never mind human lives were in the balance, all that matters is that your agenda was satisfied, right?

Thanks Doctor, a post like yours is proof that reading comprehension is not a skill of right wing hacks. Human lives matter, which is why I support gun controls.
ROFLMAO...Spoken by a true liberal that cannot see beyond the tip of his nose. Sure that's the answer alright. Take guns away from people who need them to defend themselves from progressives nut jobs like Hodgkinson AND all the other scourge they let into the country daily who if not for guns would otherwise make bombs in their basements or rent a van to drive through the field to run people over instead.

When, WHEN will you people learn to think before uttering such nonsense? I mean the voice of reason catches you every time so why embarrass yourself like that?

The real truth is, if those people in the field had been packing, that shooter would have died within seconds. He probably wouldn't have gotten a few rounds off let alone fifty...I mean c'mon guy, think before you write shit like that.

The real truth is, two police officers trained stopped the shooter. If a dozen of so untrained persons opened fire, what would the potential that friendly fire would create more victims?
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to hkKappen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

What convenient memory loss.

What's disgusting is him telling his fans to punch, hit and even kill and he'd pay their legal bills.

136 mass shootings since the cheeto took office but because it was Repubs who were targeted, he finally took time out from screwing us over and addressed the nation.


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. Hatred from people like you and the media fed this Benie Sanders supporter's hate and was all the justification he needed to attempt assassination of republicans because to people like you it is good to kill"fascists, racists, homophobes, xenophobe, etc, etc."
After months of promoting violence against Republicans, Democrats should not act surprised

Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
Spoken like a true sociopath who hasn't the capacity to feel empathy for anyone. Never mind human lives were in the balance, all that matters is that your agenda was satisfied, right?

Thanks Doctor, a post like yours is proof that reading comprehension is not a skill of right wing hacks. Human lives matter, which is why I support gun controls.
ROFLMAO...Spoken by a true liberal that cannot see beyond the tip of his nose. Sure that's the answer alright. Take guns away from people who need them to defend themselves from progressives nut jobs like Hodgkinson AND all the other scourge they let into the country daily who if not for guns would otherwise make bombs in their basements or rent a van to drive through the field to run people over instead.

When, WHEN will you people learn to think before uttering such nonsense? I mean the voice of reason catches you every time so why embarrass yourself like that?

The real truth is, if those people in the field had been packing, that shooter would have died within seconds. He probably wouldn't have gotten a few rounds off let alone fifty...I mean c'mon guy, think before you write shit like that.

The real truth is, two police officers trained stopped the shooter. If a dozen of so untrained persons opened fire, what would the potential that friendly fire would create more victims?
Yeah the police got him alright but not before he was able to get off 50-100 rounds and according to eyewitnesses the shooting had gone on about ten minutes. Reportedly the police kept yelling for him to put the gun down when someone screamed, "Just shoot him."

Oh and I also found this;

The only reason why any of us walked out of this thing, by the grace of God, one of the folks here had a weapon to fire back and give us a moment to find cover. We were inside the backstop and if we didn’t have that cover by a brave person who stood up and took a shot themselves, we would not have gotten out of there and every one of us would have been hit — every single one of us,” said Bishop. “He was coming around the fence line and he was looking for all of us who had found cover in different spots. But if we didn’t have return fire right there, he would have come up to each one of us and shot us point-blank.”

Multiple People Shot, Including House Majority Whip, At Congressional Baseball Practice; Shooter Dead | Zero Hedge
Scalise critical, shooter ID'd as James Hodgkinson
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Trump spent 2 years promoting hatred and nastiness and yet the democratic party is somehow the bad guy when some nut case goes crazy? Do you fuckers ever listen to yourself.

We want nutcases like this guy to get mental health help
We want to restrict him from having a gun
and we sure as fuck aint going around saying how we need to be a more heartless and cut throat society.

Trump promoted hatred? Quotes?

Who was the shooter? I need to know that before I can provide the Trump quote that probably set the guy off

A white liberal.

Is this the guy at the baseball game?

Anyways, we will probably have to accept that one as one of ours. I hate it because usually guys like that aren't liberal but I have noticed a lot of snowflakes have become unhinged lately.

But that white guy who went into that black church was one of yours.
The republicans want to inflict violence on LGBT people and take our rights away.

It isn't right as we have rights just like everyone else.

Sounds like a lot of hatred to me for no reason.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

So, doesn't happen on the right then? You know, Pizzagate among other things?

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